March 3 - Los Medanos College

Los Medanos Curriculum Committee
Minutes from March 3, 2010
Present: Janice Townsend (Chairperson), Gabriella Boehme, Nnekay FitzClarke, Sandra
Castillo, Richard Livingston, Gil Rodriguez, Kiran Kamath, Eileen Valenzuela, Karen Nakaji,
Lois Yamakoshi, Julie Von Bergen, Laura Subia, Theodora Adkins, Shawn DeMille, Margaret
Guests: Dave Wahl, Nancy Bachman, Lori Biles
Announcements & Public Comment
Shawn announced that students may be asking for questions from faculty for the April 24
academic competition.
Approval of today’s Agenda- Approved with adjustment to order to accommodate guests coming
to speak to course outlines and to pull SPCH 038 until it passes through the General Education
Committee. (M/S;Von Bergen.Boehme) Unanimous.
Minutes from February 17, 2010 – Approved with correction to spelling of Nnekay FitzClarke’s
name. (M/S;Von Bergen.Nakaji) Unanimous.
Consent Agenda – Approved with addition of AUTO-042-Automotive Brakes for unit change to
variable (same as AUTO-043). (M/S;Nakaji.FitzClarke) Unanimous.
Proposed New Course Outline of Record
 COSME-012-Advanced Cosmetology- Approved with correction to remove the last
sentence (the course is repeatable a maximum of 3 times) word change in last sentence in
schedule description, next-to- last sentence “to” to “be”.(M/S;Castillo.Boehme)
Unanimous. Prerequisite approved. (M/S;Von.Bergen.Yamakoshi) Unanimous.
Existing Course Outlines of Record
 ENGIN-010- Approved with correction to prerequisite, remove “High school Algebra
and Trigonometry or the equivalent”. (M/S;Yamakoshi.Nakaji) Unanimous. Prerequisite
approved. (M/S;Yamakoshi.FitzClarke)
 HIST-037- Tabled with questions regarding course content duplication with HIST-038.
Needs clarification from author. Remove wording throughout “minority” and use
“people of color” in its place. (Both courses HIST 037 and HIST 038). Author will be
invited to next Curriculum Committee. (M/S;Von Bergen.Nakaji) Unanimous.
 ADJUS-130-Approved with clarification of correct title from Author and replace
“preference” in catalog and schedule descriptor with “orientation”. Need text years.
(M/S;Nakaji.Yamakoshi) Unanimous.
 APPLI-014-Approved with correction of typo’s and page 4 of 8-CSLO-4 change “take”
to “prepare to take”. (M/S;Nakaji.Yamakoshi) Unanimous.
 APPLI-035-Approved. (M/S;Yamakoshi.Boehme) Unanimous.
 AUTO-035-Approved with correction to typos. Page 7 of 8 – correction to total points,
adds up to 360 not 300. (M/S;Nakaji.Yamakoshi) Unanimous.
 AUTO-037-Approved. (M/S;Yamakoshi.Nakaji) Unanimous.
 AUTO-041-Approved with corrections to page 7 of 8. Add number 2 to midterms.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.Nakaji) Unanimous.
 AUTO-046-Approved. (M/S;Nakaji.Adkins) Unanimous.
AUTO-047-Approved with corrections. Check “existing course” box. Page 5 of 7
“porpoise” to purpose. Page 6 of 7 total points add up to 360. (M/S;Nakaji.Boehme)
AUTO-049-Approved. (M/S;Nakaji.Yamakoshi) Unanimous.
BUS-003-Approved with corrections. Check box “No” for Baccalaureate level. Edits to
front page. (M/S;Nakaji.Subia) Unanimous (Theo will forward edits to Eileen to correct).
BUS-083-Approved with corrections. Discipline should be “Health Information
Technology”. (M/S;FitzClarke.Adkins) Unanimous.
BUS-087-Approved with correction. Discipline should be “Health Information
Technology”. (M/S;FitzClarke.Adkins) Unanimous.
COSME-010-Approved with corrections. Add area code to phone number under
schedule description and take out repeatable sentence in catalog description.
(M/S;FitzClarke.Boehme) Unanimous.
COSME-011-Approved with corrections. Add area code to phone number under schedule
description and take out repeatable sentence in catalog description.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.FitzClarke) Unanimous. Prerequisite approved.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.Nakaji) Unanimous.
COSME-070-Approved with corrections as indicated on COSME -010 and 011 above.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.FitzClarke) Unanimous.
COSME-080-Approved with corrections as indicated on COSME-010 and 011 above.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.Subia) Unanimous.
ENGIN-020-Approved with corrections. Discipline is Computer Information Systems.
Karen Nakaji will forward friendly suggestions for grammar correction in schedule
descriptor. (M/S;FitzClarke.Castillo) Unanimous. Prerequisite approved. (M/S;Von
Bergen.FitzClarke) Unanimous.
ENGIN-022-Approved with correction. Discipline is Computer Information Systems.
Prerequisite approved. (M/S;Nakaji.FitzClarke) Unanimous.
ENGIN-025-Approved. (M/S;FitzClarke.Von Bergen) Unanimous.
