transplantation requiring

Hastane Başhekimliği
SAYI : B.30.2.AKD.0.H1.00.00/APK-197
KONU : Fidan AZERİ hk.
Tarih :18/09/2009
Sayın Leyla AZERİ
Yasamal Rayonu
Sherifzade Kucesi 158
Menzil 84
Your application letter indicating your demand regarding stem cell transplantation for your child, Fidan
Azeri, has been assessed and appreciated. The cost of stem cell transplantation in our center is 80.000$. This price
includes the followings in the period between 15 days before transplantation and 60 days after transplantation:
-Daily hospital stay
-Outpatient clinic costs
-Blood products (red blood cells, platelets,plasma)
-Operating room (hickman catheter replacement, removal, blood stem cell harvesting)
- Allogeneic donor cost ( donor evaluation, preperation)
- Diagnostic tests ( blood chemistry, complete blood count, culture, pathological evaluation)
-Radiology ( X-ray, USG, CT)
If one of the conditions below takes place, extra-fee is required for each of the condition:
-The outgoings after posttransplantation day 60 even the patient is not discharged from the hospital.
-The unexpectable complications and the complications like invasive fungal infection, steroid refractory graft versus
host disease, vancomycine resistant enterococcus infections, BK virus associated infections like hemorrhagic
-If the patient has known risk factors at application ( diabetes mellitus, hypertension, morbid obesity, alcoholism) or
associated diseases ( hemophilia, leukemia, immun deficiency, organ insufficiency, malignite,immune, autoimmune
and romatologic diseases) the complications related with these known risk factors or diasease
-The complications related with transplantation requiring hospital stay after posttranplantation day 60
In case of complication requiring second intervention for the same complication like wound revision, extra-fee is
not required.
In case of withdrawal of the patient before transplantation either because of medical reasons or not, the
expenses done until day of discharge are required with in ten days.
The total fee is required as advance payment. In case of cancellation, the rest of prepayment apart from expenses
are returned.
Akdeniz Üniversitesi Hastanesi
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