Martin J. Medhurst Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Communication Professor of Political Science Baylor University One Bear Place Campus Box 97000 Baylor University Waco, TX 76798-7000 (254) 710-7840 email: Education: 2024 Oak Glen Drive McGregor, TX 76657 Married: Laurel Medhurst Three Adult Children (254) 848-4244 Ph.D. (1980) The Pennsylvania State University Speech Communication (Rhetorical Theory & Criticism) Diss. “God Bless the President: The Rhetoric of Inaugural Prayer” Directed by Thomas W. Benson M.A. (1975) Northern Illinois University Speech Communication (Radio/TV/Film) B.A. (1974) Wheaton College (Illinois) Speech Communication Employment: Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Communication Baylor University; Professor of Political Science (2006) 2003- Coordinator of the Program in Presidential Rhetoric The Center for Presidential Studies George Bush School of Government and Public Service Texas A&M University 1993-2003 Professor of Speech Communication Texas A&M University 1991-2003 Associate Professor of Speech Communication Texas A&M University 1988-1991 Associate Professor of Rhetoric University of California, Davis 1985-1988 Assistant Professor of Rhetoric University of California, Davis 1979-1985 Medhurst 2 Courses Taught: Undergraduate Graduate Public Speaking Media & Society Media Criticism Speech Criticism Persuasive Campaigns Rhetoric in Western Thought Early Christian Rhetoric Cold War Rhetoric Rhetorical Theory African American Rhetoric Politics and Communication Contemporary Public Address Rhetorical Theory & Criticism Rhetorical Criticism Rhetoric of Film Theories of Criticism Documentary Film/TV Rhetorical Theory Presidential Rhetoric Research in Rhetoric & Public Affairs Rhetoric and Society Classical and Christian Rhetorics Current Memberships: National Communication Association Southern States Communication Association Religious Communication Association Rhetoric Society of America International Society for the History of Rhetoric Center for the Study of the Presidency Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Council of Editors of Learned Journals Books: 2009 Stephen E. Lucas and Martin J. Medhurst, eds., Words of a Century: The Top 100 American Speeches, 1900-1999 (New York: Oxford University Press), vi + 669. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Before the Rhetorical Presidency (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 1 + 356. Reviewed: Choice 46 (2009): 6471. Journal of American Studies 43 (2009): e68. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 13 (2010): 149-151. Presidential Studies Quarterly 40 (2010): 191-193. Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (2011): 114-117. 2008 James Arnt Aune and Martin J. Medhurst, eds., The Prospect of Presidential Rhetoric (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), vii + 384. Reviewed: The Review of Communication 10 (2010): 38-52. Medhurst 3 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., The Rhetorical Presidency of George H. W. Bush (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), ix + 207. Reviewed: White House Studies 6 (2006): 431-32. The Historian 69 (2007): 551-52. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10 (2007): 534-36. Presidential Studies Quarterly 39 (2009): 157-59. 2003 Kurt Ritter and Martin J. Medhurst, eds., Presidential Speechwriting: From the New Deal to the Reagan Revolution and Beyond (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), ix + 231. Paperback edition published in 2004. Reviewed: Presidential Studies Quarterly 33 (2003): 698-700. Choice 40 (2003): 1903 (6232) Argumentation and Advocacy 40 (2004): 294-95. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 7 (2004): 232-35. Journal of American History 91 (2004): 721-24. Quarterly Journal of Speech 90 (2004): 249-51. Presidential Studies Quarterly 36 (2006): 332-34. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst and H.W. Brands, eds., Critical Reflections on the Cold War: Linking Rhetoric and History (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), vii + 281. Reviewed: Presidential Studies Quarterly 31 (2001): 370-72. Argumentation and Advocacy 38 (2001): 51-54. Journal of Military History 65 (2001): 868-69. American Historical Review 106 (2001): 703. Journal of American History 89 (2002): 290. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 5 (2002): 363-67. Review of Communication 3 (2003): 56-59. 1996 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), vii + 270. Paperback edition published in 2004. Reviewed: Choice 34 (1997): 873 (3001). Journal of Politics 59 (1997): 1279-82. Southern Communication Journal 62 (1997): 257-62. 1994 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Eisenhower’s War of Words: Rhetoric and Leadership (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), 1+ 318. Reviewed: Orbis 39 (1995): 101-112, esp. 106-07. Presidential Studies Quarterly 25 (1995): 315-18. Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 199-200. Medhurst 4 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, Dwight D. Eisenhower: Strategic Communicator (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), ix + 256. Reviewed: The Historian 56 (1994): 758-59. Presidential Studies Quarterly 25 (1995): 315-18. Southern Communication Journal 60 (1995): 181. Quarterly Journal of Speech 81 (1995): 404-05. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 537: 191-92. 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Landmark Essays on American Public Address (Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press), xi + 227. Reviewed: Rhetoric Society Quarterly 24 (1994): 181-83. Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 302-04. 1991 Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, eds., Rhetorical Dimensions in Media: A Critical Casebook, 2nd edition (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company), v + 534. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst, Robert L. Ivie, Philip Wander, and Robert L. Scott, Cold War Rhetoric: Strategy, Metaphor, and Ideology (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), x + 224. Revised edition in 1997 by Michigan State University Press, xiii + 230. Reviewed: Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 503-04. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst, Alberto Gonzalez, and Tarla Rai Peterson, eds., Communication & the Culture of Technology (Pullman: Washington State University Press), ix + 285. Reviewed: Journal of Communication 41 (1991): 174-75. Journalism Quarterly 68 (1991): 578. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 23 (1993): 30305. 1984 Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, eds., Rhetorical Dimensions in Media: A Critical Casebook (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt), v + 408. Revised printing, 1986, v + 460. Reviewed: Communication Education 34 (1985): 274-75. In Preparation: 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, Barack Obama and the Politics of Faith. Not under contract. 2013 Martin J. Medhurst, The Eisenhower Persuasions: Rhetoric, Politics, and Leadership Not under contract. Medhurst 5 2014 Martin J. Medhurst and Andrew Hogue, eds., Landmark Speeches on the Cold War, 1945-1991. Under contract with Texas A&M University Press. Chapters: 2014 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetoric as Hermeneutic Key: The Reasonableness of Faith in God.” In Is Faith in God Reasonable? Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric, ed. Corey Miller and Paul Gould (London: Routledge), in press. 2014 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Criticism as Textual Interpretation.” In Purpose, Practice, and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism, ed. Jim A. Kuypers (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books), 123-135. 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, “Evangelicals, Politics, and the 2008 Presidential Campaign.” In Evangelicals and Popular Culture, Vol. 3, ed. Robert H. Woods, Jr. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), 33-61. 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, “Barack Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Address: Narrative Signature and Interpretation.” In Making the Case: Advocacy and Judgment in Public Argument, ed. Kathryn M. Olson, Michael William Pfau, Benjamin Ponder, and Kirt H. Wilson (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), 191-228. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “The History of Public Address as an Academic Study,” in The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address, ed. Shawn J. Parry-Giles and J. Michael Hogan (New York: Wiley-Blackwell), 19-66. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Acceptance Address: Presidential Speechwriting, 1932-2008,” in The President’s Words: Speeches and Speechwriting in the Modern White House, ed. Michael Nelson and Russell L. Riley (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas), 27-50. [My interview with speechwriters Patrick Anderson, Kenneth Khachigian, and Raymond Price follows on pages 51-86]. 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Public Moral Argument and the Debate over Same-Sex Marriage: A Narrative Approach,” in Public Address and Moral Judgment, ed. Shawn J. ParryGiles and Trevor Parry-Giles (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), 61-96. [The volume in which this chapter appeared won the 2010 NCA Communication Ethics Division Edited Volume Award] 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Education and the Christian University: A Nationwide Survey of Major Catholic Institutions,” in And the Word Became Flesh: Studies in History, Communication and Scripture in Memory of Michael W. Casey, ed. Thomas H. Olbricht and David Fleer (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers), 213-230. Medhurst 6 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “Questioning the Rhetorical Presidency Construct,” in Before the Rhetorical Presidency, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 329-334. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “Was There a Nineteenth Century Rhetorical Presidency? A Debate Revisited,” in Before the Rhetorical Presidency, ed., Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 1-16. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “William Norwood Brigance and the Democracy of the Dead: Toward a Genealogy of the Rhetorical Renaissance.” In Rhetoric and Democracy: Pedagogical and Political Practices, ed. Todd F. McDorman and David M. Timmerman (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), 3-38. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “Religion, Politics, and the Evangelical Base: George W. Bush: Faith in the White House.” In The Rhetoric of the New Political Documentary, ed. Thomas W. Benson and Brian J. Snee (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press), 105-130. [The volume in which this chapter appeared won the 2009 Bruce E. Gronbeck Award from the NCA Political Communication Division] 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “From Retrospect to Prospect: The Study of Presidential Rhetoric, 1915-2005.” In The Prospect of Presidential Rhetoric, ed. James Arnt Aune and Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 3-27. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “George W. Bush and the Debate over Same-Sex Marriage.” In The Prospect of Presidential Rhetoric, ed. James Arnt Aune and Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 209-237. 2007 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Leadership and the Presidency: A Situational Taxonomy.” In The Values of Presidential Leadership, ed. Terry L. Price and J. Thomas Wren (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan), 59-84. 2007 Martin J. Medhurst, “Preface to the Series.” In James R. Andrews, ed., Rhetoric, Religion, and the Roots of Identity in British Colonial America, vol. 1 of A Rhetorical History of the United States: Significant Moments in American Public Discourse, gen. ed., Martin J. Medhurst (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), vii-xi. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “Why Rhetoric Matters: George H. W. Bush in the White House.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H. W. Bush (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 3-18. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “Evaluating the Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H. W. Bush (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 197-200. Medhurst 7 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Religious Rhetoric and the Ethos of Democracy: A Case Study of the 2000 Presidential Campaign.” In The Ethos of Rhetoric, ed. Michael J. Hyde (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press), 114-135. 2003 Martin J. Medhurst, "Temptation as Taboo: A Psychorhetorical Reading of The Last Temptation of Christ." In The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film, ed. David Blakesley (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press), 55-69. 2003 Martin J. Medhurst, "Presidential Speechwriting: Ten Myths That Plague Modern Scholarship." In Presidential Speechwriting, ed. Kurt Ritter and Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 3-19. 2003 Martin J. Medhurst, "Enduring Issues in Presidential Speechwriting." In Presidential Speechwriting, ed. Kurt Ritter and Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 217-220. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Rhetorical Construction of History.” In Critical Reflections on the Cold War, ed. Martin J. Medhurst and H.W. Brands (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 3-19. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst, "Afterword: Rhetorical Perspectives on the Cold War." In Critical Reflections on the Cold War, ed. Martin J. Medhurst and H.W. Brands (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 266-270. 