Janine Giese-Davis, Ph.D.
Address: Department of Psychosocial Resources
Tom Baker Cancer Centre
Alberta Cancer Board – Holy Cross Site
2202 – 2nd St. SW.
Calgary, AB T2S 3C1
(403) 698-8175
(403) 604-1009
(403) 355-3206
Associate Professor
Division of Psychosocial Oncology
Department of Oncology
Faculty of Medicine
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Calgary
Postdoctoral Fellowship (1994-1997)
Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Stanford School of Medicine
Psychosocial Treatment Laboratory
Research Fellowship and Clinical Training
Supervisor: David Spiegel, M.D.
Ph.D. (1994) Clinical Psychology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Dissertation: The Concept of Conflict in Health Psychology: Person by Situation
Advisor: Gregory A. Miller, Ph.D.
M.A. (1989) Clinical Psychology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Thesis: Template Matching in Anhedonics and Dysthymics
CV – Giese-Davis
Advisor: Gregory A. Miller, Ph.D.
B.A. with Distinction (1981) English Literature with additional Teaching Certificate
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
B.S. (1979) Psychology
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
Associate Professor
Division of Psychosocial Oncology,
Department of Oncology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Calgary
2008 - Present
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Calgary
2008 - Present
Senior Research Scientist
Department of Communications
Stanford University
Senior Research Scholar
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
2002 – 2008
President and CEO
Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
1997 – 2002
Post-Doctoral Fellow
David Spiegel, M.D. Mentor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
CV – Giese-Davis
1994 – 1997
Clinical Intern
Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center
1992 -1993
Self-Help Center
A Program of Family Service of Champaign County Illinois
1989 - 1990
1. Herbert Spiegel Memorial Award for Research on the Efficacy of Hypnotic
Interventions 2011 given by The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) for
the authors of the article Butler, L., Koopman, C., Neri, E., Giese-Davis, J., Palesh,
O., Thorne-Yocam, K., DiMiceli, S., Chen, X.-H., Fobair, P., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel,
D. (2009). Effects of supportive-expressive group therapy on pain in women with
metastatic breast cancer. Health Psychology, 28(5), 579-587. (Impact Factor 3.652).
2. American Society of Preventive Oncology Conference Poster: 2009 Depression,
Fatigue and Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm among Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Older
Adults. Palesh, O., Giese-Davis, J., Mustian, K., O’Hara, R., Gallagher-Thompson,
D., Kraemer, H., Janelsins, M., Peppone, L., Purnell, J., Morrow, G., Spiegel, D. 3rd
Place, Honorable Mention.
3. Society for Behavioral Medicine Citation Abstract: 2002 Emotional expression during
narratives in a breast cancer support group, Perry, C.J., Giese-Davis, J., Spiegel, D.
(Washington, D.C.). Caroline Perry won a citation for the abstract on her
undergraduate honors thesis work, for which I was the primary supervisor.
4. Lead Writer on the Pilot Grant “Does a Peer Navigator Improve Quality of Life at
Diagnosis” selected as a grant funded through a tax-payer check off initiative for the
State of California as particularly relevant to the citizens of California. 2001
5. Herman Eisen Award for Professional Contribution to Psychology Annual award to
clinical student for professional contribution to the community. 1992
6. Certificate of Appreciation, American Cancer Society Support Group Organizer and
Leader. 1987
7. Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, 1981
8. Phi Beta Kappa, National Honor Society, 1980
9. Listed in "An Incomplete List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by Their Students" Daily
Illini (campus newspaper) for teaching Psychology of Health., 1992, ChampaignUrbana, IL
CV – Giese-Davis
Primary Supervisor, PURE Award Recipient (Summer 2014) and Psychology Honours
Student 2014-2015: Brooke Russell: Gaps, Barriers, and Solutions in Transition to
Primary Care for Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Primary Supervisor, Psychology Honours Student 2013-2014: Shaylen Manerikar:
Exploration of Cancer Patients’ Trust in Health Care Providers
Primary Supervisor, PURE Award Recipient (Summer 2013) and Psychology Honours
Student, Anna Baines, 2013-2014, Understanding What Protects Intimacy in
Marriages Following Colorectal Cancer Treatments and Stomas
Emotion and Topics Coding Interns 2013-2014: Eszter Egyud, Anna Baines, Anna
Kazmi, Rachna Anand, Jessie Berrington, Felecia Hoey, Shaylen Manerikar,
Young Jun Song (Harold)
Emotion and Topics Coding Interns 2012-2013: Ameera Memon, Stephanie Dean,
Emily Seymour, Young Jun Song (Harold), Katarina Zivkov, Michael GildayPalin, Harmanjot Batth, Justin Mann, Yin Mei Chu (Candy), Kathleen
Boothman, Angela Danko, Soyee Chu
Primary Supervisor, PURE Award Recipient (Summer 2012) and Psychology Honours
Student, Yvonne Brandelli, 2012-2013, Improving Self-Efficacy Amongst Primary
Breast Cancer Patients: A Topical Analysis of Support Groups
Primary Supervisor, Psychology Honours Students 2011-2012: Brittney
Dumanowski, How Do Women with Breast Cancer Use Support Groups to Decrease
Depression and Trauma Symptoms? A Study of Topic Discussions, and Joanne Park
(Summer PURE Award Recipient 2011), Is Age More Than Just a Number? An
Investigation of the Unmet Needs of Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancers and its
Relationship with Age at Diagnosis.
Co-supervisor, Psychology Honours Student: 2011-2012: Minja Pyykonen, Are the
Unmet needs of Lymphoma Survivors Related to Feelings of Shame and Guilt toward
their Careers?
Emotion and Topics Coding Interns 2010-2011: Yvonne Brandelli, Katherine
Bubric, Christine Feehan, Sofia Lopez-Bilbao
Emotion and Topics Coding Interns 2009-10: Brittney Dumanowski, Michael Grey,
Sara, Hakimi, Debra Swinimer
Primary Supervisor 2010-11: University of Calgary Psychology Honours Student Dale
Dirkse Communication in Lung Cancer Patients and their Partners
Primary Supervisor for University of Alberta Psychology Department Honours
Student The Effect of Relationship Talk in Couples Facing Gastrointestinal Cancer
and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Summer Studentship Student
2009 and 2010, Kathryn M. Rancourt , 2009 AHFMR Studentship RecipientAssessing the Unmet Needs of Cancer Survivors in Alberta. 2010 AHFMR
Studentship Recipient- The Effect of Relationship Talk in Cancer Survivorship
Honours Thesis Second Reader 2009: University of Calgary Psychology Department
Honour Student, Jana Kurilova: An Investigation of a Brief Four-Week Mindfulness
CV – Giese-Davis
Intervention: Effects on Mood Disturbance, Symptoms of Depression, Cognitive
Responses to Stress, and Mindfulness.
Honors Thesis Primary Supervisor First Reader 2003 - 2004: Stanford Psychology
Honor Student, Rebecca Allen: Pride and Depression in Primary Breast Cancer.
Honors Thesis Primary Supervisor. First Reader 2001: Stanford Human Biology
Honor Student Caroline Perry. Stanford’s Firestone Medal Recipient for Emotional
Expression During Narratives in a Breast Cancer Support Group.
Honors Thesis Primary Supervisor, First Reader 2001: Stanford Biology Honor
Student, Wendy Ellis: Therapist Behaviors and Emotional Expression in Online vs.
Face-to-Face Cancer Support Groups: A Comparative Study.
Honors Thesis Primary Supervisor, First Reader 1997: Stanford Human Biology
Honor Student, Julie (Chung In) Choe. Firestone Medal Recipient for Emotional
Resonance of Psychological Support Groups of Women with Breast Cancer: A Pilot
Instructor/Supervisor (1994 – 2008). Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.
Psychosocial Treatment Laboratory/the Emotion Coding Lab--Stanford.
Undergraduate Independent Study. Supervised over 230 students over 10 years. Most
of these interns went on to medical school. These interns code behavior using a
number of different coding systems. Interns have also participated in data
management, data entry, phone interviewing, participant recruitment, programming,
and have helped with grant submissions.
Instructor (1991) for The Psychology of Health (2 semesters) Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois
Instructor/Advisor (1984 – 1991). Department of Psychology, University of Illinois.
Undergraduate Independent Study. Supervised 60 students working on
psychophysiology data collection and programming, primary breast cancer marital
interaction coding, daily-diary data management and coding for dissertation.
Teaching Assistant (1984). Abnormal Psychology (2 semesters). Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois.
Teaching Assistant (1983). Clinical Psychology (2 semesters) Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois.
Teaching Assistant (1983). Community Psychology (2 semesters) Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois.
Graduate Primary Supervisor, Michael Lang. Masters of Health Services Research:
Speaking Their Language: A Three Arm Pilot Study of Synchronous Online Chat
Groups for Young Adults with Cancer. Community Health Sciences 2012 - present
Graduate Admissions Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary. 2012
Graduate Committee Member, Lauren Capozzi. Kinesiology: Physical Activity and
Nutrition in Head/Neck Oncology: Developing a Patient-Oriented, Clinic-Supported
Program. 2011
Graduate Admissions Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of
Psychology, University of Calgary. 2010
CV – Giese-Davis
Dissertation Primary Supervisor for Christopher Han, Stanford Management
Sciences and Engineering: Emotional Expression and Decision Analysis in Car Sales
2008 – 2011
Dissertation Advisor for Malte Jung, Stanford Design Engineering: Affect in Design
Teams as a Predictor of Team Cohesion and Design performance 2006 - 2011
Dissertation Primary Supervisor for Maya Yutsis, Pacific Graduate School of
Psychology: Exploration of Moderator Effects of Adult Attachment Style on
Psychosocial Adjustment in Breast Cancer Support Groups. 2003 -2008
Dissertation Primary Supervisor for Lynn Dubenko, Aliant Professional School of
Psychology: Validation of the Breast Cancer Specific Affect Coding System for
Measurement of Emotional Expression in Breast Cancer Support Groups 2003-2007
Primary Supervisor: Stanford Medical Scholar's Student, Anna Liess: An Analysis of
Emotional Expression in Electronic vs. Face-to-Face Cancer Support Groups: A
Comparative Study 2003-2005
Dissertation Primary Supervisor for Erin Macintyre, California Professional School
of Psychology Posttraumatic Growth Effects of Complementary/Alternative Medicine
(CAM) In Breast Cancer Patients Participating In Group Therapy 2001–2003.
Co-Supervisor: Amy Waller, International Psychology Post-doctoral Fellow from
Australia. 2010-2014
Co-Primary Supervisor (with Linda Carlson) for Postdoctoral Fellow for New
Zealand, Rie Tamagawa, Department of Psychosocial Resources, Tom Baker Cancer
Centre, Alberta, Canada. 2009-2014
Co-Supervisor: Anja Simonic, International Clinical Psychology Intern from
Slovenia. September – December 2010
Primary Supervisor for Postdoctoral Fellow 1991-2003, Heather C. Abercrombie,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.
Primary Supervisor for California Breast Cancer Research Program Postdoctoral Grant
Recipient 1998-2000, Matthew Cordova, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford University: Do Community Groups Enhance Well-Being?
Presentation for MDSC 635: Introduction to Psychosocial Oncology. Sept 17, 2014
Psychobiology of Cancer
Presentation for MDSC 635: Introduction to Psychosocial Oncology. Sept 18, 2013
Psychobiology of Cancer
Presentation for MDSC 635: Introduction to Psychosocial Oncology. Sept 9, 2012
Psychobiology of Cancer
Presentation for MDSC 635: Introduction to Psychosocial Oncology. Sept 21, 2011
Psychobiology of Cancer
Giese-Davis, J. Invited talk: Reading Emotional Cues. University of Calgary, Faculty
of Medicine Master Teachers. January 7, 2011
CV – Giese-Davis
Society of Behavioral Medicine 1994-present
American Psychosomatic Society 2009-present
International Psycho-oncology Society 2010-present
Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology 2010-present
American Psychological Society 1988-1998
Society for Psychophysiological Research 1985-2002
American Psychological Association 1985-1998
Presentation for MDSC 635: Introduction to Psychosocial Oncology. October 27,
2010 Psychobiology of Cancer
Palliative Care Grand Rounds Talk: Alberta CancerBRIDGES care plan
implementation for breast and head and neck cancers. Albert Health Services, Tom
Baker Cancer Centre. June 16, 2010
Presentation for the Biomedical Ethics & Medical Humanities Scholarly
Concentration, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, workshop: Draw the Feeling,
October 13, 2006
Panel Discussion member for The Art of Healing Breast Cancer: A Union of Science
and Design. Sponsored by The California Breast Cancer Research Program of
California and the U.C. Davis Design Museum. 2004
Invited Consultant to Think Tank “Supporting and Expanding the Self-Help Group
Movement” Supported by the California Endowment, Stanford, CA. 1999
Development of the Emotion-Coding Lab Stanford. I developed a method to code
emotional expression from videotape of women participating in cancer support groups
© 1996, Stanford University, All Rights Reserved.
2013-2014 Scientific Director for a Provincial Integrated Survivorship Program co-led
with Linda Watson as the Operations Lead, and Shelley Currie as the Program
Coordinator. Co-Leads for a Provincial Steering Committee for this program.
2008-Present Director of CancerBRIDGES Survivorship Program including the website and educational programs. The website includes educational
videos, survivor stories in text and video, “myths of survivorship” video series, weekly
blog posts by our coordinator Mike Lang, a calendar of provincial survivor support
and education programs, local, web, and international resources and links, information
about our research, survivorship network and monthly newsletter, and patient’s choice
awards. Educational sessions include monthly survivorship sessions and twice yearly
half-day educational events in Edmonton and Calgary, and recordings printed to DVD
and sent to rural locations throughout Alberta.
