APPROPRIATELY SUPPPORTING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM-WORKSHEET (revised) Student ____________________________ Building/Grade _________________ Date of Meeting_______________ Next Meeting _____________ Team Members present ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AREA CURRENT STATUS CURRENT NEED Accommodations being implemented: Accommodations being implemented: Visual Strategies *Personal, visual schedule *Utilized in every setting the student is expected to transition & function *Organizes the environment *Reduces anxiety *Increase independence Functional Communication System *Taught to the student *Portable communication system *Used consistently in every part of student’s environment *Continuous practice for student *Back-up system for verbal students (break card, help card, leave me alone card) Consistent Behavioral Programming *Systematic response *Ticket into general education *Collaboration with general education teacher to prevent disruption within the class *Immediate & consistent response to behavior errors *Non-punitive, non-verbal, nonemotional redirection/ consequence for behavior errors *Environmental modification *High rates of positive responses from teachers Academic Modifications & Accommodations *Accommodations: supports & services that help students validly demonstrate student learning (outcomes or content are not changed) *Modifications: Individualized changes made to the content & performance expectations for the student *Appropriate and motivating curriculum Time Level of support Instructional grouping Input Reduce response effort Setting Adaptation of environment Sections of curriculum Time Level of support Instructional grouping Input Reduce response effort Setting Adaptation of environment Sections of curriculum Modifications being implemented: See Grading Criteria Worksheet. Modifications being implemented: See Grading Criteria Worksheet Open-ended questions Visual organization strategies Closed strategies Automatic closed strategies Choice strategies Yes/No strategies Matching strategies Tracing Open-ended questions Visual organization strategies Closed strategies Automatic closed strategies Choice strategies Yes/No strategies Matching strategies Tracing ACTION PLAN (Who is doing what when) APPROPRIATELY SUPPORTING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM (revised) --PAGE 2 STUDENT __________________________________________________________ Date of Meeting__________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ AREA CURRENT STATUS CURRENT NEED Check the following that are currently in place: Teach setup and use of visual schedule Material organization Desk top organization Prompts to task Behavioral system Academic modifications Output method Socialization systems Check the following that are currently in place: Teach setup and use of visual schedule Material organization Desk top organization Prompts to task Behavioral system Academic modifications Output method Socialization systems Peer to Peer Support *Sensitivity training within general education classroom *Opportunity for mediums of exchange *General education students as participants NOT as helpers/aides Team Problem Solving Approach *Meeting on a regular basis (bimonthly, monthly) to discuss the positives, challenges, and the changes to the student’s program *Includes a consistent format (agenda, review action plans, new business) Paraprofessional Support *Appropriate supervision *Only assigned when the student NEEDS direct academic, behavioral or social support *1:1 prevents opportunities for interaction with others *Primary goals socialization and independence OTHER ISSUES/COMMENTS 2 ACTION PLAN (Who will do what when)