21-24 April 2015 MacDonald`s Holyrood Hotel, Edinburgh

The Pilgrim Way
led by The Rev. Ruth Everhart
author of Chasing the Divine in the Holy Landi
21-24 April 2015
MacDonald's Holyrood Hotel, Edinburgh
Sponsored by RevGalBlogPals
After her pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine, Presbyterian minister Ruth Everhart says: “The gift of pilgrimage
changed my faith. All my life I’ve been immersed in Scripture, but most of my learning stayed above the
neck, in the realm of ideas. As a pilgrim, I felt Scripture seeping further down into my being. A pilgrim
travels dusty roads, swims in holy water, drinks Palestinian-made wine, eats olives and pita bread, lights
candles, touches stones, whispers prayers, laughs, cries and sings. Being a pilgrim is not about travelling to
a particular place, as much as immersing oneself in the Spirit-filled past so it can infuse our present. As the
old hymns say, we’re all pilgrims on a journey. Once we return home, how do we remain pilgrims at heart?
How might this shape our lives?"
What does it mean to be a pilgrim? Could I be one?
Many Christians would love to travel to the Holy Land, but hesitate. They’re inhibited by the expense, the
potential discomfort, even the possibility of danger. Yet, the transformative power of pilgrimage beckons.
We invite you to join us for three days to explore pilgrimage and its benefits.
With Everhart's leadership, we will explore the power of pilgrimage and discern where God is calling us,
whether it be to a geographical pilgrimage or to the deeper inner pilgrimage which describes the life of faith.
Ruth Everhart is a graduate of Calvin College (1979) and the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
(1989). She grew up in the Christian Reformed Church and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Ruth served as both solo and staff pastor and currently works for the Military Chaplains Association while
working on her next book.
Cost: £400 which includes the programme and three nights bed and full board (sharingii) at MacDonald's
Holyrood Hotel, Edinburgh. The programme begins at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21 and continues through
lunch on Friday, April 24, comprising 20 hours of classroom time. Places are limited to 30 participants.
Proposed Schedule:
Tuesday, April 21
3-5:30 p.m. Introduction to programme and participants
Wednesday, April 22
8:30-9 a.m. Opening Worship
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Session 1 with Rev. Everhart
1:30-5:30 p.m. Session 2
Thursday, April 23
8:30-9 a.m. Opening Worship
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Session 3
1:30-4:30 p.m. Small group directed activity
4:30-6 p.m. Session 4
Friday, April 24
9-11:30 a.m. Session 5
11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Closing Worship
Lunch & depart
More about RevGalBlogPals:
Founded in 2005, RevGalBlogPals offers support and resources to women in ordained Christian ministry. Our
online community includes clergywomen, women church professionals, women religious and women
discerning a call to Christian ministry, as well as supportive male clergy and lay people. We have members in
more than a dozen countries around the world and over thirty denominations as well as no denomination, with
an age range of 20-something to 80-something. (http://revgalblogpals.org)
Further information and a booking form can be obtained from:
Rev Julie Woods
The Manse
High Street
Chasing the Divine in the Holy land is published by Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-8028-6907-4; it is
also available for Kindle.
Part of the experience of a RevGalBlogPals event is the fellowship and relationship building that has been an
integral part of our ethos. This means we encourage our participants to share accommodation with friends as
yet unknown.
Every event is a chance to put flesh onto our virtual relationships which are nurtured through our blog, our
Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RevGalBlogPals/) and by the prayer, advice and support
we offer each other. Limited single rooms may be available, but there will be a supplement for these (level
confirmed on application)