CLIMATE WARMING: CONSEQUENCES FOR VITICULTURE AND THE NOTION OF ‘TERROIRS’ IN EUROPE Bernard Seguin and Inaki Garcia de Cortazar Unité Agroclim, INRA, Site Agroparc, F-84914, Avignon cedex 9, France Keywords: grapevine, climate change, climate, phenology, greenhouse effect, vintage. Abstract As for any crop, the impact of an anthropogenic greenhouse effect will include the stimulating effect of increased CO2 concentration on photosynthesis, which will result in increased dry matter production and may lead to noticeable changes in cultural practices. However, it is more likely that the most significant impact will result from rising temperature, even if other climatic variables, such as rainfall also are considered. Apart from a significant displacement of the traditional limits for grapevine cultivation, serious questions may arise concerning ‘terroirs’: Will it be possible to keep the same cultivars by adjusting vineyard cultural and enological practices? How might viticulture and wine-making respond to the predicted increase in surface temperature? The warming trend of the last fifteen years in most of Western Europe and especially in France may provide some clues. The phenology of the grapevine has significantly advanced; one to two weeks for flowering and almost one month for harvest date in the last 50 years. The advance in harvest date also has been accompanied by changes in sugar and acid concentrations. Expressed in terms of the Huglin index, the increase in temperatures due to global warming will lead to vintages that are more uniform across years. However, there may be a tendency in which the climatic variables of a particular grape growing region will exceed the established limits for grape cultivars strongly associated with that location (terroir). The 2003 growing-season, characterized by very hot weather and drought (this being similar to the end of century climatic scenarios) provides evidence that bioclimatic indices do not take into account the possible natural adaptation of some grape cultivars to the predicted changes in climate. Therefore, only the use of more sophisticated tools such as accurate crop models, currently under development, may provide a more valuable perspective on future viticulture. INTRODUCTION The general aspects of climate change impacts upon agriculture have been presented in several documents these last years (Rosenzweig and Hillel, 1998; Reddy and Hodges, 2000; IPCC, 2001). Although grapevine production is known to be very dependent upon climate, it has been less studied than annual crops or pastures in the context of climate change impacts. Few elements are given in the although very comprehensive assessment of IPCC 2001, and more information only exists in the review presented by Schultz (2000). From this date, the signs of observable climate warming in the last years have been observed, especially in Europe, and they give presently more elements to precise the main lines of potential impacts and discussing the ways of adaptation. Which Consequences for Vine Physiology? In order to discuss the possible impact on general viticulture, we first have to present what is known about the local scale effects on the vine plant ecophysiological functioning. We will here sum-up the main elements, using the review by Schultz (2000) and adding some new inputs from recent studies. Apart the effects of strict climate change, we first have to notice that vine, as any other vegetation, will be directly concerned by the increase of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide CO2, which is the main driver of the anthropic accentuation of greenhouse effect. In the classical hypothesis of a doubling of CO2 concentration (compared to that in the years 90s’, thus corresponding to about 700 ppm), the resulting induced stimulation of photosynthesis will amount to about 30 %, depending upon varieties and physical environment (Bindi et al, 1996a). It will lead to a resulting increase of 15 to 20 % for biomass production, taking into account the simultaneous increase of respiration. It will be associated to an increase of water use efficiency by about 10 % due to the increase of stomatal resistance. At this stage, it is necessary to point out that the long- term exposure may have a very different effect. Acclimation response may be substantial, and will vary between the varieties and training modes. These effects will be combined with those directly resulting from the modification of climatic factors. The most significant will evidently be the temperature, which will act by accelerating the phenology. It will both lead to a shortening of the development phases and an advance in stages which will encounter climatic conditions, not only modified by the climate change, but also by the shift in phenological calendar: in the case of Languedoc vineyards, simple simulations of phenology changes for mean warmings of 2°C and 4°C display a moving of maturing period starting from 13 august now to respectively 23 and 4 July (Lebon, 2002). The whole cycle will be subject to higher temperatures. Outside 33° C in leaf temperatures (Schultz, 2000), the optimum for photosynthesis will be overpassed, but threshold values