written report

Linux written report
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux Project 2006
Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique de Paris
23. rue Château Landon 75010 – PARIS
Just_Ps2_Group 8
.Linux written report
Linux written report
1.DEMAND PRESENTATION...................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
1.1 Presentation of the objectives........................................................................................................................
1.2 Functional specifications
PRESENTATION.............................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
3.SOLUTION PRESENTATION ................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
3.1 User management
3.2 Group management
3.3 Process scheduling
3.4 Network configuration
3.CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux written report
Linux written report
Demand Presentation
1.1Presentaion of the objectives
The objective is to create a configuration interface in order to ease a Linux System Configuration.
User Management
o Create a user
o Modify
o Delete
Group management
o Create and delete groups
o Add and remove users inside the groups
o List the users of a group
Network Configuration
o Interface configuration
o Routes listing and configuration
o Gateway
Process scheduling interface
o "at" jobs
o Users crontab
1.2 Functional specifications
The interface needs to be ergonomic. A special care has to be given to the ease of use of the interface and the
management of the errors a user can make.
The interface has to be started when the user initiates a SSH connection on the server, when exiting the interface,
the connection has to be stopped.
A help menu needs to be available for the user so, in case of problem or technical questions, anyone can get
information about the technical aspect that is being used.
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux written report
Linux written report
2. Team Presentation
JUST, ZhenJiang
Interface, help file
Group 8
YIN Jiajia
JUST, ZhenJiang
Group management
Group 8
GUO Qiang
JUST, ZhenJiang
Network configuration
Work: Decide the devices will be used and evaluate the price
MAO Xuchu
JUST, ZhenJiang
User management
Group 8
HUANG Jianteng
JUST, ZhenJiang
Process scheduling
Group 8
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux written report
Linux written report
3. Solution Presentation
Before doing this job, we analyzed the problem and departed it into four main parts, according to the modularize
method, each part was written in a file ,and at last connected all this parts. Because of the modularize method we
used, our instructions are so clear and easy to find the errors.
When we design the program, we also considered a lot about the interface. Because a good interface can help you
enjoy your work and simplify your work. So we use the dialog to manage all the interfaces .
When we create the menu we used the “select in do break done” syntax. The “case in esac” syntax is used to check
the user’s selection and then do the corresponding operation.
3.1 User Management
This part is used to manage the users, for example : create user, delete user and modify a user. When select to
modify a user, you can modify a user’s personal directory, initial group, supplementary group, shell , password, uid.
The commands are used in this part: create a user: --useradd, delete a user: -- userdel, modify personal directory: -usermod –d,
Modify initial group:-- usermod –g, modify supplementary group :--usermod –G, modify the shell:--usermod –s,
modify the uid:-- usermod –u, modify the password:--password,list all the users:cat --/etc/passwd
3.2 Group Management
This part is used to manage the groups,for example:create groups,delete groups,add and remove users inside the
group and list the users of a group.
The commands are used in this part:create a group: --groupadd, delete a group :--groupdel, list all the users :-- cat
List all the groups :--cat /etc/group, find a certain information in a file:--grep ,change the supplementary group:-usermod –G,
List the groups of a user:--groups.
3.3Network Configuration
This part is used to configure the network, for example: configure the interface, list the routes, configure the routes
and configure the gateway.
The commands are used in this part: list the routes: --route, configure the interface:--ifconfig netmask
broadcast, configure the routes(local):--route add –net netmask dev, configure the routes(distant)—route add –net
netmask gw, configure the default gateway: route add default gw .
3.4Process Scheduling
This part is used to configure a command to be executed at a precise time, list all the jobs and configure the
backgrounds tacks to be executed with intervals of regular times.
The commands are used in this part: list the at jobs: --atq, create at job: --at , remove at jobs :--atrm , list system
crontabs: --cat /etc/crontab, modify user crontab:--crontab –e.
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux written report
Linux written report
3. Conclusion
Through this project, we know the importance of the team work and the modularize method. When we write
the shell script, we must consider everything , take care about all the possible problems. When we need to check
the user’s selection, use the “case ” syntax is better the “if” syntax. When finish the program, we must test all the
things carefully finding all the hidden mistakes, and thanks to the modularize method to correct the errors quickly.
Just_Ps2_Group 8
Linux written report