July 08 COMBINED INTEGRATED AND EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Section 1:Details of Project 1.1 Name of project: LHS – Building Social Inclusion Theme Action Plan 08/09 Is this: new / review ? New 1.2 Lead organisation/partnership FHP – LHS – Building Social Inclusion Theme Working Group 1.3 Lead Person John Mills (Fife Council Housing Service), Cathy Adamson (NHS Fife) 1.4 Date of assessment 10th July 2008 1.5 Working Group Members Lead: John Mills (Fife Council Housing Service); Cathy Adamson (NHS Fife) Vania Kennedy, Fiona MacGregor, Pauline Chan – Housing Service Paul Short (Fife Council Local Services Network); Mary Miller (East Fife Women’s Aid) 1.6 o o o o What is the main purpose or aims of the project? Address homelessness Improve access to housing Support sustainable living Promote equality o o o o o Who are the main beneficiaries? Please list People at risk of homeless People with special housing needs Older people People at risk of social exclusion due to financial circumstances Equality groups 1.7 D:\533565168.doc -1- July 08 Section 2: Integrated Impact Assessment Checklist 2.1: Which groups of the population do you think will be most affected by this project? Generally Children and young people Disabled people Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people Men Minority ethnic people (incl gypsy travellers, refugees & migrant workers) Older People People in religious/faith groups Women Communities in areas of disadvantage Homeless people People involved in criminal justice system People with low income People with mental health problems Rural groups Staff Other groups this proposal may affect (please write in) D:\533565168.doc Yes – domestic abuse victims, young care leavers Yes Yes – equality action plan Yes – access to housing Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Main Focus of the Action Plan Yes – special needs/equality Yes – special needs/equality Yes – homelessness Yes – special needs, supporting people Yes No -2- July 08 2.2 Impact Assessment Checklist What impact will the project have on: Positive No impact Negative Comments a. Relations between groups √ Finite resource – target investment in one group is at the expense of others eg housing list allocations b. Equality of opportunity √ As above 2.2.1 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY c. Access to information √ d. Community engagement and inclusion √ e. Range of, and access to, facilities and services √ Demonstrator Project 2.2.2 HEALTH and WELLBEING a. Mental health and well being √ b. Physical activity √ c. Substance use: tobacco, alcohol and drugs √ d. Access to affordable food and a healthy diet √ √ - housing list Homeless, sustainable living, supporting people Homeless – reduce rough sleeping Older People – meals on wheels e. Sexual health √ f. Crime and fear of crime √ - crime D:\533565168.doc Various projects for homeless people √ - fear of crime -3- July 08 What impact will the project have on: Positive No impact g. Accidents √ h. Working environment √ Negative Comments 2.2.3 ENVIRONMENT a. Transportation √ b. Natural and built environment √ c. Waste minimisation and resource use √ d. Pollution √ e. Sustainable procurement √ f. Energy and climate change √ 2.2.4 ECONOMY a. Education, skills and lifelong learning √ b. Employment √ c. Business development √ d. Encouraging investment √ e. Financial inclusion D:\533565168.doc √ -4- July 08 2.3 Recommendations from IIA Action Required to address areas of negative or no impact to achieve positive impact: Explanation statement on where and why resources being targeted at certain areas Section 3: Equality Impact Assessment Checklist 3.1 Equality Impact Assessment Equality Target groups Positive Impact High Children and young people Disabled people Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people Men Minority ethnic people (including gypsy travellers, refugees & migrant workers) Older People People in religious/faith groups Women 3.2 Low √ Negative Impact High Reason / Comment Low Only on specific portion of this group √ √ √ H’less – changing priority decision making % would improve on priority for Men presenting homeless √ √ √ No impact Eg Domestic abuse victims Has the Approach been explained to those it might affect directly or indirectly? Not yet Action required – LHS - Consultation programme to be implemented 3.3 Have you consulted on this Approach? no Action required – as above 3.4 Please give brief description of how this approach benefits the equality target groups identified in the above table i.e. promotes equality? o Link to Equality action plan o Action plan is to improve services to all groups D:\533565168.doc -5- July 08 3.5 If there is no evidence that the policy promotes equality, equal opportunities or improves relations within equality target groups, what amendments could be made to achieve this? Action required – Not applicable 3.6 Is there low negative impact on any equality groups? If so, please list below. none 3.7 What actions could be taken to amend the policy to minimise the low negative impact? Action Required – Not applicable 3.8 Is there high negative impact on any equality groups? If so, please list below, and move onto full assessment (Note: Negative impacts must not be discriminatory, directly or indirectly, and must not be intended) none Action Required – Full Assessment for which area of activities? On which equality group? Not applicable Section 4: Summary of actions as identified following this assessment Which section of the report action arise from 2.3 3.2 Issue Action Negative impact on relations between groups, and equality of opportunities Consultation Explanation statement on where and why resources being targeted at certain areas Signed: (name and designation)____ D:\533565168.doc When Who Where is action going to be noted for implementation and monitored eg team plans etc. LHS - Consultation programme to be implemented LHS theme action plan John Mills, Senior Manager (Housing Management and Homelessness) -6-