Course : Chem 412F

B. Sc. Honours Part-IV Examination, 2010
Session: 2009 - 2010
The courses and distribution of marks are as follows:
Course Number
Course Title
Chem 411F
Molecular Spectroscopy
Chem 412F
Chemistry of Solid and Liquid States
Chem 413H
Theoretical Chemistry-I
Chem 421F
Reaction Mechanism & Stereochemistry
Chem 422H
Industrial Chemistry-II
Chem 423F
Natural Products Chemistry
Chem 431F
Inorganic Chemistry – IV
Chem 432F
Inorganic & Environmental Chemistry
Chem 433H
Analytical Chemistry-II
Chem 401AH
Class Assessment- IV
Chem 401VH
Viva-voce in Chemistry- IV
Chem 401LF
Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Practical- IV
Total Credit Courses
Examination of the theory courses of 100 marks (1.0 unit, 4 credit) shall be of 4 (four) hours' duration and those of 50 marks (0.5
unit, 2 credit) shall be of 3 (three) hours' duration. Examination for the practical course (50 marks, 0.5 credit) shall be of 12
(twelve) hours duration (2 days). Marks of the practical course include 30% marks for continuous lab. assessment.
The students are required to undertake an industrial study tour in order to visit some important chemical industries of Bangladesh
during the academic year and submit a report to the teacher(s) concerned within two weeks after retuning from the tour. The
students also have to submit a report after each lab. class to the class teacher(s) for evaluation. After evaluation the report shall be
returned to the students. The class teacher(s) shall submit the average marks of all lab. evaluation in sealed envelopes to the
Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the last lab. class held. The examination committee
shall send a copy of each of the consolidated practical and lab. Evaluation marks to the controller of examinations.
Course Chem 401AH (class assessment) includes tutorial, terminal, home assignment and /or class examinations on theoretical
courses by the relevant course teacher(s) and attendance* of the students in the classes during the academic year. Class
assessment comprises (a) 80% marks in tutorial, terminal, home assignment and /or class examinations and (b) 20% marks for
attendance in the class. The class teacher of each course shall submit the average consolidated marks of class assessments and
attendance in sealed envelope to the Chairman of the relevant committee within three weeks from the last class held. The
relevant examination committee shall prepare the result by taking the average marks of class assessments as submitted by the
class teachers of all the courses, and send a copy of the average consolidated marks to the controller of examinations.
Viva-voce examination (Chem 401VH) includes the assessment of the students through oral examination of all the courses by the
members of the relevant examination committee. The examination committee shall send a copy of the marks of the practical
examination, lab. evaluation and viva-voce examinations to the controller of examinations.
No student having less than 60% class attendance shall be allowed to sit for the examination.
Course : Chem 411F
Molecular Spectroscopy
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Vibrational spectroscopy (20 lectures): Introduction and practical aspects. Vibration of diatomic molecules: molecular
vibrations, vibrational energy, selection rule, anharmonicity effect. Vibration of polyatomic molecules, vibrational energy
levels, overtones, combination and hot bands, Coriolis interaction, accidental degeneracy, vibrational spectra of crystals,
characteristic group frequencies, factors influencing vibrational frequencies. Some representative spectra of organic and
inorganic compounds, applications of vibrational spectroscopy.
Electronic Spectroscopy (15 lectures): Introduction, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, band system and vibrational
transitions, absorption spectra. Franck-Condon principle, dissociation energy, predissociation, selection rules for electronic
transitions, absorption laws, solvent effects on spectra, conjugated dienes, polyenes, poly-ynes and polyenones.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy (25 lectures): Introduction, quantization of angular momentum,
electron and nuclear spin, nuclear magnetic moments, nuclei in a magnetic field, Larmour precission, chemical shift and
shielding, chemical equivalence, environment and chemical shift, reference standards and solvents. Effects of pulses, the
rotating frame of reference (block equation), free-induction decay, local diamagnetic shielding (electronegativity &
hybridization effects, acidic and exchangeable protons, hydrogen bonding), magnetic anisotropy, spin-spin splitting, (n+1)
rule, origin of spin-spin splitting. Pascal’s triangle, coupling constant, protons on oxygen (alcohols, acid/water and
alcohol/water mixtures), protons on nitrogen (amines), the theory of relaxation, application of NMR spectroscopy.