are rather badly known. Other factors like solar radiation, air humidity and wind velocity will also have to be considered, but they may be considered as second-order factors when compared to rainfall. The most recent scenarios give more and more reliable informations on it, but there are still some questions as their predictions result from the correct assessment of the whole water cycle. For the case of Europe, they do not indicate a major change for northern regions, but the tendency to predict the extension of summer droughts in the South has to be seriously considered for these areas. The question of water availability, also reinforced by the increase of water needs by the elevation of potential evapotranspiration PET, will contribute to the resulting panel of possible effects. On the whole, and adding the possible additional impact of UV-B increase (Schultz 2000), the synthetic overall impact is difficult to predict in a simple way. If it is clear that the higher production of biomass, associated to the higher water use efficiency, will potentially lead to an ecophysiological functioning significantly different from actual conditions, it is still difficult to assess the consequences for vine growing and to define revised technical practices. Only the use of crop simulation models (as in Bindi et al, 1996b) could allow to cope with the complexity of involved processes and of their interactions. However, they are still presently at the stage of development (as for STICSVigne, see Brisson et al, 2000). Which Consequences for General Viticulture in Europe? These basic effects on physiology only consider a given vine plant or vineyard in its present state, when submitted to the future atmosphere and climate. As for all the agricultural activities, it is obvious that the adaptation to a changed climate will involve, not only changes in physiology at the crop scale, but also of the whole cropping system at the local or regional scale, and more largely in the areas of production on a global scale. We will now focus on these larger scales (defined in Fig.1), where significant evolutions may be predicted. Starting on the global scale, and restricting us to the example of Europe, the first evident change will be observed in the northern limits. They were identified by Branas (1946) as related to an heliothermic index (Fig.2). It is clear that these limits will be moved to more northern latitudes by about 500 km for a mean warming of 3 °C, knowing that a warming of 1°C corresponds to an approximative shifting of 180 km towards the north (Moisselin et al, 2001). This prediction may be supported by the historical analysis of Le Roy Ladurie (1983) and Legrand (1978) which reported the main evolutions of harvest dates from the middle-age and mentioned the disappearance of vine cultivation in England between the years 1000 and 1200, partly due to a cooling of some °C (Fig.3) The possible evolution of southern limits (in Maghreb or Spain) is more difficult to predict, as it will depend upon not well-known thresholds in elevated temperatures and also rainfall changes, which could however be compensated by irrigation. If the predicted increase of drought around the mediterranean basin is effective, it could also lead to a more systematic use of irrigation in areas as southern France, presently severely restricted in high-quality productions.At this same global scale, the extension of vine cultivation could also be possible in the eastern parts of Europe, as predicted by Kenny and Harrison (1993) for the cultivation of Muller-Thurgau in Poland and Ukraine. Which Consequences for Terroirs in Europe? Apart from these possible significant changes in potential zones for vine cultivation, the climate changes raises serious questions for the well-known link of wine production to the notion of terroirs, as expressed by the classification of AOC in France or DOC in Italy, and so forth.(see Vaudour, 2003). From the point of view of physical factors (evidently completed by the history and long-term traditions), it is based upon a straight balance between three elements: soil, climate, cropping system (Fig.4). As soil is not movable, a significant climate change may threaten this straight balance. Contrary to most of the other crops, which could move to follow the climate, geographical shifts (except some small-scale displacement using topography) are impossible to face in this context (the AOC cannot be delocalized !!). To which limits will they be able to adapt to this change, and if not which changes in the third component (cropping system) are to be suggested? The answer to this last point, which could also involve local scale adjustment of microclimate by soil management, adjustment of canopy height, etc.., is still difficult to precise, as it probably requires the use of crop models, as previously mentioned. So that the present analysis is restricted to the use of large-scale climate indices (a comprehensive survey is given in Vaudour, 2003). Among the various available, we have selected the Huglin index (1986), which was based on a fine analysis of main terroirs in France. We have to point here that it only relies on temperature, which may be justified