MENTOR PREPARATION FOR MIDWIFERY EDUCATION IN NORTHERN IRELAND PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY BELFAST and BELFAST HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST SOUTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST SOUTH EASTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST WESTERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST NAME CLINICAL AREA TRUST COMMENCEMENT DATE COMPLETION DATE DESIGNATED PRACTICE SUPERVISOR October 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Competencies and Outcomes for a Mentor 1.2 Learning contract Section 2: Domains and Evidence Domain 1: Establishing effective working relationships Domain 2: Facilitation of learning Domain 3: Assessment and accountability Domain 4: Evaluation of learning Domain 5: Creating an environment for learning Domain 6: Context of Practice Domain 7: Evidence-based practice Domain 8: Leadership Domain 9: Sign off mentor 2.1 Section 3: Activities and Time Log Verification of Competencies 3.1 Biographical Details for Insertion onto Local Register of Mentors 3.2 Certificate of Completion 2 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION This portfolio has been designed to help you integrate theory and practice and to provide an organised and systematic way of recording how all your practical and learning activities demonstrate that you meet the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) competencies for the mentor programme as described in the NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice, section 2.1.2 (NMC, 2007). You should consider your portfolio as a tool that will enable you to Record reflective accounts of your learning Provide an account of activities that you have undertaken during the programme Maintain a diary of your progress to include self evaluation and formative feedback from your designated practice supervisor Enable you to record a activity log to demonstrate that you have met the five days of practice learning and competence in assessing students on at least three occasions at progression points for pre-registration midwifery programmes The portfolio is designed to enable you to provide evidence to your designated practice supervisor that you have met the required NMC competences and outcomes for a mentor and the requirements for a sign-off mentor as required for mentor midwives. These are presented as a series of domains, the first 8 identifying the domains for a mentor, the 9 th identifying a domain for sign-off criteria. These are inter-related domains and are not mutually exclusive. It is expected that you will integrate the requirements across all domains as an iterative process. The portfolio evidence should be used during discussions with your designated practice supervisor to inform your progress and facilitate final assessment of your competence. It is essential that you maintain your portfolio on an ongoing basis during the mentor preparation programme. You are required to undertake the following Teach, supervise and assess at least two students for at least four continuous weeks for each student Be directly observed by your designated practice supervisor whilst teaching, supervising and assessing students Undertake a range of activities with the students and related learning activities Demonstrate competence in assessing students on at least three occasions at progression points for pre-registration midwifery programmes The documentation in the portfolio includes suggested activities that will help you in meeting the required competencies. It should be noted that these are only intended to facilitate your learning and the majority of activities will be undertaken whilst teaching, supervising and assessing your allocated students. In addition the suggested activities do not reflect the totality of your learning experiences. You are required to meet with your designated practice supervisor at the beginning of the programme, and mid way to discuss your development needs and progress. Your portfolio of evidence will inform this process. You are required to meet with your designated practice supervisor at programme completion for summative assessment of your progress. This will be informed by your portfolio of evidence and your designated practice supervisor’s observation of competence 3 in practice to determine if you have achieved the required competencies. Your designated practice supervisor is required to complete the assessment of competencies form and sign the certificate of completion. If you have successfully completed the programme a copy of the certificate of completion will be forwarded to your line manager or professional lead for entry of your name to the local register of mentors and practice teachers. This will be accompanied by required biographical data for inclusion on the local register. 4 1.1 Competencies and Outcomes for a Mentor Establishing effective working relationships - Develop effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect. - Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings. - Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another. Facilitation of learning - Use knowledge of the student’s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. - Facilitate selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences. - Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning. Assessment and accountability - Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice. - Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and the ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team - Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may either enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future. - Be accountable for confirming that students have met, or not met, the NMC competencies in practice. As a sign-off mentor confirm that students have met, or not met, the NMC standards of proficiency in practice and are capable of safe and effective practice. Evaluation of learning - Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences – proposing aspects for change as a result of such evaluation. - Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development, and contribute to the development of others. Creating an environment for learning - Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of learning. - Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team, to meet defined learning needs. - Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes. - Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others. 