Mass Spectroscopy (15 lectures): Theory, instrumentation, molecular weight determination, molecular formulas from
isotope ratio data, McLafferty rearrangement, the nitrogen rule, general fragmentation patterns of some important
organic/inorganic compounds, applications.
Recommended Books:
1. P.S. Sindhu
: Molecular Spectroscopy
2. J.D. Graybeal
: Molecular Spectroscopy
3. R.K. Harris
: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
4. D.L. Pavia, G.M. Lampman
: Introduction to Spectroscopy
and G.S.C. Kriz
5. Y.R. Sharma
: Elementary Organic Spectroscopy
6. H.Gunther
: NMR Spectroscopy
7. J.K.M. Sanders and B.K. Hunter
: Modern NMR Spectroscopy
8. R.J. Abraham and P. Loftus
: Proton and Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy
9. E.A.V. Ebsworth, D.W.H. Roukin and : Structural Methods in
S. Croadock
Inorganic Chemistry
10. I.D. Campbell and R.A. Dwek
: Biological Spectroscopy.
Course : Chem 412F
Chemistry of Solid and Liquid States
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Bonding and structure of solids (15 lectures): Types of matter, classification of solids, band theory of solids; metals,
conductors, semiconductors, super conductors and insulators. Types and doping of semiconductors, Hall effect, p-n junction,
photoconductors, superconductors, non-stoichiometric compounds.
Solid state transformation reactions (5 lectures): Properties of solids and polymorphism, factors influencing the reactivity,
methods of studying solid state reactions, kinetics of decomposition of solids and oxidation of metals, freezing, normal
segregation, zone refining.
Chemical crystallography (20 lectures): Growth, classification and properties of crystals, lattice energy of ionic crystals,
Madelung constant and energy, Born-Lande equation and Born-Haber cycle, space lattice, unit cells, reciprocal lattice,
structural elements, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, particle content of unit lattices, intercepts, separation and designation
of lattice planes, law of rational (or reciprocal) indices (or intercepts), Weiss and Miller indices, crystal symmetry and
symmetry operations, proper, improper and screw axes, glide planes, point, plane and space groups. Close-packed structure,
voids and packing efficiency, radius tatio and coordination number in crystal structures, determination of density and mass of
crystals. Defects in crystal structures. : point, line and plane defects in solids; elastic and plastic deformations, edge and
screw dislocations.
X-ray crystallography (20 lectures) : Generation and properties of X-ray, diffraction of X-ray by crystals, Bragg’s equation,
X-ray diffraction methods, indexing of of X-ray reflections and determination of space groups, systematic absences,
structure factors, Fourier and Patterson syntheses, X-ray photographs and refractometry, structure of some ionic crystals e.g,
NaCl, CsCl, zine blende, wurtzite fluorite, rutite. ilmenite, perovskite and spinel.
The structure of liquid state (5 lectures): Structure and theory of liquids, X-ray diffraction of liquid structures, cohesion of
liquids, internal pressure, liquid crystals, their classification and uses, glasses, cohesion of liquids, internal pressure and
melting, intermolecular forces.
Basics of computer (10 lectures): Introduction, history of generation and types, basic components of microcomputers and
their functions. Digital Electronics and their interconversions, codes, logic gates and their operations, binary arithmatic, fliffflops. Softwares: (i) Basic ideas and classifications. System softwares; DOS, WINDOWS, and application softwares. (ii)
Programming languages; Learning simple programmes in FORTRAN & TURBO C.