CV – Giese-Davis
Clinician for Clinical Trials of Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy for women with
primary and metastatic breast cancer, and for Irvin Yalom’s Here-And-Now Group
Psychotherapy for women with a childhood history of sexual abuse for the
Psychosocial Treatment Laboratory Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
1994 – 2001
Postdoctoral Clinical Training. Stanford Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine. (APA
approved). Clinician for individual and group interventions for women with breast
cancer, for general Behavioral Medicine Clinic clients (generalized anxiety disorder,
psychosomatic illnesses), and group interventions for women who experienced
childhood sexual abuse. 1994 – 1997
Internship. Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center. (APA approved). 1992
– 1993 Rotations:
o Behavioral Medicine (Outpatient smoking cessation, sexual dysfunction
secondary to prostate cancer, cancer clinic consultation, coping with debilitating
cardiovascular disease)
o Satori (Inpatient therapeutic community for male veterans who had failed out of
every other drug and alcohol treatment program and had either narcissistic,
antisocial, or borderline personality disorders. A typical stay for these men was 8
months. Therapeutic community had existed for 23 years and utilized peer
mentors who had “graduated” and were successful in the community)
o Rheumatology Clinic (Outpatient consultation in the rheumatology clinic for male
and female veterans who were either requesting psychological services for
difficulty coping with pain or loss of function, or at the request of the clinic for
those who were having difficulty with adherence to medication, behavioral
programs, and exercise recommendations. Individual therapy with clients who
requested longer term intervention)
o Andrology Clinic (Outpatient consultation in the Andrology Clinic for veterans
who had erectile dysfunction secondary to medical illness. In this clinic,
physicians and psychologists worked closely to create effective interventions that
included vacuum-constriction devices, testosterone shots if warranted, and
individual and couple’s therapy)
o Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center (Inpatient clinic for brain injuries and
illnesses. Provided daily neuropsychological testing and psychological
intervention for a range of clients with brain tumors, A.L.S., Stroke, brain
injuries. Provided individual and couple’s therapy for outpatients who had had
brain injuries or illnesses.
Psychology Intern. Psychological Services Center, University of Illinois. Practicum:
Behavioral Medicine, Feminist Therapy, Neuropsychological Testing, Community
Intervention. 1984 – 1991.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009-present
Psychological Review. 2009-present
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2008-present
Journal of Personality. 2009-present
CV – Giese-Davis
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2008-present
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2008-present
British Journal of Health Psychology. 2008- present
Society of Behavioral Medicine Abstracts Biological Mechanisms in Health Behavior
Change. 2006-present
Cancer. 2006- present
Psychology and Aging. 2006- present
Archives of General Psychiatry. 2004- present
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2002-present
Personality and Individual Differences. 2002- present
Emotion. 2000-present
Psycho-Oncology. 2000-present
Social Science and Medicine. 2000- present
Journal of Family Psychology. 1999- present
International Journal of Self-Help and Self-Care. 1999-present
Psychophysiology. 1994- present
Member, Functional Planning Teams for a new Tom Baker Cancer Centre: Patient
Experience, Clinical Dry Labs, Psychosocial Resources, Integrative Oncology.
Member, Supportive Care Council for Alberta CancerControl. Spring 2013-present
Person-Centred Care Initiatives Task Force, Alberta Health Services Fall 2012
Core Committee Member of the Cancer Care Strategic Clinical Network, Alberta
Health Services
Co-Lead (with Shane Sinclair, Ph.D.) The Patient Experience “Patients First Vision”
for the proposed new Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB, 2012
Planning Committee for the American Psychosomatic Society Conference:
Biobehavioral Contributions to the Cancer Exposome: Toward Precision Medicine.
Oct. 26, 2012
Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute Full Member. 2011-present
Member, Consortium for Survivorship Research, Canadian National Consortium.
2009- present
Advisory Consultant. Act as an advisory consultant to The Wellness Community
National Organization. 2001-present
Co-Chair of the IOM Alliance on Quality Psychosocial Care Research and
Demonstration Projects Committee (on Behalf of the American Psychosomatic
Society), USA National Committee. 2008-Present
Member of the IOM Alliance on Quality Psychosocial Care General Committee, USA
International Committee. 2008-present
Member, Cancer Support Community Research and Training Institute Advisory Group
for their Cancer Survivor Registry: The Breast Cancer M.A.P. Project. Philadelphia,
PA. 2011-Present
CV – Giese-Davis
Member and Advisory Panel, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Palliative Care,
End of Life, and Survivorship Consultation. Ottawa, ON Canadian National Working
Group. May 12-13, 2011
Champaign County American Cancer Society Board Member: Co-chair of the Service
and Rehabilitation Committee.
i. Organized of a bi-annual cancer conference, Living Well with Cancer, cosponsored by the University of Illinois, College of Medicine
ii. Coordinated Reach for Recovery, Cansurmount, and other service programs (we
initiated the Cansurmount peer-counseling program in Champaign County in
iii. Facilitated the Cansurmount volunteer visitors' monthly group meetings. The
University of Illinois, College of Medicine. 1990 - 1992
American Cancer Society Board Member. Organized a cancer conference, Cancer:
Facing the Challenge, co-sponsored by the University of Illinois, College of
Community Cancer Education Committee. Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Member of an
interdisciplinary committee which sponsored 4 educational programs (6 speakers each)
on topics about which cancer patients requested information. 1986 – 1989
Organization of an Independent Cancer Support Group. Facilitated the organization of
a Cancer support group in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Initially co-led the group and
facilitated the election of member-leaders. 1986 – 1992
Self-Help Center Advisory Council Member Self-Help Center, A Program of Family
Service of Champaign County. 1992
1. Tomfohr, L. (P.I.), Schulte, F. (Co-I), Culos-Reed, N. (Co-I), Giese-Davis, J. (Co-I).
Everything Will Look Better in the Morning? Examining Sleep Disruption in
Survivors of Pediatric Cancer and their Families. ARC Award in Family Centered
Care. $75,000. 2015-2017.
2. Jones, J.(P.I.), Black, P. (Co-P.I.), Co-Applicants: Breau, R. , Canil, C., Fitch, M.,
Giese-Davis, J., Grunfeld, E., Howell, D., Jewett, M., . Julian, J., Kapoor, A., Levine,
M., Matthew, A., Rendon, R., Stricker, C., Tanguay, S., Taylor-Brown, J. Transition
to Survivorship: A multicentre cluster randomized trial to evaluate an electronic
kidney cancer Survivorship Care Plan. NCI, $1,176,032, 10-2014 to 03-2019.
1. Robinson, J., Giese-Davis, J., Wallace, K., Ruether, D., North, S., Watson, L.,
Walker, L., Culos-Reed, N., Dunlop, B., Watson, L., North, S., Wallace, K., Donnelly,
B., and Thompson, L. (ASAP Network Alberta Team in collaboration with other
CV – Giese-Davis
national network members) A Survivorship Action Partnership (ASAP). The androgen
deprivation educational program: ASAP initiative. $677,611. April 1, 2014-March 31,
2. Robinson, J., Giese-Davis, J., Wallace, K., Ruether, D., North, S., Watson, L.,
Walker, L., Culos-Reed, N., Dunlop, B., Watson, L., North, S., Wallace, K., Donnelly,
B., and Thompson, L. (ASAP Network Alberta Team in collaboration with other
national network members). A Survivorship Action Partnership (ASAP). The Prostate
Cancer Canada sexual health and rehabilitation eclinic (pcc-share) $(980,000). April
1, 2014-March 31, 2017.
3. Robinson, J., Giese-Davis, J., Wallace, K., Ruether, D., North, S., Watson, L.,
Walker, L., Culos-Reed, N., Dunlop, B., Watson, L., North, S., Wallace, K., Donnelly,
B., and Thompson, L. (ASAP Network Alberta Team in collaboration with other
national network members). A Survivorship Action Partnership (ASAP). The Prostate
Cancer Canada sexual health and rehabilitation practitioner etraining program (PCCSHARP). $ (under Negotiation) April 1, 2014-March 31, 2017.
4. Giese-Davis, J., (Co-I.) Watson, L.(Co-I), LeTendre, A. (Co-I), McDougall, L. (Co-I),
Bryant-Lukosius, D. (Co-I), Building CAPACITIES: CAncer Prevention And
Collaborative Initiatives To Empower Survivors, Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy
Fund, 2013-2016, $944,804.
5. Giese-Davis, J. (P.I.), Watson, L. (P.I.) Alberta CancerBRIDGES Provincial
Survivorship Program, $300,000, June 2013-June 2014.
6. Giese-Davis, J. (P.I.) CancerBridges, Canadian Cancer Society Alberta, $10,000,
7. Robinson, J., Giese-Davis, J., Wallace, K., Ruether, D., North, S., Watson, L.,
Walker, L., Culos-Reed, N., Dunlop, B., Watson, L., North, S., Wallace, K., Donnelly,
B., and Thompson, L. A Survivorship Action Partnership (ASAP) Team Grant
Submitted on behalf of Cancer Care Alberta, Oct 2012
8. Wassersug, R., Elliott, S., Davison, J., Walker, L., Robinson, J., Giese-Davis, J.,
McLeod, D., Matthew, A., Black, P., Wilke, D. A Survivorship Action Partnership
(ASAP) Team Grant Submitted on behalf of the National ADT Working Group, Oct
9. Reynolds, K. (P.I.), Spavor, M. (P.I.), Giese-Davis, J. (Co-I), Carlson, L.E. (Co-I),
Schulte, F., Anderson, R., Grundy, P. A Comparison of Two Models of Follow-up
Care for Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Kids Cancer Care Foundation of
Alberta Chair in Pediatric Oncology, October 2012-October 2013, $25,000.
10. Carlson, L.E. (P.I.), Giese-Davis, J. (Co-PI), Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial
Oncology Survivorship Program, Alberta Cancer Foundation, $108,000, 2012-2014
11. Giese-Davis, J. (P.I.) Rural Peer Partners Program, Canadian Cancer Society Alberta,
$10,000, 2012-2013
12. Giese-Davis, J. (P.I.) Grant for Alberta CancerBridges Provincial Survivorship
Program, Alberta Cancer Foundation, $50,000, 2012-2013
13. Giese-Davis, J. (PI). CancerBRIDGES Survivors’ Network: Bridging the transition
from active treatment to resilient life. The Order of the Eastern Star: Cancer
Survivor’s Grand Matron Project: $43,482.92. October 2010 – September 2012
14. Carlson, L.E., Giese-Davis, J., Magliocco, A.M., Beattie, T. Effects of MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Supportive Expressive Therapy (SET) on
CV – Giese-Davis
biomarkers of cell aging, immune function and stress in breast cancer survivors. ACRI
Operating Grant: $207,739. April 2010 – March 31, 2013
15. Giese-Davis, J. (PI), Carlson, L.E., Magliocco, A.M., Bech-Hansen, T., Eliasziw, M.,
Lounsberry, J. Exploring a genetic predictor of distress in the first year of breast
cancer survivorship: Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, DEX Grant. $65,000
April 2010 – March 31, 2013
16. Owen, J.E., Bantum, E.O., Elhadad, N., Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Buzaglo, J. Use
of natural language processing to identify linguistic markers of coping. National
Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health: $407,949 (unofficially awarded (1st:
$274,407 2nd: $133, 087)) July 2010 – June 2012
17. Stephen, J.E. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Co-I), Linden, W., Chia, S., Speca, M., TaylorBrown, J, Fergus, K., Keller-Olaman, S and Fillion, L. An RCT Testing Efficacy of
Professionally and Peer-led Online Support Groups for Young Canadian Breast
Cancer Survivors. Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, Psychosocial Aspects
of Breast Cancer: $582,995. December 2009 - June 2014
18. Carlson, L.E., (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Candidate). Alberta Cancer Research Institute
(ACRI) Recruitment and Retention Funding. Funding to support 3 years of salary,
moving costs, and lab set-up costs for Janine Giese-Davis, Ph.D. $655,616 (1st =
$143,400, 2nd = $132,300, 3rd = 138,916) 2009 – 2012
1. Walley, B., Lupichuk, S., Joy, A., Railton, C. & Giese-Davis, J. Virtual breast cancer
survivorship clinic: Assessing the need in Alberta. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Prairies/NWT. $50,985 April 2010-December 2011
2. Giese-Davis, J. (PI), Carlson, L., Chobanuk, J., Lau, H., Hao, D., Railton, C., Shirt,
L., Taylor, A., Fassbender, K., Walley, B. & Joy, A.A. Alberta CancerBRIDGES Care
Plan Implementation for Breast and Head and Neck Cancers. Canadian Partnership
Against Cancer, Cancer Journey Action Group: $100,938. October 2009 – September
3. Giese-Davis, J. NCIC Junior Investigator Grant Panel Travel Award. For travel to
Toronto as Selected Investigator for the Panel K - Supportive Care, Palliative Care and
Psychosocial Issues. $1,000. 2008
4. Nass, Clifford (PI), Giese-Davis, J (CI). REVS IT UPP! Robot-Enhanced Vehicles:
Safety, Information, Training, and User and Passenger Pleasure Unable to list sponsor
due to confidentiality agreement. Goals are to investigate the emotional and safety
impact of voice communication with an in-car robot with the addition of haptics that
both give warnings of upcoming driving conditions in a driving simulator. Principal
Investigator: Clifford Nass, Communications Department Stanford. $150,000. 2007 –
5. Giese-Davis, J., (PI) Nass, C. Shariq, S. Emotional Resonance Expert for A project to
accelerate shared global prosperity by real-time venture creation. This is a
research/intervention for entrepreneurs taking products into developing countries. Aim
is to increase sustainability of ventures across political and economic upheavals, and to
eventually work with indigenous ventures to increase their sustainability. Kozmetsky
Global Collaboratory: $6,000,000. 2004 – 2009
CV – Giese-Davis
6. Giese-Davis, J. (Consultant) Emotional Expression in Engineering Design Groups:
Emotional expression analysis of engineers participating in a business game for
managers. Goals are to examine relationship between expression and success of
engineering teams and to design interventions for teams. Unable to list sponsor due to
confidentiality agreement. 5000 €. 2008
7. Giese-Davis, J. (PI) for Cultivating Emotional Balance-Does Mindfulness Meditation
Plus Compassion Training Change Emotional Behaviour in a Marital Conflict?