1998 Martin J. Medhurst, "Martial Decision Making: MacArthur, Inchon, and the Dimensions of Rhetoric." In Rhetoric and Community: Studies in Unity and Fragmentation, ed. J. Michael Hogan (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press), 145-166. 1996 Martin J. Medhurst, "A Tale of Two Constructs: The Rhetorical Presidency versus Presidential Rhetoric." In Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press), xi-xxv. 1996 Martin J. Medhurst, "Afterword: The Ways of Rhetoric." In Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press), 218226. 1995 Martin J. Medhurst, "Dwight D. Eisenhower." In U.S. Presidents as Orators: A BioCritical Sourcebook, ed. Halford Ryan (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers), 190-209. 1994 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower’s Rhetorical Leadership: An Interpretation." In Eisenhower’s War of Words: Rhetoric and Leadership, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press), 287-297. Medhurst 8 1993 Martin J. Medhurst. "The Academic Study of Public Address: A Tradition in Transition." In Landmark Essays on American Public Address, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press), xi-xliii. 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower's First Inaugural Address, 1953." In The Inaugural Addresses of Twentieth-Century American Presidents, ed. Halford Ryan (New York: Praeger), 153-166. 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower's Second Inaugural Address, 1957." In The Inaugural Addresses of Twentieth-Century American Presidents, ed. Halford Ryan (New York: Praeger), 167-180. 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower, Little Rock, and the Rhetoric of Crisis," In The Modern Presidency and Crisis Rhetoric, ed. Amos Kiewe (New York: Praeger), 19-46. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst, "Human Values and the Culture of Technology." In Communication & the Culture of Technology, ed. Martin J. Medhurst, Alberto Gonzalez, and Tarla Rai Peterson (Pullman: Washington State University Press), ix-xvi. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetoric and Cold War: A Strategic Approach.” In Medhurst, et al., Cold War Rhetoric: Strategy, Metaphor, and Ideology (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press), 19-27. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Portraiture: John F. Kennedy’s March 2, 1962, Speech on the Resumption of Atmospheric Tests.” In Medhurst, et al., Cold War Rhetoric: Strategy, Metaphor, and Ideology (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press), 51-68. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst, "Public Address and Significant Scholarship: Four Challenges to the Rhetorical Renaissance." In Texts in Context: Critical Dialogues on Significant Episodes in American Political Rhetoric, ed. Michael C. Leff and Fred J. Kauffeld (Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press), 29-42. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst, "Propaganda Techniques in Documentary Film and Television: AIM vs. PBS." In Television Studies: Textual Analysis, ed. Gary Burns and Robert J. Thompson (New York: Praeger), 183-204. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Politics of Prayer: A Case Study in Configurational Interplay." In American Rhetoric: Context and Criticism, ed. Thomas W. Benson (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press), 267-292. 1984 Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, "Rhetorical Studies in a Media Age." In Rhetorical Dimensions in Media: A Critical Casebook, ed. Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt), ix-xxiii. Medhurst 9 In Preparation: 2014 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetoric and War, 1941-1991," In Images of the Enemy: World War II and the Cold War, ed. Martin J. Medhurst, Vol. 8 of A Rhetorical History of the United States (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press). Articles: 2015 Martin J. Medhurst, “Looking Back on Our Scholarship: Some Paths Now Abandoned,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 101: in press. 2014 Martin J. Medhurst, “Barack Obama, Democratization, and the Rhetoric of World Citizenship,” Citizens and Statesmen XX: in press. 2014 Martin J. Medhurst, “Richard B. Gregg and the Rhetoric of Symbolic Inducement,” Pennsylvania Communication Annual XX: in press. 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Text(ure) of the World in Presidential Rhetoric,” Vital Speeches of the Day 78: 171-175. 2011 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Problem with Presidential Databases,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 41: 770-776. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “Michael Leff, the Devil, and Me: Remembering a Friend and Scholar,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 13: 657-668. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “George W. Bush at Goree Island: American Slavery and the Rhetoric of Redemption,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 96: 257-277. 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Evangelical Christian Faith and Political Action: Mike Huckabee and the 2008 Republican Presidential Nomination,” Journal of Communication and Religion 32: 199-239. 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Mitt Romney, ‘Faith in America,’ and the Dance of Religion and Politics in American Culture,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 12: 195-221. 2007 Martin J. Medhurst, “Edwin Black: The Myth, the Man, and the Memory,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10: 475-479. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “A Critic’s Tale: Thirty Years Later,” Rhetoric Review 25: 379-383. 2005 Martin J. Medhurst, “Between Athens and Jerusalem: On Putting the ‘Christian’ Back into Christian Higher Education,” Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture 2: 7-17. Medhurst 10 2005 Martin J. Medhurst, “Presidential Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail: Then and Now,” Proceedings of the National Communication Association Hope Faculty Development Institute: 23-36. Available through Communication and Mass Media Complete database. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Filled with the Spirit: Rhetorical Invention and the Pentecostal Tradition,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 7: 555-572. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Religious Belief and Scholarship: A Complex Relationship,” Journal of Communication and Religion 27: 40-47. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Ted Sorensen,” in Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, ed. David J. Wishart (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press), 689. 2002 Martin J. Medhurst, "Forging a Civil-Religious Construct for the 21st Century: Should Hart's 'Contract' Be Renewed?" Journal of Communication and Religion 25: 86-101. Reprinted: Roderick P. Hart and John L. Pauley II, The Political Pulpit Revisited (West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2004) 2001 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Contemporary Study of Public Address: Renewal, Recovery, and Reconfiguration," Rhetoric & Public Affairs 4: 495-511. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst, “Text and Contexts in the 1952 Presidential Campaign: Eisenhower’s `I Shall Go To Korea’ Speech,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 30: 464-484. 1998 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Rhetorical Renaissance: A Battlefield Report,” Southern Communication Journal 63: 309-314. 1998 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Education in the 21st Century,” Southern Communication Journal 64: 347-350. 1998 John H. Tindell and Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetorical Reduplication in MTV’s Rock the Vote Campaign," Communication Studies 49: 18-28. 1998 Martin J. Medhurst, “Writing Speeches for Ronald Reagan: An Interview with Tony Dolan,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 1: 245-256. 1997 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower and the Crusade for Freedom: The Rhetorical Origins of a Cold War Campaign," Presidential Studies Quarterly 27: 646-661. 1997 Martin J. Medhurst, "Atoms for Peace and Nuclear Hegemony: The Rhetorical Structure of a Cold War Campaign," Armed Forces & Society 23: 571-593. Medhurst 11 Reprinted: Lori Lyn Bogle, The Cold War: National Security Policy Planning from Truman to Reagan and from Stalin to Gorbachev (London: Routledge, 2001), 145-167. 1995 Martin J. Medhurst, "Robert L. Scott Plays Dwight D. Eisenhower," The Quarterly Journal of Speech 81: 502-506. 1994 Martin J. Medhurst, "Reconceptualizing Rhetorical History: Eisenhower’s Farewell Address," The Quarterly Journal of Speech 80: 195-218. Reprinted: Carl R. Burgchardt, ed., Readings in Rhetorical Criticism, 2nd ed. (State College, PA: Strata Publishing, 2000), pp. 579-602. Reprinted: Theodore F. Sheckels, et al., eds., Readings on Political Communication (State College, PA: Strata Publishing, 2007), forthcoming. 1993 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Rhetorical Structure of Oliver Stone’s JFK," Critical Studies in Mass Communication 10: 128-143. Reprinted: Don Kunz, ed., The Films of Oliver Stone (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1997), pp. 207-226. 1991 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetorical Dimensions in Biblical Criticism: Beyond Style and Genre," Quarterly Journal of Speech 77: 214-226. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetorical Criticism: Forensic Communication in the Written Mode," Communication Education 38: 205-213. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst, "Ronald Reagan and the Cinematic Candidacy," The Pennsylvania Speech Communication Annual 45: 29-37. 1988 Martin J. Medhurst, "Truman's Rhetorical Reticence, 1945-1947: An Interpretive Essay," Quarterly Journal of Speech 74: 52-70. 1988 Martin J. Medhurst, "Argument and Role: Monsignor John A. Ryan on Social Justice," Western Journal of Speech Communication 52: 75-90. 1987 Martin J. Medhurst, "Ghostwritten Speeches: Ethics Isn't the Only Lesson," Communication Education 36: 241-249. 1987 Martin J. Medhurst, "Eisenhower's `Atoms for Peace' Speech: A Case Study in the Strategic Use of Language," Communication Monographs 54: 204-220. Reprinted: James R. Andrews, The Practice of Rhetorical Criticism 2nd edition (New York: Longman, 1990), 168-185. Medhurst 12 Reprinted: Martin J. Medhurst, Robert L. Ivie, Philip Wander, and Robert L. Scott, Cold War Rhetoric (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990), 29-50. Reprinted: Lloyd Rohler and Roger Cook, eds., Great Speeches for Criticism and Analysis (Greenwood, IN: Alistair Press, 1988), 241-261. Reprinted: James R. Andrews, Michael C. Leff, and Robert Terrill, Reading Rhetorical Texts (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998), 326-348. 1986 Martin J. Medhurst and Gary C. Dreibelbis, "Building the Speechwriter-Principal Relationship: Minority Leader Robert Michel Confronts His Ghost," Central States Speech Journal 37: 239-247. 1985 Martin J. Medhurst, "Resistance, Conservatism, and Theory Building: A Cautionary Note," Western Journal of Speech Communication 49: 103-115. 1984 Martin J. Medhurst, "Postponing the Social Agenda: Reagan's Strategy and Tactics," Western Journal of Speech Communication 48: 262-276. 1983 Martin J. Medhurst, "Values in Conflict: A Case Study of Coalition Formation in a Morally Ambiguous Situation," Religious Communication Today 6: 11-21. 1982 Michael A. DeSousa and Martin J. Medhurst, "The Editorial Cartoon as Visual Rhetoric: Rethinking Boss Tweed," Journal of Visual/Verbal Languaging 2: 43-52. 1982 Martin J. Medhurst, "Hiroshima, Mon Amour: From Iconography to Rhetoric," The Quarterly Journal of Speech 68: 345-370. Reprinted: Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, eds., Rhetorical Dimensions in Media, 1984/1986, 112-143. 1982 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Sword of Division: A Reply to Brummett and Warnick," Western Journal of Speech Communication 46: 383-390. 1982 Martin J. Medhurst, "The First Amendment vs. Human Rights: A Case Study in Community Sentiment and Argument from Definition," Western Journal of Speech Communication 46: 1-19. 1982 Martin J. Medhurst, "From Duche to Provoost: The Birth of Inaugural Prayer," Journal of Church and State 24: 573-588. 1982 Michael A. DeSousa and Martin J. Medhurst, "Political Cartoons and American Culture: Significant Symbols of Campaign 1980," Studies in Visual Communication 8: 84-97. Medhurst 13 1981 Martin J. Medhurst and Michael A. DeSousa, "Political Cartoons as Rhetorical Form: A Taxonomy of Graphic Discourse," Communication Monographs 48: 197-236. 1981 Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, "The City: The Rhetoric of Rhythm," Communication Monographs 48: 54-72. Reprinted: Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, eds., Rhetorical Dimensions in Media 2nd edition, 1991, pp. 446-467. 1981 Donald W. Turner and Martin J. Medhurst, "The Beginning Course in Research Methods: Where Do We Stand?" Association for Communication Administration Bulletin 36: 8288. 1980 Martin J. Medhurst, "A Man and a Microphone: The London Broadcasts of Edward R. Murrow," Pennsylvania Speech Communication Annual 36: 9-15. 1979 Martin J. Medhurst, "In Pursuit of Publications: A Graduate Perspective," Pennsylvania Speech Communication Annual 35: 15-21. 1978 Martin J. Medhurst, "Image and Ambiguity: A Rhetorical Approach to The Exorcist," Southern Speech Communication Journal 44: 73-92. Reprinted: Martin J. Medhurst and Thomas W. Benson, eds., Rhetorical Dimensions in Media, 2nd edition, 1991, pp. 495-509. 1978 Martin J. Medhurst and Gary C. Dreibelbis, "The Ghost of McGovern," Communication Quarterly 26: 37-43. Reprinted: Alan Goldman, ed., Public Communication: Perception, Criticism, and Performance (New York: Krieger, 1983). 1977 Martin J. Medhurst, "American Cosmology and the Rhetoric of Inaugural Prayer," Central States Speech Journal 28: 272-282. 