5 Context of practice - Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. - Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing interprofessional care. - Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained. Evidence-based practice - Identify and apply research and evidence-based practice to their area of practice. - Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base used to support practice. - Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice. Leadership - Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students defined learning needs. - Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers. - Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles. - Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. In addition, course participants must meet sign-off mentor criteria and demonstrate that they have: Clinical currency and capability in the field of practice in which the student is being assessed. A working knowledge of current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice for the student they are assessing. An understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution they make to meeting these requirements. An in-depth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they make to pass or fail a student when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme. and Been supervised on at least three occasions assessing students at progression points in the preregistration midwifery programme 6 Content Type of Learning NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice Pre-reading and portfolio for reference NMC Standards for Pre-Registration Education All relevant NMC Standards and Circulars (Course participant to register for NMC circulars and access documentation) (designated practice supervisor identified) Role of mentor – accountability and responsibility and protection of the public Face-to-Face (1 day) Structure of mentorship programme, methods of learning, introduction to Self Directed Learning (HEI led) Clarification of NMC Standards and the NI context Introduction to teaching, learning and assessment in practice Retrieve curriculum documentation for clinical area Commence portfolio - learning contracts Assessment of learning needs, the learning environment, Self Directed Learning/Practicebased Planning for learning Self Directed Learning/Practicebased Teaching students under supervision Self Directed Learning/Practicebased Supervising students in practice and giving feedback Self Directed Learning/Practicebased Principles of assessment Self Directed Learning Introduction to assessment strategies and schedules for NI courses Face-to-Face (½ day) (HEI led) Case studies on assessment – Failure to Fail Clinical Assessment in practice Self Directed Learning/Practicebased Being a mentor in practice Practice-based Being a mentor in practice Practice-based Being a mentor in practice - Assessment of mentoring skills Practice-based Finalising portfolios Reflection, evaluation, review of accountability and responsibility 7 Face-to-Face (½ day)(Trust led) 1.2 Facilitation Contract Roles and Responsibility The trainee mentor and the designated practice supervisor will establish a learning contract which will ensure successful completion of this NMC approved mentor preparation programme. Trainee Mentor: The trainee mentor has to take responsibility for their learning, specifically: 1. Completion of self directed materials and associated activities 2. Attendance and contribution to face-to-face sessions 3. Completion of portfolio with submission of evidence for achievement of learning outcomes 4. Maintain the Time-Log of activities performed 5. Arranging, in consultation with the designated practice supervisor, appropriate experience with pre-registration student/s. 6. Arrange times to discuss progress with their designated practice supervisor. Designated Practice Supervisor 1. Plan a learning schedule, which will provide the opportunity for the trainee mentor to meet their learning objectives and gain competency in mentoring. 2. Facilitate learning by encouraging critical thinking and reflection. 3. Provide dedicated time and opportunities for the trainee mentor to observe how the mentor/sign-off mentor fulfils their role with pre-registration students. 4. Facilitate trainee mentors in undertaking supervised practice with pre-registration students and provide appropriate feed-back. 5. Facilitate the integration of theory with practice in the clinical area. 6. Be able to make judgments about competence / proficiency of NMC students on the same part of the register and in the same field of practice, and be accountable for such decisions. 7. Assess and verify that, by the end of the course, the trainee mentor has completed the required 10 days of study and has met the outcomes. 8. Complete and forward a copy of the Certificate of Completion to nominated individual within the HSC Trust for entry on the Local Register of Mentors. 8 Manager The manager’s responsibilities include: 1. Selection of appropriate people to undertake the course 2. Selection of appropriate people to act as designated practice supervisors 3. Ensuring that appropriate resources are made available for the trainee mentor and designated practice supervisor to fulfil their roles, including provision of protected time for learning. 9 Trainee Mentor Name (Print)________________________________________ Designated Supervisor Name (Print)_________________________________ What support are you going to need to complete the programme? How will this support be achieved? Comments Signed by Trainee Mentor ____________________________ Date:_____________ Signed by Practice Supervisor ________________________ Date _____________ This contract should be completed during the initial meeting and reviewed at the designated practice supervisor’s meeting (Section 2.1) 10 SECTION 2 DOMAINS AND EVIDENCE Domain1: Establishing effective working relationships NMC Outcome 1.1 Developing effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect Evidence to be documented in portfolio Discuss with your supervisor factors which you consider to be important in promoting good working relationships and record in your portfolio a reflection on your experience of supporting students in practice; provide examples