FAQs for students (updated July, 2004)

University of Oxford-National Institutes of Health
Scholars in Biomedical Research Program
FAQs for students (updated July, 2004)
1) What makes this program different from other graduate programs? This program was
founded in 2001 in recognition of the fact that the most innovative and exciting biomedical research
is increasingly a global and collaborative process. It provides outstanding students with an
advanced training in collaborative interdisciplinary research in an enjoyable and unique program.
By merging the resources of one of the world’s premier research universities with the U.S. National
Institutes of Health, the world’s largest biomedical research center, it creates a faculty without
borders that provides and unparalleled international training experience. Moreover, all students are
members of one of the Colleges at Oxford. This integrates them into the rich educational tradition
of one of the greatest Universities in Occidental civilization and provides a residence during their
time at Oxford. With the help of faculty advisors, students are encouraged to create their own
dissertation projects in a collaborative arrangement between a mentor at NIH and a mentor at
Oxford who have complementary research interests. Alternatively, students may choose from a
large curriculum of pre-arranged collaborative projects. The selection of projects is continually
being increased and is not confined by traditional departmental boundaries. Applicants to the
program are typically college seniors; however qualified postgraduates, including medical students,
who have a strong interest in a career in biomedical research are encouraged to apply. Science
students winning Marshall or Rhodes Scholarships may also apply for a Scholarship with the NIHOxford Scholarship to provide additional support to pursue a D. Phil. degree.
2) How long is the Oxford-NIH program? Students may complete the program in as little as 3 or
4 years but will be supported by the NIH for up to 5 years. The emphasis in the program is to
accelerate the path to the completion of the doctorate so that individuals can begin their independent
careers earlier. Students successfully completing the program will be awarded the Doctor of
Philosophy degree (D. Phil or Ph.D.) from Oxford.
3) Where will I perform my dissertation research? Scholars will spend roughly half their time at
Oxford and half their time at NIH and will be co-mentored by the principal collaborating
investigators from the faculty of each institution. Some Scholars have also carried out part of their
doctor work in other countries such as Australia, Africa, and China when their project involved
resources in these countries. The exact division of time will be dictated by the nature and pace of
the research and by the residency requirements for Oxford which stipulate that a student must work
at the University for a minimum of 1.5 years to be eligible for the doctoral degree.
4) What areas of research/study does the Oxford-NIH partnership support? Students may
carry out dissertation work on any topic in laboratory or clinical research in which a joint project
involving a faculty member at NIH and Oxford can be established. This includes almost all areas of
contemporary biomedical research.
5) How do I find a dissertation project? Students who accept an offer of admission to the
Program will gain access to a Web site containing a database of faculty members at NIH and
Oxford who have developed collaborative research projects in which they serve as principal
investigators and student mentors. In the spring prior to matriculation, the Scholars will be invited
to spend one week each at NIH and Oxford visiting potential mentors and labs. It is anticipated that
most if not all Scholars will choose their dissertation project from the database. However, any
student who has a particular interest in an area not represented in the database will have the option
of developing a dissertation project of their own choosing, under the guidance of program advisors.
As with the other projects, this will take the form of a collaborative project with a mentor at NIH
and a mentor at Oxford. Students then spend the first eight weeks of the program at NIH creating a
project proposal with the help of their Mentors and Advisor which serves as a blueprint for their
doctoral training.
6) What is the funding mechanism for the Oxford-NIH program? The NIH intramural research
program will provide support for living stipend, health insurance, travel stipend, and other
educational expenses.
7) What courses are required during the program? The program is based on the British system
in which students carry out doctoral research with little emphasis on formal courses. At present
there is no formal coursework required as part of the degree requirements. We will admit students
who already have a sophisticated scientific background and who have already completed basic
coursework in biology, chemistry (both inorganic and organic), physics, and mathematics.
Nevertheless, the academic background of each Scholar will be reviewed by a faculty member in
the scientific discipline of the intended area of research who will make recommendations regarding
coursework that would be valuable to take to fill any deficiency and/or to ensure that the Scholars
will have a well-rounded background. It is possible that special tutorials or small individualized
courses will be offered to students to enhance their knowledge in emerging areas of research such
as bioinformatics or genomics.
8) Where will I take the required courses? If coursework is needed, arrangements will be made
with Oxford, with local universities near NIH, or with the NIH faculty.
9) Where can I find housing while performing my dissertation research in the UK and the
US? Oxford has agreed to provide housing within one of the College residence halls. This allows
the student to take meals in the residential college and thereby associate with students from a
variety of academic disciplines including those outside science. While at the NIH, students live in
the very pleasant suburban neighborhood surrounding the campus in Bethesda, Maryland. The
Scholarship has recently established a Scholar’s Residence across the street from the NIH which
provides some year-round and short stay accommodations for students in the program which is
available on a first-come, first-served basis.
10) When will I be notified as to whether or not I was selected for the Oxford-NIH program?
Students must apply for consideration for selection to the Scholarship by January 15, 2005. The
most highly qualified candidates will be interviewed at the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD in
February 28 and March 1, 2005, and final admissions decisions before the end of March, 2005. If
you intend to apply, please reserve these interview dates now since it will not be possible to
schedule interviews at other times.
11) When will I leave for the UK? This will be determined individually by the particular research
project. Most previous students have elected to begin their work at Oxford in the fall of their first
year in the program, but they have the flexibility to begin at NIH.
12) Is the program restricted to US citizens? Admission to the first year class is restricted to US
citizens and permanent residents. We will also accept applications from outstanding UK students
who have already completed at least two years of graduate work at Oxford to work in NIH
laboratories as Advanced Scholars in the program.
13) Sounds terrific, how do I apply? Submit a completed application package – there is no fee to
apply. Students may also submit an application to the Cambridge-NIH program simultaneously.
The application package must include:
• a completed Application Form. The form can be obtained online at
• a photocopy of the official report of either the basic Graduate Record Examination
(GRE) or the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). An advanced GRE test in
biology, chemistry, or biochemistry, cell and molecular biology is not required but will be
considered favorably.
• a photocopy of the college transcript
• three letters of reference, with at least one being from a current or former research
advisor. Letters should be in sealed envelopes bearing the signature of the person serving
as reference across the seal.
The deadline for submission of applications is January 15, 2005
14) Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Graduate Partnerships Program
National Institutes of Health
Department of Health & Human Services
2 Center Drive
Building 2 / 2nd Floor East
Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
Tel: 301-594-9605 (or toll-free 877-422-7882)
E-mail: gppapply@nih.gov
Additional information is also available on an “unofficial” website constructed by students who are
currently in the Oxford-NIH program (http://users.ox.ac.uk/~chri1906/).