1977 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetorical Criticism: A Pedagogical Imperative," Journal of the Illinois Speech and Theatre Association 31: 37-45. 1977 Martin J. Medhurst, "McGovern at Wheaton: A Quest for Redemption," Communication Quarterly 25: 32-39. 1975 Martin J. Medhurst, "Fundamentalism--Step to the Right?" Journal of the Illinois Speech and Theatre Association 29: 54-61. Medhurst 14 In Preparation: 2011 Martin J. Medhurst, “Political Prooftexts: The Rhetorical Functions of the Bible in Presidential Discourse.” Reviews: 2010 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of The God Strategy by David Domke and Kevin Coe. In Southern Communication Journal 75: 117-120. 2007 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of The Truth Is Our Weapon: The Rhetorical Diplomacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles by Chris Tudda. In Journal of American History 93: 1300. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Houses of the Interpreter: Reading Scripture, Reading Culture by David Lyle Jeffrey. In Rhetoric & Public Affairs 7: 253-257. 2002 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of The Presidency of George Bush by John Robert Greene. In The Review of Communication 2: 196-201. 1999 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Douglas MacArthur: Warrior as Wordsmith by Bernard K. Duffy and Ronald H. Carpenter. In The Quarterly Journal of Speech 85: 108-109. 1994 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Owen Lattimore and the `Loss’ of China by Robert P. Newman. In The Quarterly Journal of Speech 80: 511-513. 1994 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of American Rhetoric and the Vietnam War by J. Justin Gustainis. In The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 535: 217-218. 1990 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism by Kathleen C. Boone. In The Quarterly Journal of Speech 76: 451453. 1989 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Eloquence in an Electronic Age by Kathleen Hall Jamieson. In Rhetoric Society Quarterly 19: 49-52. 1986 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of New Testament Interpretation through Rhetorical Criticism by George A. Kennedy. In Homiletic 11: 24-25. 1984 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Verbal Style and the Presidency: A Computer-Based Analysis by Roderick P. Hart. In Rhetoric Society Quarterly 14: 139-144. Medhurst 15 1982 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of eight articles on rhetorical theory appearing in the 1981 volume of the Western Journal of Speech Communication. In Rhetoric Society Quarterly 12: 149-156. 1982 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of The Cartoon: Communication to the Quick by Randall Harrison. In The Quarterly Journal of Speech 68: 333-334. 1981 Martin J. Medhurst. Review of Ethics, Morality, and the Media: Reflections on American Culture by Lee Thayer. In The Quarterly Journal of Speech 67: 229-230. Public Scholarship Available Online “Reagan Symposium Tackles Once-Taboo Topics,” CBN News, February 11, 2013, “The Challenges of the Second-Term Inaugural Address,”, January 12, 2013, Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetoric and Religion,” Baylor Magazine (Fall 2012), Martin J. Medhurst, “Reagan’s ‘Evil Empire’ Speech.” Encyclopedia Britannica Blog, February 3, 2011. “Q & A: Professor of Political Rhetoric Martin Medhurst.” Columbia Journalism Review Online, January 10, 2011. Martin J. Medhurst (interviewer), “Writing the Convention Acceptance Speech.” Miller Center, University of Virginia, June 20, 2008. Stephen E. Lucas and Martin J. Medhurst, “The Top 100 American Speeches of the Twentieth Century.” McGraw-Hill, 2004. Martin J. Medhurst, “Private Lives and Public Leadership: Where Shall We Draw the Line?” Center for Applied Christian Ethics, Wheaton College, September 10, 1998. Medhurst 16 Convention Papers: (Since 2000 Only) 2013 Martin J. Medhurst, “Pope Francis and Bridging the Rhetorical Disconnect with the Outside World.” National Communication Association, Washington, D.C., November 22. 2013 Martin J. Medhurst, “Religious Rhetoric and the Presidency: Lessons from Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.” Reagan Symposium, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA., February 8. 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, “Remembering the Cold War: Truman, Eisenhower, and Reagan.” National Communication Association Convention, Orlando, FL., November 16. 2012 Martin J. Medhurst, “Ann Richards’ 1988 Keynote Address: A Historical Footnote.” Southern States Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, April 14. 2011 Martin J. Medhurst, “Obama, Thus Far.” National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, November 19. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “Michael Leff, the Devil, and Me: Remembering a Friend and Scholar.” National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA, November 15. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “Presidential Rhetoric and Foreign Policy.” Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, Madison, WI, June 25. 2010 Martin J. Medhurst, “Barack Obama and the Politics of Faith.” The Obama Phenomenon Conference, Texas A&M University, March 4-7. 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Barack Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Address: Narrative Signature and Interpretation.” Justification, Reason and Action: Tradition and Innovation in Public Argument—A Conference in Honor of Professor David Zarefsky. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, May 29. 2009 Martin J. Medhurst, “Summarizing the Conference Themes.” Race, Class, and Gender in the 2008 Presidential Election. Vanderbilt University, April 17. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “Evangelical Christian Faith and Political Action: Mike Huckabee and the 2008 Republican Primary.” National Communication Association Convention, San Diego, CA, November 22. 2008 Martin J. Medhurst, “Mitt Romney, ‘Faith in America,’ and the Dance of Religion and Politics in American Culture.” Rhetoric Society of America, Seattle, WA., May 24. 2007 Martin J. Medhurst, “Michael W. Casey and The Rhetoric of Sir Garfield Todd: In Memoriam.” National Communication Association, Chicago, IL., November 17. Medhurst 17 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “Political Prooftexts: The Use of the New Testament in American Presidential Rhetoric, 1977-2006.” Society for Biblical Literature, Washington, D.C., November 21. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “William Norwood Brigance and the Democracy of the Dead.” Rhetoric Society of America, Memphis, TN, May 26-29. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “Assessing Communication Scholarship: A Multimodal Approach.” Southern Communication Association Convention, Dallas, TX, April 7. 2006 Martin J. Medhurst, “Toward a Christian Rhetorical Education.” Callings Conference, Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, PA, March 30-April 1. 2005 Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Leadership and the Presidency: A Situational Taxonomy.” Jepson School of Leadership Studies Conference on “Presidential Leadership,” University of Richmond, September 9-10. 2005 Martin J. Medhurst, “William Norwood Brigance and the Democracy of the Dead: Toward a Genealogy of the Rhetorical Renaissance.” Wabash College Conference on “Rhetoric and Democratic Citizenship,” April 14-16. 2005 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Interdisciplinary Journal as an Outlet for Rhetorical Scholarship.” Southern States Communication Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 31-April 3. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “So You Want to Give a Speech about Jesus.” National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 11-14. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Why George Edwards’ On Deaf Ears is Deaf to Rhetoric.” National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 11-14. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Public Moral Argument in the Debate over Same-Sex Marriage: A Sophistic Approach.” 9th Biennial Public Address Conference, Washington, D.C., October 7-10. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Archival Politics and the Public Affairs Scholar.” Southern Communication Association Convention, Tampa, Florida, April 1-3. 2004 Martin J. Medhurst, “Civil Religion, Public Faith, and the Culture Wars: What’s a President to Do? !0th Annual Texas A&M Conference on Presidential Rhetoric, College Station, TX, March 4-7. 2003 Martin J. Medhurst, “Normative/Theistic Pluralism: One Perspective.” National Communication Association Convention, Miami, FL., November 19-24. Medhurst 18 2003 Martin J. Medhurst, “The Role of the Interdisciplinary Journal in Communication Scholarship.” Southern Communication Association Convention, Birmingham, AL, April 2-6. 2002 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Rhetorical Construction of 'Peace': President Eisenhower's First Foreign Policy Address, April 16, 1953." Rhetoric Society of America, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 23-25. 2002 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rhetorical Studies: The Most Significant Development of the Last Ten Years." Southern Communication Association Convention, Winston-Salem, N.C., April 4-7. 2002 Martin J. Medhurst, "Religious Rhetoric and the Ethos of Democracy: A Case Study of the 2000 Presidential Campaign." Southern Communication Association PreConference. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, April 2-7. 2001 Martin J. Medhurst, "The Role of Religious Discourse in the 2000 Presidential Campaign." National Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, GA., November 1-4. 2001 Martin J. Medhurst, "Rod Hart and the Religion of Politics." National Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, GA., November 1-4. 2001 Martin J. Medhurst, "Ten Promising Trends in Rhetorical Studies." Southern Communication Association Convention, Lexington, KY., April 4-8. 2000 Stephen E. Lucas and Martin J. Medhurst, “American Public Address: The Top-100 Speeches of the Twentieth Century.” National Communication Association, Seattle, WA., November 8-12. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst, “Interdisciplinary Journals as Scholarly Outlets: the First Two Years of Rhetoric & Public Affairs.” Rhetoric Society of America Convention, Washington, D.C., May 25-28. 2000 Martin J. Medhurst, “Private Sponsorship of Higher Education: The Consequences for Public Discourse.” Rhetoric Society of America Convention, Washington, D.C., May 25-28. In addition to 60 formal presentations from 1977-2012, I have served as chair or respondent on more than three dozen convention panels or programs. Editorial Experience: 2004 Founder: Studies in Rhetoric & Religion, Baylor University Press. Series Editor, 2004present. This book series focuses on the wide variety of rhetorical features and strategies Medhurst 19 that comprise religious communication, whether through oral performance, symbolic actions and rituals, art, architecture, print or other media. Studies may focus on historical religious figures, religious and social movements, contemporary religious debates and controversies, analysis of sacred texts, civil religion, religious critiques of media and culture, or religious rhetoric in secular texts and culture. Vol. 1: Vol. 2: Vol. 3: Vol. 4: Vol. 5: Vol. 6: Vol. 7: Vol. 8: Vol. 9: Vol. 10: Vol. 11: Vol. 12: Vol. 13: Vol. 14: Vol. 15: Davis W. Houck and David E. Dixon, eds., Rhetoric, Religion and Civil Rights, 1954-1965 (2006) Michael W. Casey, The Rhetoric of Sir Garfield Todd: Christian Imagination and the Dream of an African Democracy (2007) Jerome Dean Mahaffey, Preaching Politics: The Religious Rhetoric of George Whitefield and the Founding of a New Nation (2007) Camille K. Lewis, Romancing the Difference: Kenneth Burke, Bob Jones University, and the Rhetoric of Religious Fundamentalism (2007) Gary S. Selby, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Rhetoric of Freedom: The Exodus Narrative in America’s Struggle for Civil Rights (2008) Vicki Tolar Burton, Spiritual Literacy in John Wesley’s Methodism: Reading, Writing and Speaking to Believe (2008) Richard Leo Enos, et. al.,eds., The Rhetoric of St. Augustine (2008) C. Clifton Black and Duane F. Watson, eds., Words Well Spoken: George Kennedy’s Rhetoric of the New Testament (2008) Michael Graves, Preaching the Inward Light (2009) [Winner: 2010 RCA Book Award] Kristy Maddux, The Faithful Citizen (2010) [Winner: 2011 RCA Book Award; Winner: 2011 Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender Book Award] Thomas M. Lessl, Rhetorical Darwinism: Religion, Evolution, and the Scientific Identity (2012) [Winner RCA Book of the Year Award] Morgan Marietta, The Politics of Sacred Rhetoric: Absolutist Appeals and Political Persuasion (2012) Andrew P. Hogue, Stumping God: Reagan, Carter, and the Invention of Political Faith (2012) Michael J. Hyde and James A. Herrick, eds., After the Genome: A Language for Our Biotechnological Future (2013) Davis W. Houck and David E. Dixon, eds., Rhetoric, Religion, and Civil Rights, 1954-1965, vol. 2 (2014) 2003 Founder: Landmark Speeches on . . . Series. Series Editor 2003-2007. This is projected to be a 20 volume monograph series of important speeches on particular themes or movements in American history. Each speech text is to be authenticated, annotated, and set in context by a 500 word headnote that will establish the historical setting of the speech and its rhetorical import. Vol. 1: Landmark Speeches on the American Conservative Movement, 1945-2005, ed. Peter Schweitzer and Wynton C. Hall (2007) Vol. 2: Landmark Speeches on National Socialism, ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (2008) Medhurst 20 2002 Founder: Website Now coproprietor with Dr. Paul Stob, Vanderbilt University. 