Title: REULIST -- Current List of REU Sites

Title: REULIST -- Current List of REU Sites
Date: January 2002
The National Science Foundation makes possible a number of opportunities for
undergraduates to join research projects each summer. This allows students to
experience first-hand how basic research is carried out, and to contribute
consequentially. The principal support by NSF of such activities is through
the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. REU "Sites" are established
in all fields of science, mathematics, and engineering. Each Site consists of a
group of ten or so undergraduates, who work in the research programs of the host
institution. Students are in general accepted from throughout the country. Each
student is assigned to a specific research project, where he/she works closely
with the faculty, post-docs, and graduate students.
In addition, seminars, lunch meetings, and social functions are
organized to facilitate interaction between the undergraduates. Students
are granted stipends, and in some cases assistance with housing and
travel. Students who are in those groups traditionally under-represented
in science (women, members of under-represented minorities, and those
with disabilities) are particularly urged to apply. Students with
special personal needs or requirements, or who can attend a Site only
under special conditions, are also encouraged to apply, and to discuss
this with Site Directors in advance of the application dates.
We attach lists of all the REU Sites, and of some other activities
supported by NSF that have similar summer programs. These lists should
be checked periodically. Contact each Site directly for specific
information, and for application procedures and deadlines.
Directorate for Engineering:
Mary F. Poats, Program Manager
Tel. 703-292-5357
E-mail: mpoats@nsf.gov
Students must contact the individual sites for application information and materials.
(NSF does not have application materials and does not select student participants.)
A contact person is listed for each site along with a telephone number and E-mail address.
Individual sites may have specific eligibility requirements (e.g., number of
undergraduate years completed) for applicants. Undergraduate student participants
supported with NSF funds must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the
United States or its possessions. An undergraduate student is a student who is
enrolled in a degree program (part-time or full-time) leading to a bachelor's degree.
Students who are transferring from one institution to another and are enrolled at
neither institution during the intervening summer may participate. High school
graduates who have not yet enrolled and students who have received their bachelor's
degrees and are no longer enrolled as undergraduates generally are not eligible.
Contact Person
Arizona State University
College of Eng. & Applied Science
P.O. Box 870204
Del E. Webb Sch. of Construction
Tempe, AZ 85287-0204
Dr. Anil Sawhney
Tel: 480-965-7417
Fax: 480-965-1769
E-mail: anil.sawhney@asu.edu
URL: http://construction.asu.edu/reuc
REU Site: Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students in Construction
Award Number: 0097836
PI: Dr. Anil Sawhney
Boston University
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
44 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
Dr. Solomon R. Eisenberg
Tel: 617-353-4541
Fax: 617-353-6766
E-mail: reu@bu.edu
URL: http://www.bu.edu/eng/reu
REU in Biomedical Engineering
Award Number: 9732245
PI: Dr. Solomon R. Eisenberg
Clemson University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Fluor Daniel Building
Box 340921
Clemson, SC 29634-0921
Dr. John M. Kennedy
Tel: 864-656-5632
Fax: 864-656-4435
E-mail: john.kennedy@ces.clemson.edu
Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering
Award Number: 9732322
PI: Dr. John M. Kennedy
Clemson University
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
102 Riggs, Box 340915
Clemson, SC 29634-0915
Dr. Daniel L. Noneaker
Tel: 864-656-0100
Fax: 864-656-7220
E-mail: danno@ces.clemson.edu
URL: http://www.clemson.edu/sure
REU Site in Wireless Communication Networks, Antennas and Propagation,
and Radio-Frequency Circuits
Award Number: 009757
PI: Dr. Daniel L. Noneaker
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, ND/20
9500 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44195
Ms. Katie Root
Tel: 216-445-9343
Fax: 216-444-9198
E-mail: rootc@bme.ri.ccf.org
URL: http://www.lerner.ccf.org/bme/education/
Undergraduate Engineering in Medical Research
Award Number: 9820538
PI: Dr. William A. Smith
Cleveland State University
Advanced Manufacturing Ctr.
East 24th & Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
Dr. Phillip Sanger
Tel: 216-687-4565
Fax: 216-687-9260
E-mail: p.sanger@csuohio.edu
URL: http://www.advancedmanufacturing.org
REU in Manufacturing Innovation
Award Number: 9732219
PI: Dr. Phillip Sanger
Colorado State University
Civil Engineering Dept.