Analysis of The Coding Lab-Stanford's coding of marital interaction as a pre-post test
of a randomized trial of meditation for female school teachers. $7,741. 2007
8. Giese-Davis, J. (PI) for grant to study Emotional Resonance of Television Talent
Examining the emotional expression/resonance of TV News Anchors. Unable to list
sponsor due to confidentiality agreement. $10,500. 2006 – 2007
9. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J (CI) for grant to study Attention Enhancement in
Man-Machine Interfaces. The goal is to investigate methods for attention enhancement
in man-machine interfaces. Unable to list sponsor due to confidentiality agreement.
$767,601. 2005 – 2007
10. Giese-Davis, J. (PI) for Assessing the Impact of Shame and Guilt in Recovery. Breast
Cancer Research Program of California Grant: $100,000 1 1/2 year-IDEA. 2003 –
11. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (CI) Does a Peer Navigator Improve Quality of Life
at Diagnosis? Providing funds for collaboration with La Familia Center Santa Cruz
toward the goal of working with monolingual Spanish-speaking women with breast
cancer. Breast Cancer Research Program of California Supplement Grant: $20,000.
2002 – 2004
12. Margaret E. Kemeny, Ph.D. and Paul Ekman, P.I.s., Giese-Davis, J. (Consultant) My
lab conducted the emotion coding of the marital interaction task within the randomized
study: Cultivating Emotional Balance in Challenging Times. Consultant and lead
writer of articles coming from analysis of this task. Consultant for Fetzer Grant:
$32,299. 2002 – 2006
13. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Lead Writer and CI) for Does a Peer Navigator
Improve Quality of Life at Diagnosis? Breast Cancer Research Program of California
Grant: $500,000 5-year randomized Community/Research Collaboration. 2001 – 2006
14. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. Co-Investigator for N.I.A./N.C.I Sponsored Diurnal
Cortisol, and Breast Cancer Survival and Research Coordinator for N.I.A. /N.C.I.
Program Project Grant: Stress, the HPA, and Aging: $8,000,000. 2001 – 2006
15. Lieberman, M. (PI), Golant, M. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Consultant) for Effectiveness of
Internet vs. Face-to-Face Support Groups Breast Cancer Research Program of
California Grant: $500,000 3-year randomized Community/Research Collaboration.
2001 – 2004
16. Spiegel, D (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (CI) for Emotion Coding of Videotaped Group
Psychotherapy. Competing renewal NIMH Sponsored Grant: Effects of Psychosocial
Treatment on Cancer Survival: $2,000,116 competitive renewal of a randomized trial
of supportive-expressive group therapy.2000 – 2005
17. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. Lead writer and Co-Investigator/Project Director
Does a Peer Navigator Improve Quality of Life at Diagnosis? Breast Cancer Research
CV – Giese-Davis
Program of California Grant: $100,000 1-year pilot Community/ Research
Collaboration. 2000 – 2001
18. Greenburg, M. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Consultant) for Does Expressive Writing
Enhance the Health Effects of Cancer Support Groups? California School of
Professional Psychology Mini Grant: $8,000. 2000
19. Giese-Davis, J. (Co-Investigator) for Effects of Self-Hypnosis on Emotional
Expression and Depression in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. Bill Kimpton
Foundation Grant: $25,000 Gift. 2000 – 2002
20. Lieberman, M. (PI), Golant, M. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Co-Investigator) for
Effectiveness of Electronic Support Groups for Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research
Program of California Grant: ($100,000 1-year pilot Idea Grant) 1999 – 2000
21. Spiegel, D. (PI), Giese-Davis, J. (Lead Writer and Co-Investigator/Project Director)
for Do Community Cancer Support Groups Reduce Physiological Stress? Breast
Cancer Research Program of California Grant: ($500,000 3-year randomized
Community/Research Collaboration) 1998 – 2002
22. Giese-Davis, J., Spiegel, D. Wrote and was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship as a
part of larger John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Mind/Body Network Grant: The
Impact of Emotional Expression on Social Support and Group Interaction in
Metastatic Breast Cancer Support Groups. Stanford School of Medicine. 1996 – 1998.
23. Giese-Davis, J. (PI), Spiegel, D. (Mentor). Wrote and was awarded a Postdoctoral
Fellowship Grant from the Breast Cancer Research Program of California: Does
Change in Emotional Expression Mediate Cancer Survival? Stanford University
School of Medicine. 1995 – 1997. ($74,848)
24. Giese-Davis, J. (PI), Spiegel, D. (Mentor) Wrote and was awarded Postdoctoral
Fellowship Grant from the American Cancer Society: Cancer Support Groups:
Professional vs. Member Leadership Principal Investigator: Stanford University
School of Medicine. 1994 – 1995. ($25,000)
1. Giese-Davis, J. SACRI Cancer and the Environment Series: Survivorship of Cancer
Patients. Sept. 25, 2014.
2. Giese-Davis, J. Camrose Primary Care Network Live Your Best Life: With Cancer
and Beyond Symposium, Integrated Mental Health. Sept 20, 2014.
3. Giese-Davis, J. South Calgary Health Region, Mental Health Lunchbox Series, Living
your best life with cancer and beyond, Sept. 3, 2014.
4. Giese-Davis, J., Lang, M., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, “Young
Adult Cancer Survivorship. Fall, 2013
5. Giese-Davis, J., Keynote Speaker, From Loss to Meaning, Young Adult Cancer
Canada Annual Conference, June 6, 2014.
6. Giese-Davis, J., Railton, C, Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, “Not all
cancer drugs are created equal: Many of the available cancer medications have limited
side effects. The story is different for others Spring, 2013
CV – Giese-Davis
7. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Edmonton, AB. April 4, 2014
8. Giese-Davis, J. and Watson, L. Keynote Speakers, Provincial Integrated Survivorship
Program, Canadian Cancer Society-Alberta for Cancer Serving Community-Based
Agencies, Jan. 20, 2014
9. Giese-Davis, J. and Watson, L. Keynote Speakers, Provincial Integrated Survivorship
Program, Provincial Advisory Council on Cancer, Calgary, AB. Jan 11, 2014.
10. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Lethbridge, AB. Oct. 26, 2013
11. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Medicine Hat, AB. Oct. 25, 2013
12. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Bonnyville, AB. Oct. 19, 2013
13. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Cross Cancer Institute. Edmonton, AB.
Oct. 18, 2013
14. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Calgary Tom Baker Cancer Centre.
Calgary, AB. Sept. 27, 2013
15. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, Radiation may pose
side effect risks in the long-term Monitoring and coping with late and long-term
effects of cancer treatment can include difficulty recovering to a new normal. Winter,
16. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
Myeloma Society Meeting, Calgary, AB. Sept. 21, 2013
17. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, 'Get It The First Time
Understanding the risk factors for cancer recurrence can save lives, Summer, 2013
18. Giese-Davis, J. Speaker: Long-Term Survivors: Who is at Risk of Long-Term
Complication from Cancer Treatment? Family Physicians and Cancer Care:
Strengthening Linkages Workshop, Calgary, AB (Tele-health to Province) April 6,
19. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Camrose, AB. Mar. 23, 2013
20. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Cross Cancer Institute. Edmonton, AB.
Mar. 22, 2013
CV – Giese-Davis
21. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, 'Back to Work Getting
past cancer includes taking steps to increase your readiness to join the workplace
again', Mar. 19, 2013 Spring 2013
22. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Calgary Tom Baker Cancer Centre.
Calgary, AB. Feb. 22, 2013
23. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, 'Survivor Care Plans:
Advocating for Patients in Alberta to go home after active treatment armed with a care
plan', Winter 2012
24. Giese-Davis, J., Lang, M. Cancer Survivorship in Alberta: CancerBridges’ Efforts
Toward Providing Evidence-Based Care, Grand Rounds Cross Cancer Institute,
Edmonton, AB. Dec 4, 2012.
25. Giese-Davis, J. Chair Survivorship Session. Cancer Survivorship in Alberta:
“CancerBridges Efforts Toward Providing Evidence-Based Care” Alberta Cancer
Foundation Annual Cancer Research Conference—Enhancing Impact. Nov. 1-3, 2012
26. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Camrose Primary Care Network
Survivorship Day. Camrose, AB. Oct. 19, 2012
27. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Cross Cancer Institute. Edmonton, AB.
Oct. 19, 2012
28. Giese-Davis, J. “Survivorship Care Plans in Alberta” Northern Alberta Breast Cancer
Tumor Group Fall Retreat. Edmonton, AB. Oct. 19, 2012
29. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: “Depression and Cancer Survival” Wellspring
Calgary, AB. Oct. 15, 2012
30. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Calgary, AB.
Sep. 14, 2012
31. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, “A Healthier
Tomorrow: Cancer survivorship requires you to cope early with the strong feelings, so
they don’t morph into depression”, Fall 2012
32. Giese-Davis, J., Leap Magazine, Invited Survivorship Column, What Comes After,
Summer 2012
33. Giese-Davis, J., Keynote Speaker: Your Best Life, Living Beyond Cancer, St.
Elizabeth’s First Nations and Cancer Survivorship Webinar, Edmonton AB. May 5,
34. Giese-Davis, J. Workshop Co-Lead: Building and Sustaining Effective Partnerships
for Research, Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology Pre-Conference
Workshop April 23, 2012
35. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Improving the Transition to Cancer Survivorship,
The Role of Oncology Nurses, ONIGA South Chapter, Oncology Nursing Day Dinner,
Calgary, AB. April 4, 2012
CV – Giese-Davis
36. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Cross Cancer Institute. Edmonton, AB.
March 12, 2012
37. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Support for Living Your Best Life: Survivorship
Research and New Developments. “Living Your Best Life With and Beyond Cancer”
CancerBridges Survivorship Education Day: Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Calgary, AB.
Feb. 24, 2012
38. Dirkse, D., Lamont, L., Bebb, B., Giese-Davis, J. Shame and Guilt in Lung Cancer
Patients and their Partners. Lung Cancer Rounds. December 14, 2011.
39. Dirkse, D., Lamont, L., Bebb, B., Giese-Davis, J. Shame and Guilt in Lung Cancer
Patients and their Partners. Lung Cancer Translational Group Rounds. November 16,
40. Giese-Davis, J. A paradigm shift toward emotional literacy: Assessing and training
medical residents in effective emotional expression in cancer-patient consultations.
Quarterly Oncology Residency Directors’ Meeting. Tom Baker Cancer Centre,
Calgary, AB. September 29, 2011
41. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., and CancerBRIDGES team Talk: Care plan
implementation for breast and head and neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES
Demonstration Project. The Inaugural Cancer Survivorship Consortium webinar. June
6, 2011
42. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Expressing affect in supportive-expressive group
therapy reduces trauma symptoms in metastatic breast cancer patients. The University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. March 28, 2011
43. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Expressing affect in supportive-expressive group
therapy reduces trauma symptoms in metastatic breast cancer patients. University of
Alberta Honours Day. Edmonton, AB. April 14, 2011
44. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K. M., Neri, E., Kraemer, H. C., & Spiegel, D.
(2011, March 9). Decrease in depression symptoms is associated with longer survival
in patients with metastatic breast cancer: a secondary analysis. Paper presented at the
Tom Baker Cancer Centre Oncology Grand Rounds, Calgary, AB.
45. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K.M.S., Neri, E., Kraemer, H.C. & Spiegel, D.
Invited Talk: Depression and cancer survivorship. Alberta Cancer Foundation
Research Conference. Banff, AB. November 8-10, 2010
46. Giese-Davis, J. Highlights of survivorship research and head and neck survivorship
care plans. Talk: Head and Neck Rounds, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, Alberta.