2000 Founder: The Library of Presidential Rhetoric. Series Editor 2000-2007. This is projected to be a 50 volume monograph series published by Texas A&M University Press. Contracts have been let on the first 25 volumes. Each volume will be about 150 pages in print and will include a reprint of the discourse(s) under study, an analytical section, and a comprehensive bibliography. Volumes published under my editorship include: Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4: Volume 5: Volume 6: Volume 7: Volume 8: Volume 9: Volume 10: Volume 11: Davis W. Houck, FDR and Fear Itself: The First Inaugural Address (2002) Ira Chernus, Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace (2002) Stephen Howard Browne, Jefferson's First Inaugural Address (2003) Thomas W. Benson, Writing JFK: Speechwriting, Speechmaking, and the Press in the Kennedy Administration (2004) [Winner: ECA Everett Lee Hunt Award] Mary E. Stuckey, Reagan’s Challenger Address (2006) J. Michael Hogan, Woodrow Wilson’s Western Tour (2006) Garth E. Pauley, LBJ’s American Promise: The 1965 Voting Rights Address (2006) Amos Kiewe, FDR’s First Fireside Chat (2007) Richard J. Jensen, Reagan at Bitburg and Bergen-Belsen (2008) Steven R. Goldzwig, Truman's 1948 Whistlestop Campaign (2008) Denise M. Bostdorff, Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine: The Cold War Call to Arms (2008) [Winner: Bruce E. Gronbeck Award] 1998 Founder: Rhetoric & Public Affairs. Editor, 1998-present. This is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to study of the history, theory, and criticism of public discourse. It is published quarterly by Michigan State University Press. [Winner: Council of Editors of Learned Journals, Best New Journal of 1998] Stephen E. Lucas, “The Rhetorical Ancestry of the Declaration of Independence,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 1 (1998): 143-184. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Erik Doxtader, “Making Rhetorical History in a Time of Transition: The Occasion, Constitution, and Representation of South African Reconciliation,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 4 (2001): 223-260. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Brian L. Ott and Eric Aoki, “The Politics of Negotiating Public Tragedy: Media Framing of the Matthew Shepherd Murder,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 5 (2002): 483-505. [Winner: Article of the Year Award, Critical/Cultural Studies Division, NCA] Medhurst 21 John M. Murphy, “’Our Mission and Our Moment’: George W. Bush and September 11th,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 6 (2003): 607-632. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Cara A. Finnegan, “Recognizing Lincoln: Image Vernaculars in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 8 (2005): 31-58. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award; Winner: Article of the Year Award, Visual Communication Division, NCA] Anne Teresa Demo, “The Afterimage: immigration policy after Elian,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10 (2007): 27-50. [Winner NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Davi Johnson, “Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 Birmingham Campaign as an Image Event,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10 (2007): 1-25. [Winner: NCA Visual Communication Division Article of the Year Award] Lester C. Olson, “Pictorial Representations of British America Resisting Rape: Rhetorical Re-Circulation of a Print Series Portraying the Boston Port Bill of 1774,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 12 (2009): 1-35. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Thomas R. Dunn, “Remembering Matthew Shepard: Violence, Identity, and Queer Counterpublic Memories,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 13 (2010): 611-651. [Winner: NCA Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award] Karrin Vasby Anderson, “‘Rhymes with Blunt’: Pornification and U.S. Political Culture,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 14 (2011): 327-368. [Winner: Michael Pfau Article of the Year Award, Political Communication Division, NCA] Leah Ceccarelli, “Manufactured Scientific Controversy: Science, Rhetoric, and Public Debate,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 14 (2011): 195-228. [Winner AFA Rohrer Award for Best Article of the Year] Jon Radwan, “Contact Rhetoric: Bodies and Love in Deus Caritas Est,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 15 (2012): 41-93. [Winner: Article of the Year Award, Religious Communication Association] J. Michael Sproule, “Inventing Public Speaking: Rhetoric and the Speech Book, 17301930,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 15 (2012): 563-608. [Winner: NCA Golden Anniversary Monograph Award] Medhurst 22 1995 General Editor, A Rhetorical History of the United States: Significant Moments in American Public Discourse. A ten-volume series under contract with Michigan State University Press. Volumes will be published as they are completed. Vol. 1: Vol. 2: Vol. 3: Vol. 4: Vol. 5: Vol. 6: Vol. 7: Vol. 8: Vol. 9: Vol. 10: James R. Andrews, ed., Rhetoric, Religion, and the Roots of Identity in British Colonial America (2007) Stephen E. Lucas, ed., Rhetoric, Independence, and Nationhood Stephen H. Browne, ed., Rhetoric and Civic Identity in the Early Republic David Zarefsky and Michael Leff, ed., Public Debate in the Civil War Era Martha Watson and Thomas Burkholder, eds., The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century Reform and the Perfecting of American Society (2008) J. Michael Hogan, ed., Rhetoric and Reform in the Progressive Era (2003) Thomas W. Benson, ed., American Rhetoric in the New Deal Era (2006) Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Images of the Enemy: World War II and the Cold War David Henry and Richard J. Jensen, eds., Social Controversy and Public Discourse in Mid-Twentieth Century America Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites, eds., The Fragmentation of American Liberalism at the End of the Twentieth Century 1994 Founder: Presidential Rhetoric Series, Texas A&M University Press. Series Editor 1994-2007. Volumes published under my editorship include: Vol. 1: Vol. 2: Vol. 3: Vol. 4: Vol. 5: Vol. 6: Vol. 7: Vol. 8: Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency (1996) [Winner: Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award] Martin J. Medhurst and H.W. Brands, eds., Critical Reflections on the Cold War: Rhetoric and History (2000) Garth E. Pauley, The Presidency and Civil Rights Rhetoric from Roosevelt to Nixon (2001) Davis W. Houck, Rhetoric as Currency: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Great Depression (2001) [Winner: Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award] Francis A. Beer, Worlds of Meaning: Words of War and Peace (2001) Leroy G. Dorsey, ed., The Presidency and Rhetorical Leadership (2002) Kurt Ritter and Martin J. Medhurst, eds., Presidential Speechwriting: From the New Deal to the Reagan Revolution (2003) Amos Kiewe and Davis W. Houck, A Satisfactory Embodiment: FDR's Body Politics (2003) Medhurst 23 Vol. 9: Vol. 10: Vol. 11: Vol. 12: Vol. 13: Vol. 14: Vol. 15: Vol. 16: Vol. 17: Vol. 18: Vol. 19: Vanessa B. Beasley, You, the People: American National Identity in Presidential Rhetoric (2004) Robert Alexander Kraig, Woodrow Wilson and the Lost World of the Oratorical Statesman (2004) Tarla Rai Peterson, ed., Green Talk in the White House: Presidential Rhetoric and Ecology (2004) James Arnt Aune and Enrique D. Rigsby, eds., Civil Rights Rhetoric and the American Presidency (2005) William Harpine, From the Front Porch to the Front Page: McKinley and Bryan in the 1896 Presidential Campaign (2005) Martin J. Medhurst, ed., The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush (2006) James Kimble, Mobilizing the Home Front: The War Bonds Campaign (2006) Vanessa B. Beasley, ed., Who Belongs in America? Race, Rhetoric, and Immigration (2006) Colleen J. Shogan, Presidential Moral Rhetoric (2006) James Arnt Aune and Martin J. Medhurst, eds., The Prospect of Presidential Rhetoric (2008) Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Before the Rhetorical Presidency (2008) 1993 Founder: Rhetoric and Public Affairs Series, Michigan State University Press. Series Editor, 1993-present. Volumes published under my editorship include: Vol. 1: Vol. 2: Vol. 3: Vol. 4: Vol. 5: Vol. 6: Vol. 7: Vol. 8: Vol. 9: Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Eisenhower’s War of Words: Rhetoric and Leadership (1994) [Winner: Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award] J. Michael Hogan, The Nuclear Freeze Campaign: Rhetoric and Foreign Policy in a Telepolitical Age (1994) Gregory A. Olson, Mansfield and Vietnam: A Study in Rhetorical Adaptation (1995) Robert P. Newman, Truman and the Hiroshima Cult (1995) [Winner: NCA Diamond Anniversary Award] Francis Beer and Robert Hariman, eds., Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations (1996) Thomas W. Benson, ed., Rhetoric and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century America (1997) Gregory Lampe, Frederick Douglass: Freedom’s Voice, 18181845 (1998) Stephen Howard Browne, Angelina Grimke: Rhetoric and the Formation of Radical Identity (1999) [Winner: NCA Diamond Anniversary Award] Gordon R. Mitchell, Strategic Deception: The Rhetoric of Missile Defense Advocacy (2000) [Winner: NCA Winans-Wichelns Award] Medhurst 24 Vol. 10: Vol. 11: Vol. 12: Vol. 13: Vol. 14: Vol. 15: Vol. 16: Vol. 17: Vol. 18: Vol. 19: Vol. 20: Vol. 21: Vol. 22: Vol. 23: Vol. 24: Vol. 25: Vol. 26: Vol. 27: Vol. 28: Vol. 29: Kimber Charles Pearce, Rostow, Kennedy, and the Rhetoric of Foreign Aid (2001) Robert Asen, Visions of Poverty: Welfare Policy and Political Imagination (2002) Ira Chernus, General Eisenhower: Ideology and Discourse (2002) Kirt T. Wilson, The Reconstruction Desegregation Debate: The Politics of Equality and the Rhetoric of Place, 1870-1875 (2002) [Winner: NCA Winans-Wichelns Award] Robert C. Rowland and David Frank, Shared Land/Conflicting Identity: Trajectories of Israeli and Palestinian Symbol Use (2002) [Winner: 2003 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Quentin J. Schultze, Christianity and the Mass Media in America: Toward a Democratic Accommodation (2003) John Angus Campbell, ed., Darwin, Design, and Public Education (2003) [Winner: 2005 SSCA James Madison Prize] Franklyn S. Haiman, Religious Expression and the First Amendment (2003) Randall L. Bytwerk, Bending Spines (2004) Francis A. Beer and Christ’l De Landtsheer, eds., Metaphorical World Politics (2004) Robert E. Terrill, Malcolm X: Invention and Radical Judgment (2004) [Winner: 2005 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Angela Ray, The Lyceum and Public Culture in the Nineteenth Century United States (2005) [Winner: 2006 RSA Book Award; 2006 NCA Winans-Wichelns Award; 2006 NCA Diamond Anniversary Book Award; 2006 Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award; 2006 AFA Daniel Rohrer Research Award] Michael William Pfau, The Political Style of Conspiracy: Chase, Sumner, and Lincoln (2005) Trevor Parry-Giles, The Character of Justice: Rhetoric, Law, and Politics in the Supreme Court Confirmation Process (2006) [Winner: 2007 NCA Diamond Anniversary Award; 2007 Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award; 2007 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Marouf A. Hasian, Jr., Holocaust Trials (2006) Clarke Rountree, Judging the Supreme Court: Bush v. Gore (2007) [Winner: 2009 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Kerry Kathleen Riley, Everyday Subversions: From Joking to Revolting in the German Democratic Republic (2007) Cheryl R. Jorgensen-Earp, In the Wake of Violence: Image & Social Reform (2008) Todd McDorman and David M. Timmerman, eds., Rhetoric and Democracy (2008) Erik Doxtader, With Faith in the Works of Words: the Beginnings of Reconciliation in South Africa, 1985-1995 (2009) [Winner: 2010 RSA Book Award] Medhurst 25 Vol. 30: Vol. 31: Vol. 32: Vol. 33: Vol. 34: Vol. 35: Vol. 36: Vol. 37: Vol. 38: Vol. 39: Vol. 40: 2007-2011 2005-2007 20021993-1997 1990-1992 1990-1992 1989 1987-1989 1984-1986 1982-1984 1977-1979 1977- Robert Asen, Invoking the Invisible Hand: Social Security and the Privatization Debates (2009) [Winner: 2010 NCA WinansWichelns Award; Winner: 2010 Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award; Winner: 2011 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Shawn J. Parry-Giles and Trevor Parry-Giles, eds., Public Address and Moral Judgment: Critical Studies in Ethical Tensions (2009) [Winner: 2010 NCA Communication Ethics Division Edited Volume Award] Stephen John Hartnett, Executing Democracy (Vol. 1) (2010) Jeremy Engels, Enemyship (2010) Charles E. Morris III, ed., Remembering the AIDS Quilt (2011) Ned O’Gorman, Spirits of the Cold War (2011) Kathryn M. Olson, et al., eds., Making the Case: Advocacy and Judgment in Public Argument (2012) Stephen John Hartnett, Executing Democracy (Vol. 2) (2012) [Winner: 2013 Kohrs-Campbell Prize] Paul Stob, William James and the Art of Popular Statement (2013) Mary E. Stuckey, The Good Neighbor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy (2013) Leah Ceccarelli, The Frontier Metaphor in Science: A Rhetoric of Exploration and Exploitation (2013) Editorial Board, Communication Quarterly Editorial Board, The Quarterly Journal of Speech Editorial Board, Presidential Studies Quarterly Editorial Board, Critical Studies in Mass Communication Associate Editor, Quarterly Journal of Speech Associate Editor, Communication Monographs Guest Editor for special section, "Teaching Rhetorical Criticism to Undergraduates," Communication Education 38: 175-213. Book Review Editor, Quarterly Journal of Speech Volume 73 (160 pp.) Volume 74 (144 pp.) Volume 75 (189 pp.) Associate Editor, Western Journal of Speech Communication Associate Editor, Western Journal of Speech Communication Editorial Assistant, Communication Quarterly Manuscript consultant for various publishers. Medhurst 26 Ph.D. Dissertations Directed: 2009 Andrew Hogue, “The Appeal to Religion in the Presidential Campaign of 1980.” Baylor University. Dr. Hogue is a lecturer in political science at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Dr. Hogue published a revised version of his dissertation as Stumping God: Carter, Reagan and the Invention of Political Faith (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2012). 