of factors that you consider to be important in promoting good working relationships. This should be supported by evidence from your Practice Supervisor ( 100 words) 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings Review your existing orientation/induction information for students for your ward/department and reflect upon its effectiveness with your student (100 words) 1.3 Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another List the experiences that are available in your unit for a student (Include in Portfolio) Suggested Resources >Learning Materials >Mentoring Pages 6, 11-15 Toolkit Unit 2 Section Roles and Responsibilities Toolkit Unit 2 Section -Skills for Supporting Learning in the Workplace >Learning Materials >Mentoring 11 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 1 1.1 Developing effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings 1.3 Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another 12 Domain 2: Facilitation of learning NMC Outcome 2.1 Use knowledge of the student’s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet their individual needs Evidence to be documented in portfolio Construct a schedule which outlines your student’s four weekly programme during their time in your clinical area and include it in your portfolio Construct a facilitation contract for yourself with your DPS and a learning contract for your student on placement based on the experiences available in your clinical area. Demonstrate how you will meet at least two of the students learning outcomes. Following completion of your student’s placement evaluate how effective the contract was in meeting their learning outcomes and the learning achieved (100 words) 2.2 Facilitate selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences. ACTIVITY: The following activity asks you to consider how you learn and how this may apply to your teaching Reflect on your own learning style What are the strengths and weaknesses of your learning style? How does your learning style impact on how you teach students? Can you think of aspects of your teaching that you would want to develop? How could you further develop these aspects? Include in portfolio evidence of having completed this activity. (100 words) 2.3 Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning. ACTIVITY: Reflection is central to professional practice. This activity asks you to reflect 13 NMC Outcome Evidence to be documented in portfolio upon how you do this 1 How do you currently encourage students to reflect on their practice? And 2 Think about how your students learn. How could you introduce reflection to students in a way that will motivate them to become more reflective? ( 100 words ) Suggested Resources >Learning Materials >Mentoring Pages 7 – 10 Student portfolios, record of achievement and learning outcomes >Learning Materials >Mentoring Pages 18 – 22 Toolkit Unit 1 Learning and Teaching in the Workplace - Theories of Learning - Learning Styles Assessing individual Learning Styles >Learning Materials >Mentoring Pages 38 – 43 Read toolkit unit 3.Reflection on and in the workplace 14 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 2 2.1 Use knowledge of the student’s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. 2.2 Facilitate selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences. 2.3 Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning. 15 Domain 3: Assessment and accountability NMC Outcome 3.1 Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice. Evidence to be documented in portfolio Write a description for your role as a mentor including key responsibilities and tasks. Including a discussion with your student of their expectations of you as a mentor. (100 words ) 3.2 Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and the ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team. Select 2 of the course learning outcomes for a student in your clinical area and devise a plan showing how you think these could be assessed. Provide a rationale for your choice of assessment method (100 words ) 3.3 Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may either enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future. 3.4 Be accountable for confirming that students have met, or not met, the NMC standards of proficiency in practice for registration - and at a level beyond initial registration – and are capable of safe and effective practice. Summarise the ways in which you would support a student who is struggling in your area. (100 words) Select one NMC Competency or Standard of Proficiency for a student in your area and specify the criteria you would use to confirm achievement or non achievement Suggested Resources Toolkit unit 2: Supporting Learning in the Workplace Role and responsibilities Toolkit Unit 4: Assessment in the Workplace -giving feedback. -Helping a failing student: -Skills for effective Assessment - Student problems “Helping a failing student” 16 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 3 3.1 Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice. 3.2 Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and the ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team. 3.3 Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may either enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future. 3.4 Be accountable for confirming that students have met, or not met, the NMC standards of proficiency in practice for registration - and at a level beyond initial registration – and are capable of safe and effective practice. 17 Domain 4: Evaluation of learning NMC Outcome 4.1 Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences, proposing aspects for change as a result of such evaluation Evidence to be documented in portfolio Complete a SWOT analysis on the learning environment in your workplace 4.2 Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development of others. In discussion with your supervisor evaluate your performance in undertaking one student assessment by reflecting on your strengths and areas that require further developments. Record a summary of this.