Recommended Books:
1. A.K. Galway
2. Stanny
3. L.V. Azaroff
4. Hanna
5. P.A. Cox
6. M.G. Arora
7. H.V. Keer
8. W.J. Moore
9. P.W. Atkins
10. P Ander & A.J. Sonnesa
11. N. Kundu and S K Jain
12. A R Verma & O. N. Shrivastava :
13. C Kittel
14. Mendel Sachs
15. Gurdeep Raj
16. M.F.C Ladd & R.A. Palmer
17. School of Science and Technology B.O.U :
18. Ronald J. Tocci
19. Byron S. Gottfried
Chemistry of Solids
Solid State Chemistry
Introduction to Solids
Solid State Chemistry
Chemistry of Solids and Spectroscopy.
Solid State Chemistry
Principles of the solid state
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Crystallography for solid State Physics
Introduction to Solid State Physics.
Solid State Theory
Advanced Physical Chemistry.
Structure Determination by X-Ray crystallography (3rd . Edn)
Digital computer Electronics.
Digital Systems
Programming with C.
Course: Chem 413H
Theoretical Chemistry-I
Examination: 3 hours
Full marks : 50 (0.5 unit, 2 credit)
(40 lectures, 2 lectures per week)
Basic principles of quantum mechanics (8 lectures): Functions and operators; operator algebra; commutation of operators,
commutator; linear operaters, vector operaters, Hamiltonian operater. Hermitian operators and their properties; eigen function
and eigenvalue of on operator, quantum mechanical postulates and their explanations; rules for constructing quantum
mechanical operators, the time dependent and time independent SchrÖdinger equations.
Approximate methods in quantum mechanics (8 lectures): The variation theorem; extension of the variation method. Nondegenerate perturbation theory; perturbation and variation treatments of the helium atom ground state; perturbation theory for
a degenerate energy level; simplification of the secular equation; perturbation treatment of the first excited states of helium;
comparison of the variation and perturbation methods.
Angular momentum and electron spin (8 lectures): Angular momentum of a one-particle system; angular momntum
operators and their commutation relations, ladder operator methods for angular momentum. Electron spin; spin and the
hydrogen atom; the Pauli principle; the helium atom; the Pauli exclusion principle; Slater determinants; perturbation and
variation treatments of the lithium ground state; spin magnetic moment.
Wave mechanics of multielectron atoms (16 lectures): The Hartree and Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method; orbitals
and the periodic table; electron correlation; addition of angular momenta; angular momentum in many-electron atoms; spinorbit interaction; the atomic Hamiltonian; the Condon-Slater rules.
Recommended Books:
1. L. Pauling and E.B.Wilson Jr.
2. Ira N. Levine
3. J.N. Murrel, S.F.A. Kettle & J.M. Tedder
4. H. Eyring, J. Walter & G.E. Kimball
5. R.K. Prasad
6. R.K. Prasad
7. R. Anantharaman
8. A.K. Chandra
9. Donald A. McQuarrie
10. S. Glasstone
11. P.W. Atkins
12. Gurdeep Raj
: Introduction to Quantum mechanics
: Quantum Chemistry
: Valence Theory
: Quantum Chemistry
: Quantum Chemistry
: Quantum chemistry Throngh Problems & Solutions
: Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
: Introductory Quantum Chemistry
: Physical Chemistry, A Molecular Approach
: Theoretical Chemistry
: Physical Chemistry
: Advanced Physical Chemistry
Course : Chem 421F
Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry
Examination: 4 hours
Full Marks: 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Kinetics, energetic and investigation of organic reaction mechanism (8 lectures): Kinetics and Energetics: Reaction rate,
reversible reactions, mechanistic implications from rate law, transition state theory, energy of activation, entropy of
activation. Investigation of reaction mechanism, identification of products, study of intermediates, trapping of intermediates,
crossover experiment, kinetic, isotopic and stereochemical studies.
Mechanism of Esterification and Hydrolysis (8 lectures): (AAC1, AAC2, AAL1, AAL2, BAC1, BAC2, BAL1 and BAL2)
mechanisms, stereochemistry, weakness and deviations, transesterification, and its uses in synthesis.
Stereochemistry (15 lectures): Stereochemistry of allenes and biphenyl derivatives, atropisomerism, butressing effects, R,Snomenclature of allenes and biphenyls. Asymmetric synthesis, enantiomeric excess, optical purity, enantio topic faces,
diastereotopic and homotopic faces. Stereo convergence, stereospecificity, diastereoselectivity and chemoselectivity in
reactions with examples. Substrate and reagent control stereoselectivity.
