
Terms and Conditions – Adult Courses
1. Bookings
a) All bookings will be dealt with in order of receipt. Payment will be processed within ten (10) working days on receipt
of application.
b) Acknowledgement of your booking will be sent on receipt of application. You are advised not to book travel unless
you have received written confirmation of a place. Written confirmation will be sent within ten (10) working days of the
closing date.
c) Bookings are non-transferable to either another course or another participant.
2. Cancellation of a Course
Courses may be cancelled by the Royal Academy of Dance if it fails to attract a viable number of applicants.
Full refunds for tuition will be made in these circumstances.
3. Withdrawals and Refunds
Applicants who withdraw voluntarily will have their tuition fees refunded, subject to the clauses below:
a) Withdrawals before the closing date will incur a 10% administration charge.
b) Withdrawals on the closing date and up to eleven (11) working days prior to the start of the course will incur a
20% administration charge, unless a medical certificate is produced.
c) Withdrawals during the ten (10) working days prior to the start of the course will incur a 50% administration
charge, unless a medical certificate is produced.
d) Once the course has commenced, there will be no refunds for withdrawals. Reasons for withdrawals can include
injury/illness, homesickness, personal or family reasons inter alia.
e) Applicants who have booked for more than one course and subsequently decide to withdraw from one and attend the
other will be treated as if they have booked each course separately. The payer must repay the Multiple Booking
Discount applied to the tuition fees and clauses 3 a), b) and c) will be applied, as the case may be.
e) Applicants who withdraw due to injury or illness will have their tuition fees refunded less a 10% administration charge
providing a medical certificate is produced.
Adult Summer Course
Monday 21 – Friday 25 July 2014
4. Insurance
Applicants are advised to consider taking out insurance against withdrawal due to injury/illness or requiring medical
treatment or hospitalisation; or due to personal or family reasons which might prevent them completing the course.
Applicants with an existing injury attend the course at their own risk.
5. Waiver
Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching faculty. If you would like to discuss this matter please
contact the Training Department.
6. Content
The Academy reserves the right to alter the advertised programme and/or faculty without prior notice.
The information in this and other printed or electronic brochures/notices was correct at the time of print or going
7. Code of Conduct
Failure to observe the Dance School Code of Conduct may result in participants being asked to leave. The Academy
reserves the right, at its discretion, to refuse admission to any participant prior to, or during the event. In this instance no
refund will be given.
8. Data Protection Statement
The Royal Academy of Dance Group of companies provides dance training, dance notation, dance teacher education and
dance assessment services to a range of customers. It holds contact details to enable it to provide customers and
members with information on membership, programmes of study and courses, conferences, events and activities, and
related products and resources that might be of interest. In providing us with your contact details you give us permission
to contact you in relation to the business of the Academy, and we will not disclose your information to any third parties
except where legally required to do so.
trademarks® of the Royal Academy of Dance. RAD INTERMEDIATE FOUNDATION, RAD INTERMEDIATE, RAD
CLASS AWARD, RAD SOLO PERFORMANCE AWARD and CBTS are unregistered trademarks™ of the Royal
Academy of Dance. The use or misuse of the trademarks or any other content of this publication, without prior written
permission from the Royal Academy of Dance, is strictly prohibited.
Royal Academy of Dance® is a charity registered in England and Wales No. 312826
“Great teaching, great variety, great company, good mix of ages
and experience.”
Participant of Adult Summer Course, 2011
Please return completed application forms, with full payment to:
Training Co-ordinator, Royal Academy of Dance,
36 Battersea Square, London, SW11 3RA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8920
APPLICATION FORM - Adult Summer Course 2014
Adult Summer Course
Monday 21 – Friday 25 July 2014
RAD Headquarters, London
Course Location: RAD headquarters, London
Closing Date: Monday 9 June 2014
Participant’s Details – please ensure you complete this in full including postcode
Male 
Female 
Date of birth ______________________________
First name ____________________ Surname ____________________ ID (if known) ____________________
Address ______________________________________________________________ __________________
The Adult Summer Course provides a fun and enjoyable way to increase fitness levels
and learn new skills and techniques. It is designed to relax and invigorate at the end of
the working day and is suitable for complete beginners through to advanced dancers.