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372
Dr. Jorge A. Ramirez
Tel: 970-491-7621
Fax: 970-491-7727
E-mail: Jorge.Ramirez@ColoState.edu
URL: http://waterreu.colostate.edu/
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Water Research
at Colorado State University
Award Number: 0097560
PI: Dr. Jorge A. Ramirez
Cornell University-Endowed
Cornell Nanofabrication Facility
Knight Laboratory
Ithaca, NY 14853-5403
Dr. Melanie-Claire Mallison
Tel: 607-255-2329
Fax: 607-255-8601
E-mail: mallison@cnf.cornell.edu
URL: http://www.cnf.cornell.edu
National Nanofabrication Users Network REU
Award Number: 9619706 (May 00)
PI: Dr. Sandip Tiwari
Louisiana State University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Dr. Roger K. Seals
Tel: 225-388-6503
Fax: 225-388-4945
E-mail: ceseal@lsu.edu
URL: http://www.ce.lslu.edu/~reu
Tomography in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Award Number: 0097593
PI: Dr. Roger K. Seals
Louisiana State University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Dr. Su-Seng Pang
Tel: 225-578-5892
Fax: 225-578-5924
E-mail: mepang@me.lsu.edu
URL: http://www.eng.lsu.edu/ceinfo/minority
Undergraduate Research Experience in Composite Materials for Petrochemical
and Offshore Applications
Award Number: 9820369
PI: Dr. Su-Seng Pang
Loyola Marymount University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
7900 Loyola Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045-8145
Dr. Omar S. Es-Said
Tel: 310-338-2829
Fax: 310-338-2391
E-mail: oesaid@lmu.lmu.edu
URL: http://cse.eng.lmu.edu/~me_web/REU.html
Summer Research Experiences in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering for
Community College Students
Award Number: 9732046
PI: Dr. Omar S. Es-Said
NIST Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8200
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Ms. Lisa Fronczek
Tel: 301-975-6633
Fax: 301-948-5668
E-mail: lfronczek@nist.gov
URL: http://www.surf.nist.gov/surf2.htm
REU Site: SURFing the Manfacturing Engineering Lab: A NIST-NSF Partnership
Award Number: 9820311
PI: Ms. Lisa Fronczek
North Carolina State U
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Box 7905
Raleigh, NC 27695-7905
Dr. Christine S. Grant
Tel: 919-515-2317
Fax: 919-515-3465
E-mail: grant@eos.ncsu.edu
URL: http://www.che.ncsu.edu/reu/
Ms. Kristen Reberg-Horton
Tel: 919-515-3639
E-mail: kgreberg@unity.ncsu.edu
NSF Green Processing Undergraduate Research Program
Award Number: 9912339
PI: Dr. Christine S. Grant
Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Eng. Science and Mechanics
212 EES Building
University Park, PA 16801
Dr. Renata S. Engel
Tel: 814-865-3164
Fax: 814-863-6031
E-mail: rengel@psu.edu
URL: http://www.cisp.psu.edu/outreach/eduprogram.htm
REU in Innovative Sintered Products
Award Number: 0097610
PI: Dr. Renata S. Engel
Purdue Research Foundation
Department of Biomedical Engineering
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Dr. Karen Haberstroh
Tel: 765-494-2995
Fax: 765-494-1193
E-mail: khaberst@ecn.purdue.edu
URL: http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/bme/reu
Increasing Female/Minority Enrollment and Awareness in Biomedical Eng. Through
Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Purdue Univ.