Conformational analysis (15 lectures): Relative stability of cyclic and acylic conformers, torsional angle, dihedral angle,
conformers of n-butane, n-propane, ethylene glycol, acetaldehydes, propanaldehydes and acetone. Conformation of
haloalkanes, halohydrins and alkenes. Conformations of cyclopropane, cyclobutane, cyclopentane and cyclohexane (Chair
and boat). Conformational stability of cis-trans 1- 2 , 1- 3, 1- 4-dimethylcyclohexane, 2-alkyl ketone, 3-alkyl ketone and
haloketone effects in cyclohexane.
Pericyclic Reactions (10 lectures): Electrocyclic and cycloaddition both in thermal and photochemical methods,
Stereochemistry and mechanisms. Woodward-Hofmann rule, sigmatropic changes (both carbon and H-shift), Cope and
Claisen rearrangements & stereochemistry.
Free radical reaction (9 lectures): Definitions, generation and detection of free radicals. Long and short lived free radicals,
configuration of free radicals, types of free radical reactions, examples & mechanism. Autoxidations, radical initiators and
radical scavengers.
Photochemistry (10 lectures): Light absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence, singlet and triplet states,
photosensitization reactions. Example of photochemical reaction: (i) photorearrangement, (ii) photoaddition, (iii)
photosubstitution, (iv) photooxidation/reduction, photocyclization, (v) photoelimination, Norrish I & II type reactions, (vi)
photochemistry of aromatic compounds
Recommended Books:
1. E.S. Gould
2. A.R. Alexander
3. P. Sykes
4. E.L Eliel
5. Hallas
6. E.L. Eliel
Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry
Ionic Organic Reactions
A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds
Organic Stereochemistry
Conformational Analysis Allinger et al
I.L. Finar
B.J. Cram, G.S. Hammond
and Hendrickson
J.D. Roberts and M.C. Casserio :
R.J. Fessenden and J.S. Fessenden :
J. Memuray
R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd
S.J. Weininger and R.R. Stermitz :
L.G. Wade Jr.
J. March
Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Advanced Organic Chemistry.
Course : Chem 422H
Industrial Chemistry
Examination : 3 hours
Full Marks : 50 (0.5 unit, 2 credit)
(40 lectures, 2 lectures per week)
Polymers (8 lectures): Polymers and their classification, addition and condensation polymerisations, molecular weight and
degree of polymerisation, polydispersity and molecular weight distribution, general idea of polymer structure, glass transition
temperature and the factors influencing it, crystallinity in polymers, solubility and nature of polymers in solution.
Textile technology (8 lectures): Dyes and their properties, relationship between color and constitution, classification of dyes,
Chemistry associated with the dyeing of fibres, composition of cotton, silk and wool, preparation of fibres for dyeing,
methods of dyeing.
Leather technology (6 lectures): Definition of leather, hides and skins and their classifications, preparation of hides and
skins, pre-tannage processes, tanning processes: chrome tanning, vegetable tanning and alum tanning, finishing of leather.
Coating technology (6 lectures):
Resin: Definition, classification and applications of resins, alkyd resin: classification, raw materials and chemistry associated
with preparation, phenol-formaldehyde resin and modified resins.
Paints and Varnishes: Definitions, classification, constituents, purpose of coating, compounding, methods of applications,
cure and paint failure, enamels and lacquers.
Fertilizers (5 lectures): Classification of fertilizers and their importance as plant nutrient. Production of phosphate fertilizers
like normal superphosphate, triple superphosphate and ammonium phosphate.
Agrochemicals and Pesticides (7 lectures): Pesticides and their classifications, preparation of some common organochlorinated and organo phosphorous insecticides: BHC, DDT, parathion, methyl parathion, paraoxon and malathion,
herbicides: trichloro phenoxy compounds, properties, uses and mode of action.