October 2010
47. Giese-Davis, J. Highlights of Survivorship Research. Talk: Palliative Care Grand
Rounds, Calgary, Alberta. June 16, 2010
48. Giese-Davis, J. Keynote Speaker: Your best life-Highlights of Survivorship Research,
Life after Cancer-Health, Happiness and Connections Conference. Tom Baker Cancer
Centre, Calgary, AB. April 30, 2010
49. Giese-Davis, J. Survivorship. Talk: The Southern Alberta Breast Tumor Group MiniRetreat. Escalus Room, MacEwan Student Centre Main Campus, University of
Calgary. March 18, 2010
CV – Giese-Davis
50. Giese-Davis, J. Expressing affect during supportive-expressive group therapy sessions
reduces trauma symptoms in metastatic breast cancer patients. Talk: The Sebastian
Littmann Research Day. Department of Psychiatry, University of Calgary, Calgary,
AB. March 5, 2010
51. Giese-Davis, J. Reading emotional cues. Talk: There’s a Psychology for That! Public
talk at the W.S. Castell Central Public Library, Calgary, AB. March 1, 2010
52. Giese-Davis, J. Survivorship. Talk: The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
National Survivorship Working Group Calgary, AB. January 25-26, 2010
53. Giese-Davis, J. Survivorship. Talk: The Northern Alberta Breast Cancer Program
Annual Retreat. Edmonton, AB. Oct. 23, 2009
54. Giese-Davis, J., Cancer Survivorship: Planning for the future. Talk: Cancer Care
2009: Maintaining Focus in Changing Times. Hyatt Regency, Calgary, Alberta. May
6, 2009
55. Giese-Davis, J. Survivorship Outcomes. Talk: Alberta Provincial Breast Cancer
Program Retreat, Kananaskis Country, Alberta. January 30 - February 1, 2009
56. Giese-Davis, J. Identifying Priorities for Cancer Survivorship Research. Pan-Canadian
Invitational Workshop. Vancouver, B.C. November 21 - 22, 2008
57. Giese-Davis, J. Cancer Care Ontario and Cancer Quality Council of Ontario’s Expert
Roundtable on Survivorship. Toronto, Ontario. November 7, 2008
58. Giese-Davis, J. The Art of Cancer Survivorship: Positively Pink. Calgary, Alberta.
October 26, 2008
59. Giese-Davis, J. Expressing Affect during Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy
Sessions Reduces Trauma Symptoms in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. Talk: The
American Psychosomatic Society 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
March 12-15, 2008
60. Giese-Davis, J. Emotion Regulation, Physiological Risk, and Psychotherapy
Outcomes for Breast Cancer Patients. Talk: SMU Psychology Colloquium. Dallas,
Texas. January 14, 2008
61. Giese-Davis, J. Is Group Psychotherapy Associated with Longer Survival for Women
with Metastatic Breast Cancer? Talk: The Wellness Community, Phoenix , 2008
62. Giese-Davis, J. New Discoveries in Emotions, Depression and Cancer Survival.
Presented at Department of Psychiatry / Health Psychology Seminar Series: "Mind and
Biology: Mechanisms and Models ". San Francisco, CA. December 14, 2007
63. Giese-Davis, J. New Discoveries in Emotions, Depression and Cancer Survival. Talk:
Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Oncology Grand Rounds. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. April
18, 2007
64. Giese-Davis, J. New Discoveries in Emotions, Depression and Cancer Survival. Talk:
Behavioral and Social Sciences Cancer Research Program and Department of
Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Tucson, Arizona. April 11, 2007
65. The Art of Healing, a Union of Science and Design. Presentation to the Wellness
Community, Phoenix,2006
66. Giese-Davis, J. Coping with Breast Cancer: New Developments. Talk: Breast Cancer
Month at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa, CA. Napa, CA. October 15, 1999
67. Giese-Davis J., Sephton S, Golant M, Liess A, Ellis W, Spiegel D. Emotion
regulation, supportive-expressive therapy, and online support. Talk: The BCCA
Sociobehavioural Research Center and the Canadian strategy for cancer control
CV – Giese-Davis
rebalance focus action group presents: electronic support groups for cancer patients:
clinical applications and future research; Vancouver, B. C. June 21-23, 2004
68. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., Spiegel, D. Personality Factors and Recovery from
Breast Cancer. Talk: The 3rd Meeting on Personality Disorders: Personality Disorders;
Research and Treatment: An Update. Stanford University Medical Center. June 5-6,
69. Giese-Davis, J. Emotion regulation and metastatic breast cancer. Symposium: 16th
World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Goteborg, Sweden. August 2001
70. Giese-Davis, J. Thinking about feeling: Emotional Expression in the lives of people
with cancer. Talk: Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Research Hospital. November 2000
71. Giese-Davis, J. The Development of Support Groups, Talk: The annual meeting of the
California Association of Regional Cancer Registries (CARCR), San Francisco, CA.
February 1997
72. Golant, M., & Giese-Davis, J. How community-initiated research collaborations make
a difference: Real science for real people. Talk: The 7th International Congress in
Psychosocial Oncology, Copenhagen, Denmark. August 25-28, 2004
73. Cordova, M. J., Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Kronenwetter, C., & Spiegel, D. Cancer
as a traumatic stressor: Accurate and helpful but incomplete. In M. A. Andrykowski
(Chair), Conceptualizing cancer as trauma: Accurate or inaccurate, helpful or
unhelpful? Symposium: The 24th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral
Medicine, Salt Lake City. March 2003
1. Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (Submitted). Greater tolerance for expressing fear,
direct anger, and sadness over time during group therapy sessions reduces trauma
symptoms in metastatic breast cancer patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
2. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J. L., Chobanuk, J., Shirt, L., Railton, C., Taylor, A.,
Zhong, L., Lau, H., Hao, D. Walley, B. Kapusta, B. Joy, A.A. Carlson, L.E. (In
Revision). Alberta CancerBRIDGES care plan implementation for breast and headand-neck cancers. Psycho-Oncology
3. Giese-Davis, J., Butler, L. D., Cordova, M. J., Koopman, C., Kraemer, H. C., &
Spiegel, D. (Submitted). Change in emotion regulation mediates the effect of treatment
on change in trauma symptoms following supportive-expressive group therapy.
Journal of Clinical Psychology
4. Dubenko, L. M., Greenberg, M., Li, Y., Dumanowski, B., Elhadad, N., Piemme, K.,
Yutsis, M., Golant, M., Giese-Davis, J. (In Prep). Emotional expression in breast
cancer support groups and emotional information available in observational and textbased coding systems.
CV – Giese-Davis
5. Dumanowski, B., Li, Y., Golant, M. Giese-Davis, J. (In Prep). How do depressed
women with breast cancer use support groups? A study of topic discussions.
6. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Yutsis, M., Wittenberg, L., Star, P., Houston, D., et
al. (In Prep). Peer counseling improves quality of life following diagnosis of breast
cancer: A randomized trial.
7. Giese-Davis, J., Butler, L. D., Cordova, M. J., Koopman, C., Kraemar, H. C., &
Spiegel, D. (In Revision). Change in emotion regulation mediates the effect of
treatment outcome on change in trauma symptoms following supportive-expressive
group therapy.
8. Giese-Davis, J., Kronenwetter, C., Golant, M., Cordova, M., Twirbutt, S., Chang, V.,
et al. (In Revision). Methods to illustrate multi-faceted dimensions of group therapy
and support. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.
9. Giese-Davis, J., Tamagawa, R., Popek, V., Yutsis, M., & Spiegel , D. (In
Preparation). Repression associated with higher waking cortisol and higher Trier social
stress test baseline cortisol levels in women with metastatic breast cancer.
10. Green, C. L., Lawlor-Savage, L., Sephton, S., Nouriani, B., Neri, E., Spiegel, D. (In
Prep). Cortisol awakening response (CAR) and sleep parameters in women with
metastatic breast cancer.
11. Palesh, O., Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., Taylor, C. B., O'Hara, R., GallagerThompson, D., Spiegel, D. (In Revision). Depression, fatigue, and cortisol
dysregulation in stressed populations.
12. Park, J., McCormick, J., Li, Y., Ruether, D., Carlson, L.E. & Giese-Davis, J. (In
Prep). Is age more than just a number? Exploring the relationship between age at
diagnosis and the unmet needs of Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancers.
13. Pyykonen, M., McCormick, J., Ruether, D., Carlson, L., & Giese-Davis, J. (In Prep).
Are the unmet needs of Lymphoma survivors related to feelings of shame and guilt
towards their caregivers? .
14. Rancourt, K., Bebb, G., Easaw, J., Schimel, J., & Giese-Davis, J. (2010). The effect of
relationship talk in couples facing gastrointestinal cancer.
15. Tamagawa, R., Li, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (In Prep). Emotional expression in spoken
narratives and diurnal cortisol rhythms among women with metastatic breast cancer
participating in support groups.
16. Yutsis, M., Tamagawa, R., Abercrombie, H., Keller, J., Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J.
(In Prep). Repression associated with poorer verbal and spatial memory in women
with metastatic breast cancer.
17. Yutsis, M., Cordova, M., Field, N., & Giese-Davis, J. (In Prep). Adult attachment
style in breast cancer patients and its association with reactions to participation in
cancer support groups
1. Stephen, J., Rojubally, A., Linden W., Giese-Davis, J., Zhong, L., & Mackenzie, G.
(Submitted Jan 2014). A randomized control study testing comparative efficacy of two
forms of supported self-management for young breast cancer survivors. Psycho Oncol.
CV – Giese-Davis
2. Railton, C., Lupichuk, S., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Ko, J. J., Walley, B., Joy, A.A.,
Giese-Davis, J. (Submitted Feb 26 2014). Assessing the need for a nurse-led virtual
breast cancer survivorship clinic. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
1. Epel, E., Giese-Davis, J., Kraemer, H. C., Sephton, S., & Spiegel, D. (In Revise and
Resubmit). Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and breast cancer progression:
Role of psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology
2. Giese-Davis, J., Wilhelm, F., Tamagawa, R., Palesh, O., Neri, E., Taylor, C. B.,
Kraemer, H.C. Spiegel, D. (Re-Submitted July 26 2014). Higher vagal activity predicts
longer metastatic breast cancer survival. Psychosom Med.
1. Tamagawa, R., Li, Y., Gravity, T., Altree Piemme, K., Dimiceli, S., Collie, K., &
Giese-Davis, J. (epub Aug 6 2014). Deconstructing therapeutic mechanisms in cancer
support groups: Do we express more emotion when we tell stories or talk directly to
each other? Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
2. Carlson, L. E., Beattie, T., Giese-Davis, J., Faris, P., Tamagawa, R., Fick, L., et al. (In
Press). Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) and Supportive Expressive
Therapy (SET) Maintain Telomere Length (TL) Relative to Control in Distressed
Breast Cancer Survivors. Cancer.
3. Dirkse, D., Lamont, L., Li, Y., Simonič, A., Bebb, G., & Giese-Davis, J. (In Press
March 20 2014). Shame, guilt, and communication in lung cancer patients and their
partners. Current Oncology (Impact Factor 2.473).
4. Collie, K., McCormick, J., Waller, A. E., Railton, C., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Taylor,
A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A.A., Carlson, L.E., Giese-Davis,
J. (2014) Qualitative evaluation of care plans for Canadian breast and head-and-neck
cancer survivors. Current Onc. 21(1) 18-28. (Impact Factor 2.473).
5. Palesh, O., Aldridge-Gerry, A., Zeitzer, J. M., Koopman, C., Neri, E., Giese-Davis, J.,
Jo, B., Kraemer, H.C., Nouriani, B., Spiegel, D. (2014). Actigraphy-Measured Sleep
Disruption as a Predictor of Survival among Women with Advanced Breast Cancer.
Sleep, 37(5), 837-842. (Impact Factor: 5.1).
6. Giese-Davis, J., Tamagawa, R., Yutsis, M., Twirbutt, S., Piemme, K., Neri, E.,
Taylor, B., Spiegel, D. (2014). Which symptoms matter? Self-report and observer
discrepancies in repressors and high-anxious women with metastatic breast cancer.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine.37, 22–36. doi: DOI 10.1007/s10865-012-9461-x
(Impact Factor: 3.104)
7. Tamagawa, R., Speca, M., Giese-Davis, J., Doll, R., Stephen, J, & Carlson, L.E.
(2013) Trait mindfulness, dispositional emotion regulation, and self-reported mood
and symptoms of stress among breast cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology:
69:264-277 (Impact Factor: 2.116)
CV – Giese-Davis
8. Culos-Reed, N., Capozzi, L. C., Lau, H., Reimer, R. A., McNeely, M., & Giese-Davis,
J. (2012). Exercise and nutrition for head and neck cancer patients: A patient-oriented,
clinic-supported randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer 12:446 doi: 10.1186/14712407-12-446. (Impact Factor: 3.01).
9. Ellington, L., Reblin, M., Berry, P., Giese-Davis, J., & Clayton, M. F. (2013).
Reflective research: supporting researchers engaged in analyzing end-of-life
communication. Patient Education and Counseling, 91(1):126-8. doi:
10.1016/j.pec.2012.09.007 (Impact Factor: 2.305)
10. Giese-Davis, J., Waller, A.E., Carlson, L.E., Groff, S., Zhong, L., Neri, E., Bachor,
S.M., Adamyk-Simpson, J., Rancourt, K.M.S., Dunlop, B., Bultz, B.D. (2012).
Screening for distress, the 6th Vital Sign: Common problems in cancer outpatients
over one year in usual care: Associations with Marital status, sex, and age. BMC
Cancer, 12:441 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-441 (Impact Factor: 3.01)
11. Kemeny, M., Foltz, C., Cavanaugh, J., Giese-Davis, J., Jennings, P., Rosenberg, E,
Gillath, O., Shaver, P., Wallace, B., Ekman, P. (2012) Contemplative/emotional
training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses.
Emotion, 12(2), 338-350. (Impact Factor: 3.027)
12. Carlson, L.E., Waller, A., Groff, S., Giese-Davis, J., Bultz, B. (2013) What goes up
doesn’t always come down: Patterns of distress, physical and psychosocial morbidity
in people with cancer over a one year period. Psycho-oncology, 2013;22(1):168-176.
DOI: 10.1002/pon.2068(Impact Factor: 3.339)
13. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K., Neri, E., Kraemer, H. C., & Spiegel, D.
(2011) Decrease in depression symptoms is associated with longer survival in
metastatic breast cancer patients: A secondary analysis Journal of Clinical Oncology
29(4):413-420 (Impact Factor 17.793)
14. Wittenberg, L., Yutsis, M., Taylor, S., Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Star, P.,
Spiegel, D. (2010). Marital status predicts change in distress and well-being in women
newly diagnosed with breast cancer and their peer counselors. The Breast Journal,
16(5), 481-89 (Impact Factor 1.425)
15. O'Hara, R., Cassidy-Eagle, E. L., Beaudreau, S. A., Eyler, L. T., Gray, H. L., GieseDavis, J. Hubbard, J., Yesavage, J., (2010). Increasing the ranks of academic
researchers in mental health: a multisite approach to postdoctoral fellowship training.