Award Number: 0097696
PI: Dr. Karen Haberstroh
Rowan University
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
201 Mullica Hill Road
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Dr. Kauser Jahan
Tel: 856-256-5323
Fax: 856-256-5242
E-mail: jjahan@rowan.edu
URL: http://sun00.rowan.edu/~everett/reu/reu.htm
Research Experiences in Pollution Prevention
Award Number: 0097887
PI: Dr. Jahan Kauser
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
501 East Saint Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995
Dr. Robb M. Winter
Tel: 605-394-1237
Fax: 605-394-1232
E-mail: robb.winter@sdsmt.edu
URL: http://www.sdsmt.edu/mse/chem-che/chemE/reu/info.html
REU Site: Molecular Level Modification of Surfaces
Award Number: 9721370
PI: Dr. Robb M. Winter
Texas Engineering Experimental Station
Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Science
Texas A&M University
2258 TAMUS
210 Nagle Hall
College Station, TX 77843
Dr. Rodney L. Honeycutt
Tel: 979-847-9462
Fax: 979-847-4096
E-mail: rhoneycutt@tamu.edu
URL: http://ceinternships.tamu.edu/Companies/nsf-2-23-01.htm
Undergraduate Research in Biodiversity and Ecological Processes in Fluctuating Environments
Award Number: 9912278
PI: Dr. Rodney L. Honeycutt
University of Alabama-Birmingham
Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng.
1075 13th St. South, Suite 120
Birmingham, AL 35294
Dr. Norbert Delatte
Tel: 205-934-8436
Fax: 205-934-9855
E-mail: ndelatte@eng.uab.edu
URL: http://www.eng.uab.edu/cee/REU_NSF99/reumain.htm
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site in Structural Engineering
Award Number: 9820484
PI: Dr. Norbert Delatte
University of Arizona
Dept. of Mining and Geological Engineering
Tucson, AZ 85721
Dr. Satya Harpalani
Tel: 520-621-2359
Fax: 520-621-8330
E-mail: satya@u.arizona.edu
Application of Geomechanics/Geophysics to Solve Environmental Problems
Award Number: 9820325
PI: Dr. Satya Harpalani
University of Arkansas
Dept. of Electrical Eng
3217 Bell Eng. Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Dr. William D. Brown
Tel: 501-575-6045
Fax: 501-575-7967
E-mail: wdb@engr.uark.edu
URL: http://www.uark.edu/depts/microep/
REU SITE: Undergraduate Research on Nanodevices
Award Number: 0097714
PI: Dr. William D. Brown
University of California-Berkeley
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
231 Cory Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
Dr. Shankar S. Sastry
Tel: 510-642-1857
Fax: 510-642-1341
Dr. Sheila Humphreys
E-mail: humphrys@eecs.berkeley.edu
URL: http://buffey.eecs.berkeley.edu/Programs/ugrad/superb/superb.html
Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research Berkeley (SUPERB) Information Technology
Award Number: 9941778 (9531578)
PI: Dr. Shankar Sastry
University of California-Berkeley
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
6125 Etcheverry Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
Dr. James Casey
Tel: 510-642-2863
Fax: 510-643-5600
E-mail: jcasey@me.berkeley.edu
URL: http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/cues/superb
SUPERB (Summer Undergraduate Program of Engineering Research at Berkeley)
REU Proposal in Bioengineering
Award Number: 9820375
PI: Dr. James Casey
University of Central Florida
School of Optics/CREOL
Orlando, FL 32816
Dr. David Hagan
Tel: 407-823-6817
Fax: 407-823-6880
E-mail: hagan@creol.ucf.edu
URL: http://www.creol.ucf.edu
Dr. Kathleen Cerqua-Richardson, International REU
Email: krichard@mail.ucf.edu
REU in Optics and Lasers
Award Number: 9732420
PI: Dr. David Hagan
University of Cincinnati
School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science
202 West Boyd, Rm 334
Norman, OK 73019
Dr. Anant R. Kukreti
Tel: 405-325-5911
Fax: 405-325-4217
E-mail: anant.kukreti@uc.edu
URL: http://www.eng.uc.edu/dept_cee/undergrad/research
REU Site in Structural Engineering: Development of Enhanced Materials
and Structural Assemblages used for Seismic Performance Evaluation Studies
Award Number: 9820102
PI: Anant R. Kukreti
University of Colorado-Boulder
Dept. of Civil, Env., and Arch. Engineering
Mail Stop 428 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