2004 Martin Carcasson, “Negotiating the Paradoxes of Poverty: Presidential Rhetoric on Welfare from Johnson to Clinton.” Texas A&M University (codirected with James Arnt Aune). Dr. Carcasson is a tenured Associate Professor at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, where he also serves as Director of the Center for Public Deliberation. M. A. Theses Directed: 2014 Ashley N. Morgan, “Metaphors in the ‘Fight’ Against Human Trafficking under the Obama Administration.” Baylor University. 2013 Jeffrey A. Kurr, “Economic Frames: Transitional Rhetoric under Clinton, Bush, and Obama.” Baylor University. 2012 Amanda Luppes, “Bill Clinton’s 1994 European Tour: Expanding the Democratic Order in the Post-Cold War World.” Baylor University. 2011 Rachel Ford, “Mountaintop Removal Mining and the Rhetoric of the 2010 West Virginia Special Senate Primary Campaign.” Baylor University. 2009 Jay Reynolds Patterson, “Foreign Crisis, Apologia, and the Use and Misuse of Diplomatic Rhetoric: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Hainan Incident.” Baylor University. Mr. Patterson is a Ph.D. student at Georgia State University. 2007 Erik Hjalmeby, “A Rhetorical History of the Early Pentecostal Movement, 1906-1916.” Baylor University. Mr. Hjalmeby is a Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2007 Hillary A. Bajema, “Islam as a Rhetorical Constraint: The Post-September 11 Speaking of George W. Bush.” Baylor University. Hillary Bajema Train works in student affairs at Baylor University. 2007 Diana Winkelman, “The Rhetoric of Henry Highland Garnet.” Baylor University. Ms. Winkelman earned a Ph.D. at the University of Southern California and is currently employed as a visiting assistant professor at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. Medhurst 27 2007 Sam Perry, “The Rhetorical Dimensions of an Apology for Slavery.” Baylor University. Mr. Perry earned a Ph.D. at Georgia State University and is currently an assistant professor at Baylor University. 2007 Corrina N. Gura, “The 1995 Congressional Debate Over Partial Birth Abortion: President Clinton’s Veto and the Aftermath.” Baylor University. Ms. Gura is currently in law school at Loyola University, Chicago. 2004 Matthew Brigham, “When Cultures Collide: A Rhetorical History of the Makah Whaling Controversy.” Baylor University. Mr. Brigham earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh and is now an instructor at James Madison University. 2000 Wynton C. Hall. “Presidents, Polls, and Political Marketing: The Instrumental Uses of Public Opinion Research in Presidential Discourse.” Texas A&M University. Mr. Hall is currently a professional writer and an instructor at Bainbridge College in Georgia. 1999 Amy Melissa Tilton. “George Bush and the Religious Right: A Case Study in the Rhetoric of Interest Group Politics.” Texas A&M University. Ms. Tilton is currently an instructor at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas. 1998 Timothy M. Resh. “The Evolution of a Vice Presidential Speechwriting Staff: Invention and Style in Gerald R. Ford’s Ghostwritten Vice Presidential Speeches.” Texas A&M University. 1998 Martin Carcasson. “The Cold War Court: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Supreme Court’s Debate Concerning the American Communist Party in Dennis v. United States, 1951.” Texas A&M University. Mr. Carcasson completed the Ph.D. at Texas A&M University and is now a tenured Associate Professor at Colorado State University. 1997 Kelly Jean Joyce. "Paving the Road toward Peace: John F. Kennedy’s American University Address." Texas A&M University. Ms. Joyce is currently employed by Carlson Companies in Houston, Texas. 1997 Windy Yvonne Lawrence. "Lyndon B. Johnson and the `We Shall Overcome’ Address: A Study in Rhetorical Transcendence." Texas A&M University. Ms. Lawrence completed the Ph.D. at the University of Georgia and is now a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Houston-Downtown. 1996 Joseph M. Schadler. "Entertainment, Propaganda, and Power: A Rhetorical Investigation of Triumph of the Will." Texas A&M University. Mr. Schadler is a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 1995 Garth E. Pauley. "Presidential Rhetoric for Legislative Action: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of 1964." Texas A&M University. Mr. Pauley completed his Ph.D. at Penn State University and is currently a tenured Full Professor at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Medhurst 28 1995 Michael E. Carpenter Leugs. "President Clinton and the Debate on Health Care Reform: An Early Examination of an Emerging Rhetoric." Texas A&M University. Mr. Leugs is a senior consultant with Documentation Associates in Denver, Colorado. 1994 Vonda Ka Givens. "The Rhetorical Structure of the Southern Belle: An Analysis of the Myth of Southern Womanhood." Texas A&M University. Ms. Givens currently works for a law firm in Nashville, Tennessee. 1994 John Tindell. "MTV’s `Rock the Vote’ Campaign: A Study of Rhetorical Form." Texas A&M University. Mr. Tindell is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Wilks University in Wilks-Barre, Pennsylvania. 1994 Mark Allan Steiner. "Operation Rescue Rhetoric and the Rhetorical Goading to Violence in the Abortion Controversy. Texas A&M University. Mr. Steiner completed his Ph.D. at Indiana University and is currently a tenured Associate Professor at the Christopher Newport University in Virginia. 1989 Susan Zickmund. "Author, Text, Audience: A Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Stephen King Novels." University of California, Davis. Ms. Zickmund completed her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and currently serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Iowa. 1988 Patricia E.T. Morgan. "A Comparative Study of Evaluative Standards." University of California, Davis. Ms. Morgan completed her Ph.D. coursework at Northwestern University and is currently teaching in Mountainview, California. 1987 Andrea Dolan, "Creation Science as a Rhetorical Invention." University of California, Davis. 1987 Paula Wilson, "Bitzer's Rhetorical Situation: A Heuristic Endeavor." University of California, Davis. Ms. Wilson completed her Ph.D. at The Pennsylvania State University and is now a Full Professor at Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia. Undergraduate Honor's Theses: 1990 Thomas Alden Rand, "A Metaphorical Analysis of New Testament Church Typology in Selected Sermons of John Wesley." Undergraduate Honor's Thesis, Texas A&M University. Mr. Rand graduated with a M.Div. from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and is now an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. Membership on M.A. and Ph.D. Committees: 1985 Daniel Corum (non-thesis option). 1985 Gretchen Spohn (non-thesis option). Medhurst 29 1988 1988 1988 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 Linda Fletcher (non-thesis option). Susy Boyd (member, thesis committee). Wendy Vyborney (non-thesis option). Maralyn Hulkovich (member, thesis committee, English). Adrian Elfenbaum (member, thesis committee). Gustavo Edwardo Castellanos (member, thesis committee). Jeannette Williams (member, thesis committee). Nanci Florey (non-thesis option). John Palmer (non-thesis option). Clark Friesen (member, thesis committee). Carmen Heider (member, thesis committee). Julie Haynes (member, thesis committee). Tamara Loughran (member, thesis committee). LaConia Jenkins (member, examining committee). Sunnye Stevens (member, thesis committee). Mark Wadia (chair, examining committee). Thomas Moriarity (member, thesis committee, English). Nate Baxter (member, thesis committee). Julie Campbell Reed (chair, examining committee). Debi Hutchins (member, thesis committee, philosophy). Mary Johnson (member, thesis committee). Billy Ray Hall (member, dissertation committee, political science). John Chiviis (member, thesis committee). Kristi Wuensche (member, thesis committee). Martin A. Coleman (member, thesis committee, philosophy). Thomas Harrison Ellis III (member, thesis committee, philosophy). James Frost (member, dissertation committee, English). Ann Dizdar Nelson (member, dissertation committee, English) Stephen R. Hanna (member, thesis committee, political science) Glen S. Krutz (member, dissertation committee, political science) Jeff Todd (member, dissertation committee, English) Anneliese Reinemeyer (member, examining committee, political science) Melissa Rector (chair, examining committee) Joe Kallo (member, thesis committee, philosophy) Andrew Barrett (member, dissertation committee, political science) Jim Cottrill (member, dissertation committee, political science) Matt Carrothers (member, thesis committee, political science) Chris Robichaud (member, thesis committee, philosophy) Laura Carroll (member, dissertation committee, English) Lindsay Sloan (member, examining committee, English) Nicholas Rangel (member, dissertation committee) April Caires (chair, examining committee) Amy Childers (member, dissertation committee, English) Joshua Hill (member, thesis committee, English) Matt Sherwood (member, dissertation committee, English) B. Wayne Howell (member, dissertation committee) Medhurst 30 2003 2003 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 David Gore (member, dissertation committee) Martin Carcasson (cochair, dissertation committee) Matthew Brigham (chair, thesis committee) David Cisneros (member, thesis committee) Hillary Bajema (chair, thesis committee) Zach Manis (member, dissertation committee, philosophy) Corrina Gura (chair, thesis committee) Diana M. Winkelman (chair, thesis committee) Sam Perry (chair, thesis committee) Erik Hjalmeby (chair, thesis committee) Neal Johnstone (member, dissertation committee, English) Andrew Hogue (chair, dissertation committee, Political Science) Reynolds Patterson (chair, thesis committee) Joseph Wysocki (member, dissertation committee, Political Science) Rachel Ford (chair, thesis committee) Amanda Luppes (chair, thesis committee) Alex McVey (member, thesis committee) Jeff Kurr (chair, thesis committee) James Blake Ewing (member, thesis committee) Jaclyn Bissell (member, thesis committee) Heather Woods (member, thesis committee) Erik Emblem (member, dissertation committee, Church-State) Heather Gorman (member, dissertation committee, Religion) Teresa Morales (member, dissertation committee, Georgia State, communication) Ashley Morgan (chair, thesis committee) Mark Scully (member, dissertation committee, political science) Published Works of Students Drawn from Theses or Graduate Seminar Papers Completed Under My Direction: 1988 Patricia E.T. Morgan, "Cuomo and Reagan on Family: A Clash of Images," Pennsylvania Speech Communication Annual 44: 10-16. 1989 Wende Vyborney Dumble, "And Justice for All: The Messages Behind `Real’ Courtroom Dramas," in Television Studies: Textual Analysis, ed. Gary Burns and Robert J. Thompson (New York: Praeger), 103-118. 1994 Reed L. Welch, "Declaring War: The Rhetoric of Reassurance," Journal of the Oklahoma Speech/Theatre/Communication Association 16: 1-16. 1995 Carmen Heider Russell, "Symbolic Form and the Rhetoric of Belief: An Epistemological Account of John 4:1-42," Journal of Communication and Religion 18: 11-20. 1997 Garth E. Pauley, "Presidential Rhetoric and Group Politics: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of 1964," Southern Communication Journal 63: 1-19. Medhurst 31 1998 John H. Tindell and Martin J. Medhurst, “Rhetorical Reduplication in MTV’s Rock the Vote Campaign,” Communication Studies 49: 18-28. 1998 Martin Carcasson, "Herbert Hoover and the Presidential Campaign of 1932: The Failure of Apologia," Presidential Studies Quarterly 28: 349-365. 2000 Martin Carcasson, “Constructing the Narrative of Oslo: The Rhetorical Transformation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 3: 211-245. 2000 Holly G. McIntush, “Defining Education: The Rhetorical Embodiment of Ideology in A Nation at Risk,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 3: 419-443. 2002 Wynton C. Hall, "'Reflections of Yesterday': George H.W. Bush's Instrumental Use of Public Opinion Research in Presidential Discourse," Presidential Studies Quarterly 32: 531-558. 2002 Wynton C. Hall and John M. King,, "Leadership by X-Sample?: Bill Clinton and Dick Morris's Use of Poll-Tested, Triangulated Rhetoric," Business Research Yearbook 9: 612616. 2002 Wynton C. Hall, "The Invention of 'Quantifiably Safe Rhetoric': Richard Wirthlin and Ronald Reagan's Instrumental Use of Public Opinion Research in Presidential Discourse," Western Journal of Communication 66: 319-346. 2003 B. Wayne Howell, “Ronald Reagan’s Address at Moscow State University: A Rhetoric of Conciliation and Subversion,” Southern Journal of Communication 68: 107-120. 2005 David Gore, “Inflation Rhetoric: Gerald Ford’s First Six Months in Office,” White House Studies 5: 215-230. 2006 Mark Allan Steiner, The Rhetoric of Operation Rescue: Projecting the Christian ProLife Message (Edinburgh: T + T Clark Publishers), 1 + 226. Minor portions drawn from Steiner’s M.A. thesis at Texas A&M University. 2006 Catherine L. Langford, “George Bush’s Struggle with the ‘Vision Thing.’” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, ed. Martin J. Medhurst (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006), 19-36. 2006 William Forrest Harlow, “And the Wall Came Tumbling Down: Bush’s Rhetoric of Silence during German Reunification.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 37-55. 2006 Rachel Martin Harlow, “Agency and Agent in George Bush’s Gulf War Rhetoric.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 56-80. Medhurst 32 2006 Roy Joseph, “The New World Order: George Bush and the Post-Cold War Era.