Academic Medicine, 85(1), 41-47. (Impact Factor 1.867)
16. Taylor, C. B., Conrad, A., Wilhelm, F., Strachowski, D., Khaylis, A., Neri, E., GieseDavis, J., Roth, W.T., Cooke, J.P., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. (2009) Does improving
mood in depressed patients reduce cardiovascular disease risk? Journal of Psychiatric
Research. Dec. 43(16),1246-52 (Impact Factor 4.679)
17. Sephton, S. E., Dhabhar, F. S., Keuroghlian, A. S., Giese-Davis, J., McEwen, B. S.,
Ionan, A. C., Spiegel, D. (2009) Depression, cortisol, and suppressed cell-mediated
immunity in metastatc breast cancer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 23, 1148-1155
(Impact Factor 4.909)
18. Butler, L., Koopman, C., Neri, E., Giese-Davis, J., Palesh, O., Thorne-Yocam, K.,
DiMiceli, S., Chen, X.-H., Fobair, P., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. (2009). Effects of
supportive-expressive group therapy on pain in women with metastatic breast cancer.
Health Psychology, 28(5), 579-587. (Impact Factor 3.652).
CV – Giese-Davis
19. Ginzburg, K., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., Cavanaugh, C. E., Neri, E., Koopman, C.,
et al. (2009) Shame, Guilt, and PTSD in Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
at Risk for HIV: Outcomes of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Group Psychotherapy
Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases. 197(7), 536-542. (Impact Factor
20. Palesh, O., Zeitzer, J., Conrad, A., Giese-Davis, J., Mustian, K., Popek, V., et al.
(2008) Vagal regulation, cortisol and sleep disruption in women with metastatic breast
cancer. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 4(5), 441-449
21. Giese-Davis, J., Conrad, A., Nouriani, B., & Spiegel, D. (2008). Exploring emotionregulation and autonomic physiology in metastatic breast cancer patients: Repression,
suppression, and restraint of hostility. Personality and Individual Differences, 44 (1),
226-237. (Impact Factor 1.408)
22. Classen, C., Kraemer, H. C., Blasey, C., Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Palesh, O. G.,
et al. (2008). Supportive-expressive group therapy for primary breast cancer patients:
A randomized prospective multicenter trial. Psycho-Oncology, 17 (5), 438-447.
(Impact Factor 2.589)
23. Giese-Davis, J. (2008). Community/research collaborations: Ethics and funding.
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 15, 149-152. (Impact Factor 1.892)
24. Spiegel, D., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Miller, E., DiMiceli, S.,
Classen, C.C., Fobair, P., Carlson, R.W., Kraemer, H.C. (2008). Effects of supportiveexpressive group therapy on metastatic breast cancer survival: A randomized
prospective replication trial. The American Journal of Hematology/Oncology, 7(1), 2834
25. Liess, A., Ellis, W., Yutsis, M., Owen, J., Piemme, K. A., Golant, G., Giese-Davis, J.
(2008). Detecting emotional expression in face-to-face and online breast cancer
support groups. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(3), 517–523.
(Impact Factor 4.214)
26. Spiegel, D., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Miller, E., DiMiceli, S.,
Classen, C.C., Fobair, P., Carlson, R.W., Kraemer, H.C. (2007). Supportive-expressive
group therapy and survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer: A randomized
clinical intervention trial. Cancer, 110 (5), 1130-1138. (Impact Factor 4.632)
27. Palesh, O., Butler, L. D., Koopman, C., Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, R., & Spiegel, D.
(2007). Stress history and breast cancer recurrence. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research, 63(3), 233-239. (Impact Factor 1.859)
28. Cordova, M. J., Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Kronenwetter, C., Chang, V., & Spiegel,
D. (2007). Breast cancer as trauma: Frequency and correlates of posttraumatic stress
and posttraumatic growth. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 14 (4),
308-319. (Impact Factor .370)
29. Kraemer, H., Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., Neri, E., O'Hara, R., Gallagher- Thompson,
D., et al. (2006). Design decisions to optimize reliability of daytime cortisol slopes in
an older population. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14, 325-333. (Impact
Factor 3.498)
30. Giese-Davis, J., DiMiceli, S., Sephton, S., & Spiegel, D. (2006). Emotional
expression and diurnal cortisol slope in women with metastatic breast cancer in
supportive-expressive group therapy Biological Psychology, 73(2), 190-198. (Impact
Factor 2.698)
CV – Giese-Davis
31. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Carson, K., Star, P., Donaghy, J., Cordova, M. J., et
al. (2006). Brief Report: The effect of peer counseling on quality of life following
diagnosis of breast carcinoma: An observational study. Psycho-Oncology, 15(11),
1014-1022. (Impact Factor 2.772)
32. Taylor, C. B., Conrad, A., Wilhelm, F. W., Neri, E., DeLorenzo, A., Kramer, M. A.,
Giese-Davis, J., Roth, W.T., Oka, R., Cooke, J.P., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. (2006).
Psychophysiological and cortisol responses to psychological stress in depressed and
non-depressed older men and women with elevated CVD risk. Psychosomatic
Medicine, 68, 538–546. (Impact Factor 3.857)
33. Ginzburg, K., Arnow, B., Hart, S., Gardner, W., Koopman, C., Classen, C. C., GieseDavis, J. Spiegel, D. (2006). The abuse-related beliefs questionnaire for survivors of
childhood sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 30(8), 929-943. (Impact Factor 1.506)
34. Owen, J. E., Giese-Davis, J., Cordova, M., Kronenwetter, C., Golant, M., & Spiegel,
D. (2006). Self-report and linguistic indicators of emotional expression in narratives as
predictors of adjustment to cancer. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29(4), 335-345.
(Impact Factor 1.348)
35. Giese-Davis, J., Wilhelm, F. H., Conrad, A., Abercrombie, H. C., Sephton, S., Yutsis,
M., Neri, E., Taylor, C.B., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. (2006). Depression and stress
reactivity in metastatic breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68(5), 675-683.
(Impact Factor 3.857)
36. Spiegel, D., Giese-Davis, J., Taylor, C. B., & Kraemer, H. (2006). Stress sensitivity in
metastatic breast cancer: analysis of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31(10), 1231-1244. (Impact Factor 4.850)
37. Abercrombie, H. C., Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., Epel, E. S., Turner-Cobb, J. M., &
Spiegel, D. (2004). Flattened salivary cortisol rhythms in metastatic breast cancer
patients. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 1082-1092. (Impact Factor 2.967)
38. Koopman, C., Collie, K., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (2004). MindBody Connections between Depression and Cancer. Depression: Mind and Body, 1(2),
39. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S. E., Abercrombie, H., Duran, R. E. F., & Spiegel, D.
(2004). Repression and high anxiety are associated with aberrant diurnal cortisol
rhythms in women with metastatic breast cancer. Health Psychology, 23(6), 645-650.
(Impact Factor 2.628)
40. Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J. (2003) Depression and Cancer: Mechanisms and
Disease Progression. Biological Psychiatry. 54(3), 269-282. (Impact Factor 6.039)
41. Lieberman, M. A., Golant, M., Giese-Davis, J., Winzleberg, A., Benjamin, H.,
Humphreys, K., Kronenwetter, C., Russo, S., Spiegel, D. (2003). Electronic Support
Groups for Breast Carcinoma: A Clinical Trial of Effectiveness. Cancer; 97(4), 920925. (Impact Factor 4.017)
42. Cordova, M. J., Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Kronenwetter, C., Chang, V., McFarlin,
S. and Spiegel, D. (2003). Mood Disturbance in Community Cancer Support Groups:
The Role of Emotional Suppression and Fighting Spirit. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research. 55(5), 461-467. (Impact Factor 2.811)
43. Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Butler, L. D., Classen, C., Cordova, M., Fobair, P.,
Benson, J., & Spiegel, D. (2002). Change in emotion regulation strategy for women
CV – Giese-Davis
with metastatic breast cancer following supportive-expressive group therapy. Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(4), 916-925. (Impact Factor 3.252)
44. Koopman, C., Butler, L. D., Classen, C., Giese-Davis, J., Morrow, G. R., Banerjee, T.,
Spiegel, D. (2002). Traumatic stress symptoms among women with recently diagnosed
primary breast cancer. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15(4), 277-287. (Impact Factor
45. Koopman, C., Angell, K., Turner-Cobb, J. M., Kreshka, M. A., Donnelly, P., McCoy,
R., Turkseven, A., Graddy, K., Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (2001). Distress,
coping, and social support among rural women recently diagnosed with primary breast
cancer. The Breast Journal, 7(1), 1-9
46. Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (2001). Suppression, Repressive-Defensiveness,
Restraint, and Distress in Metastatic Breast Cancer: Separable or Inseparable
Constructs? Journal of Personality, 69 (3). (Impact Factor 2.342)
47. Classen, C., Butler, L.D., Koopman, C., Miller, E., DiMiceli, S., Giese-Davis, J.,
Carlson, R., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. (2001). Supportive-expressive group therapy
and distress in patients with metastatic breast cancer Archives of General Psychiatry,
58. (Impact Factor 10.519)
48. Giese-Davis, J., Hermanson, K., Koopman, C., Weibel, D., & Spiegel, D. (2000).
Quality of Couples' Relationship and Adjustment to Metastatic Breast cancer. The
Journal of Family Psychology, 14(2), 251-266. (Impact Factor 1.381)
49. Fernandes, L. O. L., Keller, J., Giese-Davis, J., Hicks, B. D., Klein, D. N., & Miller,
G. A. (1999). Converging evidence for a cognitive anomaly in early psychopathology.
Psychophysiology, 36, 511-521. (Impact Factor 2.066)
50. Giese-Davis, J., Miller, G.A., and Knight, R. (1993). Template mismatch processes in
anhedonia and dysthymia. Psychophysiology, 30, 646-656. (Impact Factor 2.066)
51. Hannum, J. W., Giese-Davis, J., Harding, K., & Hatfield, A. K. (1991). Effects of
individual and marital variables on coping with cancer. Journal of Psychosocial
Oncology, 9(2), 1-20. (Impact Factor .595)
1. Dirkse D, Giese-Davis J. Shame and guilt in lung cancer. Oncology Exchange. Feb
2012;11(1):S10-12.(Reprinted in the Canadian Lung Association Newsletter May
2. Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J. (2008). Depression and anxiety in metastatic cancer.
Minerva Psichiatrica, 49(1), 61
3. Spiegel, D., Butler, L. D., Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Miller, E., DiMiceli, S.,
Classen, C., Fobair, P. Carlson, R.W. (2007). Reply to effects of supportive-expressive
group therapy on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer: A randomized
prospective trial. Cancer, 9999(9999)
4. Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J. (2004). Examining the evidence that psychotherapy
improves the survival of cancer patients - Reply. Biological Psychiatry. 56(1), 62-64
5. Giese-Davis, J. & Spiegel, D. (2002). Emotion regulation and metastatic breast
cancer. In T. Sivik, D. Byrne, D.R. Lipsitt, G.N. Christodoulou & H. Dienstfrey (Eds),
Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunology (PNEI) A Common Language for the Whole
CV – Giese-Davis
Human Body: Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine.
New York: Elsevier Science
6. Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J. (2002). Reduced emotional control as a mediator of
decreasing distress among breast cancer patients in group therapy. In T. Sivik, D.
Byrne, D. R. Lipsitt, G. N. Christodoulou & H. Dienstfrey (Eds.), Psycho-NeuroEndocrino-Immunology (PNEI) A Common Language for the Whole Human Body:
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine. Goteborg,
Sweden: Elsevier Science
1. Raison, C. L., Giese-Davis, J., Miller, A. H., & Spiegel, D. (2006). Depression in
cancer: Mechanisms, consequences and treatment. In D. L. Evans, D. S. Charney & L.
Lewis (Eds.), The Physician's Guide To Depression And Bipolar Disorders. (pp. 377410). New York: McGraw-Hill
2. Giese-Davis, J., Piemme, K. A., Dillon, C., & Twirbutt, S. (2005). Macro-variables in
affective expression in women with breast cancer participating in support groups. In J.
Harrigan, K. R. Scherer & R. Rosenthal (Eds.), Nonverbal Behavior In The Affective
Sciences: A Handbook Of Research Methods (pp. 399-445). Oxford: Oxford
University Press
3. Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Butler, L. D., Joss, J., Classen, C., Roberts, J.,
Rosenbluth, R., Morrow, G. R., & Spiegel, D. (2004). The Stanford Emotional SelfEfficacy Scale--Cancer: Reliability, validity, and generalizability. In I. Nyklícek, L.
Temoshok, & A. Vingerhoets (Eds.), Emotional Expression and Health: Advances in
Theory, Assessment and Clinical Applications: Hove, UK & New York: 204-222
4. Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (2003). Emotional Expression and Cancer Progression.
In R. J. Davidson, K. R. Scherer & H. Hill Goldsmith (Eds.), Handbook of Affective
Sciences (pp. 1053-1082). Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. Giese-Davis, J. (2011) Psychosocial care: Internet-based intervention for cancerrelated distress. Oncology Exchange, 10, 38-39
2. Giese-Davis, J., Miller, G.A., and Knight, R. (1992). Template mismatch processes in
anhedonia and dysthymia. Beckman Institute Technical Report
1. Carlson, L.E., Beattie, T., Giese-Davis, J., Faris, P., Tamagawa, R., Fick, L., Stebner,
E., Speca, M. (2014). Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) and Supportive
Expressive Therapy (SET) Maintain Telomere Length (TL) and Cortisol Slopes
Relative to Control in Distressed Breast Cancer Survivors. The Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine, 20, A24-A25.
2. Fitch, M., Bradley, H., Eaton, G., Giese-Davis, J., Sisler, J., & Taylor-Brown, J.
(2014). Implementing Survivorship Care Plans in the Canadian Cancer
CV – Giese-Davis
Setting. Psycho-Oncology, 23, 123-124.
3. Lang, M., Campbell, D., & Giese-Davis, J. (2013). Using a publicly funded
population level survey to explore psychosocial outcomes in cancer survivors. Psycho
Oncol, 22, 40-41.