Recommended Books:
1. V.R. Gowariker, N.V. Fiswanathan
and J. Sreedhar
2. Bill Maeyer
3. R.N. Shreve
4. A. Rogers (Ed. by C.C. Furnas)
5. Riegel
6. G. Martin
7. Nelson
8. Vincent Seuchelli
9. R.K. Das
10. Robert B. Leighou
11. Hayward
: Polymer Science
Textbook of Polymer Chemistry
The Chemical Process Industries
Rogers' Manual of Industrial Chemistry Vol. I & II
Riegel's Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry Voll. I & II
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Fertilizer Nitrogen
Industrial Chemistry, Part I & II
Chemistry of Engineering Materials
:Outline of Metallurgical Practice.
Course : Chem 423F
Natural Products Chemistry
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Carbohydrates (15 lectures): (a) General knowledge of disaccharides and oligosaccharides (sucrose & maltose), their
structures and conformation. (b) Chemistry of anhydrosugars, glycosans, glycals, deoxy and aminosugars, structure and
properties of polysaccharides e.g. cellulose & starch.
Antibiotics and Vitamins (10 lectures): Chemistry and importance of penicillins, streptomycin, chloromycetin and vitamins
A, B1, B2, C.
Colouring matters (10 lectures): A general knowledge of occurrence, isolation, purification, properties and structure of
anthocyanins, flavonoids and carotenoids.
Steroids and Hormones (10 lectures): Diels hydrocarbon, the chemistry and sterochemistry of cholesterol, ergosterol,
hormones, testosterone, estrone and progesterone. Biosynthesis of steroids and hormones.
Proteins (15 lectures): Classification, helical structures, denaturation, renaturation and anneling. Biosynthesis of proteins,
molecular wt. determination, assay of amino acids and sequence analysis of peptides and proteins.
Chromatography and Mass spectroscopy (15 lectures): Use of chromatography and mass spectroscopy in the identification
and analysis of natural products.
Recommended Books:
1. Rosenberg
2. A. Burger
3. S.F. Dyke
4. Karrer and Karrer
5. R. Fleek
6. I.L. Finar
7. S.W. Fox and J.F. Foster
8. W. Pigman
9. Donald L. Pavia
10. D.A. Skoog
11. H.C. Hill
The Vitamins
Medicinal Chemistry
Chemistry of Vitamin
Synthetic Drugs
Organic Chemistry (Vol-2)
Introduction to Protein Chemistry
The Carbohydrates
Principle of Instrumental Analysis
Mass Spectroscopy.
Course : Chem 431F
Inorganic Chemistry –IV
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 (1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Theories of acids and bases (10 lectures): Development of the concepts of acids and bases, class a and b acid-base theory,
Pearsons hard - soft concept of acids and bases, measurement of acid-base strength, Drago and Waylands E and C parameter,
periodic trends in Bronsted acidity.
2. Coordination chemistry (13 lectures): MOT principal and application to simple coordination compounds, definition and
thermodynamics of stability constant, factors affecting stability of complexes, methods for the determination of stability
constant of complexes in solution, uses of stability constant data in chemical analysis.
3. Organometallic compound (13 lectures): Definition, nomenclature, 18-electron rule, metal carbonyls and nitrosyls; acceptor ligands: methods of preparation, properties, structure and bonding of metal carbonyls and nitrosyls.
4. Chemistry of lanthanides and actinides (12 lectures): Periodicity, comparison of transition metal ions and lanthanide ions,
lanthanide chelates, uses of lanthanides and their compounds, general characteristic of actinides and their comparison with
lanthanides, separation of actinide elements.
Reactions in non-aqueous media (10 lectures): Role of solvents in chemical reactions, chemical reactions in liquid NH 3,
SO2, H2SO4 and HF media.