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 81-101. 2006 Holly G. McIntush, “Political Truancy: George Bush’s Claim to the Mantle of ‘Education President.’” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 102-118. 2006 Martin Carcasson, “Prudence, Procrastination, or Politics: George Bush and the Earth Summit of 1992.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 119-148. 2006 Amy Tilton Jones, “George Bush and the Religious Right.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 149-170. 2006 Wynton C. Hall, “Economically Speaking: George Bush and the Price of Perception.” In The Rhetorical Presidency of George H.W. Bush, 171-196. 2008 Andrew P. Hogue, “George H. W. Bush: ‘A Whole Europe, A Free Europe’ (31 May 1989),” Voices of Democracy: The Journal 3 (2008): 205-221. 2009 Ashley Barrett, “Lyndon Baines Johnson: ‘Let Us Continue’ (27 November 1963),” Voices of Democracy: The Journal 4 (2009): 97-119. 2011 Matthew S. Brogdon, “Defending the Union: Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation and American Federalism,” Review of Politics 73: 1-29. 2013 John Cook, “The Rhetoric of the Arab Spring,” ETC. XX: in press. Professional Service: Member of the Michael Leff Fellowship Award fundraising committee, RSA, 2012-13 Chair of the Benson-Campbell Award fundraising committee, PAD, 2011 (Raised $19,000) Chair of the Public Address Division Nominating Committee, NCA, 2010 Publications Committee, Southern States Communication Association, 2008-2010 NCA Delegate to the American Council of Learned Societies, 2006-2009 Award Selection Committee, Best Article for 2002 in PSQ NCA Mentor Campaign, Gift Coordinator for Thomas Benson Campaign (raised $11,000) Editor, R & PA, 1998Editorial boards of QJS, CM, CSMC, WJSC, PSQ, CQ, VOD Book review editor of QJS, 1987-1989 Manuscript reviewer for CE, SJC, PSCA, PSQ, CSMC, QJS, CM, WJSC, CT, AF&S, CY, HIJPP, JCS, VOD Consulting editor for the SCA 75th anniversary volume Consulting editor for the ECA 75th anniversary volume Reader for national convention programs in public address and media forum Vice-Chair and Principal Program Planner, Public Address Division, SCA, 1991-1992 Medhurst 33 Chair, SCA Public Address Division, 1992-1993 Executive Committee, RSCA Theory Division Chair, RSCA Rhetoric and Public Address Division Chair, WSCA Manuscript consultant to Random House, Waveland, Houghton Mifflin, LSU Press, Praeger, Delaware, Alabama, McGraw-Hill, Texas, Texas A&M, Michigan State, Missouri, South Carolina, Illinois, Norton, Polity. Chair, SCA Nominating Committee, 1994 Chair, SCA Winans-Wichelns Award Committee, 1995 Chair, Public Address Division Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award Committee, 1994 Member, SCA Legislative Council, 1992-1994 Member, WSCA Representative Assembly, 1993-1995 Member, SSCA Time and Place Committee, 1996-1998 Chair, Kohrs-Campbell Prize in Rhetorical Criticism, 2003Member, Search Committee, NCA Executive Director, 2003-04 Wallace Award Committee, NCA, 2004-2006 Member, Advisory Committee, “Communication as Humanistic Inquiry,” NCA, 2004-2007 Served as an external reviewer for tenure and/or promotion decisions at the following institutions: Denison University, University of Cincinnati (3), Marquette University (3), Indiana University (2), Ohio State University, University of Minnesota (2), Oregon State University, University of Utah (2), University of New Hampshire (2), Syracuse University (2), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Purdue University, University of Arkansas (2), University of Alabama, San Diego State University, North Dakota State University, Southern Illinois University, Hope College, Penn State University (2), Vanderbilt University, University of Georgia (2), St. John’s University (2), Pepperdine University (2), Wake Forest University, Georgia State University (2), University of Maryland (3), North Carolina State University, Southeast Missouri State University (2), George Washington University, University of Wisconsin, Southern Methodist, Calvin College, Augustana College, Colorado State University (2), Ohio University, University of North Carolina, College of Wooster, University of Illinois, Florida State University, University of Colorado, Denver (2), Wheaton College, Iowa State University. Served as member of three-person review team commissioned by the Commonwealth of Virginia to examine the Ph.D. proposal at Regent University. Served as a member of departmental review teams at Hope College (2007), Calvin College (1997) and Regent University (1996). University Service: Mass Communication Curriculum Committee, U.C. Davis, 1979-1983 Instructional Media Resources Advisory Committee, U.C. Davis, 1979-1983 Faculty Senate, Texas A&M (Member, Personnel and Welfare Committee; By-Laws Committee; Planning Committee; Committee on Emeritus Status), 1990-1993 Liberal Arts Council, Texas A&M, 1990-1992; 2000-2002. Elected liaison of the Liberal Arts Council to the College Executive Committee on budget deliberations, 1991-1992 Dean’s Advisory Committee, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M, 1993-1995 Medhurst 34 Coordinator of the Program in Presidential Rhetoric, The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University, 1993-2003 Faculty Advisory Committee, Texas A&M University Press, 1995-2003 Faculty Advisory Committee, George Bush Presidential Library, 2001-2003 National Steering Committee, Baylor University, Committee to Acquire the George W. Bush Presidential Library Editor, Rhetoric and Religion Series, Baylor University Press, 2004Faculty Development Committee, Baylor University, 2008- Departmental Service: Member of the search committee, Texas A&M, 2000-2001 Associate Department Head, Texas A&M, 1991-1998 Director of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Rhetoric, U.C. Davis, 1983-1988 Member of curriculum, internship, and personnel committees, U.C. Davis Director of the Conference on Communication and the Culture of Technology, Texas A&M, 1989 Graduate Director, Speech Communication, Texas A&M, 1990-1991 Department liaison to the Bush Library Committee, Texas A&M, 1991 Member of various departmental personnel committees, Texas A&M, 1988-2003 Member of the search committee, Texas A&M, 1991-92 Chair of the Ph.D.-proposal committee, Texas A&M, 1994-1997 Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Texas A&M, 1998-2003 Member, Telecommunication Committee, Texas A&M, 2002-2003 Member of Faculty Development and Scholars’ Week Committees, Baylor, 2003-2006 Honors and Awards: 2011 Recipient of the Julia T. Wood Teacher-Scholar Award, Pennsylvania Communication Association 2011 Who’s Who in America, 65th edition. 2009 Recipient of the Northern Illinois University, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Golden Anniversary Alumni Award 2007 Recipient of the Southern States Communication Association’s Michael M. Osborn Teacher-Scholar Award 2007 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and Educators, 11th ed. 2006 Recipient of the Religious Communication Association’s Scholar of the Year Award 2005 Elected as a Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association and presented with the Distinguished Scholar Award 2004 Recipient of the Paul Boase Award for Scholarship, School of Communication, Ohio University Medhurst 35 2004 Recipient of Award for Scholarly Leadership, Conference on Presidential Rhetoric, Texas A&M University 2002 Recipient of Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching (College Level), Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University 1998 Best New Journal Award for Rhetoric & Public Affairs. Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Presented December 27, 1998, at the MLA Convention in San Francisco, CA. 1998 Profiled in Contemporary Authors. 1998 Who’s Who in the Media and Communications. 1997 Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Public Address. Public Address Division, National Communication Association. For Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency. 1995 Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Public Address. Public Address Division, Speech Communication Association. For Eisenhower’s War of Words: Rhetoric and Leadership. 1994 Naomi Lewis Faculty Fellow in Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University. Endowed fellowship for the 1994-95 academic year. 1993 Naomi Lewis Faculty Fellow in Liberal Arts, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University. Endowed fellowship for the 1993-94 academic year. 1983 Recipient of the Religious Speech Communication Association's Publication Award for "From Duche to Provoost: The Birth of Inaugural Prayer." 1982 Recipient of the Speech Communication Association's Golden Anniversary Prize Fund Award for Outstanding Scholarship for "Political Cartoons as Rhetorical Form: A Taxonomy of Graphic Discourse" (with Michael A. DeSousa) 1975 Recipient of the Paul K. Crawford Award for Outstanding Graduate Student. Northern Illinois University. 1973 Recipient of Wheaton College Leadership Award. Grants Funded: 2011 University Research Grant, Baylor University ($4480.00) 2005 Co-PI, “The Voices of Democracy: The U.S. Oratory Project,” National Endowment for the Humanities [EE-50192-05]. PI: Shawn J. Parry-Giles; Co-PI’s: J. Michael Hogan, Robert Nixon Gaines, Rosa Eberly, Martin J. Medhurst ($195,000) 2000 Race and Ethnic Studies Institute, Texas A&M University ($2,500) 1999 Race and Ethnic Studies Institute, Texas A&M University ($5,000) 1999 Bush Presidential Library Foundation, ($50,000 over 5 years). 1999 Professional and Career Development Program, Texas A&M University ($2,500) 1998 Professional and Career Development Program, Texas A&M University ($4,995) 1997 Visiting Lecturer Program, Office of Graduate Studies, Texas A&M ($300) 1997 Professional and Career Development Program, Texas A&M University ($4,970) 1997 The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University ($4,081) Medhurst 36 1996 Professional and Career Development Program, Texas A&M University ($4,965) 1996 The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University ($3,026) 1995 Professional and Career Development Program, Texas A&M University ($4,995) 1995 Texas Committee for the Humanities/National Endowment for the Humanities ($3000) 1994 Visiting Lecturer Program, Office of Graduate Studies, Texas A&M ($500) 1991 The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University ($600) 1991 Texas A&M University Mini-Grant ($850) 1987-82 U.C. Davis Faculty Research Grants ($1600/yr.) 1984 Moody Grant, Lyndon Baines Johnson Research Foundation ($600) 1981 U.C. Davis Summer Faculty Planning Award ($1500) Invited Lectures: 2013 St. Vincent College, “Barack Obama, Democratization, and a Global Rhetoric of Citizenship.” January 30. 2012 Willamette University, “Religious Rhetoric and the Presidency: Lessons from George Washington to Barack Obama.” October 25. 2012 13th Biennial Public Address Conference, “Tom Benson, the Cornell Tradition, and the Future of Public Address Studies.” Speech in praise of the conference honoree, September 29. 2012 Southern States Communication Association. “The Text(ure) of the World in Presidential Rhetoric.” Banquet Address to the 74th annual convention of SSCA, San Antonio, TX. April 14. 2011 Westminster College, “Worth Remembering.” Keynote address to the 72nd annual convention of the Pennsylvania Communication Association. October 8. 2010 Penn State University, “Barack Obama and the Politics of Faith.” October 29. 2010 University of Texas, “Political Prooftexts: Uses of the Bible in Presidential Discourse.” September 22. 2010 University of Oregon, “Barack Obama and the Politics of Faith.” May 7. 2009 University of Bergen (Norway), Keynote Address: “Political Speechwriting and the American Presidency.” December 7. 2009 Eastern University, “Political Prooftexts: Uses of the Bible in Presidential Discourse, 1977-2009.” November 3. 2009 University of Kansas, “Presidential Speechwriting and the Nomination Acceptance Speech, 1932-2008. February 19. 2008 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, “Presidential Speechwriting and the Nomination Acceptance Address, 1932-2004.” September 25. 2008 Southern Methodist University, “George W. Bush at Goree Island: American Slavery and the Rhetoric of Redemption.” April 16. 2007 Baylor University, “The Rhetorical Presidency and the Constitution.” Keynote speaker for Constitution Day, September 17. 2006 University of Memphis, “George W. Bush at Goree Island: American Slavery and the Rhetoric of Redemption.” October 27. 2005 Pepperdine University, “Why Rhetoric Matters: George H. W. Bush in the White House.” October 24. 2005 Luther College, “Presidential Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail: Then and Now.” July 28. Medhurst 37 2005 Calvin College, “Between Athens and Jerusalem: On Putting the ‘Christian’ Back into Christian Higher Education.” June 24. 2004 Wheaton College, “Presidential Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail: Then and Now.” October 27. 2004 Loyola Marymount University, “Presidential Debates as Rhetorical Opportunities.” October 13. 2004 University of Arkansas, Little Rock, “The Rhetorical Legacy of William Jefferson Clinton.” September 28. 2004 Tarleton State University, “Presidential Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail: Then and Now.” September 21. 2004 Ohio University, “Eisenhower’s ‘Chance for Peace’ Speech.” Paul Boase Lecture, September 17. 2003 Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kansas, “Eisenhower’s ‘Chance for Peace’ Speech.” October 12. 2003 University of Rochester, “Religious Rhetoric and the 2000 Presidential Campaign.” April 26. 2003 University of Wisconsin: “Religious Rhetoric and the 2000 Presidential Campaign.” February 21. 2002 Florida State University: “Religious Rhetoric and the 2000 Presidential Campaign.” October 11. 2002 University of Texas, Austin: “Religion and the Rhetoric of Civic Piety: Beyond Hart’s Political Pulpit.” October 2. 