NMC BOARD ACTION ITEM The following optimal steps are recommended for Action Items submitted to the NMC Board of Regents: 1. 2. 3. Collaborative review and discussion between NMC Board and President and/or Designated Staff—including proposed action, objective/ramifications of action, and alternatives. Review by those directly affected by the proposed action, including recommendation by Management Team. Information as defined in this form, presented as information to the Board prior to the meeting at which action is requested. Please attach a detailed proposal for actions of major strategic significance or that have budget impact of more than $25,000. Attach addition information as needed for reference and explanation. SECTION: 7013 To be presented by: Tracy Guerrero POLICY NAME: Student Activity Fees and Fundraising Drafted by: Tracy Guerrero For Action at Meeting (Date): 2/21/14 For Action at future meeting (Date): at next Board meeting If policy, is this first or second reading? First Reading only Requested Action: Approval at next Board meeting Objectives/Purpose of the Action: (what problem will be solved; what situation improved): To support activities for the benefit and enrichment of students or recognized student organizations Intended to update and refine College policies and procedures relating to student activity fees To increase student participation in the decision-making process To ensure the appropriate management and accountability of those funds within the financial management regulations of the College/ as well as strengthening internal control features to ensure fiscal accountability EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Has this subject appeared in previous Board meetings and/or minutes: (If yes, give date and copies of reference materials) No. 2. Will this action impact the NMC budget this year? (If yes, how will it be budgeted for?) Yes, it will impact our Operations Budget positively in FY 2015. 3. How does this action item align with the NMC’s Strategic Goals? Aligns with the following strategic goals: 2. Resource Optimization 4. Continuous Quality Improvement 4. Implemented procedures in support of new and revised Board policies that impact College operations. (Recommendation 7) 4. What are the short term and long range strategic implications of this action? Short term strategic implications: 5. What areas of the college or stakeholders will be impacted by this action? How have they provided input? Our students. Input was provided through College Council (a student representative is a voting member in College Council). 6. What alternatives, if any, have been identified? None.