Metal-to-metal bonds and metal atom clusters (17 lectures): Introduction, metal carbonyl clusters: low-nuclearity carbonyl
clusters (LNCCs), isoelectronic and isolobal relationship, high-nuclearity carbonyl clusters (HNCCs), hetero atoms in metal
atom clusters, electron counting schemes for HNCCs (the Capping rule, Wade’s rule), HNCCs of the Fe, Ru and Os group,
HNCCs of cobalt, rhodium and iridium, HNCCs of nickel, palladium and platinum. Metal-metal bonds in non-carbonyl
compounds: octahedral metal halide and chalcogenide clusters, Re3- clusters. Compounds with M-M multiple bonds: major
structural types, quadruple bonds, triple bonds, other bond orders in the tetragonal contest, relation of clusters to multiple
bonds, one dimensional solids.
Recommended Books:
1. J.E. Huheey
: Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity
2. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson
: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (5th Ed.)
3. S.Z. Haider
: Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
4. N.C. Day and J. Selbin
: Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry
5. Purcell and Kotz
: Inorganic Chemistry
6. J.P. Collman and L.S. Hegedus
: Principles and Applications of Organotransition Metal Chemistry
7. W.U. Malik, G.D. Tuli & R.D. Madan : Selected topics in Inorganic Chemistry
8. R.S. Drago
: Physical Methods in Chemistry
9. H.H. Sisler
: Chemistry in Nonaqueous Solvents
Course : Chem 432F
Inorganic and Environmental Chemistry
Examination : 4 hours
Full Marks : 100 ( 1 unit, 4 credit)
(75 lectures, 4 lectures per week)
Magnetochemistry (14 lectures): Theories of para and diamagnetism, ferromagnetism and antiferro-magnetism, magnetism
in transition metal chemistry, magnetic measurement and its applications.
Inorganic polymers (16 lectures): Introduction, classification of polymers, polymerisation processes for the preparation of
polymeric substances, condensation polymerisations, addition polymerisation with special reference to phosphagenes
(phosphonitrilic halides) and inorganic benzene, polymerisation involving both addition and condensation, sulfur clusters and
selenium clusters.
General comparison of 1st transition series with 2nd and 3rd series, Chemistry of molybdenum, tungsten, palladium (II) and
platinum(II). (12 lectures)
Inorganic free radicals (5 lectures): Methods of generation of free radicals, techniques of study of free radicals, reactions
and properties of free radicals.
Molecular symmetry and group theory (16 lectures): Molecular symmetry, symmetry elements and operations, reducible
and irreducible representation of groups, character table, group theory and its application to various types of molecules,
determination of no. of IR and Raman active bands and geometry of the molecule.
Chemistry of Atmosphere (10 lectures):
Chemistry of the troposphere: sources of the trace constituents in atmosphere, principle of the reactivity in troposphere,
oxidation of methane, oxidation of other hydrocarbons, free radical mechanism, oxidation of sulfur dioxide.
ii) Chemistry of the stratosphere: Chemistry of the ozone layer, light absorption by molecules, biological consequences,
catalytic and non-catalytic processes, X catalysts, role of different chemicals (CFCs, CFC replacement and halogencontaining compounds) in ozone layer destruction.
Recommended Books:
1. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson
2. W.U. Malik, G.D. Tuli and R.D. Madan
3. S.Z. Haider
4. J.E. Huheey
5. Purcell and Kotz
6. P.W. Selwood
7. F.A. Cotton
8. Colin Baird
9. Roger Reeve
10. S.E. Manahan
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (4th and 5th Edn.)
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of Structure and Reactivity
Inorganic Chemistry.
Chemical Application of Group Theory.
: Environmental Chemistry
: Environmental Analysis
: Environmental Chemistry (6th Ed.)
Course : Chem 433H
Analytical Chemistry-II
Examination : 3 hours
Full Marks : 50 (0.5 unit, 2 credit)
(45 lectures, 2 lectures per week)
Molecular UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy (14 lectures): Origin of spectra; Beer's law - applications, limitation and
Spectrophotometer - components of an optical instrument and their functions; single and double beam instruments.
Molecular Spectrofluorometry (9 lectures): Theory, measurement and applications.
Chromatography (22 lectures): Classification of chromatographic methods; theories of elution chromatography, qualitative
and quantitative applications.
(i) Liquid chromatography (column): Classical and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); ion-chromatography.
