The Woodcutter and the River Demon A Story from Russia There

臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽
I. The Spider and the Beehive
From <Folk & Fairy Tale Easy Readers>
Kama Einhorn, 2006 Scholastic Inc.
Once upon a time, there was a small African village. In it, lived a little
boy and a tricky spider. The spider thought he was smarter than everyone
The boy had a special talent. He was able to find the biggest, sweetest
fruit in all the jungle.
One day the spider was hungry, so he asked the boy, “ Will you take
me to the best plums?”
The boy agreed.
They walked deep into the jungle to the boy’ s favorite plum tree. The
spider felt greedy. He ate up every single plum and did not share any!
The spider rubbed his belly.
He said, “ Now, can you take me to the best bananas?”
They walked to the boy’ s favorite banana tree. The spider ate up
every single banana and did not share any!
His belly was full, but the spider said, “ Now, can you take me to the
best honey?”
The spider and the boy walked farther and farther into the jungle.
Then the boy said, “ Inside this hive is the most delicious honey in the
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
The spider squeezed into a hole in the hive. He ate up all the sweet
golden honey and did not share any!
The spider was ready for the next treat.
But when he tried to climb out of the hive, he was stuck. His belly had
become too big! “ Help! Get me out!” he cried.
The boy said, “ You have not been very nice to me. Good-bye, greedy
Then off he went.
The spider yelled and yelled. But nobody could hear his cries. He was
too far from the village. For an entire week, the spider sat in that hive.
Then, finally, he squeezed out.
And from that day on, the spider always shared his fruit with his friends.
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
II. Stone Soup
From <Folk & Fairy Tale Easy Readers>
Kama Einhorn, 2006 Scholastic Inc.
Once upon a time, there was a village. It was a nice place to live except
for one thing. People did not like to share.
One day a visitor came to town.
“ Hello! Does anybody have food to share?” he asked.
“ NO!” said everyone.
“ That’ s OK,”
said the visitor. “ I will make stone soup for
Then he took a stone and dropped it into a giant pot.
The visitor sniffed his broth. Some people came outside to see what he
was doing. Some watched from their windows.
“ Mmmm, I love stone soup. The only thing better is stone soup with
cabbage!” said the visitor.
That gave one man in the village an idea. He brought a cabbage and
put it in the pot.
Then the visitor said, “ I once had stone soup with cabbage and
carrots. It was delicious!”
A woman brought carrots and put them in the pot.
Then the visitor said, “ I once had stone soup with cabbage and
carrots and corn. It was delicious!”
A boy brought corn and put it in the pot.
Then the visitor said, “ I once had stone soup with cabbage and
carrots and corn and beans. It was delicious!”
A girl brought beans and put them in the pot.
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
The soup cooked and cooked. Finally, it was ready. Everyone ate a big
bowl. “ This is delicious!” they all said.
The soup made them so happy that they danced and sang all night
From then on, the people in the village shared. And their very favorite
thing to share was stone soup!
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
IV. The Big, Wide-Mouth Frog
《Through the Grapevine》
A Story from the United States -Martha Hamilton&Mitch Weiss
Published by East&West Book Co.,Ltd.
There once was a slimy, green frog with a very big mouth. That frog
drove everybody crazy. He was always going up to others and shouting,
"Who are you? I'm the big, wide-mouth frog!"
One morning, he decided to find out what everybody else ate for
breakfast. He hopped out of his frog pond, went straight to the zoo, and
began to bother the animals.
First he met the giraffe. "Who are you? And what do you eat for
The giraffe looked down. "I'm a giraffe, of course. I eat leaves for
The big, wide-mouth frog bellowed, "Well, I’ m the big, wide-mouth
frog! I eat flies for breakfast!"
Next he visited the elephant. "Who are you? And what do you eat for
"I'm an elephant, of course. I eat plants for breakfast."
"Well, I’ m the big, wide-mouth frog! I eat flies for breakfast!"
Next he went to visit the crocodile and shouted in his usual,
obnoxious way, "Who are you? And what do you eat for breakfast?"
With a sly, hungry look in her eyes, the crocodile answered, "I'm a
crocodile, of course. And I just love to eat big, wide-mouth frogs for
breakfast. Have you seen any big, wide-mouth frogs about?"
When the big, wide-mouth frog heard that, suddenly his wide mouth
臺南縣 98 年度縣長盃語文競賽《國小學生組》英語朗讀篇目
closed up and got very, very small. Then he said with a squeak, "Nope, I've
never heard of a creature called a big, wide-mouth frog. Hope you find one.
Sorry, I've got to go now."
The big, wide-mouth frog hopped all the way back to his pond as fast
as he could. And after that, he always remembered that sometimes it’ s
better to keep your big, wide mouth shut.