Summary Discussion on 091-3 occupied bandwidth and out of band limits / spurious Regulation based on ERC – REC 7003 Annex 4 and Annex 5 Option 1 - Wording and Argumentation over Emission mask - The wanted signal has to fulfill the spectral mask (incl. OOB and Spurious) Option 2 Wording based on the 99% rule for the wanted emission in the range 76 to 77GHz The frequency range requirements shall be fulfilled if all of the following conditions (see also table 1) are met: fH is smaller than or equal to 77GHz. fL is larger than or equal to 76 GHz. 99 % OBW function (within the Occupied bandwidth the power envelope shall contain 99 % of the emissions). The occupied bandwidth of operation shall be reported in the test report. The two frequency points will be used to declare the conformance with the regulated limits There is a need to keep chapter 7.1 Additional options for the out of band and spurious domain Four different view / points were discussed during the TG SRR#17 meeting Result ( necessary changes?) - There is no need to define an occupied bandwidth the chapter 7.1 could be deleted. - The measurement (chapter 7.2) has to be performed for each define from the range 76 to 77GHz and the requirements (from the regulation) has to be fulfilled (independent of the real modulated,…. BW of the EUT - In addition the limits for OOB and spurious has to be fulfilled based on the actual described measurement performance. - The 250% argumentation for OOB and spurious has to be deleted, the boarders 74 / 76 / 77 and 79GHz are fixed. No changes in the limits values Option 2.1 Option 2.2 Option 2.3 Option 2.4 Details next page Details next page Details next page Details next page Option 2.1 Option 2.2 Option 2.3 Option 2.4 The results of the fH and fL will also be taken into account for the definition of the boarders between The results of fH and fL only be used to know the frequency range in which the regulated requirement should be checked / calculated. The results of fH and fL only be used to know the frequency range in which the regulated requirement should be checked / calculated. Was an input during the TG SRR#17 (no discussion on that), because it was after the discussion in the meeting. The boarders for OOB and spurious will be kept fixed. The boarders for OOB and spurious will be dependent on the occupied bandwidth. This proposal is also uploaded as: Than the boarder has to be calculated: The proposal is based on ITU -SM.1539 “wanted” / “out of band” and spurious. Some definition seems to necessary, like: (fH – fL)) = Occupied Bandwidth The middle frequency of the emission has to be defined by the fH and fL (e.g. fM =fL + ((fH – fL)/2) ) Than the boarder has to be calculated: Independent of the occupied BW of the EUT F1 = 76 GHz – (2,5* (fH – fL)) F2 = 77 GHZ + (2,5* (fH – fL)) In the REC the borders are defined on the OBW of the EUT (fH – fL)) = Occupied Bandwidth F1 = fM – (2,5* (fH – fL)) F2 = fM + (2,5* (fH – fL)) Notes Mahler / Questions - What happens if there are systems which are not working in the “wideband” mode OBW?? - Problem: ITU - REC limits are not in line with ERC REC 74-01? - If an country approved/implemented the 0dBm/MHz are mandatory for the OOB domain