Introduction to Pilgrimage

To find out what a pilgrimage is, who goes on
them & why they go on them.
You’re going to be asked to put your head down on our desk & think –
you will need to think quietly in your head, without speaking. You might
find that it helps to close your eyes & relax. It will not last for too
long – don’t worry!
You need to think about a place (or places)
that are special to you.
They could be special for a happy reason or a sad reason.
They could be special because they’re where something good happened
or where something happened that makes you sad.
You won’t be asked to talk about your place unless you want
to – all you have to do is think about it…
…Now, who would like to tell us about the place they thought about?
You are
problem solving
Can you name these celebrities?
Jonny Wilkinson
Katherine Jenkins
Cliff Richard
Gavin Henson
Charlotte Church
How many did you get right?
They all have a special place in common…
Can you work out where it is & why they all have this same
place in common?
Have you worked out the special place they all share? You are
The Millennium Stadium, solving,
Cardiff, Wales
It is special to them
& working
because they have all
with others…
performed there.
Whether a place is special for a celebrity or for you…
What makes a place special?
Discuss it in pairs & then we’ll discuss it as a whole class.
Places can also be special to religious believers for religious reasons.
For example…
Rome, in Italy, is very special to Catholics, because it’s where the leader of
the Catholic church, the Pope, lives.
Makkah, in Saudi Arabia, is very special to Muslims, because it is the most
holy Muslim city – it is so special that non-Muslims are not allowed there.
Religious believers often visit places that are special to their religion,
these places are called pilgrimage sites.
The journeys to visit these special religious places are called pilgrimages.
The religious believers who visit them are called pilgrims.
In the front of your book, copy &
complete the sentence in red, it is your
title for today’s work.
You are
A pilgrimage is…
& working with
Look at these two photos – the first one is of Muslim
pilgrims in Makkah (the pilgrims are the white crowds
you can see), the second is of Welsh rugby fans at the Millennium
Stadium in Cardiff.
Discuss in pairs & in the back of your books, brainstorm…
What things are the same between these two groups of people?
E.g. They are both devoted to the thing they are doing.
What things did you & your partner decide were
similar between the two groups of people?
Did you talk about things like…
Both groups of
people are going to
a special place.
Both groups of
people feel
emotion about
the thing that
is happening.
You are
& working with
Both groups of
people may take
part in rituals.
Both groups of people
have the same aim as
the rest of the group.
Both groups of people, in
different ways, are pilgrims.
In the front of your books write
Both groups of
people share the a paragraph (minimum 4 lines,
give lots of details) explaining
same belief as
what a pilgrim is. Start your
everybody else
paragraph with: A pilgrim is a
they are with.
religious believer who goes on a
pilgrimage. As part of this
Both groups of people are wearing
pilgrimage they…
similar clothes to the rest of the group. Use your brainstorm ideas & the
ideas here to help you.
Both groups of
people are
devoted to the
thing they are
You are
Why do people go on pilgrimage?
There are many different reason why religious believers go on
Below you have lots of possible reasons – some of them are real
reasons & some of them are ‘red herrings’.
You need to sort out the real reasons & write them in your books –
next to each one you also need to write why you think this thing is an
important part of pilgrimage.
Religious believers go on
Religious believers go on pilgrimage
pilgrimage to spend lots of money.
to strengthen or renew their faith.
Religious believers go
Religious believers go on pilgrimage to be
on pilgrimage to feel
part of their religious community.
closer to their god.
Religious believers go on pilgrimage to have a good holiday
Now, which did you decide were real reasons? Did you get them right?
Can you explain why you think these are reasons why religious believers go on
Copy these questions into the back of your books…
What is a pilgrimage?
Who goes on pilgrimage?
Why do religious believers go on pilgrimage?
You are
& working with
You will be given a time limit to answer these questions with as much
information as you can from today’s lesson.
You do not have to write in full sentences, bullet points are fine!
Swap books to see what we have all written, can you add any more
details to your partner’s book? What answers did we get?
You are developing
your ICT skills…
Next lesson we will be looking at Catholic pilgrims who
go on pilgrimage to a place called Lourdes.
You need to find out 3 facts about why pilgrims go to Lourdes & what
they do whilst they’re at Lourdes – This is a very important homework,
without it you won’t be able to do the first part of next lesson!
An internet search engine like ‘Google’ will help you with this homework.