Planetary Geology Project
We will cover Chapter 9 on Planetary Geology using a student lecture format. The class will be divided into groups. Each group will be given a section of the material to cover. The group must prepare a lecture on the assigned section. Each group will be required to prepare:
Oral presentation – you will present the material for your section to the class in a short presentation.
The PowerPoint should be no longer than 15 slides including the title slide and the references.
The notes must answer the study questions, at a minimum.
Allow enough time for students take additional notes on your presentation. Be prepared to answer any questions. You will be evaluated on the content of your presentation, the effectiveness of your presentation and your knowledge of the topic.
Be sure to cite all references on the last slide. This includes links to any graphics used in the presentation.
Submit a print out of your presentation, in handout form with 3 slides per page.
Save your presentation on a flash drive so there are no download problems.
9 – 1: Connecting Planetary Interiors and Surfaces
Describe the interior structure of the 5 terrestrial planets.
Define differentiation and explain how it led to the internal structure of the terrestrial planets.
Explain what we mean by lithosphere and explain why it isn’t listed as one of the three layers by composition.
Explain how lithospheric thickness varies among the 5 terrestrial planets.
Summarize the processes by which planetary interiors get hot and cool off.
Discuss the role of planetary size in planetary cooling.
Explain how the earth’s magnetic field is produced.
Describe the 3 requirements for a global magnetic field.
9 – 2: Shaping Planetary Surfaces
Define each of the four major geological processes, and give examples of features shaped by each process.
Define outgassing and explain why it is so important to our existence.
Explain how crater counts revel the geologic age of a planet.
Briefly explain why the moon is more heavily cratered than the earth.
Summarize the ways in which a terrestrial word’s size, distance from the sun, and rotation rate each affect its relative level of impact catering, volcanism, tectonics, and erosion.
9 – 3: Geology of the Moon
Briefly summarize the geologic history of the moon, be sure to explain the origin of the lunar maria.
Describe the interior of the moon and explain how it differs from the earth’s interior.
Include an image of the moon’s surface. Label each of the following features on the image: crater, ray, maria, highlands, rille
Describe each of the features listed above.
Explain why the moon is covered with a thin layer of “soil” called regolith.
9 – 3: Geology of the Mercury
Describe the geological appearance of Mercury.
Summarize the geological history of Mercury; be sure to include how Mercury’s great cliffs are thought to have formed.
Research & report on whether Mercury has an atmosphere
Look up and report on missions to Mercury
9 – 4: Geology of Mars
Describe the geological appearance of Mars.
Explain how the Martians invaded popular culture.
Describe the major geological features of mars.
Describe the geological evidence that tells us water once flowed on Mars.
9 – 5: Geology of Venus
Describe the major geological features of Venus.
What evidence tells us that Venus was repaved about 750 million years ago?
Describe the differences between the lithospheres of Venus and Earth that might explain the lack of plate tectonic on Venus.
9 – 6: The Unique Geology of Earth - part 1
Describe the theory of plate tectonics. Provide the number of plates and the names of the major plates.
Explain how each of the following provides evidence for the theory of plate tectonics:
Past continental motion
Seafloor spreading
Difference between seafloor crust and continental crust
9 – 6: The Unique Geology of Earth - part 2
Describe how the seafloor is recycled.
Describe how continents grow and the processes that shape them.
Describe how a rift valley forms and provide an example.
Explain what a fault is and give an example.
Describe hot spot volcanism and give an example.