Dr. JoAnn Silverstein
Tel: 303-492-7211
Fax: 303-492-7317
E-mail: silverst@spot.colorado.edu/
URL: http://civil.colorado.edu/~silverst/reu.html
Undergraduate Research in Environmental Engineering Focused on Protection and
Treatment of Water Supplies
Award Number: 9988062
PI: Dr. JoAnn Silverstein
University of Idaho
Dept. of Chem Engineering
Moscow, ID 83844-3006
-----------------Dept. of Geological Sciences
Moscow, ID 83844-3022
Dr. Margrit von Braun
Tel: 208-885-6113
Fax: 208-885-4674
E-mail: vonbraun@uidaho.edu
-----------------Dr. Scott Wood
Tel: 208-885-5966
Fax: 208-885-5724
E-mail: swood@iron.mines.uidaho.edu
URL: http://www.uro.uidaho.edu/reu
REU Site: Summer Environmental Research Experiences for Underrepresented Groups
Award Number: 0097833
PI: Margrit von Braun
CO-PI: Dr. Scott Wood
University of Iowa
Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Iowa City, IA 52242
Dr. Vicki H. Grassian
Tel: 319-335-1392
Fax: 319-335-3337
E-mail: vicki-grassian@uiowa.edu
URL: http://www.cgrer.uiowa.edu
REU Site in Environmental Systems at the University of Iowa's Center for
Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER)
Award Number: 9912191
PI: Dr. Vicki H. Grassian
University of Maine
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
5711 Boardman Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5711
Dr. Eric N. Landis
Tel: 207-581-2173
Fax: 207-581-3888
E-mail: landis@maine.edu
URL: http://www.umeciv.maine.edu/reu/
Undergraduate Research Experience in Advanced Engineered Wood Composites
Award Number 9732218
PI: Dr. Eric N. Landis
University of Maine
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
5708 Barrows Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5708
Dr. John F. Vetelino
Tel: 207-581-2222/207-581-2264
Fax: 207-581-4531/207-581-2255
E-mail: vet@eece.maine.edu
URL: http://www.eece.maine.edu/Research/URP/index.htm
Undergraduate Research Participation in Electrical Engineering
Award Number: 9820332
PI: Dr. John F. Vetelino
Unversity of Memphis
College of Engineering
Memphis, TN 38152-6642
Dr. Robert Malkin
Tel: 901-678-2171
Fax: 901-678-5281
E-mail: ramalkin@memphis.edu
URL: http://www.engr.memphis.edu/reu/nsfreu.html
Research Experience for Undergraduates Site in Bioengineering and Biosurfaces
Award Number: 9912439
PI: Dr. Robert Malkin
University of Michigan
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1301 Beale Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Dr. Herbert G. Winful
Tel: 734-647-1804
Fax: 734-647-2718
E-mail: winful@eecs.umich.edu
URL: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/
REU in Ultrafast Optical Science
Award Number: 9987992
PI: Dr. Herbert G. Winful
University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 454027
Las Vegas, NV 89154-4027
Dr. Robert Boehm
Tel: 702-895-4160
Fax: 702-895-3936
E-mail: boehm@boehm.me.unlv.edu
URL: http://www.me.unlv.edu/REU.html
Udergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering
Award Number: 9820217
PI: Dr. Robert Boehm
University of New Mexico
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Tapy Hall
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Dr. John Stormont/Julie Coonrod
Tel: 505-277-6063
Fax: 505-277-1988
John Stormont:
E-mail: jcstorm@unm.edu
URL: http://www.unm.edu/~censfreu
Julie Coonrod:
Email: jcoonrod@unm.edu
Research Exp.for Undergrads. in Civil Engineering
Award Number: 9721378
PI: Dr. John Stormont
Co-PI: Dr. Julie Coonrod
University of Oklahoma
School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science
202 W. Boyd, Room 334
Norman, OK 73019
Dr. Randall L. Kolar
Tel: 405-325-4267
Fax: 405-325-4217
E-mail: kolar@ou.edu
URL: http://www.ou.edu/cees
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Geo-Environmental Systems
Award Number: 9912319
PI: Dr. Randall L. Kolar
University of Pennsylvania
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
200 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389
Dr. Jan Van der Spiegel
Tel: 215-898-7116
Fax: 215-573-6045
E-mail: jan@ee.upenn.edu
URL: http://pender.ee.upenn.edu/~sunfest/
SUNFEST: Undergraduate Research Experience in Sensor Technologies
