Unit 3 Spring 1

Mid-term planning
Year 4: Unit 3
Term: Spring 1
Is a holy journey necessary for believers?
Key Concepts: Hindu; Christianity; Pilgrimage; Worship
Learning Objective: to explore the holy journeys made
by believers
Attainment Target Focus:
 AT1 Knowledge about religion – Believing;
Behaving; Belonging
 AT2 Learning from religion – Making sense of who
we are
Syllabus Questions addressed:
 Is religion the most important influence and
inspiration is everyone’s life?
 Does participating in worship help people feel
closer to God or their faith community?
Assessment Criteria: (L3 & L4)
 Make links between beliefs and sources (L3), describe an understanding of concepts, making some
comparisons between religions (L4)
 Identify impact religion has on believers life (L3) describe and show understanding of feeling and experiences
 Describe key features of religion and religious expression (L3) suggesting meanings for religious forms and
practices (L4)
 Identify what influences them (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of identity and belonging (L4)
 Ask important questions about religion and beliefs (L3) raising and suggesting answers to questions of
meaning, purpose and truth (L4)
 Make links between values and commitments and their own attitudes and behaviour (L3) raising and
suggesting answers to questions of values and commitments (L4)
 Show the children some pictures of the Magi. Do they know who they are? What do they know about the
Magi? Were they going on holiday? How do they know? What would the difference be?
 Discuss holiday destinations with the children. Where do they go? Why do they go? What do they do?
 Do they have a special place that they go? Does that special place have to be outside the home? Describe the
special place and what they would do there. Explain why they would go there. How does their special place
make them feel?
June 2014
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Mid-term planning
Enquire & Explore: (AT1)
 What places do the children think are special to Christians? Can they name any? Pin pictures and information
about various places of pilgrimage round the room and allow the children time to “visit” them, choosing the
place that they are most interested in, which they can then research. Watch video clip of Sister Margaret
talking about her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella which is on the old www.request.org.uk website.
Pupils could write a postcard back from their chosen place, making it clear what is different between a
pilgrimage and a holiday.
 Research further Christian places of pilgrimage – Lourdes, Canterbury, Iona, etc.
 Put a picture of Hindus at the Ganges in the middle of a large sheet, and pupils work in groups to say what
they think is happening, adding questions that they have. These can then be shared with another group,
which suggests answers to the questions or adds ideas of their own.
 Research Hindu places of pilgrimage – Varanasi, etc. Find out about the history of these places, what people
do when they go there, how they travel, why they travel there.
Evaluate: (AT2 Impersonal)
 Pupils consider and debate whether pilgrimage is more meaningful for Christians or Hindus, offering reasons
and suggestions. It may include answers to any of the following questions: Do worshippers have to leave
home to worship? Do you think they gain more by going somewhere a long distance away to worship? Does
the journey add to the experience? Is it more meaningful if they travel with others? Are some places more
important than others?
Reflect & Communicate: (AT2 Personal)
 Would the children want to go on a pilgrimage? Would that be more important than a holiday? Where would
they go? Why? What would they take? Who would they travel with? Make an advert for either a pilgrimage
or staying at home to get close to God
 What went well?
 Even better if:
Some suggested resources:
 Pilgrimage presentations on RE
 Quest – www.request.org.uk
 Cards about the various places of pilgrimage with pictures and information
 www.reonline.org.uk – pilgrimage links
 www.retoday.org.uk
 “Diamond nine” activity about reasons to go on pilgrimage
 RE Today publications: Developing Primary RE – Special places;
RE Ideas – Sacred places
June 2014
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Mid-term planning
More the 101 Great Ideas for RE
June 2014
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Assessment opportunities & activities
Year 4: Unit 3
Term: Spring 1
Is a holy journey necessary for believers?
Some pupils will have made more progress and be working at
Level 4 and will use a developing religious vocabulary to:
 Describe and show understanding of the importance of
pilgrimage to Christians and Hindus
 Describe the impact that visiting a place of pilgrimage can have
on a believer
 Refer to Christian or Hindu teaching to show understanding of
reasons for pilgrimage
 Show that they understand the differences between pilgrimage
and holiday and apply this to their own lives
 Answer the question about whether pilgrimage is necessary,
referring to both religions covered and including a personal
Most pupils will be working at Level 3 and able to use an
increasing religious vocabulary to:
 Describe the importance of pilgrimage to Christians or Hindus
 List four similarities between various places of pilgrimage
 Suggest reasons why people go on pilgrimage
 Suggest ways in which pilgrimages and holidays are different and
which they think is more valuable
 Answer the question about whether pilgrimage is necessary,
referring to both religions covered
Pupils working at Level 2 will be able to use religious words and
phrases to:
 Gather and select from pieces of information about pilgrimage
 Show awareness of some similarities and differences between
Christian and Hindu pilgrimage
 Ask some questions and suggest answers about the differences
between pilgrimage and holiday
 Recognise their own reactions to the choice of pilgrimage or
 Discuss the value of pilgrimage, suggesting whether they think it
is necessary or not
June 2014
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