INDICATE MAJOR AREA(S) FOR REVIEW (CHOOSE UP TO 3): Animal Model Bioinformatics Cell Biology Early Detection Etiology/Pathophysiology Genetics/Epigenetics Genomics/Proteomics/Metabolomics Immunology Novel Therapy Prevention Stem Cells Tumor Microenvironment Other (please specify): Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research Grant Application Do not exceed character length restrictions indicated. 1. TITLE OF PROJECT (Do not exceed 128 characters, including spaces and punctuation.) 2. IN RESPONSE TO SPECIFIC REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS FOR: PILOT STUDY AWARD SCIENTIFIC SCHOLAR AWARD CHALLENGE GRANT AWARD BRIDGE FUNDING AWARD 2a. Has this project been submitted previously to the Rivkin Center? No Yes 3. PROGRAM DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 2a. If yes, what year? 3a. NAME (Last, First, Middle) 3b. DEGREE(S) 3h. eRA Commons User Name 3c. POSITION TITLE 3d. MAILING ADDRESS (Street, city, state, zip code) 3e. DEPARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY, OR EQUIVALENT 3f. MAJOR SUBDIVISION 3g. TELEPHONE AND FAX (Area code, number, and extension) TEL: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX: 4. HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH No 4a. Research Exempt Yes No 4b. Federal-Wide Assurance No. No Yes 5a. Animal Welfare Assurance No. Yes 6. DATES OF PROPOSED PERIOD OF SUPPORT (month, day, year—MM/DD/YY) From Yes 4c. Project Designed to Analyze Data from an Already Funded Clinical Trial? No 5. VERTEBRATE ANIMALS If “Yes,” Exemption No. Through 7. COSTS REQUESTED FOR FIRST YEAR (Challenge Grant Only) Direct Costs ($) 9. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Name 8. COSTS REQUESTED FOR PROPOSED PERIOD OF SUPPORT Direct Costs ($) 10. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Address Public: Federal Private: Private Nonprofit State Local For-profit: 11. ENTITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (Required for all U.S. based entities. Non-U.S. based entities with EINs are encouraged to provide this number.) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL TO BE NOTIFIED IF AWARD IS MADE Name 13. OFFICIAL SIGNING FOR APPLICANT ORGANIZATION Name Title Title Address Address Tel: FAX: Tel: FAX: E-Mail: E-Mail: 14. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: I certify that the statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and accept the obligation to comply with Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research terms and conditions if a grant is awarded as a result of this application. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may render the institution and/or investigator ineligible for future funding from the Rivkin Center. SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL NAMED IN 13. (In ink) MRC (Rev. 09/14) Face Page DATE Form Page 1