(ii) Planar chromatography: Thin layer chromatography (TLC), paper chromatography.
(iii) Gas chromatography: GLC, GSC; components of instruments, detectors and application.
(iv) Electrophoresis : Theory of electrophoretic migration, electroosmosis, set-up and common separation modes e.g., CZE,
MEKC. Instrumentation and factors influencing the separation performance. Applications in qualitative and quantitative
Recommended Books:
1. D.A. Skoog
2. Willard, Merritt, Dean & Scttle
3. Bassett, Danney, Jeffery & Mendhams :
4. Pavia, Lampman & Kriz
5. L.R. Faulkner & A.J. Bard
6. R. Kuhn and Hoffsterrer-Kuhn
Principles of Instrumental Analysis (4th Ed.)
Instrumental Methods of Analysis (6th Ed.)
Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
Introduction to Spectroscopy
Electrochemical Methods
: Capillary Electrophoresis : Principles and Practice, Springs laboratory
Course : Chem 401L
Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Practical-IV
Full Marks : 200 (2 units, 8 credit)
Examination : 36 hours ( 6 days)
Section – A: Physical Chemistry Practical-IV
Course : Chem 411L
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 70
(i) Experiment: 50* Marks, (ii) Continuous Lab. assessment : 20** Marks
Determination of the partial molar volume of NaCl in aqueous solution by apparent molar volume method.
Determination of viscosity coefficient of a liquid at different temperatures and estimation of the activation parameters of
viscous flow.
Determination of radius of sucrose molecules from viscosity measurements.
Determination of the rate constant of hydrolysis of an ester catalysed by a base (NaOH).
Kinetic studies on iodine clock reaction.
Acid catalysed hydrolysis of methyl acetate at different temperatures and estimation of the activation energy for the
Determination of dissociation constant of acetic acid by conductometric method.
Construction of phase diagram of (a) phenol-toluene and (b) naphthalein-naphthol systems.
Verification of Beer-Lambert law and estimation of ions in a solution spectrophotometrically.
10. Determination of dissociation constant of acetic acid potentiometrically and verification of Henderson-Hasselbatch equation.
11. Setting up of a concentration cell and determination of liquid-junction potential.
12. Determination of solubility product constant of AgCl potentiometrically.
13. Determination of the solubility product constant of AgCl and BaSO 4 conductometrically
14. Working with computer system and application softwares, viz. WINDOWS, MS-Word, Microsoft Excel
15. Simple Programming by FORTRAN and C++.
NB: A few more experiments, relevant to the theoretical courses shall be done, subject to the availability of the Lab.
Recommended Books:
1. D.P. Shoemaker et al
Experiment in Physical Chemistry
2. G.S. Weiss et al
Experiments in General Chemistry
3 A. Findlay
Practical Physical Chemistry
4. R.C. Das
Experimental Physical Chemistry
5. J.N. Gurtu
Advanced Experimental Chemistry
6. K.K. Sharma
An Introduction of Practical Chemistry
7. J.C. Muhler et al
Introduction to Experimental Chemistry
8. J. Rose
A Textbook of Practical Physical Chemistry
9. J.B. Yadav
Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry
10. Newcomb, wilson et al
Experiments in Physical Chemistry
11. Daniels et al
Practical Physical Chemistry
12. Brennan et al
Experiments in Physical Chemistry
13. S.R. Palit
Practical Physical Chemistry
14. C.D. Hodgman et al
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
15. R.C. West et al
CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry
16. L.A. Lange
Handbook of Chemistry
Section – B: Organic Chemistry Practical-IV
Course : Chem 421L
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 65
(i) Experiment: 45* Marks, (ii) Continuous Lab. assessment : 10** Marks
(ii) Industrial Tour : 10*** Marks.
Quantitative estimation of functional groups: a) Hydroxy and phenolic groups; b) Amino groups c) Ester groups d)
Carboxylic acid (monobasic and dibasic) e) Carbonyl groups and f) Formalin estimation.