2000 University of Rochester: “Bill Clinton and the Ethics of Speechwriting.” October 16. 2000 Penn State University: “Renewal, Recovery, and Reconfiguration: Toward the New Millennium.” Keynote address at the 7th Biennial Public Address Conference, October 13. 2000 Messiah College: “The Role of Religion in the 2000 Presidential Campaign.” October 12. 2000 University of Maryland: “Bill Clinton and the Ethics of Speechwriting.” April 28. 1999 University of Nevada, Las Vegas: “Bill Clinton and the Ethics of Speechwriting.” November 16. 1999 Northwestern University: “Public Address and Significant Scholarship: Retrospect and Prospect.” October 7. 1999 University of Pennsylvania: “Presidential Campaigns Past and Future.” September 29. 1998 Southeast Missouri State University: The Emil Weis Lecture: “Why Isocrates Would Have Liked Ike.” October 6. 1998 Wheaton College: “Private Lives and Public Leadership: Where Shall We Draw the Line? September 10. 1996 Indiana University: "Eisenhower and the Crusade for Freedom." October 7. 1996 Purdue University: "Eisenhower and the Crusade for Freedom." October 4. 1995 Kansas State University: "Why Isocrates Would Have Liked Ike: Moral Character and Political Appeal in the Eisenhower Era." Annual Humanities Lecture, April 20. 1993 Emerson College: "Presidential Speechwriting." December 14. 1993 Penn State University: "The Research Agenda in Speech Communication." March 17. Medhurst 38 1989 Calvin College: "Temptation as Taboo: A Semiotic Critique of The Last Temptation of Christ." April 21. 1989 Northern Illinois University: "Propaganda Techniques in Documentary Film and Television." Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Communication Department, April 19. 1988 University of Nevada, Las Vegas: "Propaganda Techniques in Documentary Film and Television." April 6. 1987 California State University, Chico: "The Rhetoric of Political Cartoons." March 30. 1986 California State University, Chico: "Generic Criticism of Film and Television." April 8. 1979 University of California, Davis: "Rhetoric and Rhythm: The City Forty Years Later. January 9. Selected Media Interviews and Appearances (1996-2014): 23 February 1996: 25 April 1996: 27 July 1996: 1 August 1996: 14 August 1996: 15 August 1996: 27 August 1996: 11 October 1996: 5 February 1997 21 May 1997 27 May 1997 21 April 1998. 23 July 1998 Interview on radio station KRLD (Dallas) concerning the debate among the candidates for the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. Senate. Interview on radio station WSYR (Syracuse), New York, concerning the economy as a rhetorical topic during election cycles. Interview with William Neikirk of the Chicago Tribune. Story appeared on front page of the Chicago Tribune ("The New Reality: `This is Just the Beginning") on Sunday, July 28, 1996. Quoted five times in story. Interviewed on "Wake Up, Arizona" radio program on KFYI (Phoenix) concerning President Clinton’s response to terrorism. Interviewed by Frank Jossi of Presentation Magazine on the rhetorical styles of Dole and Clinton. Interviewed by William Honan of the New York Times on Dole’s Acceptance Address at the Republican National Convention. Article appeared in the New York Times on Saturday, August 17. Interviewed by Mr. DePledge of the Knight-Ridder Newspaper chain on the keynote address to be delivered by Governor Bayh of Indiana tonight at the Democratic National Convention. Interview by William Neikirk of the Chicago Tribune for story on the role of symbolism in presidential politics. Interviewed by Nicole Radoivich of the State College Daily Collegian on Clinton’s State of the Union address. Interviewed by Jonathan Sutton on KTRH radio, Houston, TX, on the death of Millie and the history and significance of presidential pets. Interviewed by Bill Neikirk of the Chicago Tribune on the Supreme Court decision allowing Paula Jones’s suit against Bill Clinton to proceed . Interviewed by Scott Orr of the Star Ledger (New Jersey) on political speechwriting. Interview with Cathleen Decker of the Los Angeles Times on political rhetoric, speechwriting, and plagiarism. Story appeared in LAT, October 19, 1998, A1/A8. Medhurst 39 17 August 1998 17 August 1998 13 January 1999 13 January 1999 27 March 1999 30 April 1999 3 August 1999 8 September 1999 13 September 1999 17 December 1999 18 January 2000 28 January 2000 1 June 2000 28 June 2000 5 September 2000 6 January 2001 11 April 2001 24 September 2001 9 January 2002 22 January 2002 Interview with George Jennings of station WOAI in San Antonio on Bill Clinton and Monica affair. Interview with Jay Socol of station WTAW in College Station on Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky affair. Interview with Bob Cohen of the Newark, New Jersey, Star-Ledger on Clinton’s 1999 State of the Union Address. Interview with Francine Kiefer of the Christian Science Monitor on Clinton’s State of the Union Address. Interview with R.G. Ratcliffe of the Houston Chronicle on George W. Bush and the social issues. Story appeared in Chronicle on March 29, 1999, A8-A9. Interview with Francine Kiefer of the Christian Science Monitor on why Clinton refuses to use the word “war” in reference to Kosovo. Story appeared on May 4, 1999. Interview with Francine Kiefer of the Christian Science Monitor on the history of speechwriting and speechwriting in the Clinton administration. Story appeared on August 10, 1999. Interview with Joe Klein of the New Yorker Magazine on historical rhythm of presidential oratory. Story appeared September 27, 1999. Interview with Allan Wolper of Editor & Publisher on freedom of speech in the Bush School. Interview with Stephen Miles of radio station in Madison, Wisconsin on the top-100 speeches of the 20th century. Interview with Doug Barstow on KAMU-FM College Station, TX on the top-100 speeches of the 20th century. Interview with Lana and P.J. on KTRH-AM Houston, TX on Clinton’s State of the Union Address Interview with David Lilenthal, Dallas Morning News, on Bush and Gore’s uses of rhetoric. Story appeared on June 4. Interview with Cathleen Decker of the Los Angeles Times, on comparing George W. Bush to Ronald Reagan in oratorical skill. Appeared on “Focus” radio program on KAMU with Doug Barstow to discuss the 2000 presidential campaign. Interview with R.G. Ratcliffe of the Houston Chronicle on G.W. Bush's upcoming inaugural address. Interview with Carolyn Barta, Dallas Morning News, on the standoff with China over our spy plane and crew. Story appeared on April 12. Interviewed along with Wayne Booth and Gerald Graff on the radio program "Odyssey" on WBEZ Chicago on the Rhetoric of War. Interviewed by Reed Johnson of the Los Angeles Times on George W. Bush's rhetorical development over the last two years. Story appeared on January 10. Interviewed by Larry McQuillan of USA Today about Bush's forthcoming State of the Union speech. Story appeared on January 28. Medhurst 40 11 April 2002 15 April 2002 26 June 2002 4 September 2002 4 February 2003 17 March 2003 17 March 2003 24 March 2003 25 March 2003 19 January 2004 22 July 2004 23 July 2004 27 July 2004 28 July 2004 2 September 2004 1 October 2004 4 October 2004 11 January 2005 19 January 2005 27 January 2005 29 March 2006 5 June 2006 18 August 2006 Interviewed by Frank James of the Chicago Tribune about the change from "suicide bomber" to "homocide bomber." Story appeared on April 13. Quoted on American Morning with Paula Zahn. Interviewed by Nathan Isaacs of the Tri-City Herald (Washington) on speechwriting in the George W. Bush White House. Interviewed by Davis Rankin from KURV radio in Edinburgh, Texas on presidential speechwriting. Interviewed by Rod Sharp on BBC Radio (London) on George W. Bush’s Columbia eulogy. Interviewed by John Belmont on WTMJ radio in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, about George W. Bush’s speech on Iraq scheduled for tonight. Interviewed by Knight-Ridder Newspapers about George W. Bush’s speech on Iraq Interviewed by Marcus Moore of KBTX-TV in Bryan, TX about expressions of patriotism during war and free speech Interviewed by Newhouse Publications from Washington, D.C. on rhetoric and propaganda during Iraqi conflict Interviewed by Michael Wallace of The Wall Street Journal This Morning on Bush’s upcoming State of the Union address. Interviewed by Kate Folmar of the San Jose Mercury News on political catch phrases. Interviewed by Hugh Truslow of the New York Times on convention speeches. See “ Interviewed by Sumana Chatterjay of Knight-Ridder Newspapers on the keynote address of Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Interviewed by Jacob Gerschman of the New York Sun on the speeches by Edwards and Kerry at the DNC. Interviewed by Derek Sands of the Associated Press of Japan on Bush’s acceptance address at the Republican National Convention. Interviewed by Julie Shelton on KWTX-TV, Waco, TX on the first presidential debate. Interviewed by Michael Wallace of The Wall Street Journal This Morning on the upcoming vice presidential debate. Interviewed by Colleen McCain Nelson of the Dallas Morning News about inaugural addresses. Interviewed by reporter for the Asbury Park Press of New Jersey on Bush’s second inaugural address. Interviewed by Donna Cassata of the Associated Press on State of the Union addresses in time of war. Interviewed by Andrew Ratner of the Baltimore Sun. Published on May 7, 2006 as “As war evolves, so does language.” Interviewed by Curt Smith on radio station WXXI in Rochester, New York on rhetoric and George H.W. Bush. Interviewed by David Rabin of National Public Radio on the rhetoric of the Iraq War. Medhurst 41 23 October 2006 25 October 2006 11 June 2007 6 December 2007 18 January 2008 31 January 2008 15 February 2008 19 February 2008 21 February 2008 27 February 2008 4 March 2008 4 March 2008 5 March 2008 18 March 2008 20 March 2008 1 April 2008 2 April 2008 9 August 2008 20 August 2008 27 August 2008 3 September 2008 Interviewed by Matt Spetalnick, White House correspondent for Reuters on Bush’s change of language about staying the course in Iraq. Interviewed by Fox News with Shepard Smith on views of students on a conservative campus leading into the November elections. Interviewed by Tom Brune of Newsday. Published on June 14, 2007 as “Is Rudy Promising Too Much, Too Soon?” Interviewed by Daniel Nasala of The Guardian on Mitt Romney’s speech “Faith in America.” Interviewed by Tim Farley of POTUS 08 XM Satellite Radio on presidential inaugural addresses. Interviewed by Thulasi Srikanthan of the Ottawa Citizen on Barack Obama’s campaign speaking. Interviewed by Sam Fulwood III of the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Barack Obama’s speaking ability. Interviewed by William Weir of the Hartford Courant on the role played by public speaking in presidential campaigns. Interviewed by Alec MacGillis of the Washington Post on Obama’s rhetoric. Interview on radio station WXXI in Rochester, New York by Curt Smith on the new Pew Survey on Religious Life in America. Interviewed by Jeremy Thompson for Sky-TV, London, England, on the Texas primary and the role of rhetoric. Interviewed by Gord Mitchell for radio station CKNW, Vancouver, Canada about the Texas and Ohio primaries and the role of rhetoric. Interviewed by Sommer Ingram of The Lariat newspaper about the method of allotting delegates from the Texas and Ohio democratic primaries. Interviewed by Alec MacGillis of the Washington Post about Obama’s speech on “A More Perfect Union.” Interviewed by John Mysick of the Allentown Morning Call about Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union.” Interviewed by Holly Yeager of the Washington Independent Website on the speaking abilities of John McCain. Interviewed by Jonathan Riehl of Congressional Quarterly Weekly on comparison of Reagan and Obama as speakers. C-SPAN program on “Writing the Presidential Acceptance Speech.” I moderated an interview/discussion among Ray Price, Patrick Anderson, and Kenneth Khachigian. Also aired on August 25 and September 5, 6, and 8. Interview with Bruce Newman of the San Jose Mercury News on the significance of Obama’s acceptance speech falling on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Interview with Eli Saslow of the Washington Post on Obama’s acceptance speech. Interview with Tom Brune of Newsday on what McCain should do in his acceptance speech. Medhurst 42 10 September 2008 19 September 2008 1 October 2008 21 October 2008 10 January 2009 12 January 2009 13 January 2009 14 January 2009 16 January 2009 18 January 2009 20 January 2009 20 January 2009 20 January 2009 21 January 2009 5 February 2009 3 September 2009 9 September 2009 10 September 2009 27 January 2010 27 January 2010 28 January 2010 24 February 2010 Interview with Cathleen Decker of the Los Angeles Times on the ethics of political rhetoric in campaigns. Interviewed on “The Dr. Caroline (Kay) Picart Show” on WTAL-AM in Tallahassee, Florida, on the rhetoric of the presidential campaign. Interview with Derek Smith on KWBU-FM on the rhetoric of the presidential campaign and the upcoming presidential debate. Participated in on-line “Live Chat,” sponsored by the Waco TribuneHerald and moderated by Bill Whitaker on the presidential election. Invited column on “Obama’s Inaugural Address” in the Atlanta JournalConstitution by Tom Sabilus. Interviewed by Francine Kiefer of the Christian Science Monitor on Obama’s attempts to balance appeals to fear and crisis with appeals to hope and confidence. Interviewed by Alex Daniels of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on Obama’s upcoming inaugural address. Interviewed by Tom Brune of Newsday on Obama’s upcoming inaugural address. Interview with John Allemang of the Globe and Mail (Toronto) on Obama’s upcoming inaugural address and presidential speechwriting. Interview with Alex Keefe of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University on history of inaugural prayers. Interview with Alec MacGillis of the Washington Post on Obama’s inaugural address. Interview with Vimal Patel of the Bryan/College Station Eagle on Obama’s inaugural address. Email interview with Deron Lee