There are three levels available and participants are invited to choose their level
according to their ballet experience.
________________________________________________________________________________ _______
Town ___________________________ County ____________________ Postcode _______________ ______
Home Tel _________________________________ Mobile Tel _____________________________________
Email _______________________ ___________________________________________________________
Ballet helps to improve body alignment, general well-being and co-ordination. This class
has live piano accompaniment. Edgy and full of attitude, Street Jazz is a blend of
modern-day dance styles. This class will give the opportunity to learn a routine and
improve recall, musicality and performance. Mat Based Pilates improves strength,
posture, flexibility and balance and is the perfect complement to dance training.
Previous dance experience ____________________________________________________________ ______
Faculty: Kate Swainston PDTD, RAD RTS ARAD AISTD (ballet), Wendy Jardine (matbased Pilates) and Kevin Young (street jazz)
Course Details
Two class package:
Ballet and Pilates: £120/€160 (Levels 1 & 2) / £135/€180 (Level 3)
Level 1 (Beginners) – Suitable for those with very little or no previous experience in
dance, this level teaches the basics of ballet technique with an emphasis on enjoyment.
This course would also be suitable for those who may be returning to ballet following a
long break.
Level 2 (Improvers) – Suitable for those with some previous experience in dance who
already have a grasp of ballet technique and wish to improve their skills. This course
would also be suitable for those who may be returning to ballet following a short break.
Level 3 (Advanced) – Suitable for those who have had several years training in ballet
technique and have developed a strong technique. This is a more challenging and faster
paced course for those at a higher level who wish to develop their skills further.
Mat-based Pilates
Street Jazz
Level 1
6.00 – 7.00 pm
7.15 – 8.15 pm
8.30 – 9.30 pm
Level 2
7.15 – 8.15 pm
8.30 – 9.30 pm
6.00 – 7.00 pm
Level 3
8.30 – 9.45 pm
6.00 – 7.00 pm
7.15 – 8.15 pm
Please choose two or three classes from the same level.
Please choose your level according to your previous experience in ballet.
Closing Date: Monday 9 June 2014
Office use only
________________________________________________________________________________ ______
If you have any special requirements please indicate them here ________________________________________
If you have any previous injuries that we should be aware of, please describe them here ______________________
Level 2
Level 3
Pilates and Street Jazz: £120/€160 (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
Ballet and Street Jazz: £120/€160 (Levels 1 & 2) / £135/€180 (Level 3)
Three class package:
Ballet, Pilates and Street Jazz: £160/€213 (Levels 1 & 2) / £170/€226 (Level 3)
Payer Details – if different from above
Payee Name _____________________________________ Contact Tel __________________ ____________
Address __________________________________________________________________________ ______
______________________________________________________________________________ _________
How to Pay (please indicate whether you are paying in Sterling or Euros below)
 I enclose a cheque for £/€ (delete as appropriate)
_____ made payable to Royal Academy of Dance
(Please write participant’s name on the reverse side)
 Please charge my card: £/€ (delete as appropriate)
 [UK only]
My card number is:
Visa 
MasterCard 
Amex 
|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|
Start date |__|__| |__|__| Expiry date |__|__| |__|__| (mm/yy) Issue No. (Maestro only) |__|__|
Security code |__|__|__|__|
Cardholder’s name
On most cards the security code is the last three or four digits
of the number printed on the signature strip on the back of the
card. On other cards, such as American Express, it will be
printed above the account number on the front of the card.
I agree to abide by the Academy’s terms and conditions
Signature ______________________________________
Level 1
Date __________________ _________________
How did you hear about this course? ___________________________________________________________