Subject and Verb

Subject and Verb
How does a Noun Work in a Sentence? The basic functions of nouns in sentences are:
Direct Object
Indirect Object
Object of the Preposition
A subject is the noun in the sentence that
1) Performs the action
--John drinks coffee.
--Pedro saw the movie.
--Maria and Sally read the book
--The wind blew the leaves.
--A bell rang.
--Hope filled their hearts.
2) A verb
 Expresses action
--John drinks coffee.
--Pedro saw the movie.
--Maria and Sally read the book
--The wind blew the leaves.
--A bell rang.
--Hope filled their hearts.
Expresses a state of BEING (is, am, are, was, were, be, been)
--He is a teacher
--I am a teacher.
--Miguel and Roger are teachers.
--Sandra was a teacher last year
--Bill and Tom were teachers last year.
--He will be a teacher.
--I have been a teacher.
Practice 1: Underline the subject of the sentence once and the verb twice.
1. Carl spilled cocoa on the carpet.
2. A ladybug landed on my shoulder.
3. Gary eats cold pizza for breakfast.
4. The waitress brought his dinner.
5. I found a blue egg under a tree in my backyard.
6. Diane stapled her papers.
7. My boss has patience.
8. I tasted the eggs.
9. The audience applauded.
10. The rain fell on the valley.
Practice 2: Underline the subject of the sentence once and the verb twice.
1. I am always nervous on the first day of school.
2. His parents are friendly.
3. Tomas was the winner.
4. Our dog is friendly.
5. Estelle and Jaime are ready for the test.
6. The hot dogs were delicious.
7. Maricela’s house is big.
8. Nancy is an excellent student.
9. I am the last person in line.
10. They are usually quiet.
Practice 3: Underline the subject of the sentence once and the verb twice.
1. The rain and snow stopped traffic.
2. Lilian and her husband live in Sylmar.
3. Fred, Carlos, and Ben work downtown.
4. Grace and her neighbors are concerned about their community
5. David and his brother play soccer on Saturday.
6. Mr. Hernandez is the president of the company
7. Jim jogs on the beach every day.
8. The tall man waited in the office.
9. The hot coffee burned my tongue.
10. I am enrolled in an English course.
11. Jeremy was a student last year.
12. The cute kittens are asleep.
13. The nurse and doctor helped the patient.
14. Sam’s sister bought a new car.
15. The rain was loud.
16. The rain beat on the windows.
17. The accident was tragic.
18. Linda forgot her purse.
19. The loud music broke the silence.
20. The music is peaceful.