1 2 3 Title: Occupied bandwidth test in multi-carrier case for EVDO Rev B access terminals File: C41-20100729-002_QC_Max_occupied_bw_for_DorB update.doc Abstract: This contribution proposes changes the occupied bandwidth test in Section 4 5 6 7 8 4.4.3 of C.S0033-B to multi-carrier cases for EVDO Rev B access terminals 9 based on Japan Radio Law. This replaces C41-20100708-008. 10 11 Source: Arnab Chakrabarti Masakazu Shirota Qualcomm, Inc. Qualcomm, Inc. arnabc@qualcomm.com mshirota@qualcomm.com 858-651-4909 81-3-5412-8934 12 13 Date: July 29, 2010 Recommendation: Discuss and adopt 14 15 16 Notice 17 QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to 18 incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the 19 creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational 20 Partner’s standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the 21 Organizational Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the 22 resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. QUALCOMM Incorporated is also willing to grant 23 licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and 24 conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. 25 This document has been prepared by QUALCOMM Incorporated to assist the development of specifications by 26 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal 27 on QUALCOMM Incorporated. QUALCOMM Incorporated specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the 28 material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with 29 respect to any intellectual property of QUALCOMM Incorporated other than provided in the copyright statement 30 above. 1 1 1 Introduction 2 The approved OBW definitions for DOrB multicarrier were not adopted by the Japanese Radio Law. 3 This contribution proposes the definitions adopted by JRL and test procedures defined in test 4 specification for certification. 5 6 3. Modifications to Occupied Bandwidth test 7 The following method of measurement is an addition to the existing procedure in Section of 8 C.S0033-B. 9 002_QC_KDDI_Max_occupied_bw_for_DOrB). 10 11 Changes are made on top of approved contribution (C41-20090813- Method of Measurement 1. Connect the access network to the access terminal antenna connector as shown in Figure 12 8.5.1-4. The AWGN generator and the CW generator are not applicable in this test. Connect a 13 spectrum analyzer to the access terminal antenna connector. 14 2. For an access terminal that supports Subtype 3 physical layer and two or more reverse CDMA 15 channels, configure the access terminal to transmit on the two carriers at the maximum 16 possible frequency separation (MaxReverseLinkBandwidth 1) between them. 17 3. Set up a Test Application session for Subtype 3 Physical Layer. Configure the Test Application 18 RETAP so that the Reverse Data Channel payload size corresponds to 256 bits with 19 Termination Target of 4 sub-packets for each of the channels. Configure the Test Application 20 FETAP (for Subtype 3 Physical Layer) so that the Forward Traffic Channel data rate 21 corresponds to the 2-slot version of 307.2 kbps, and the ACK Channel is transmitted at all the 22 slots for each of the channels. Set RAB to ‘0’ at all times for each of the channels. 23 4. Set Îor to –105.5 dBm/1.23 MHz for each of the channels. 24 5. Send continuously ‘0’ power control bits to the access terminal on each of the channels. 25 6. Set the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer to 30 KHz. The value of the occupied 26 bandwidth is calculated by an external or internal computer by summing all samples stored as 27 “total power”. 1 The maximum separation between the highest and lowest reverse link CDMA channels within a Band Class that can be assigned to the access terminal in units of 2.5 kHz. See Table in C.S0024-B v-2.0 for more details 2 1 7. Measure the occupied bandwidth for each carrier. 2 8. For an access terminal that supports Subtype 3 physical layer and two or more reverse link 3 channels, configure the access terminal to transmit on two adjacent reverse CDMA channels at 4 a spacing of 1.23 MHz for BC 0 Subclass 2 and 3, 1.25 MHz for BC 3 and 6 between the center 5 frequencies. 6 7 8 9 9. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for setup 8 and measure the occupied bandwidth for two adjacent carriers 10. For an access terminal that supports Subtype 3 physical layer and three or more reverse link channels, configure the access terminal to transmit on three adjacent reverse CDMA channels 10 at a spacing of 1.23 MHz for BC 0 Subclass 2 and 3 or 1.25 MHz for BC 3 and 6 between the 11 center frequencies. 12 11. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for setup 10 and measure the occupied bandwidth. 13 12. For an access terminal that supports Subtype 3 physical layer and three or more reverse link 14 channels, configure the access terminal to transmit on the two carriers at the maximum 15 possible frequency separation (MaxReverseLinkBandwidth) between them, and also transmit 16 third carrier between two carriers. The third carrier shall be an adjacent carrier of rightmost or 17 leftmost carrier. This test is only performed the MaxReverseLinkBandwith can support this 18 transmission mode. 19 20 13. Repeat step 3 through 6 for step 11. The occupied bandwidth shall be measured for isolated carrier and two adjacent carriers independently. 21 14. For an access terminal that supports Subtype 3 physical layer and three or more reverse link 22 channels, configure the access terminal to transmit on the two carriers at the maximum 23 possible frequency separation (MaxReverseLinkBandwidth) between them, and also transmit 24 third carrier between two carriers. The third carrier shall not be an adjacent carrier of 25 rightmost or leftmost carrier. The channel spacing shall be multiple of 1.23 MHz for BC 0 26 Subclass 2 and 3 or 1.25 MHz for BC 3 and 6. This test is only performed the 27 MaxReverseLinkBandwith can support this transmission mode. 28 29 15. Repeat step 3 through 6 for step 14. The occupied bandwidth shall be measured for each isolated carrier. 30 3 1 Minimum Standard 2 In the multiple carrier transmission, the occupied bandwidth for each carrier still remains within 1.48 3 MHz. Based on this assumption, the following minimum standards are defined. 4 5 The occupied bandwidth for multicarrier transmission shall not exceed values defined in table x and 6 table y. If the carriers are not adjacent, or only partially adjacent, the occupied bandwidth of each 7 carrier or partially adjacent carriers shall not exceed values defined in table x and table y. 8 Table x Occupied bandwidth for BC 0, Band subclass 2 and 3 Number of adjacent carriers Occupied Bandwidth 1 1.48 MHz 2 2.71 MHz 3 3.97 MHz 9 Table y Occupied bandwidth for BC 3 and 6 10 11 Number of carriers Occupied Bandwidth 1 1.48 MHz 2 2.73 MHz 3 3.98 MHz In this revision of document, up to three carriers are considered. 12 13 4