Award Number: 9912154
PI: Dr. Jan Van der Spiegel
University of Pittsburgh
Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
1241 Benedum Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Dr. Mohammad M. Ataai
Tel: 412-383-9744
Fax: 412-624-9639
E-mail: ataai@engrng.pitt.edu
URL: http://www.engrng.pitt.edu/~chewww/
Chemical Engineering Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Award Number: 0097664
PI: Dr. Mohammad M. Ataai
University of Rochester
Department of Biomedical Eng
Box 270132, 215 Hopeman
Rochester, NY 14627-0132
Dr. Amy Lerner
Tel: 585-275-7847
Fax: 585-256-2509
E-mail: amy.lerner@rochester.edu
URL: http://www.seas.rochester.edu:8080/bme.RUBI
REU Site: Research for Undergraduates in Biomechanics and Imaging
Award Number: 0097470
PI: Dr. Amy Lerner
University of South Carolina
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Columbia, SC 29208
Dr. Michael D. Amiridis
Tel: 803-777-7294
Fax: 803-777-8265
E-mail: amiridis@engr.sc.edu
URL: http://www.che.sc.edu/centers/reu
Dr. John E. Van Zee
Tel: 803-777-2285
E-mail: vanzee@engr.sc.edu
Novel Technologies in Pollution Prevention
Award Number: 0097695
PI: Dr. Michael D. Amiridis
CO-PI: Dr. John E. Van Zee
University of Texas-Arlington
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Box 19016
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0016
Dr. Robert Magnusson
Dr. Saibun Tjuatja
Tel: 817-272-3472
Fax: 817-272-2253
E-mail: tjuatja@uta.edu
URL: http://www-ee.uta.edu/reu/
Research Scholars in Electrical Engineering
Award Number: 9820496
PI: Dr. Robert Magnusson
Utah State University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
UMC 4130
Logan, UT 84322
Dr. Robert E. Spall
Tel: 435-797-2878
Fax: 435-797-2417
E-mail: spall@fluids.me.usu.edu
URL: http://fluids.me.usu.edu/~nsfreu
Space-Related Research within the Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Eng at Utah State
Award Number: 0097184
PI: Dr. Robert E. Spall
Vanderbilt University
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Box 1653 Station B
Nashville, TN 37232
Dr. Robert Galloway
Tel: 615-343-8102
Fax: 615- 343-7919
E-mail: reu-tgt@vuse.vanderbilt.edu
URL: http://www.tgt.vanderbilt.edu/reu/index.html
REU for Technology-Guided Therapy
Award Number: 9820566
PI: Dr. Robert Galloway
Virginia Tech
Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering
311 Sietz Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. David H. Vaughn
Tel: 540-231-7608
Fax: 540-231-3199
E-mail: davaugha@vt.edu
URL: http://www.bse.vt.edu/nsfreu/
Undergraduate Research Experience in Biological Systems Engineering
Award Number: 9912263
PI: Dr. David H. Vaughn
Washington University
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Campus Box 1130
St. Louis, MO 63130
Dr. Shirley Dyke
Tel: 314-935-5695
Fax: 314-935-4338
E-mail: sdyke@cive.wustl.edu
URL: http://wusceel.cive.wustl.edu/reu/
Structural Engineering Research
Experiences for Undergraduates
Award Number: 9820506
PI: Dr. Shirley Dyke
Wayne State University
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
5050 Anthony Wayne Dr
Detroit, MI 48202
Dr. Gregory W. Auner
Tel: 313-577-3904
Fax: 313-577-1101
E-mail: gauner@ece.eng.Wayne.edu
URL: http://www.ece.eng.wayne.edu/ssid/nsf-reu/
REU Site for Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems Research
Award Number: 0097736
PI: Dr. Gregory W. Auner
Wayne State University
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Detroit, MI 48202
Dr. Kenneth A. Kline
Tel: 313-577-3843
Fax: 313-577-8789
E-mail: kline@eng.wayne.edu
URL: http://www.eng.wayne.edu/ME/academics/info/ug/ugresearch.html
Research Experiences in Biological Materials, Composite Materials,
and Automative Safety
Award Number: 9721375
PI: Dr. Kenneth A. Kline
Western Michigan University
Constr Engr/Materials Engr/Indus Design
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Dr. Osama Abudayyeh
Tel: 616-387-6551
Fax: 616-387-6517
E-mail: abudayyeh@wmich.edu
URL: http://www.wmich.edu/nsfrev
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Construction Engineering and Management
Award Number: 9820310
PI: Dr. Osama Abudayyeh