of the National Journal on Obama’s inaugural address. Interview with Maho Kawachi of on Obama’s inaugural address. Interview with Matt Spetalnick of Reuters on Obama’s decision to quit using the phrase “war on terror.” Interview with Lauren Westbrook of KWTN-TV in Waco on Obama’s speech to school children. Email interview with Samreen Hooda of the Baylor Lariat on Obama’s health care speech. Interview with Charlie Parker on WOAI in San Antonio on Obama’s health care speech. Email interview with Juliet Lapidos of Slate on the rhetorical tactic of calling for change in Washington. Interview with Katy McDowell of the Lariat newspaper on Obama’s State of the Union address. Call-in guest on the Leslie Marshall Show on WWKB radio in Buffalo, New York, discussing Obama’s State of the Union address. Interview with Dan Amira of New York Magazine on use of the phrase “jobs, jobs, jobs.” Medhurst 43 26 February 2010 19 April 2010 12 May 2010 21 June 2010 5 August 2010 17 August 2010 16 September 2010 21 October 2010 10 November 2010 7 January 2011 9 January 2011 10 January 2011 10 January 2011 10 January 2011 10 January 2011 10 January 2011 11 January 2011 18 January 2011 21 January 2011 25 January 2011 10 July 2011 Interview with Christina Coleman of KCEN-TV (Waco) on the Republican primary race in Texas. Interview with Ed Epstein of Congressional Quarterly on the pattern of vilifying the opposition. Interview with George Condon of Congressional Quarterly on the perception that Obama’s policy speeches have been ineffective. Interview with Marin Cogan of Politico on Joe Barton’s comments about a “shakedown” of BP Oil. Email interview with Linton Weeks of National Public Radio on Obama’s professorial style. Interview with Marin Cogan of Politico on rhetorical strategies used by Representatives Rangel and Waters concerning ethics violations. Email interview with Juliano Ribeiro de Lima Machado of EPOCA Magazine (Brazil) on Obama’s policy rhetoric heading into the election. Interview with Erica Werner of the Associated Press on Obama’s use of words such as “scared,” “anxious,” “confused,” and the like. Interview with Julie Mason of the Washington Examiner on the use of “war on terror” by Bush and Obama. Interview with Patricia Reuter of MediaTracks on the relation of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Thane Burnett from Sun Media, Toronto, Canada, on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Joel Meares from the Columbia Journalism Review online on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Joe O’Connor of the National Post of Toronto, Canada, on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson of the Financial Times on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Warren Pierce on the Mitch Albom Show on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Peter Wallsten of the Washington Post on the relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Joy Cardin on Wisconsin Public Radio on relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Joe Strump of Media Matters for America on relationship of rhetoric and violence. Interview with Matt Canham of the Salt Lake Tribune on their poll question concerning whether rhetoric provokes acts of violence. Participated in a live television program sponsored by Voice of America on the president’s State of the Union address. I was in Waco, with Robert Lehrman in Washington, D.C., and Marvi Memon (member of the Pakistani parliament) and Salim Nawaz Gandapur (former Ambassador) in Islamabad. Interview with Kimberly Brown of ABC News on Obama’s use of “eat your peas” and “pull off the band-aid” metaphors in debt reduction negotiations. Medhurst 44 26 July 2011 6 September 2011 14 September 2011 16 November 2011 26 January 2012 21 March 2012 10 April 2012 25 April 2012 26 April 2012 14 May 2012 16 May 2012 3 August 2012 7 August 2012 16 August 2012 5 September 2012 5 September 2012 6 September 2012 1 October 2012 3 October 2012 9 October 2012 4 December 2012 5 December 2012 Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on Obama’s speech on the debt limit and whether he has been over-exposed. Interview with Jessica Jordan and Rob Sacks of Voice of Russia on the rhetorical uses of 9/11 in politics and media. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on Obama’s efforts to promote his jobs plan and his decision to speak in swing states. Interview with Deanna Del Ciello, a journalism student at Stony Brook University about Mitt Romney and the role of religion in politics. Interview with Josh Nathan-Kazis of the Jewish Dailey Forward on the Jewish vote in the Florida Republican primary. Interview on “Perspectives” syndicated radio program with Curt Smith on the 2012 presidential campaign. Interview with Tom Kaplan of the New York Times on Andrew Cuomo’s overuse of the term “historic.” Interview with Bill McMorris of the Washington Free Beacon on Obama’s language usage in the 2012 campaign as compared to 2008. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on the potential fallout from the Secret Service scandal and how the White House had handled it rhetorically. Interview with Dan Shaw, independent journalist, on the 20th anniversary of Mary Fisher’s “A Whisper of AIDS” speech to the 1992 RNC. Interview with Sharon Cohen of the Associated Press on Romney and Obama’s use of economic rhetoric. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on the pace of presidential campaigning and the ability to respond rapidly to one’s opponent. Interview with Meghan McCarthy of the National Journal on the effects of Romney’s new ad “Obama Guts Welfare Reform.” Interview with Connie Cass of the Associated Press on speeches at presidential nominating conventions. Interview with Alan Greenblatt of NPR on Obama’s acceptance speech. Interview with Connie Cass of the Associated Press on presidential nomination acceptance speeches and the available models for Obama. Interview with Sarah Boesveld of the National Post (Canada) on Obama’s acceptance speech. Interview with Travis Taylor of the Baylor Lariat on the upcoming presidential debate. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on presidential debate. Interview with Alan Greenblatt of NPR on why Obama’s presidential speaking seems not as effective as his campaign speaking. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on Republican and Democratic rhetoric concerning the “fiscal cliff.” Interview with Richard Rubin of Bloomberg News on the “fiscal cliff” as metaphor. Medhurst 45 5 January 2013 16 January 2013 16 January 2013 17 January 2013 22 January 2013 4 February 2013 8 February 2013 19 February 2013 17 April 2013 8 May 2013 9 September 2013 4 November 2013 10 January 2014 13 January 2014 23 January 2014 27 January 2014 29 January 2014 Interview with Eric Heyl of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on second inaugural addresses. Interview with Rachel Zoll of the Associated Press on the history of inaugural prayers. Interview with Tom Dreisbach of National Public Radio on second inaugural addresses. Interview with Tom Brune of Newsday on Obama’s upcoming second inaugural address. Interview with Scott Lee Neuman of National Public Radio on the use of God and other religious language in inaugural addresses throughout history. Interview with Linda Feldmann of the Christian Science Monitor on Obama’s use of the phrase “common sense.” Interview with Heather Sells of CBN News on religious rhetoric and the presidency. Interview with Alan Greenblatt of NPR on the use of jargon in political language. Interview with Linda Feldmann of the Christian Science Monitor on Obama’s use of “terrorism” with regard to Boston Marathon attack. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on Obama’s rhetorical effort to refocus his economic plan. Interview with Alan Greenblatt of National Public Radio on Obama’s upcoming Syria speech. Interview with Brian Hughes of the Washington Examiner on trust issues in the presidency, especially as related to Obamacare rollout. Interview with Tara Doolittle of the Austin American-Statesman on religious language and state politics. Interview with Meagan Mers of the Harvard Political Review on the tone of Obama’s rhetoric over the past five years. Interview with Mike Bender of Bloomsburg News on Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address. Interview with Steve Jordahl of World News Group on the State of the history of the Union address. Interview with Erick Heyl of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Obama’s State of the Union address. Administrative Experience: COORDINATOR OF THE PROGRAM IN PRESIDENTIAL RHETORIC, The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University, September 1993- June 2003. Responsible for conceptualizing the program, building a program faculty, executing an ongoing working paper series, a fall lecture series, and a spring conference series. Also served as the general editor of a book series on "Presidential Rhetoric" published by Texas A&M University Press. Under my leadership, the program issued eleven working papers, held nine conferences, and sponsored nine major lectures featuring Mr. Marlin Fitzwater, press secretary to Presidents Reagan and Bush Medhurst 46 (1994), Mr. Paul Kirk and Mr. Frank Fahrenkopf, co-chairs of the Commission on Presidential Debates (1995), former President George H. W. Bush (1996), former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (1997), Dr. John Lenczowski, Director of The Institute of World Politics and former Director of the Soviet and East European Desk of the National Security Council (1998), Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas (1999), former chief speechwriter to President Clinton, Michael Waldman (2000), Mr. David Eisenhower, Public Policy Fellow, University of Pennsylvania (2001), and Mr. Rolando Santos, Vice President and General Manager of CNN Headline News (2002). ASSOCIATE DEPARTMENT HEAD, Department of Speech Communication & Theater Arts, Texas A&M University. Responsible for drafting selected correspondence for the Department Head, Robert L. Ivie (1991-1993) and Linda L. Putnam (1993-1998); preparing class schedules; recommending departmental committee assignments; managing the department's role in the capital campaign; nominating faculty members for teaching and research awards; supervising curriculum initiatives and maintaining the undergraduate and graduate catalogues; supervising departmental reports on space utilization, department inventory, and faculty teaching loads; serving ex officio on key department committees, esp. graduate affairs and curriculum; assisting the Department Head with annual review of faculty, program review, and strategic planning; attending key meetings and functions when the Department Head is not able to attend; and performing such other duties as the Head may assign. (September 1991-July 1998). DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES, Department of Speech Communication & Theater Arts, Texas A&M University. Responsible for the implementation of a new M.A. program, including recruiting of both first and second-year classes, student advisement, class scheduling and rotation, fellowships and assistantships, advertising, liaison with the Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs, and day-to-day administration of the program. (January 1990-Sept. 1991) DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES, Department of Rhetoric and Communication, University of California, Davis. Responsible for all aspects of M.A. program, including recruiting, advising, curriculum, advertising, program review, and day-to-day administration of the program. (March 1983-March 1988) PRESIDENT, M.J. MEDHURST & ASSOCIATES, Davis, California. President and Chief Executive Officer of a political campaign management firm specializing in non-partisan races. Managed or consulted on over thirty campaigns, including County Board of Supervisors, City Council, School Board, County Clerk, County Assessor, County Sheriff, and various ballot propositions. (January 1980-February 1988) BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Davis Cable TV Cooperative, Inc. Member of a six-person board responsible for conceptualizing, planning, and executing the construction of a 5.6 million dollar cable system for the City of Davis. Responsibilities included hiring of consultants, approval of system design, oversight of marketing and needs assessment surveys, negotiations with governmental bodies, public utilities, and citizens groups, and responsibility for initial programming. System came on line in December 1984. (July 1980- December 1982) Medhurst 47 References: David Lyle Jeffrey Distinguished Professor of Literature Baylor University Waco, TX 76798 (254) 710-3267 David Zarefsky Owen L. Coon Professor of Debate Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois 60208 (847) 328-5937 Linda Putnam, Head Department of Communication University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (805) 893-2393 Karlyn Kohrs Campbell Dept. of Communication Studies University of Minnesota 225 Ford Hall, 224 Church St., S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0427 (612) 624-5800 Thomas W. Benson Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Rhetoric Dept. of Speech Communication Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 (814) 865-4201 Bruce E. Gronbeck A. Craig Baird Professor of Public Address Dept. of Communication Studies University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52242 (319) 353-4161 George C. Edwards III Distinguished Professor of Political Science Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 (979) 845-9764 James R. Andrews Dept. of Communication & Culture Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 855-6467 H.W. Brands Dickson, Allen, Anderson Centennial Professor of History University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 (512) 475-7238 Stephen E. Lucas Evjue-Bascom Humanities Professor Dept. of Communication Arts University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 (608) 238-6657