(200 words ) Self reflection (100) / Peer reflection(100) Identify the action you could take to improve the learning environment in your workplace. (100 words) Suggested Resources Toolkit Unit 4: Assessment in the Workplace Evaluating an Assessment Toolkit Unit 3: Reflection on and in the workplace 18 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 4 4.1 Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences, proposing aspects for change as a result of such evaluation 4.2 Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development of others 19 Domain 5: Creating an environment for learning NMC Outcome 5.1 Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of training Evidence to be documented in portfolio In conjunction with a student ,review their learning contract and reflect on how their learning outcomes and expectations of the placement have been met (100 words) 5.2 Use a range of learning Directly observe the teaching of a pre-registration experiences, involving patients, student and reflect upon this learning activity clients, carers and the (100 words) professional team, to meet defined learning needs. 5.3 Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes. Using the SWOT analysis of the learning environment. Select one of these that you have identified and discuss with your supervising mentor how this could be utilised to enhance students’ learning. Outline the main parts of this discussion in your portfolio. (100 words ) 5.4 Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others Review the learning contract already compiled. Select a learning opportunity. Prepare and deliver a teaching session (include in your portfolio). The DPS will observe the teaching session and give feedback. Reflect on the effectiveness of this teaching session (100 words) and record feedback in your portfolio Suggested Resources Toolkit Unit 2: Supporting Learning in the Workplace Learning environments Toolkit Unit 6: Diversity in the workplace Strategies for supporting all students 20 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 5 5.1 Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of training 5.2 Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team, to meet defined learning needs. 5.3 Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes. 5.4 Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others 21 Domain 6: Context of Practice NMC Outcome 6.1 Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. Evidence to be documented in portfolio Review the educational audit for your clinical area and reflect on the need and value of the audit. (100 Words ) 6.2 Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing interprofessional care. Identify an activity to assist the student in being able to recognise the roles and responsibilities of an individual or group in the workplace and their importance to the patients experience. Evaluate and reflect upon the effectiveness of the activity and make recommendations for its development (200 words ) 6.3 Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained. Access a recent report and consider how the recommendations for practice, identify the source of the report and consider how these recommendations are being implemented into current practice Provide evidence to demonstrate how practice in your area has responded to the identified recommendation. ( 100 words ) Suggested Resources HEI & DHSSPSNI Educational Audit tool. 22 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 6 6.1 Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. 6.2 Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing interprofessional care. 6.3 Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained. 23 Domain 7: Evidence-based practice NMC Outcome 7.1 Identify and apply research and evidence-based practice to their area of practice Evidence to be documented in portfolio Make a list of 3 aspects of your clinical work where you can immediately relate to an available evidence base. Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base used to support practice. Review with a student definitions of the following key terms Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice Evidence based practice Clinical effectiveness and audit Research and Development Practice Development Include a copy of this learning activity in your portfolio. 24 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 7 7.1 Identify and apply research and evidence-based practice to their area of practice Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidencebase used to support practice. Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice 25 Domain 8: Leadership NMC Outcome 8.1 Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students defined learning needs. Evidence to be documented in portfolio Evidence already captured in portfolio. (Cross reference to the appropriate domains). 8.2 Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers. Discuss with your supervisor and student your thoughts on how individuals and groups work effectively. 8.3 Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles. In conjunction with your supervisor, reflect on the responsibilities of your role as a practitioner and a mentor. Identify areas of possible conflict or difficulty. Outline a plan to overcome any difficulties identified. (200 words ) 8.4 Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. Discuss the effectiveness of the student’s learning and assessment in practice with your supervisor and if possible link lecturer. (100 words ) (Domain 6.2) Include a copy of an anonymised student assessment documentation in your portfolio. Suggested Resources Tool – Kit Unit 5 :Working with others in the workplace 26 Evidence of Achievement for Domain 8 8.1 Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students’ defined learning needs. 8.2 Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers. 8.3 Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles. 8.4 Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. 