Chapter 8 Reading Guide: Argument

Chapter 8 Reading Guide: Argument
Nature of Academic Argument (p.256-258)
*Academic argument is less a _______________ and more a polite exchange of ideas among
interested parties.
*Why is argument a challenging task for many students?
*Summarize the meaning of “argument in a broad sense”
*A more specialized sense of the word argument evokes the goal of moving audiences to a
particular ___________ or ____________.
*When using argument in the specialized sense you __________ alternative views,
__________them, and ___________ them.
Developing support for arguments (p.258-259)
*To develop a strong argument you must impart a _________ and __________ to its focus.
*Summarize what it means to make the argument “two dimensional”
Joining the Academic Conversation (p.259-260)
*Name at least three things you have to do before you actually start writing an argument (p.260)
Examination of “The Least Worst Choice…” (p.260-265)
*What three things do Stadtman Tucker’s opening paragraphs do?
*Stadtman Tucker substantiates each of her reasons with ___________ she has obtained from a
wide range of sources.
*Stadtman Tucker’s system of documentation differs from the documentation (citation style) you
are expected to use for this paper. What is the citation style you are expected to use? __________
Process of Writing an Argument Synthesis Essay (p.265-274)
*Differentiate between issues and topics: A ___________ maps out a general area for
discussion or inquiry. In and of itself, it is not ________. An _________ involves a specific point
or matter for contention or ___________.
*Differentiate between opinions and reasons: An _________ is a belief that you cannot
substantiate with direct proof, whereas a ___________ carries with it the weight of logic and
reliable evidence.
Where can you find convincing reasons even if you are not well read and fully informed about an
issue? _______________________________________________________________________
*Probe both sides of the issue: Remember to probe both sides and read with an
______________, even if you have already taken a stand.
*Question the reading sources:
*What are three of the questions you should ask yourself about the reading sources you are using
in an argument synthesis?
*State your claim: ___________ is another word for thesis.
*How is the claim of an argument synthesis different than other types of claims?
*Support reasons with evidence from reading sources: List three ways to support your
*Acknowledge and respond to competing claims: Pay close attention for the sentence stems
for acknowledging competing claims on p. 272, these will be very useful in your next paper.
If you have a vocabulary for acknowledging and responding to incompatible views, it will be
easier to participate in a polite ___________ of ideas in a ___________ and ________ way.
*Point-by-point arrangement of alternative views: This _______________ arrangement is
usually the clearest way to present alternative views because it lists them in a summary format
connected by transitional words or phrases such as
Illustration of Student’s Process in Writing an Argument Synthesis Essay (p.274-285)
*Consider Audience: What are the four questions you must ask yourself when considering your
audience for an argumentative essay?
*What four things will the answers to these questions tell you?
Read Sarah Allyn’s argument synthesis essay on p. 279-282, then discuss and answer the
following questions with your partner:
1. Does the writer move beyond the purpose of simply synthesizing or comparing or contrasting
by attempting to persuade or convince the audience? If so, explain how. If not, how might the
writer do so?
2. Does the argument take into account both sides of the issue or is it one sided?
3. Does the writer follow the format for an argument essay that you have read about in this
4. Does the writer present a sufficient number of solid reasons to back up his or her main claim?
If not, what should be added?
5. Are the reasons supported with reliable evidence? If not, which sources are questionable?