4. O'Brien, M., Li, L. Y., O'Brien, T., & Giese-Davis, J. (2013). The Relationship
Between Emotional Expression and Resilience in a Long-Term Telephone Group for
Women With Secondary Breast Cancer. Psycho Oncol, 22, 266-266.
5. Bantum, E. O. C., Owen, J. E., Elhadad, N., Golant, M., Buzaglo, J., & Giese-Davis,
J. (2012). Identifying emotion in text generated from online interventions for people
who have survived cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 8, 246-246.
6. Fitch, M., Bradley, H., Eaton, G., Giese-Davis, J., Sisler, J., & Taylor-Brown, J.
(2012). Implementing survivorship care plans in a canadian environment;
understanding the barriers. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol, 8, 261-262.
7. Tamagawa, R., Speca, M., Giese-Davis, J., Doll, R., Stephen, J., & Carlson, L. E.
(2012). Associations between depressive mood, health behaviour, and diurnal cortisol
slopes among women with breast cancer. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol, 8, 253-253.
8. Tamagawa, R., Li, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (2012). Emotional expression in spoken
narratives and diurnal cortisol rhythms among women with metastatic breast cancer
participating in supportive expressive group therapy. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol, 8, 252253.
9. Yutsis, M., Cordova, M., Giese-Davis, J. Adult attachment style in breast cancer
patients and its association with changes in emotion regulation strategies following
cancer support groups. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41, S9. 2011
10. Giese-Davis, J., Tamagawa, R., Piemme, K., Neri, E., Yutsis, M., Taylor, C.B.,
Spiegel, D. Emotional expression of repressors and the high-anxious with metastatic
breast cancer during the Trier Social Stress Task (TSST). Psychosomatic Medicine,
73, A86. 2011
11. Giese-Davis, J., Neri, E., Taylor, C.B., Kraemer, H.C., Spiegel, D. Higher heart-rate
variability predicts longer metastatic breast cancer survival. Psychosomatic Medicine,
72S, A150. 2010
12. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Wittenberg, L., Yutsis, M., Star, P., Cordova, M.,
Houston, D. & Spiegel, D. (2010) Peer counselling improves quality of life for women
with breast cancer: A randomized trial. Psycho-oncology 19(suppl.2), A349
13. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K., Neri, E., Kraemer, H. & Spiegel, D. (2010)
Decrease in depression symptoms is associated with longer survival in metastatic
breast cancer patients. Psycho-oncology 19(suppl.2), A344
14. Giese-Davis, J. (2010) Expression of primary negative affect during supportive
expressive group therapy sessions reduces trauma symptoms in metastatic breast
cancer patients. Psycho-oncology 19(suppl.2), A335
15. Giese-Davis, J., Tamagawa, R., Yutsis, M., Twirbutt, S., Piemme, K., Neri, E.,
Taylor, B. & Spiegel, D. (2010) Repressive coping styles and emotional expression of
women with metastatic breast cancer during the trier social stress task (TSST).
Psycho-oncology 19(suppl.2), A307
16. Dubenko, L. M., Greenberg, M., Piemme, K., Yutsis, M., Golant, M., & Giese-Davis,
J. (2008). Emotional expression in breast cancer support groups and emotional
information available in observational and text-based coding systems. Annals of
CV – Giese-Davis
Behavioral Medicine, 35, s219
17. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Wittenberg, L., Yutsis, M., Star, P., Cordova, M., et
al. (2008). Peer counseling improves quality of life for women with breast cancer: A
randomized trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35, Supplement, s74
18. Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., Nouriani, B., & Spiegel, D. (2008). Pride following an
acute stressor is associated with healthier physiology. Annals of Behavioral Medicine,
35, s125
19. Wittenberg, L., Yutsis, M., Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Star, P., Houston, D., et
al. (2008). Talking about empowerment with a peer counselor predicts increased
marital satisfaction in women with breast cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35,
Supplement, s151
20. Yutsis, M., Wittenberg, L., Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Cordova, M., Star, P., et
al. (2008). Process of discussions with peer counselors predicts reduction in trauma
symptoms in matched newly diagnosed women with breast cancer. Annals of
Behavioral Medicine, 35, Supplement, s151
21. Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., & Spiegel, D. (2006). Repression, cortisol, and stress
reactivity in women with metastatic breast cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 31
(Supplement), S095
22. Giese-Davis, J., Wilhelm, F. H., Conrad, A., Abercrombie, H., Sephton, S., Yutsis,
M., et al. (2006). Stress reactivity in metastatic breast cancer patients: effects of
depression. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 31 (Supplement), S077
23. Wittenberg, L., Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Star, P., Batten, C., Yutsis, M., et al.
(2006). Involving physicians in recruiting women with breast cancer to a psychosocial
clinical trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 31 (Supplement), S027
24. Palesh, O. G., Butler, B., Koopman, C., Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, R., & Spiegel, D.
(2006). Stress history and breast cancer recurrence. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 31
(Supplement), S017
25. Giese-Davis, J., Kraemer, H. C., Neri, B., & Spiegel , D. (2005). Updates on
controversial design and analysis decisions for research on the diurnal slope of
cortisol. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 29(Supplement), S112
26. Kraemer, H. C., Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., Neri, E., O'Hara, R., GallagherThompson, D., et al. (2005). Design decisions to optimize reliability of daytime
cortisol slopes in an older population. Annals of Behavioral Medicine,
29(Supplement), S112
27. Owen, J. E., Giese-Davis, J., Cordova, M., & Golant, M. (2005). Emotional
suppression, expression, and cognitive processing: Self-report and linguistic indicators
that predict adjustment in cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 29(Supplement),
28. Taylor, C. B., Conrad, A., Neri, E., Roth, W., Giese-Davis, J., Luce, K. H., et al.
(2005). Cardiovascular stress test reactivity in depressed patients at risk for CVD.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 29(Supplement), S010
29. Wittenberg, L., Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Star, P., Stevens, N., Batten, C., et
al. (2005). Marital status predicts change in depression and trauma symptoms in
women with breast cancer and their peer counselors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine,
29(Supplement), S101
30. Liess, A., Ellis, W., Giese-Davis, J., Gruenstein, A., Golant, M., & Spiegel, D. (2004).
CV – Giese-Davis
Emotional information available from videotapes vs transcripts. Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, 27, Supplement, S008
31. Giese-Davis, J., Butler, L.D., Koopman, C., Cordova, M., Classen, C., Kraemer, H.C.,
& Spiegel, D. (2003). Change in emotion regulation mediates change in trauma
symptoms and mood disturbance in women with metastatic breast cancer following
supportive-expressive group therapy. Psycho-Oncology, 12, 4, suppl. S, S192
32. Cordova, M., Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Kronenwetter, C., & Spiegel, D. (2003).
Cancer as a traumatic stressor: Accurate and helpful but incomplete. Annals of
Behavioral Medicine, 25, 2003 Supplement, s174
33. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Carson, K., Star, P., Donaghy, J., Cordova, M., et al.
(2003). Does a peer navigator improve quality of life at diagnosis for women with
breast cancer? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, 2003 Supplement, s118.
34. Giese-Davis, J., Perry, C. J., Abercrombie, H., & Spiegel, D. (2003). Steeper diurnal
cortisol rhythm associated with greater coded primary negative affect and greater
positive affect within spoken narratives. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 25, 2003
Supplement, s1062
35. Ellis, W., Giese-Davis, J., Lieberman, M., Golant, M., Simon, J., & Spiegel, D.
(2002). Emotional expression and therapist behavior in online vs. Face-to-face breast
cancer support groups: a comparative study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24,
Supplement, S178
36. Giese-Davis, J., Perry, C. J., Abercrombie, H., & Spiegel, D. (2002). Steeper diurnal
cortisol rhythm associated with greater primary negative affect and greater positive
affect within spoken narratives in cancer support groups. Psychophysiology, 39S1, S38
37. Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., & Angell, K. (2002). Community-research
collaborations: How to reach more of the people more of the time with evidence-based
interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, Supplement, S019
38. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., & Spiegel, D. (2002). Shorter moments of primary
negative affect associated with flattened diurnal slope of cortisol in metastatic breast
cancer patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, Supplement, S220
39. Perry, C., Giese-Davis, J., & Spiegel, D. (2002). Emotional expression during
narratives in a breast cancer support group. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24,
Supplement, S221
40. Giese-Davis J, Sephton S, Spiegel D. Less expression of primary negative affect
associated with flattened diurnal slope of cortisol. Psychophysiology 38:, S44-S44
Suppl. 1 2001
41. Cordova MJ, Chang V, Giese-Davis J, Kronenwetter C, Golant M, Benjamin H,
Spiegel D. Predictors of breast cancer-related posttraumatic growth. Psychosomatic
Medicine. 63 (1), 1463 Jan-Feb 2001
42. Giese-Davis J, Sephton S, Duran REF, Spiegel D. Repression associated with a
physiological risk factor for early death in metastatic breast cancer. Psychophysiology
37, S42-S42 Suppl. 1 Aug 2000
43. Caldwell R, Golant M, Giese-Davis J, Butler LD, Kronenwetter C, Benjamin H,
Spiegel D Impact and timing of group support for cancer patients experiencing trauma
symptoms. Psycho-Oncology. 8 (6), 141 Suppl. S Dec 1999
44. Giese-Davis J, Kronenwetter C, Golant M, Chang V, Benjamin H, Spiegel D.
Qualities of cancer support groups to consider when implementing support programs.
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Psycho-Oncology. 8 (6), 144 Suppl. S Dec 1999
45. Giese-Davis, J., & Miller, G. A. (1988). Template deficits in anhedonia.
Psychophysiology, 25, 449-450
46. Giese-Davis, J., Hermanson, K., Koopman, C., & Spiegel, D. (1997). Coping and
communication style in couple's adjustment to metastatic breast cancer. Annals of
Behavioral Medicine, 19(Supplement), S182
47. Sephton, S., Giese-Davis, J., Classen, C., & Spiegel, D. (1997). Suppression of anger
in breast cancer patients: Effects on endocrine and immune responses to emotional
stress. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 19(Supplement), S196
1. Russell, B., Reynolds, K., Giese-Davis, J. (Aug. 12, 2014). Primary Care Physicians
Knowledge Gaps, Barriers, and Solutions for Long-Term Follow-Up of Adult
Survivors of Childhood Cancer.Annual SACRI Summer Student Research Day.
2. Dirkse, D., Lamont, L., Li, Y., Simonič, A., Bebb, G., & Giese-Davis, J. (2014, April
30-May2). Shame, guilt, and communication in lung cancer patients and their
partners. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
3. Manerikar, S., Brandelli, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (2014, April 30-May2). An
exploration of cancer patients' trust in health-care providers. Paper presented at the
Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
4. Lang, M., & Giese-Davis, J. (2014, April 30-May 2). The digital one-way mirror:
Video as a tool to strengthen emotional intelligence and clinical interviewing skills in
cancer care professionals. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for
Psychosocial Oncology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
5. Dumanowski, B., Brandelli, Y., Yong, L., Golant, M., Spiegel, D., & Giese-Davis, J.
(2014). Therapeutic mechanisms of change in breast cancer support groups: Does
what you talk about in sessions matter to improvement in trauma symptoms and
emotional self-efficacy? Paper presented at the 72nd Meeting of the American
Psychosomatic Society, San Francisco.
6. Lupichuk, S., Railton, C., Walley, B., Joy, A. J., Ko, J., Zhong, L., et al. (2013, May
31-June 4). Cross-sectional study assessing the need for a nurse-led breast cancer
telephone follow-up clinic. Paper presented at the ASCO Breast Cancer Conference,
San Francisco.
7. Morris, P., Carnell, A., Giese-Davis, J., & Lang, M. (2013 April 24-26). Developing
intentional patient-centred clinical/community collaborations for patient-centred care:
A case study of collaboration in Alberta. 90 minute symposium presented at the
Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference (CAPO), Ottawa, ON.
8. Park, J., Lang, M., Waller, A., Giese-Davis, J., Bultz, B., & Carlson, L. E.. (2013
April 24-26). What’s age got to do with it? Common problems experienced by young
adults compared to older adult cancer patients. Paper presented at the Canadian
Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference (CAPO), Ottawa, ON.
9. Park, J., Lang, M., Pykkonen, M., Li, Y., McCormick, J., Campbell, S., Carlson, L., &
Giese-Davis, J. (2013 April 24-26). Alberta CancerBridges: Minorities experience
CV – Giese-Davis
greater unmet survivorship needs. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology Conference (CAPO), Ottawa, ON.
10. Brandelli, Y., Li, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (2013 April 24-26). Improving self-efficacy
and coping amongst primary breast cancer patients: A topical analysis of support
groups. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology
Conference (CAPO), Ottawa, ON.
11. Railton, C., Walley, B., Lupichuk, S., Joy, A. A., McCormick, J., Ko, J., Giese-Davis,
J. & et al. (2013 Mar 8-10). Assessing the need in Alberta for a virtual breast cancer
survivorship clinic Paper presented at the Alberta Provincial Breast Tumor Group
Meeting, Kananaskis Country, AB
12. Brandelli Y, Li,Y, &Giese-Davis J.(2012 Nov 29). Improving self-efficacy and
coping amongst primary breast cancer patients: A topical analysis of support groups:
The University of Calgary 7th Annual Students’ Union Undergraduate Research
Symposium. Calgary, AB.
13. Bantum, E. O. C., Owen, J. E., Elhadad, N., Golant, M., Buzaglo, J., & Giese-Davis,
J. (2012, November 11-15). Identifying Emotion in Text Generated from Online
Interventions for People who have Survived Cancer. Paper presented at the 14th World
Congress of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Brisbane, Australia.
14. Fitch, M.I., Bradley, H., Eaton, G., Giese-Davis, J., Sisler, J., Taylor-Brown, J.,
(2012, November 11-15). “Implementing survivorship care plans in a Canadian
environment: Understanding the barriers” Paper presented at the 14th World Congress
of the International Psycho-Oncology Society, Brisbane, Australia.