27 Domain 9: Sign-off Mentor Sign-off Criteria Learning Resources / Activities Evidence to be documented in portfolio (All activities will require reflection on experience of supporting students in practice.) Demonstrate competence in assessing students on at least three occasions at progression points for pre-registration midwifery programmes Arrange for 3 observed experiences by designated practice supervisor Demonstrates a working knowledge of current preregistration midwifery programme requirements and practice assessment strategies Reflect on programme requirements and discuss this with your designated practice supervisor. Identify areas of possible conflict or difficulty. Demonstrates an understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution they make to meeting these requirements Reflect on the role of a sign-off mentor in recommending a student for registration with NMC. Write up a reflective practice account. Demonstrates an indepth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they make to pass or fail a student when assess proficiency requirements at the end of the midwifery programme Undertake a minimum of one assessment of competence in a final placement Write a summary of the assessment experience Discuss accountability issues with your designated practice supervisor Write a reflective account of signoff mentor accountability Include a summary of the outcomes of each observation Write up a reflective practice account. Discuss the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice with your supervisor and if possible link lecturer. 28 EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT OF DOMAIN 9 29 Section 2: 1 Activities and Time Log Record of Meetings Between Trainee Mentor and Designated Practice Supervisor Date of Meeting Brief Summary of Meeting Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 30 Face to Face: PROTECTED TIME - EQUALS 15HRS Date Time spent (hrs) Activity Self-Directed Learning: PROTECTED TIME - EQUALS 15HRS Date Time spent (hrs) Activity Self-Directed Learning: UNPROTECTED TIME - EQUALS 7.5HRS Date Time spent (hrs) Activity 31 Work-Based Practice: PROTECTED TIME - EQUALS 7.5HRS Date Time spent (hrs) Activity Work-Based Practice: UNPROTECTED TIME - EQUALS 30HRS Date Time spent (hrs) Activity I confirm that this is an accurate record of the time taken to undertake these activities. Trainee Mentor Signature:__________________________________________________ Designated Practice Supervisor Signature:____________________________________ Date:_____________________ 32 Section 3: Verification of Competencies ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE AS MENTOR Competence and outcomes for a mentor Achieved Establishing effective working relationships _ Develop effective working relationships based on mutual trust and respect. _ Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings. _ Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to another. Facilitation of learning _ Use knowledge of the student’s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. _ Facilitate selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and academic experiences. _ Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future learning. Assessment and accountability _ Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students in practice. _ Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and the ability to contribute to the total assessment process as part of the teaching team _ Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and actions. Manage failing students so that they may either enhance their performance and capabilities for safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for their future. _ Be accountable for confirming that students have met, or not met, the NMC competencies in practice. As a sign-off mentor confirm that students have met, or not met, the NMC standards of proficiency in practice and are capable of safe and effective practice. Evaluation of learning _ Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences – proposing aspects for change as a result of such evaluation. _ Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development, and contribute to the development of others. Creating an environment for learning Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their level of learning. Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team, to meet defined learning needs. Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes. Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others. 33 Not Achieved ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE AS MENTOR (continued) Competence and outcomes for a mentor Achieved Not Achieved Context of practice Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing inter-professional care. Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained. Evidence-based practice Identify and apply research and evidence-based practice to their area of practice. Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base used to support practice. Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice. Leadership Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students defined learning needs. Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers. Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles. Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. Sign-off criteria Demonstrate competence in assessing students on at least three occasions at progression points for pre-registration midwifery programmes Demonstrates a working knowledge of current pre-registration midwifery programme requirements and practice assessment strategies Demonstrates an understanding of the NMC registration requirements and the contribution they make to meeting these requirements Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of their accountability to the NMC for the decision they make to pass or fail a student when assess proficiency requirements at the end of the midwifery programme Name of Course Participant: ………………………………..….Signature:………………………………………. Name of Designated Practice Supervisor:: …………………………………Signature:………………………… Date: …………………………. 34 3.1 Biographical Details for Insertion onto Local Register of Mentors for Midwife Mentors Guidance Name Staff Number Trust This is site specific e.g. Mater Hospital, Dunluce Health Centre. Location Directorate / Division Ward / Team Type of Placement NMC Registration Pin No. Expiry Date Part(s) of the NMC Register Date completed Mentor Programme and met sign-off mentor criteria Type of placement e.g. Medical, surgical, older adult, community SubPart NMC Recordable Qualification Recommended for entry to local register by Active Parts of the Register only Example Part - Nursing, Sub part – Mental Health Please enter date of programme completed and designated practice supervisor who completed assessment I give permission for this information to be held on an electronic database for retrieval by authorised personnel for the purposes of meeting NMC requirements for placement learning and assessment Signed Date 35