in a first approach, as the general restriction on the use of indices to correctly express possible changes with climate change equally applies for all these indices. The use of climatic scenarios proposed by Meteo-France (Perarnaud et al, 2003), with a spatial resolution of 50 km, for the period 2070-2100 points out a significant change for both the climatic classification given by Huglin and the adequacy of varieties he has established with the ‘past’ climate of the years 70 (see Fig.5 for the example of Avignon, which would move from mild-hot to hot in terms of climate and indicates that the usual varieties like Syrah and Grenache would have to be replaced by others more adapted to a largely warmer climate). Similar changes have been computed with the same Huglin index for Geisenheim in Germany (Schultz, 2000) and other sites in Germany and Italy (Battaglini, 2003). They clearly indicate threatening with the maintening of the traditional terroirs when submitted to this climate warming, which is well perceived by wine growers (about 60% of questioned wine growers in Europe, with almost 60 % ready to adopt new varieties in order to face this changing in Germany, compared to about 45 % in Italy and only 30% in France (Battaglini, 2003). The main question is to know if these projections, mainly based on phenology simple models and the Huglin index, are reliable enough to correctly predict the future of terroirs for this century. One first element of validation may be deduced by making use of recent climate warming in Europe, and especially of the exceptional summer 2003. The Recent Warming and the Exceptional Summer of 2003 Effectively, effects of climatic change have been already noticed, in relation to the factor temperature, evidently central in the context of global warming foreseen in climatic scenarios. It has been identified in the climatic context of France, with an order of magnitude of 0.9° C during the last century ( Moisselin et al 2002), with a recent increase between 0.4 and 0.6 ° C during the last decade. This warming has induced noticeable changes in the phenology of nearly all perennial crops, especially for flowering dates (advanced by two to three weeks for vine as well as fruit trees, see Fig.6). Harvesting dates have been also advanced by almost a month in fifty years, in all the french vineyards (see the example of Côtes du Rhône, Fig.7 from Ganichot, 2002), without any possible other explanation by the evolution of technical practices. It is already possible to give some first elements by using intermediate tools taking the form of indices, as this proposed by Huglin (1978). The retrospective analysis for the last 30 years and for 7 sites where meteorogical data have been collected within the INRA network (Angers, Avignon, Bordeaux, Colmar, Dijon, Montpellier, Valence) (see Fig.8 for Avignon and Dijon in Burgundy) clearly displays a tendancy to higher values for the Huglin index, together with a lower interannual variability. The warmer and more regular climate is evidently favorable to the wine quality, as attested by the observations from the growers who confirm the higher sugar content and lower acidity (see Duchêne and Schneider, 2004 for Colmar in Alsace). However, it also appears that this evolution approaches the previously established limits in terms of adaptation for varieties, with a problem for maintaining the usual equilibrium between sugar and acidity. The warming has culminated with the summer of 2003, which was characterized by a really exceptional episode of nearly 3 months (June to August) combining hot temperatures (higher than normal by between 3 to 5 °C) and a severe drought. A detailed analysis of this event, which has hit a part of Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal, but was mainly centered on France, may be found in Seguin et al (2004). Limiting us to the consequences for wine, we may notice that it has led to an exceptional advance in harvest dates (the most advanced ever noted in Burgundy from the analysis of historical series as far back as 1370!!,), with very high degrees of alcohol and low acidity in agreement with the exceptional high values of Huglin index observable in fig.7 and 8. The overall quality, not yet totally analysed, appears to be highly variable and sometimes not in agreement with the usual fine-scale variabilities within the terroirs. Which allows to state that their limits of resilience regarding warmer conditions have been attained, but in any case not as seriously overpassed as indicated by the Huglin index. As this year has closely approached the climatic characteristics of summers predicted by the scenarios, this year 2003 allows to invalidate the predicting capacities of empirical indices like that of Huglin. We may presume that it has been calibrated in the steady-state climatic conditions prevailing in the years 70, and is not well adapted for a precise assessment of future conditions, because it relies on spatial variations which underestimate the adaptative capacities of both varieties and wine-making technologies. It may express some true tendencies in vine production, but not enough precisely to correctly precise the future of terroirs. The