General Steps in Animal Habitat Model Development

General Steps in Animal Habitat Model Development
This brief statement is intended to describe the inherent multiple steps that are
expected to be involved with evolving the final habitat predictive model and associated
map depiction for each taxon included in the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project.
The procedural steps below outline the overall information compilation, model
development, review, and model commitment process. All steps may not be pertinent
to each taxon depending on prior knowledge base, degree to which expert involvement
is judged necessary, and outcomes of various model iterations. These steps may meld
to greater or lesser degree during processing of each taxon. There is no intent to
maintain a checklist to ensure that each step is conducted for each taxon. Rather, it is
intended that this rationale be followed in general by involved staff in each project as
models are developed.
Procedural Steps:
Access Background Information to Compile Range and Habitat Associations (WHRs)
Obtain General Range by Watersheds (may be done separately or preliminarily)
Consult with Taxon Expert(s) (optional, but advised at this stage)
Consult among SWReGAP state projects
Describe Habitat Associations on Data Forms
Compile Model Features in Regional Database
Obtain Preliminary (DRAFT) Habitat Model Depiction in Concert with Regional Lab
Execute Model Iterations with Regional Lab (if needed prior to outside review)
Submit Draft Model (Maps and Algorithm) to Expert Review
Perform Iterative Model Revision with Regional Lab
Perform Added Selective Model (Map) Review with Experts (optional)
Commit to FINAL Model in Concert with Regional Lab