Chariho Regional High School Science Department Task: Scientific Explanation Rubric / Constructed Response Learning Goals: The response is accurate. Student provides data or observations to justify or explain the response. Student correctly and effectively uses scientific vocabulary. The student explains the relationships between concepts or variables. The student uses appropriate examples, analogies, or connections. The student uses non-text visuals to support the explanation (e.g. graphic organizers, tables, or diagrams) [Optional] Grading Rubric: -Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content and application of that content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. No errors or omissions are present in the response. 3 Meets Standard - Explanation uses appropriate scientific vocabulary. -Explanation includes examples to explain the relationships within the content. -The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the science of the task. The response may contain minor errors that do not detract from the demonstration of understanding. 2 Below Standard -Basic definition with some correct scientific vocabulary. -Answer connected to relevant content. -The student has provided a response that demonstrates a general understanding of the science of the task. 1 Little Progress Toward Standard 0 -Answer attempted with basic definition -The student has provided a response that is only partially correct. No work submitted or incorrect answer. 4 Exceeds Standard