Some References Relating to Strategic Conservation Planning

Some References Relating to Strategic Conservation Planning,
Green Infrastructure & Green Space Network Design
Arendt, Randall G. 1996. Conservation Design for Subdivisions: A Practical Guide to Creating
Open Space Networks. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Benedict, Mark A. 2000. Green Infrastructure: A Strategic Approach to Land Conservation.
Chicago: American Planning Association PAS Memo.
Benedict, M. and E. McMahon 2002. Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for the 21st
Century. Washington, DC: Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse.
Benedict, M. and E. McMahon 2002. Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for the 21st
Century. Renewable Resources Journal 20/3:12-17.
Dramstad, W. E., J. D. Olson, and R. T. T. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principles in
Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Durbrow, B. Richard, Neil B. Burns, John R. Richardson, and Cory W. Berish 2001.
Southeastern ecological framework: a planning tool for managing ecosystem integrity.
Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, J. Hatcher, editor, Institute of
Ecology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Foreman, Richard T. T. 1995 Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions.
Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Harris, Larry D. 1984. The Fragmented Forest: Island Biogeography Theory and the
Preservation of Biotic Diversity. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Hoctor, T. M. Carr, and P. Zwick. 2000. Identifying a Linked Reserve System Using a Regional
Landscape Approach: the Florida Ecological Network. Conservation Biology 14:4:984-1000.
Hudson, Wendy E., Editor. 1991. Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity. Washington, DC:
Defenders of Wildlife/Island Press.
Lewis, Phillip H. 1996. Tomorrow By Design: Regional Design Process for Sustainability. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2001. Maryland’s GreenPrint Program: Summary
of Methods to Identify and Evaluate Maryland’s Green Infrastructure. Annapolis, MD: State of
McHarg, Ian. 1969. Design with Nature. Philadelphia, PA: The Falcon Press.
McMahon, Edward T. 2000. Green Infrastructure. Planning Commissioners Journal Number 37.
McMahon, Ed, and Mark Benedict. 2003. How Cities Use Parks for Green Infrastructure. City
Parks Forum Briefing Paper # 5. Chicago: American Planning Association.
Meffe, Gary K., and C. Ronald Carroll. 1997. Principles of Conservation Biology. Sunderland,
MA: Sinauer Associates Inc.
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The Conservation Fund
Fall 2004
Noss, Reed F., and A.Y. Cooperrider. 1994. Saving Nature’s Legacy. Washington, DC:
Defenders of Wildlife/Island Press.
Noss, Reed F., and L. D. Harris. 1986. Nodes, networks and MUMs: Preserving diversity at all
scales. Environmental Management 10: 299-309.
Noss, Reed F, Michael A. O’Connell, and Dennis D. Murphy. 1997. The Science of
Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act. Washington,
DC: World Wildlife Fund/Island Press.
Shafer, Craig L. 1990. Nature Reserves: Island Theory and Conservation Practice. Washington,
DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Soulé, Michael E and John Terborgh, Editors. 1999. Continental Conservation: Scientific
Foundations of Regional Reserve Networks. Washington, DC: The Wildlands Project/Island
Weber, Theodore and John Wolf, 2000. Maryland’s Green Infrastructure – Using Landscape
Assessment Tools to Identify a Regional Conservation Strategy. Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment 63:265-277.
Some Web Sites Relating To Green Infrastructure Network Design
Southeastern Ecological Framework: a multi-state regional conservation assessment identifying
diverse ecological green space elements throughout the Southeast
Florida’s Statewide Greenways Planning Project / Ecological Network: a statewide conservation
assessment identifying a conservation and recreation system for Florida that incorporates a
linked ecological network designed to benefit Florida’s wildlife and people
Garden State Greenways: A statewide greenways and green infrastructure project of the New
Jersey Conservation Foundation that will provide a 21st Century blueprint for open space in New
Jersey –
State of Maryland GreenPrint Program: a statewide conservation initiative protecting forests,
wetlands, river corridors and other critical ecological areas as a part of the state’s Smart Growth
initiative -
Saginaw Bay Greenways: a sub-state regional greenways and green infrastructure network
planning and design initiative to connect communities within the Saginaw Bay Watershed to the
area’s natural and cultural amenities –
Twin Cities Minnesota Metro Greenways: a sub-state regional greenways and green
infrastructure network design that identifies, protects and restores important ecological resource
features in a multi-county metropolitan area -
Anne Arundel County Greenways Master Plan: a local plan to create an interconnected network
of greenways that protects ecological valuable lands and provides open space, recreational and
transportation benefits –
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