15. Tamagawa, R., Speca, M., Giese-Davis, J., Doll, R., Stephen, J., & Carlson, E.L.
(2012, November 11-15). Associations between depressive mood, health behavior, and
diurnal cortisol slopes among women with breast cancer. Paper presented at the 14th
World Congress of Psycho-Oncology (IPOS), Nov, Brisbane, Australia.
16. Tamagawa, R., Yong, L., and Giese-Davis, J. (2012, November 11-15). Emotional
expression in spoken narratives and diurnal cortisol rhythms among women with
metastatic breast cancer participating in support groups. Paper presented at the 14th
World Congress of Psycho-Oncology (IPOS), Nov, Brisbane, Australia.
17. Brandelli, Y., Li, Y., Giese-Davis, J. Improving self-efficacy and coping amongst
primary breast cancer patients: A topical analysis of support groups. Paper presented
at the Alberta Cancer Foundation Annual Cancer Research Conference—Enhancing
Impact. Nov. 1-3, 2012
18. Park, J., McCormick, J., & Giese-Davis, J. Talk: Is age more than just a number?
Exploring the relationship between age at diagnosis and the unmet needs of adult
survivors of childhood cancers. Paper presented at the Alberta Cancer Foundation
Annual Cancer Research Conference—Enhancing Impact. Nov. 1-3, 2012
19. Dumanowski, B., Li, Y., Golant, M., Giese-Davis, J. Talk: How do depressed women
with breast cancer use support groups? A study of tropic discussion. Paper presented
at the Alberta Cancer Foundation Annual Cancer Research Conference—Enhancing
Impact. Nov. 1-3, 2012
20. Brandelli, Y., Li, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Sept 28). Poster: Improving self-efficacy
and coping amongst primary breast cancer patients: A topical analysis of support
groups. Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute (SACRI) Annual Department of
Oncology Trainee Research Day. Calgary, AB.
CV – Giese-Davis
21. Park, J., McCormick, J., & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Sept 28). Talk: Is age more than just
a number? Exploring the relationship between age at diagnosis and the unmet needs
of adult survivors of childhood cancers. SACRI Annual Department of Oncology
Trainee Research Day. Calgary, AB.
22. Tamagawa, R., Carlson, E.L., Speca, M., Giese-Davis, J., Doll, R., & Stephen, J.
(2012 Aug 29-Sept 1) Associations between individual traits, self-reported mood and
symptoms of stress, and diurnal cortisol concentrations among women with breast
cancer. 12th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine, Aug, Hungary. (Selected
as one of top 10 posters among 780).
23. Brandelli, Y., Li, Y., & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Aug 15). Talk: Improving self-efficacy
amongst primary breast cancer patients: A topical analysis of support groups.
Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute (SACRI) Summer Student Research Day.
Calgary, AB.
24. Lawlor-Savage, L., Green, C., Sephton, S., Nouriani, B., Neri, E., Kraemer, H.C.,
Spiegel, D. & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Jun 14-16). Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)
and sleep parameters in women with metastatic breast cancer. 73rd Annual Canadian
Psychological Association Conference. Halifax, NS.
25. Walley B, Lupichuk S, Railton C, Joy, A.A., McCormick, J., Ko, J., Giese-Davis, J.
(2012 April 25-28). Talk: Assessing the need in Alberta for a virtual breast cancer
survivorship clinic. Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference
(CAPO). Vancouver, BC.
26. Lang M, Giese-Davis J. (2012 Apr 25-28). Developing a patient centered, multimedia
and education strategy to increase patient engagement in survivorship: A case study.
Paper presented at: Annual Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology
Conference; Vancouver, BC.
27. Waller A., Carlson, L.E. , Groff, S.L., Giese-Davis, J. & Bultz, B.D. (2012 Apr 2528). Patterns of distress, physical and psychosocial morbidity in people with head and
neck and neurological cancers over a one year period. Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Shifting Paradigms: New directions in Psychosocial
Oncology. Vancouver BC.
28. Park, J., McCormick, J., & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Apr 25-28). Talk: Is age more than
just a number? Exploring the relationship between age at diagnosis and the unmet
needs of adult survivors of childhood cancers. 2012 Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference. Vancouver, BC.
29. Pyykonen, McCormick, Carlson, & Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Apr 25-28). 2012 Canadian
Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference. Vancouver, BC.
30. Dumanowski, B., Li, Y., Golant, M., Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Apr 25-28). Talk: How do
depressed women with breast cancer use support groups? A study of tropic discussion.
Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. Vancouver, BC.
31. Tamagawa, R., Yong, L., Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Apr 25-28). Talk: Emotional
expression in spoken narratives and diurnal cortisol rhythms among women with
metastatic breast cancer participating in support groups. Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
32. Tamagawa, R., Yong, L., Dillon, C., Giese-Davis, J. (2012 Apr 25-28). Talk:
Deconstructing therapeutic mechanisms in cancer support groups: do we express more
emotion when we tell stories or talk directly to each other? Canadian Association of
CV – Giese-Davis
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
33. Tamagawa, R., Carlson, L.E., Speca, M., Giese-Davis, J., Doll, R., Stephen, J. (2012
Apr 25-28). Talk: Trait mindfulness, dispositional emotion regulation, and selfreported mood and symptoms of stress among breast cancer patients. Canadian
Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO), Vancouver, BC.
34. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Shirt, L., Lau, H., Hao, D., The
CancerBRIDGES Working Team. (2012 Jan 26-28). Talk: Care plan implementation
for head and neck cancer: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. ASCO
Multi-disciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. Spiegel, D.,
Giese-Davis, J., Neri, E., Jo, B., & Kraemer, H. C. (2011 Dec 4-8). Talk: Circadian
cortisol as a predictor of response to psychotherapy for depression and PTSD among
breast cancer survivors. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Waikaloa
Beach, Hawaii.
35. Walley, B., Lupichuk, S., Railton, C., Joy, A.A., McCormick, J., Giese-Davis, J.
(2011 Nov 27-30). Poster: Virtual breast cancer follow-up clinic: Assessing the unmet
need in Alberta Interim Analysis. The Canadian Cancer Research Conference.
Toronto, ON.
36. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., The CancerBRIDGES Working Team,
Carlson, L. (2011 Nov 27-30). Poster: Care plan implementation for breast and head
and neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. The Canadian
Cancer Research Conference. Toronto, ON.
37. Kazanjian, A., Jones, J., Fillion, L., Chasen, M., Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Nov 27-30).
Consortium: Canadian Cancer Survivorship Research Consortium. The Canadian
Cancer Research Conference. Toronto, ON.
38. Park, J., McCormick, J., & Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Nov 24). Poster: Is age more than
just a number? Exploring the relationship between age at diagnosis and the unmet
needs of adult survivors of childhood cancers. The University of Calgary 6th Annual
Students’ Union Undergraduate Research Symposium, Calgary, Alberta.
39. Pyykonen, M., Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, L. (2011 Sept 30). Poster: Are the unmet
needs of lymphoma survivors related to feelings of shame and guilt toward their
carers? SACRI Annual Department of Oncology Trainee Research Day. Calgary, AB
40. Park, J., Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Sept 30). Poster: Is age more than just a number?
Exploring the relationship between age at diagnosis and the unmet needs of adult
survivors of childhood cancers. SACRI Annual Department of Oncology Trainee
Research Day. Calgary, AB.
41. Dumanowski, B., Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Sept 30). Poster: How do depressed women
with breast cancer use support groups? A study of tropic discussion. SACRI Annual
Department of Oncology Trainee Research Day. Calgary, AB.
42. Spiegel, D., Giese-Davis, J., Neri, E., Jo, B., & Kraemer, H. C. (2011 Aug 5). Talk:
Circadian cortisol, depression, and cancer survival: Symposium on circadian hormonal
rhythms and cancer progression. The International Society of
Psychoneuroendocrinology, Berlin.
43. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Railton, C.,
Taylor, A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A &
Carlson, L. (2011 Jun 16-18) Poster: Care plan implementation for breast and head and
neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. Care About Cancer
CV – Giese-Davis
Conference. Edmonton, AB.
44. McCormick, J., Waller, A., Collie, K., T.C.W. Team and Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Jun
16-18) Talk: Successes, barriers and solutions to implementing care plans with cancer
survivors: A qualitative analysis. Care about Cancer Conference. Edmonton, AB.
45. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K., Neri, E., Kraemer, H. C., & Spiegel, D.
(2011 May 14-18). Talk: Decrease in depression predicts longer survival with
metastatic breast cancer. The Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric
Association, Honolulu, HI.
46. Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J., Zhong, L., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Railton, C.,
Taylor, A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A.A.,
Carlson, L.E. (2011 May 4-6). Talk: Care plan implementation for breast and head and
neck cancers: An Alberta CancerBRIDGES demonstration project. Symposium:
Moving Forward after Cancer: Implementing Survivorship Care Plans. Canadian
Association of Psychosocial Oncology Toronto, ON.
47. McCormick, J., Waller, A., Collie, K., The CancerBRIDGES Working Group, GieseDavis, J. (2011 May 4-6). Talk: Successes, barriers and solutions to implementing
care plans with cancer survivors: A qualitative analysis. Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology: Toronto, ON.
48. Yutsis, M., Cordova, M., Field, N., Giese-Davis, J. (2011 Apr 27-30). Poster: Adult
attachment style in breast cancer patients and its association with changes in emotion
regulation strategies following cancer support groups. Society of Behavioral Medicine
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
49. Giese-Davis J, Tamagawa R, Piemme K, Neri E, Yutsis M, Taylor CB, Spiegel D.
(2011 March 9-12). Poster: Emotional expression of repressors and the high-anxious
with metastatic breast cancer during the Trier Social Stress Task (TSST). American
Psychosomatic Society Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
50. Dreeben, S., Fernandez-Botran, Rafael, S., Giese-Davis, J., et al. (2011 March 9-12).
Poster: Mindfulness and psychological adjustment among Parkinson's disease patients
and their partners. American Psychosomatic Association Annual Conference. San
Antonio, TX.
51. Giese-Davis, J., Piemme, K., Neri, E., Yutsis, M., Taylor, C. B., & Spiegel, D. (2011
March 9-12). Talk: Emotional expression of repressors and the high-anxious with
metastatic breast cancer during the Trier Social Stress Task (TSST). The American
Psychosomatic Society, San Antonio, TX.
52. Sephton, S. E., Dreeben, S. J., Jablonski, M. E., Litvan, I., Houghton, D., Giese-Davis,
J., Sokhadze T, Fernandez-Bortran R, Eismann EA, Hanneman S, Salmon P. (2011
March 9-12). Talk: A randomized-controlled trial of Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction for Parkinson’s disease patients and their partners. the American
Psychosomatic Society, San Antonio, TX.
53. Salmon, P., Dreeben, S. J., Jablonski, M. E., Litvan, I., Houghton, D., Constantino, A.,
Giese-Davis, J., Sokhadze, T., Fernandez-Bortran, R., Eismann, E. A., Hanneman, S.,
& Sephton, S.E. (2011 Mar). Talk: A randomized-controlled pilot study of
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Parkinson’s disease patient and
caregiver dyads. The Center for Mindfulness’ Annual Scientific Conference.
Norwood, MA.
54. Tamagawa, R., Yutsis, M., Twirbutt, S., Piemme, K., Neri, E., Taylor, C.B., Spiegel,
CV – Giese-Davis
D. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Nov 8-10). Poster: Autonomic response and emotional
expression of repressors and high-anxious women with metastatic breast cancer during
the Trier Social Stress Test. Alberta Cancer Foundation Research Conference. Banff,
55. McCormick, J., Carlson, L., Chobanuk, J., Lau, H., Hao, D., Railton, C., Shirt, L.,
Taylor, A., Fassbender, K., Walley, B., Joy, A.A. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Nov 8-10).
Poster: Care plan implementation for cancer survivors: A demonstration project by
Alberta CancerBRIDGES. Alberta Cancer Foundation Research Conference. Banff,
56. Lawlor-savage, L., Green, C.L., Sephton, S., Nouriani, B., Neri, E., Kraemer, H.C.,
Spiegel, D. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Nov 8-10). Poster: Cortisol awakening response
(CAR) and sleep parameters in women with metastatic breast cancer. Alberta Cancer
Foundation Research Conference. Banff, AB.
57. Dirkse, D., Simonic, A., Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Nov 8-10). Poster: Self-conscious
emotions in breast and lung cancer patients. Alberta Cancer Foundation Research
Conference. Banff, AB.
58. Rancourt, K., Schimel, J. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Jun 28). Poster: The effects of
relationship talk on couples adjustment to gastrointestinal cancer. 3rd Annual SACRI
Education Research Day.
59. Giese-Davis, J., Tamagawa, R., Yutsis, M., Piemme, K., Neri, E., Taylor, C.B. et al.
(2010 May 25-29). Talk: Repressive coping styles and emotional expression of
repressors with metastatic breast cancer during the trier social stress task. World
Congress of Psycho-oncology. Quebec City, QC.
60. Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K., Neri, E., Kraemer, H.C. & Spiegel, D. (2010
May 25-29). Decrease in depression symptoms is associated with longer survival in
metastatic breast cancer patients. Paper presented at the12th World Congress of
Psycho-oncology. Quebec City, QC.
61. Giese-Davis, J., Carlson, L.E., Groff, S. & Bultz, B.D. (2010 May 25-29). Evaluation
of distress and common problems in a general population of cancer patients at
diagnosis, 3, 6 and 12 months: Does distress change over time without triage? Paper
presented at the12th World Congress of Psycho-oncology. Quebec City, QC.
62. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Wittenberg, L., Yutsis, M., Star, P., Cordova, M., et
al. (2010 May 25-29). Talk: Peer counseling improves quality of life for women with
breast cancer: A randomized trial. 12th World Congress of Psycho-oncology. Quebec
City, QC.
63. Giese-Davis, J. (2010 May 25-29). Talk: Expression of primary negative affect during
supportive-expressive group therapy sessions reduces trauma symptoms in metastatic
breast cancer patients. 12th World Congress of Psycho-oncology. Quebec City, QC.
64. Yutsis, M., Cordova, M., Field, N. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Apr 7-10). Talk: Adult
attachment style in breast cancer patients and its association with reactions to
participation in cancer support groups. Society of Behavioural Medicine, Seattle, WA.
65. Giese-Davis, J., Neri, E., Taylor, C.B., Kraemer, H.C. & Spiegel, D. (2010 Mar 1012). Talk: Higher heart-rate variability predicts longer metastatic breast cancer
survival. American Psychosomatic Society 68th Annual Scientific Meeting. Portland,
66. Yutsis, M., Abercrombie, H., Keller, J., Spiegel, D. & Giese-Davis, J. (2010 Mar 8-9).
CV – Giese-Davis
Talk: Repression associated with poorer verbal and spatial memory in women with
metastatic breast cancer. Cognition and Cancer Conference: The International
Cognition and Cancer Task Force. New York City, NY.
67. Carlson, L.E., Groff, S., Maciejewski, O., Giese-Davis, J., & Bultz, B. (2009 Jun).
Poster: Screening for Distress, the 6th Vital Sign: Longitudinal trends in distress and
common problems over a six month period. International Psycho-oncology Society’s
11th World Congress, Vienna, Austria.
68. Palesh, O., Giese-Davis, J., Mustian, K., O’Hara, R., Gallagher-Thompson, D.,
Kraemer, H., Janelsins, M., Peppone, L., Purnell, J., Morrow, G., Spiegel, D. (2009
Mar). Poster: Depression, fatigue and diurnal cortisol rhythm among cancer patients,
caregivers and older adults. American Society of Preventive Oncology 33rd Annual
Conference. Tampa, FL.
69. Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Yutsis, M., Wittenberg, L., Star, P., Houston, D., et
al. (2007 Sept 7-8). Talk: Does a Peer Navigator Improve Quality of Life at
Diagnosis? Randomized Trial Outcome. BCRP from Research to Action: Breaking
New Ground, Los Angeles.
70. Butler, L. D., Kaufman, A. S., Seibert, E. O., Lockwood, C., Sunda, T., Giese-Davis,
J., Spiegel, D. (2006 Nov). Talk: Flow as a normative dissociative state. International
Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, Philadelphia, PA. November 2007
71. Giese-Davis, J. Peer Navigation Community/Research Collaboration. Presentation to
the Breast Cancer Research Program of California's Community/Research
Collaboration Workshop.
72. Allen, R. M., Giese-Davis, J., Piemme, K., & Twirbutt, S. (2005 Sept 9-11). Talk:
Pride and depression in primary breast cancer: Eliciting pride and examining facial
expression. Annual California Breast Cancer Research Program Conference,
Sacramento, CA.
73. Giese-Davis, J., Yutsis, M., Piemme, K., & Twirbutt, S. (2005 Sept 9-11). Talk:
Assessing the impact of shame and guilt on recovery. Annual California Breast Cancer
Research Program Conference, Sacramento, CA.
74. Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., & Spiegel, D. (2004 Oct 16). Talk: New Discoveries in
Emotions and Cancer. The Frankly Speaking About New Discoveries in Cancer
Seminar Sponsored by The Wellness Community. Walnut Creek, CA.
75. Giese-Davis, J., Abercrombie, H. C., Sephton, S., Epel, E., & Spiegel, D. (2003 Aug
23-27). Talk: Abnormal diurnal cortisol slope: Associations with disease status,
survival, perceived stress, and emotion regulation in women with metastatic breast
cancer. World Psychosomatic Medicine Conference Hawaii.
76. Giese-Davis, J., Butler, L. D., Koopman, C., Cordova, M., Classen, C., Kraemer, H.
C., et al. (2003 Apr 23-27). Talk: Change in emotion regulation mediates change in
trauma symptoms and mood disturbance in women with metastatic breast cancer
following supportive-expressive group therapy. 6th World Congress on PsychoOncology, Banff, Canada.
77. Giese-Davis, J. (2002 Apr). Symposium: Community/research collaborations, how to
reach more of the people more of the time with evidence-based interventions. Chair of
symposium which included: Giese-Davis, J., Bliss-Isberg, C., Carson, K., Donaghy,
J., Star, P., Batten, C., & Spiegel, D. Peer Counselors in a training session provide
accurate predictions of who will be an effective peer navigator. Annual meeting of the
CV – Giese-Davis
Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.
78. Perry, C.J., Giese-Davis, J., Spiegel, D. (2002 Apr). Talk: Emotional expression
during narratives in a breast cancer support group. Annual meeting of the Society for
Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C. Citation award.
79. Giese-Davis, J., Perry, C. J., Abercrombie, H., & Spiegel, D. (2002 Oct 2-6). Talk:
Steeper diurnal cortisol rhythm associated with greater primary negative affect and
greater positive affect within spoken narratives in cancer support groups. Society for
Psycho physiological Research 42nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Ellis, W.,
Giese-Davis, J., Lieberman, M., Golant, M., Simon, J., Spiegel, D. (2002). Poster:
Emotional expression and therapist behavior in online vs. Face-to-face breast cancer
support groups: a comparative study. Annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral
Medicine, Washington, D.C.
80. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., & Spiegel, D. (2001 Oct). Talk: Less coded expression
of primary negative affect associated with flattened diurnal slope of cortisol. Annual
Conference for the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Montreal, Canada.
81. Giese-Davis, J. (2001 Aug). Symposium: Emotion regulation and metastatic breast
cancer. 16th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Goteborg, Sweden.
82. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., Duran, R. E., Spiegel, D. (2001 Jul). Talk: Repression
and physiological risk factors in women with metastatic breast cancer. World
Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver, Canada.
83. Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Butler, L., Classen, C., Cordova, M., Fobair, P.,
Benson, J., Carlson, R., & Spiegel, D. (2000). Talk: Change over time in emotional
control in supportive-expressive group therapy for metastatic breast cancer patients.
Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN.
84. Giese-Davis, J., Sephton, S., Duran, R., & Spiegel, D. (2000). Talk: Repression
associated with a physiological risk factor for shorter survival in women with
metastatic breast cancer. Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN.
85. Giese-Davis, J. & Spiegel, D. (1999 Jun). Talk: Suppression, Repression, and
Restraint in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. Annual conference of the (Non)
Expression of Emotion, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
86. Giese-Davis, J., Kronenwetter, C., Golant, M., Chang, V., Benjamin, H., & Spiegel,
D. (1999 Mar). Talk: Qualities of Cancer Support Groups to Consider When
Implementing Support Programs. Annual meeting of NIH/NCI: Cancer Survivorship:
Research Challenges and Opportunities for the new Millennium, Bethesda, MD.
87. Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Butler, L.D., Classen, C., Morrow, G. R., & Spiegel,
D. (1999 Mar). Talk: Self-Efficacy with Emotions Predicts Higher Quality of Life in
Primary Breast Cancer Patients. Annual meeting of The Society for Behavioral
Medicine, San Diego, CA.
88. Giese-Davis, J., Symons, B., Sephton, S., Cacioppo, J., & Spiegel, D. (1998 Sept).
Talk: Repression, suppression, restraint: Cardiovascular reactivity in metastatic breast
cancer patients. Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research.
Denver, CO.
89. Giese-Davis, J., Hermanson, K., Koopman, C. and Spiegel, D. (1998 Aug). Talk:
Affective engagement and couple’s adjustment to metastatic breast cancer. Annual
meeting of the American Psychological Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
90. Giese-Davis, J., Golant, M., Alt, C. and Spiegel, D. (1998 May). Talk: Topics
CV – Giese-Davis
Discussed in Cancer Support Group Meetings: Dimensions of ‘Support’. Annual
meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
91. Giese-Davis, J., Koopman, C., Butler, L.D., Joss, J., Classen, C., Roberts, J.,
Rosenbluth, R., Morrow, G.R., & Spiegel, D. (1997 May). Talk: The Stanford SelfEfficacy Scale for Serious Illness: Reliability, validity, and generalizability. Annual
meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
92. Giese-Davis, J. (1997 Feb).Talk: The Development of Support Groups. Annual
meeting of the California Association of Regional Cancer Registries (CARCR), San
Francisco, CA.
93. Giese-Davis, J., Miller, G.A., and Zeiss, A.M. (1994 Mar). Talk: Internal Conflict in
Chronic Illness Groups. Annual meeting of The Society of Behavioral Medicine, San
Diego, CA.
94. Fernandes, L.O.L., Giese-Davis, J.E., Hicks, B.D., Klein, D.N., & Miller, G.A. (1994
Oct). Talk: Converging evidence for a memory anomaly in early psychopathology.
Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Atlanta.
95. Etienne, M.A., Deldin, P.J., Giese-Davis, J., & Miller, G.A. (1990 Oct). Talk:
Differences in EEG distinguish populations at risk for psychopathology. Annual
meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston.
96. Ebert, L., Giese-Davis, J., Fernandes, L.O.L., & Miller, G.A. (1989 Oct). Talk:
Specific attention deficit in anhedonia: Autonomic evidence. Annual meeting of the
Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans.
97. Giese-Davis, J., & Miller, G.A. (1988 Oct). Talk: Template deficits in anhedonia.
Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Francisco.
98. Giese-Davis, J., & Miller, G.A. (1987 Oct). Talk: Stimuli mismatch effects in
anhedonia and dysthymia. Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological
Research, Amsterdam.
Calgary Herald, (June 26, 2014) “I worry the cancer will return: Doctors follow the
treatment of child survivors”
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2014, May 2). Better sleep predicts longer
survival time for women with advanced breast cancer. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May
16, 2014 from
WeeksMD: Poor Sleep Habits Lead to Death, Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. May 3, 2014:
Leap Magazine, Alberta Cancer Foundation “I’m Alive. What Now? Provincial
program helps teach survival skills” Lucy Haines 2013 Fall Website Interview: Can Meditation Save Your Marriage?How some
“oms” can shore up your “I dos”, by Stephanie Castillo, Fall 2013:
U Today, University of Calgary links to The Lethbridge Herald, Oct 29, 2013.
CV – Giese-Davis
Cold Lake Sun. Upcoming Events Help Cancer Survivors: University of Calgary
Program aims to improve quality of life. October 15, 2013.
The Lethbridge Herald, Program reaches out to cancer survivors, Oct 27, 2013
UCalgary Medicine, Bridging the Gap, Spring 2013
Calgary CTV-TV, Experts say cancer control statistics on track, Feb 4, 2013
Calgary CBC-TV, Cancer Survivorship Research, Feb 4, 2013
Cochrane Eagle, Woman’s wish to build CancerBridges fulfilled by Lindsay Seewalt,
Wednesday, Nov 07, 2012 09:03 am
Camrose Canadian, Making the rest of your life the best of your life, by Mark Crown,
Thursday, Oct 25, 2012
Shaw TV Edmonton Cancer Awareness, Oct. 19th, 2012
Edmonton Journal. New program helps survivors return to their lives after cancer,
March 24, 2012
Vancouver Sun. The difficulty of surviving cancer: Cancer survivors frequently feel
lost, stressed following treatment March 23, 2012
Read more:
CancerBRIDGES Media Blitz – February 17, 2012
The Calgary Herald, Support network aids cancer survivors
CityTV, Crossing the bridge from patient to cancer survivor, Cancer survivors struggle after treatment
CBC Radio: The Homestretch. Cancer Bridges
University of Calgary, UToday, CancerBRIDGES
CBC News, Cancer website helps survivors get back on their feet, Living with cancer and beyond
Global TV: Life after cancer Cancer survivors struggle after treatment
Interview for LEAP magazine; the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Title: Survivorship:
Living after cancer. Spring 2012 issue
Interview with Vim & Vigor magazine. October 2011
Interview for LEAP Magazine; the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Title: The whole
patient by Caitlin Crawshaw. Summer 2011 Issue
Referenced in Program turns cancer survivors into peer navigators, Journal of
Oncology Navigation & Survivorship. 2(1), 28-31
Interviewed for news article in Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship,
“Program Trains Cancer Survivors to Act as Peer Navigators”, By Dawn Lagrosa, Feb
10, 2011.
Interviewed for news article in Look Good, Feel Better magazine, “Survivorship” By
Hailey Eisen, Dec 7, 2010.
CV – Giese-Davis
Media Stories in re: Giese-Davis, J., Collie, K., Rancourt, K., Neri, E., Kraemer, H.
C., & Spiegel, D. Decrease in depression symptoms is associated with longer survival
in metastatic breast cancer patients: A secondary analysis Journal of Clinical Oncology
CV – Giese-Davis
CV – Giese-Davis
true – Argentina
Reports from the World Congress on Psycho-Oncology in Oncology Exchange. Report
on paper presented by Giese-Davis, J. Expression of Primary Negative Affect during
Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy Sessions Reduces Trauma Symptoms in
Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients in a study summary by Michael Speca “Evidence for
better coping and reduced distress using SEGTS” Nov, 2010 9(4), 28.
DocStoc: Insomnia in Women with Breast Cancer Linked to Heart-Rate
Dysregulation, Oct 16, 2008
Global Television. Interview for: Positively Pink Survivorship. October 7th, 2008 – aired
October 8, 2008
CV – Giese-Davis
Interviewed for Reuters News Release: “Repressed Emotions May Hasten Breast
Cancer Death”. October 26, 2000
Interviewed for Men’s Health Magazine: “In Sickness and in Health: Facing Breast
Cancer with Your Partner”. 1999
CV – Giese-Davis