MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CORONADO PUBLIC LIBRARY 640 ORANGE AVENUE CORONADO, CA 92118 June 11, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER Executive Secretary Brown called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Winn Room of the Coronado Public Library. ROLL CALL II Present: Executive Secretary Brown, Siegfried, and Trustee Warren. Trustee Zoll, Absent: President Franck Mayor Tanaka Also Present: Carol Pastor, FOL Representative Christian Esquevin, Director of Library Services Linda Sanders, Administrative Secretary Trustee PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Siegfried. III APPROVAL OF MINUTES III-A June 11, 2013 Trustee Zoll moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 11, 2013. Trustee Warren seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. IV CONSENT CALENDAR Trustee Zoll moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Trustee Siegfried seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. V COMMUNICATIONS 1 V-A Oral Communications V-A-1 Public Oral Communications None V-A-2 Library Board Members Oral Communications Trustee Zoll informed the Board that as part of the Hotel Del Coronado’s 125th Anniversary celebration, United Through Reading has been named the “Charity of Choice.” That honor provides United Through Reading with a donation of $1.25 from the sale of each newly-released book, Hotel del Coronado History, which features over 440 images, most of which have never been previously published. V-A-3 Library Director Oral Communications Director Esquevin mentioned that the theme for the Children’s Summer Reading Program this year is “Reading is So Delicious.” V-A-4 Friends of the Library Representative Communication None V-A-5 SAB Representative Communication Director Esquevin said that there was a Serra meeting of the San Diego and Imperial County administrative group. He noted that Serra is now part of the larger Southern California Library System which includes Riverside, Los Angeles, Riverside, as well as San Diego and Imperial Counties. Director Esquevin said that there are a lot of grants in process at this time. V-A-6 City Council Representative Communication None V-B Written Communications None VI UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2 VI-A Library Emergency Preparedness Planning Update Director Esquevin distributed the revised Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan, as well as a colorized page 12, the Emergency Systems Floor Plan. These items will be included in the Minutes as agenda item attachments. Trustee Warren inquired as to the distance of the exits in or near the Children’s Library area, and Director Esquevin referenced the Emergency System Floor Plan to describe the various exits. In response to Executive Secretary Brown’s question regarding the status of the final draft of the Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan, Director Esquevin said that the plan needs a few more sections but that we could do a walkabout at any time. VI-B Library PhotoAtlas Project Update Director Esquevin noted that the Library’s PhotoAtlas Project is making good progress and is already on the website. He noted that images are regularly being added to the website, and as old houses get demolished, there is an effort to get them photographed before that occurs. There is also an effort to obtain copies of any photographs from businesses along Orange Avenue. Director Esquevin hopes to have a photograph of most every house that currently has a Coronado address. At the very least he hopes to have photographs of several houses per city block and indicated that the project already has most or all of the historic resource designated homes. In conclusion, Director Esquevin said that the PhotoAtlas Project will naturally grow through time. 1846 to the Present VII NEW BUSINESS VII-A Library Summer Festival Director Esquevin reviewed the Summer Festival flyer and highlighted several of the special events coming for summer 2013. He noted that the festival is full of musical concerts, with a nice mix of lectures, cooking classes, and movies. Director Esquevin said that the Summer Festival is financially sponsored by the Hotel del Coronado and the Friends of the Library. In response to Trustee Warren’s question, he noted that the “Brown Bag Lunch Time Piano Concerts” will return during the fall. VII-B Public Art Piece “Imagine Dragon” in Front of Library Director Esquevin said that public art is a new concept for Coronado and there are only a few pieces around the City. He explained that the idea is that art is donated to the City and then is placed around town with the intention of it being eventually purchased and removed, giving way for a new piece of public art. Director Esquevin said that the Cultural Arts Commission, as well as its “Public Art Working Group,” have viewed the ten-foot bronze statue called “Imagine Dragon” and have given their approval. He explained that the