Electronic communication protocol for students in IU classes While

Electronic communication protocol for students in IU classes
While this process focuses on the IEP, similar steps are required for ER distribution.
Process of the IEP
IEP case manager plans IEP with team
and parents, using email to distribute
invitation and draft documents.
Prepare for the IEP meeting.
Procedural Safeguards
Begin the IEP meeting
Parent(s) sign the invitation, all team
members sign the participation page.
Conduct the meeting
Parent should be asked if they agree to
receive only electronic documents. To
confirm email address and document
approval, the case manager should email
the parent and request approval via email.
In preparation for the meeting, the parent
should have the draft and the invitation.
The parent can be invited to bring his or
her paper copy of the draft. The parent
should be encouraged to print and bring
the invitation.
Before starting the meeting, the case
manager must insure that computer and
projector are set up and functioning. Some
IU sites will have LCD projectors available.
The case manager must be aware of the
process to reserve them. In other settings,
arrangements with the program director
or supervisor will be required.
A copy of the MA approval form should be
made available to the parent.
Invite parent to view the procedural
safeguards notice on line, confirm that
they received a copy previously and have
the parent initial the IEP showing they
have the safeguards. Identify the version of
the PSN when parent signs. (Teacher
should have a paper copy at the meeting.)
No copies are provided to team members,
who received drafts in advance. Team
members should view the IEP on screen.
Parents who prefer (and did not bring a
paper draft) should be provided one.
Set these documents aside for copying and
Team members, including the parents
view pdf on the screen (consider using full
screen mode). It may be appropriate to
insure that the parent can also easily view
the pdf on a laptop.
Document changes
Complete the IEP process.
Case manager gives signature pages to
the parents, or scans them later. The
teacher makes a copy (or, if possible,
scans) the signature pages for the IU.
The teacher gives original signature
page of the documents to the district,
with the official IU cover letter
requesting the NOREP. It should be
specified if additional changes must be
made to the IEP before the NOREP is
issued, and if so, when the changed
document will be received.
The case manager finalizes the IEP on
The IU’s central file will hold only the
signature documents.
Each team member may take notes
individually for later entry into IEPwriter.
Or one team member identified as the note
taker will be responsible for documenting
all change decisions (using a word
document on a laptop)
Simple changes may be possible on
IEPwriter. Otherwise, plan for the
electronic revision of the document. If the
completed IEP is not ready, specify a date
that the IEP will be emailed to parent and
district. Some parents will require hard
copies be mailed to them.
District/LEA offers NOREP to parent.
District provides NOREP to IU after
Teacher sends signature page to IU
If changes are made to the IEP, finalized
version emailed to parent and district
within 5 days.
Team members should have access to the
document on the web-based IEP
management system they are using.
Whenever possible, the ERs, IEPs and
other supporting documents will be
available only through IEPwriter.