First year Cell biology and Function lab report

First year Science unit: CXA171 Cell Biology and Function: practical laboratory report
Developed by Human Life Science staff and Moira Cordiner
This criteria sheet was developed for a core unit in a series of workshops by 15 staff from the School of Human Life Sciences working with Moira Cordiner.
First the learning outcomes were revised and then the criteria developed from them (see table below). The criteria sheet was used with students and then
subsequently modified for a number of reasons. Firstly, markers needed to make it easier to use the first criterion (about demonstrating and applying
knowledge). This meant separating the components into two – one about the general concept of osmosis and the other about specific principles related to this
concept. Secondly, in the Communicate criterion, grading was made quicker by separating the first descriptor in three and the second one into two.
Synopsis of the task and its context
Students individually write a laboratory report based on the results of an osmosis experiment involving four model cell scenarios. They perform this in week 5
of first semester. This task has a 10% weighting. To assist students, they are provided with a practical manual which guides them through the experiment and
indicates what observations to make and data to collect. It also asks them questions about the phenomenon. In addition, they are given a template for the
format of the practical report plus step- by- step instructions for what to include in each section. These instructions state for example, what tables and graphs to
incorporate and key points to explain or describe.
Match between learning outcomes and criteria
Revised learning outcomes
Task specific criteria
On completion of this unit you should be able to:
To complete this task, you should meet the following criteria:
1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of concepts and principles related to cell
structure and function in familiar contexts
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the concept and principles of osmosis and apply
these to membrane structure
2. Problem solve (interpret and analyse) data and information presented in different
2. Problem solve (interpret and analyse) data from your lab experiment
3. Communicate in writing
3. Communicate in writing by adhering to the structure outlined in the laboratory
report guidelines
Practical Laboratory report
knowledge of the
concept and
principles of
osmosis and
apply it to
Problem solve
(interpret and
analyse) data
from your lab
High Distinction
Weighting 10%
In your laboratory report,
 demonstrated detailed
knowledge by correctly
and thoroughly
explaining all of the key
processes involved in
the concept of osmosis
In your laboratory report,
 demonstrated welldeveloped knowledge
by correctly explaining
all of the key processes
involved in the concept
of osmosis
In your laboratory report,
 demonstrated
fundamental knowledge
by correctly explaining
most of the key
processes involved in
the concept of osmosis
 correctly applied the
principles to all four of
the model cell scenarios
by giving detailed
reasons for the osmotic
 correctly applied the
principles to most of the
four model cell
scenarios by giving
detailed reasons for the
osmotic effects
 correctly applied the
principles to some of the
four model cell
scenarios by giving
reasons for the osmotic
 interpreted and critically
analysed the data:
 interpreted and critically
analysed the data:
 interpreted and
analysed the data:
In your laboratory report,
 demonstrated partially
developed knowledge
by providing, in your
own words, mostly
correct definitions that
relate to the concept of
 stated which principles
applied to some of the
four model cell
In your laboratory report,
 did not demonstrate a
knowledge of osmosis
 interpreted the data:
 reported the data:
 by accurately reporting the experimental results from the four (4) scenarios
 by thoroughly
discussing your results
and drawing correct
conclusions which
relate to the concept
of osmosis
 by evaluating the
success of your
experiment with
respect to design and
technique using
examples to support
your evaluation
 by discussing your
results and drawing
correct conclusions
which relate to the
concept of osmosis
 by discussing your
results and drawing
some conclusions
which relate to the
concept of osmosis
 by drawing partially
correct conclusions
regarding your results
and relating some of
those to the concept of
 by including some
experimental results
 by making some
statements about the
 by comparing your results to what was expected
 by stating that your
 by evaluating the
experiment was or
success of your
experiment with
was not a success
respect to design and
rather than evaluating
it with respect to
design and technique
in writing by
adhering to
the structure
outlined in the
 English
 referencing
 presentation
of data
High Distinction
In your laboratory report,
In your laboratory report,
In your laboratory report,
In your laboratory report,
 adhered to all of the laboratory report guidelines that were provided to you
 wrote concisely and logically in the third person
 used correct scientific terminology
 integrated ideas that
clearly conveyed
meaning by adhering to
English conventions
 partially integrated ideas
that clearly conveyed
meaning by adhering to
English conventions
 provided sufficient evidence to support your work using
relevant and current sources
 wrote logically in the
third person
 used correct scientific
 linked ideas that
conveyed meaning by
adhering to most
English conventions
 provided evidence to
support your work
using relevant and
current sources
 wrote in the third
 used mostly correct
scientific terminology
 linked ideas that
conveyed some
meaning by adhering to
some English
 provided some
evidence to support
your work using
relevant sources
In your laboratory report, you:
 adhered to some of the
laboratory guidelines that were
provided to you
 wrote a first or second person
 used incorrect terminology
 loosely linked ideas that
partially conveyed some
meaning based on your choices
of grammar, spelling and
 provided little evidence to
support your work
 referenced these sources by mostly adhering to the Harvard style
 referenced these sources
without adhering to the Harvard
style, OR provided no evidence
 presented data in the prescribed table and graph formats.
 presented a table and/or graph
using your own formats