ENGIN-030-Approved. (M/S;FitzClarke.Boehme) Unanimous. Prerequisite-CHEM 025
approved. (M/S;Nakaji.FitzClarke) Unanimous. Prerequisite-PHYS 040 approved.
(M/S;FitzClarke.Nakaji) Unanimous.
ENGIN-038-Approved with corrections. Prerequisite language on front page-state: “prior
or concurrent enrollment in ENGIN-030. Friendly suggestion to first sentence in
schedule descriptor to take out “All of your previous…..” and replace with “Many”.
Clarify the optional materials fee sentence. (M/S;FitzClarke.Nakaji) Unanimous.
Prerequisite-ENGIN-025 approved. (M/S;FitzClarke.Von Bergen) Unanimous. Corequisite-ENGIN-038 approved with notation to match course outline front page – “prior
or concurrent enrollment in ENGIN-030”. (M/S;Von Bergen.Adkins) Unanimous.
ENGIN-045-Approved with corrections. Statement on front page for prerequisite and corequisite- “prior or concurrent enrollment in MATH-080”. Friendly suggestion to shorten
the schedule descriptor. Page 4, CSLO # 1 first sentence change word “knowledge” to
“concepts”. (M/S;Von Bergen. Subia) Unanimous. Prerequisite-PHYS-041 approved.
(M/S;FitzClarke.Adkins) Unanimous. Co-requisite approved with notation to match
course outline front page- “prior or concurrent enrollment in MATH-080”. (M/S;Von
Bergen.Nakaji) Unanimous.
ENGIN-046-Approved with corrections. Second sentence in schedule descriptor, take out
“We” and change to “The course looks at….”. (M/S;Castillo.Adkins) Unanimous.
Prerequisite-ENGIN-036 approved. (M/S;Adkins.Von Bergen) Unanimous.
ENGL-050-Approved with corrections. Advisory statement to only include courses and
not placement exam information. Add “ESL” to discipline. Edit out the advisory
sentence on first page schedule descriptor. (M/S;Von Bergen. Subia) 6-1-0.
HIST-038- Tabled with questions regarding course content duplication with HIST-037.
Needs clarification from author. Remove wording throughout “minority” and use
“people of color” in its place. Needs to be approved through General Education
Committee also. (M/S;Von Bergen.Subia) Unanimous.
JOURN-020-Approved with corrections. Disciplines are: Journalism, Mass
Communication, Graphic Arts only. CSLO’s need to be weighted.
(M/S;Yamakoshi.Boehme) Unanimous.
JOURN-030-Approved with corrections. Add disciplines of Journalism, Mass
Communication, and Graphic Arts. CSLO’s need to be weighted. Friendly suggestion to
change the wording for schedule descriptor to make it different from JOURN -020.
(M/S;Adkins.Castillo) Unanimous.
MUSIC-008-Tabled for prerequisite information – needs to have “prior or concurrent
enrollment”. Nancy Bachmann will do this. Uncheck IGETC on front page transfer
information. Course will come back at 3/17/10 CC meeting. (M/S;Von Bergen.Castillo)
MUSIC-017-Approved with corrections. Remove statement in catalog descriptor
regarding offering in Fall semester only. Author must provide a sample test for
assessment instruments. Nancy Bachmann will provide it. (M/S;Nakaji.Adkins)
MUSIC-018-Approved with corrections. Remove statement in catalog descriptor
regarding offering in Spring semester only. Author must provide a sample test for
assessment instruments. Nancy Bachmann will provide it. (M/S;Adkins.FitzClarke)
MUSIC-077-Approved with correction. Check box “activity” last page.
(M/S;FitzClarke.Nakaji) Unanimous.
SPCH-038-Tabled with agenda vote above. Needs to go through General Education
SPTUT-020-Approved with suggestions. Information was discussed for this course. It is
a “not for credit” course- no grading. These courses are approved by the Chancellors
Office. Apportionment is obtained through positive attendance hours. Students log into
the labs. These courses must still go through the Curriculum Committee. On the CSLO
page add statement – “At the completion of the course students will be able to do one or
more of the following:” (M/S;Castillo.Boehme) 6-0-1.
College Skills Certificates
 Administration of Justice-Criminal Investigations Specialist – Tabled. Can’t have 18
units in a skills certificate. (M/S;Von Bergen.Subia) Unanimous.
 Automotive Technology – Automotive Chassis Specialist – Approved.
(M/S;Adkins.FitzClarke) Unanimous.
Repeatability Grid Handout
Janice worked with the faculty from all the departments affected by the State Chancellor’s Office
mandate on repeatability between activity courses. The grid was revised from last meeting and
handed out. Music 082 has the wrong title and will be corrected. Music 054 does not share
repeatability- it is required for transfer. Lori Biles attended and talked about the PE course
repeatability and answered questions. In the future there may be more required from us but
today the committee voted and approved the grid with the edits discussed. (M/S;Castillo.Nakaji)
Online Supplements: - None for Review
Prerequisites-Co-requisitesVoted upon after course – results- see above.
No standing items reported today.
Meeting adjourned: 3:30 p.m.