art piece, “Handstand” was on loan to the City and then it was purchased. Likewise, the 3 art piece, “Seahorse” was on loan to the City and has since been removed, leaving an empty base in front of the Community Center During a discussion on the merits of the proposed placement in front of the Library of “Imagine Dragon,” it was explained that this piece of art was created by a former fire fighter and that it would be on loan to the City for a year or more. It was also mentioned by Director Esquevin that there is no public art in the central part of the village. Trustee Warren said that in some cultures, except in Asia, a dragon is seen as an evil mythological image, and she does not believe that a location in front of the Library would be an appropriate place for a statue of a dragon. She also doesn’t see the relevance of a dragon to the Library or to Coronado. Carol Pastor wondered if there might be some other, more relevant piece of art to consider placing in front of the Library. Trustee Zoll said that she likes the “Handstand” public art piece and that she neither adores nor dislikes “Imagine Dragon;” however, she would yield a decision to the groups who have considered this issue more fully and she trusts their judgment. Director Esquevin said that the Cultural Arts Commission and its Public Art Working Group consider “Imagine Dragon” a worthy piece of public art and is anxious to take this issue to the City Council for its approval. Executive Secretary Brown said that she doesn’t believe that the Library grounds need a large statue like “Imagine Dragon,” and she recalls how hard the Library worked toward having the grounds and building in symmetry. The issue of when a statue of an elk was placed in the center medium of Orange Avenue and how it did not meet public approval was discussed. Some Library board members felt that the City may receive letters of disapproval if “Imagine Dragon” is placed in front of the Library. Trustee Siegfried said that he thought there might be a better location for “Imagine Dragon” than in front of the Library. It was also discussed that “Imagine Dragon” might be the target for vandals “dressing it up,” similar to the public art “Surfer” statue located on public property on Pacific Coast Highway in Cardiff-bythe-Sea. Executive Secretary Brown wanted to emphasize that the Library Board is not “attacking” the opinion of the Cultural Arts Commission or its Public Art Working Group, but is simply posing some concerns. Trustee Zoll indicated that if the Library Board takes any action on this issue, it may be seen by the Cultural Arts Commission or its Public Art Working Group to be an attack on their judgment. Director Esquevin indicated that there are dragons in many types of literature, and since the Library has literature in its collection and encourages imagination through literature, he sees a connection between “Imagine Dragon” and the Library. 4 The Board decided not to take any official action regarding “Imagine Dragon’s” possible placement in front of the Library since there is no consensus among its members. Instead, each Board member will contact City Council members if they feel strongly one way or the other regarding the placement of “Imagine Dragon” in front of the Library. VII-C Election of Officers for Library Board Trustee Warren moved to nominate Sally Ann Zoll as the Library Board President beginning September 1, 2013. Trustee Siegfried seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. Trustee Zoll moved to nominate Elizabeth Warren as the Library Board Executive Secretary beginning September 1, 2013. Trustee Siegfried seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. VII-D Upcoming Library Board Meeting Schedule: Tuesday, July 9, 2013, and Tuesday, August 13, 2013, and Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 3pm in the Winn Room The next regular meetings of the Library Board were scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2013, Tuesday, August 13, 2013, and Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 3pm in the Winn Room. Trustee Zoll asked if a Proclamation of Thanks be prepared for outgoing President, Robin Franck. She also asked that the current opening for a Library Board Member be placed on eCoronado and the Library’s website. VIII CLOSED SESSION VIII-A Public Employee Performance Evaluation The Library Board went into closed session at 3:55 pm, resumed its regular meeting at 4:10 pm. IX Adjournment Trustee Zoll moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Warren. seconded the motion, and the motion was approved. The Library Board meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m. Approved and signed – original document in City Clerk’s office _________________ Robin Franck, President, Coronado Library Board of Trustees Approved and signed – original document in City Clerk’s office __________________________________ Sarah Blakely Brown, Executive Secretary, Coronado Library Board of Trustees 5