threatening with climate warming is effective, but requires more sophisticated tools for assessing its consequences and the adaptation strategies, and in this sense, the exceptional year of 2003 will be especially useful. CONCLUSION When looking to the far future (end of this century), we have to combine both effects of climate change and CO2 increase, and to consider the interactions between climate, soil, genotypes and cultural practices. Some partial elements may be already considered, as the adverse effect upon quality in mediterranean regions which could result from the shifting of maturing period earlier in summer with warmer temperatures (Lebon, 2002). But many other factors will have to be considered, as the modifications in rainfall and water balance at the first range. Only the availability of a mechanistic model, with climate inputs from regionalised scenarios, would be able to integrate the complexity of possible interactions. The STICS-vigne model, in the way of elaboration (Brisson et al, 2003), appears as especially suited to the objective of defining the technical modalities for the adaptation to thes new conditions. For the near future, the prospective appears to be more difficult, because we have now to take decisions for the years 2020 without a clear information about the climate of this period coming from climate modelers. The only possible way consists in assuming the following-up of the recent tendency, and to submit it in terms of the index of Huglin and later outputs of STICS-vigne model. The main informations resulting from this procedure will be assessed in the next two or three years in order to elaborate reasonable prospective elements for this near future. Literature Cited Battaglini, A. 2003. Perceptions des changements climatiques par les viticulteurs européens. Le lien de la vigne, Assemblée générale du 4 avril 2003, la viticulture mondiale face à l’évolution du climat. 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Les changements climatiques en France au XX° siècle : étude des longues séries homogénéisées de température et de précipitations. La Météorologie. 38 : 45-56. Perarnaud, V., Seguin, B., Malezieux, E., Déqué, M. and Loustau, D. 2004. Agrometeorological research and applications needed to prepare agriculture and forestry adapt to 21st century climate change. To appear in Climatic change. Reddy, K.R. and Hodges, H.F. 2000. Climate change and global crop productivity. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. Rosensweig, C. and Hillel, D. 1998. Climate change and the global harvest. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Schultz, H.B. 2000. Climate change and viticulture: a european perspective on climatology, carbon dioxide and UV-B effects. Australian Journal of grape and wine research. 6:1-12. Seguin, B. 2003. Relation entre climat et terroir à différentes échelles spatiales : apport de nouveaux outils méthodologiques. IVe symposium sur le zonage vitivinicole, Avignon, Juin. CD ed by OIV. Seguin, B., Baculat, B., Baret, F., Brisson, N., Huard, F. and Ruget, F. 2004. An overview of the consequences of the summer 2003 for agriculture in France. VIII ESA congress: European agriculture in a global context. Copenhagen, 11-15 july 2004. To appear in the proceedings. Vaudour, E. 2003. Les terroirs viticoles. Définitions, caractérisation et protection. Dunod, éditions La vigne, Paris. Figures Fig.1 The spatial scales of climate Septentrional limit of the vine in Europe Northern limit of the vine Isoheliothermic 2.6 Isoheliothermic –1 °C in january Fig.2. The northern limits of vine cultivation in Europe (adapted from Branas,1946) Cultivation of the vine in England on iati var Hot period d ose p Sup Regression time of the vine in latitude. Fresh period Fig.3 (adapted from Legrand 1978) Fig.4. The physical component of terroirs (from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Fig.5. The Huglin index computed for Avignon (France south-east) with temperature data as simulated by Meteo-France for the years 2070 to 2100 23 23-juil - july 13 13-juil - july 03 03-juil - july 2323-juin - june 1313-juin - june 0303-juin - june 2424-mai - may Bordeaux 1414-mai - may Colmar Marseillan 19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 0404-mai - may Fig.6. Trends in flowering dates of Chasselas variety in Bordeaux, Colmar and Marseillan-Montpellier (data from the Phenoclim database). /Agrosystems Agronomy years 100 year month day hour 1 min. s. Hydrology Pedology Physiolo Physical Turbulen Ecophysi Phytocli Agronom Geostatis Microclim Continent Hydrolog Transfer /field Ecology Climate Global gy chemistry ce ology mate tics ate al y Trends of wine harvest in Chateauneuf du Pape since 1945 11-oct 6-oct 1-oct 26-sept 21-sept 16-sept 11-sept 6-sept 1-sept 19 4 5 19 5 0 19 5 5 19 6 0 19 6 5 19 7 0 19 7 5 19 8 0 19 8 5 19 9 0 19 9 5 20 0 0 Fig.7. Trends of wine harvest in Chateauneuf-du-Pape (from Ganichot 2002) Avignon (1965 – 2003) Dijon (1965 – 2003) Very Hot Cli mate Mil d -Hot Climate Mil d Cli mate Huglin Index Hot Cli mate Col d Cli mate Very Col d Climate Fig.8. The consequences of the recent warming for the Huglin Index in Avignon (left) and Dijon (right).