Multistep organic synthesis: a) Synthesis of nitrophenols, paracetamol; b) Condensation of anthracene with maleic anhydride
(preparation of Diels-Alder Adduct); c) Preparation of sulphanilamide and other sulphur drugs. d) preparation of Acridone
from Anthranilic acids ; e) methyl orange and salicylic acid from aspirin, f) Estimation of Vit. C in tablets (some other
synthesis may also be included if facilities are made available).
Analysis of soap (a) moisture, (b) total alkali, and (c) filling agent.
Analysis of soil for (a) clay (b) silica (c) bicarbonate (d) different trace elements (e) organic matters.
Emulsion and solution polymerization of vinyl acetate (VAc): (a) measurement of degree of polymerization (DP) by
viscosity method (b) relationship of DP (only solution polymerization) and concentration of initiator.
Emulsion and solution polymerization of vinyl alcohol (VA): (a) measurement of DP by viscosity method (b) preparation of
PVA threads (c) Hot water resistance of PVA threads.
Ion exchange property of adsorbents like sand, charcoal etc.
Analysis of fertilizers (a) phosphate (b) nitrate and (c) sulphate.
Determination of &-cellulose content in the supplied pulp.
10. Determination of density, molar mass and radius of the given polymer sample.
11. Determination octane and cetane jumber of petroleum fuel.
Recommended Books:
1. Shriner, Fusion & Curtin : Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds.
A. I. Vogel
Fritz & Hammond
K.L. Williamson
A.I. Vogel
: Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry  Part I, II & III
7. J. Bassett & others
Practical Organic Chemistry.
Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups.
Quantitative Organic Analysis
Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiment
: Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
Skoog & West
: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Schwarzenbach & Flaschka : Complexometric Titrations
Section – C: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-IV
Course : Chem 431L
Examination : 12 hours (Two days)
Full Marks : 65
(i) Experiment: 45* Marks, (ii) Continuous Lab. assessment: 20** Marks
Complexometric titrations: analysis of alloys and ores, preparation of complex salts and their complete analysis, ion
exchange separation of inorganic ions containing not more than three radicals.
Polarimetry: Preparation of optically active inorganic compounds, measurement of their specific and molecular rotations,
determination of concentration of an optically active compound.
Spectrophotometry: Determination of molar extinction coefficient of a complex ion, determination of concentration of metal
ions in solution, study of complex formation kinetics.
Polarography: Determination of diffusion coefficients of ions in solution, quantitative determination of metal ions in a
Solvent extraction method: Separation of a) Fe3+ and Cu2+ and b) Sb3+ and Sb5+.
Refractive index: Study of complex formation with compounds such as CdI 2 and KI; NaCl and KF; FeCl2 and KCNS etc.
Determination of stability constants of the nickel(II) glycinate system.
Analysis of water for (a) total solids, (b) hardness: temporary-permanent, (c) chloride, (d) ammonia, (e) iron and (f)
dissolved oxygen, (g) organic matter
Recommended Books:
1. A.I. Vogel
: A Textbook of Inorganic Quantitative Analysis
2. Alexeve
: Qunatitative Chemical Analysis
3. D.A. Skoog and D.M. West and : Fundamentals of Analytical
F.J. Holler
Chemistry (6th Edn)
4. Jugal Kishore Agarwal
: Practicals in Engineering Chemistry
5. R.K. Das
: Industrial Chemistry, part II
6. J. Bassett & others
: Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
7. Schwarzenbach & Flaschka
: Complexometric Titrations
* The examiners shall mark the experiment(s) of sections A, B & C and submit the marks to the chairman of the relevant
examination committee. The final marks shall be computed by the committee.
** The class teachers of sections A, B & C shall evaluate continuously the Lab. classes out of 15 marks and submit the average
marks of Lab. evaluation in sealed envelopes to the Chairman of the relevant examination committee within three weeks from the
last Lab. held. The average marks shall be computed by the examination committee.
The total marks of the practical course shall be obtained by adding the marks of section A, B & C. The examination committee
shall send a copy of each of the average consolidated marks of practical examination, lab. evaluation, viva-voce examination and
class evaluation to the controller of examinations.