Medieval Europe: Royal Power, Church, and Crisis

Chapter 9 Section 1
Growth of Royal Power in England and France
A. Main Ideas
1. William the
2. Henry II
4.Hugh Capet
Philip Augustus
5. France
Louis IX
7. France
Philip IV
Notable Actions
Exerted firm control over his lands: had
Domesday Book compiled
Broadened system of royal justice, laying basis
for English common law; began jury system
Lost war against Phillip II’ battled with Pope
innocent III and was excommunicated; signed
Magna Carta
Strengthened power of Parliament
Increased Royal power and built an effective
6. Used paid middle-class officials, granted
charters, organized a standing army, and
introduced a new national tax
8. religious ruler who expanded the royal
courts and ended serfdom; also persecuted
Jews and heretics
9. Argued with pope Boniface VII; set up the
Estates General.
B. Reviewing Key Terms and People
10. Domesday Book- the results of the census that William the Conqueror ordered
in 1086, it listed every castle, field and pigpen in England and was used to build an
efficient system of tax collecting
11. Common law- decisions of the royal court during the reign of King Henry II; laws
that were the same for all people
12. Jury- group of men sworn to speak the truth gathered by local officials when
traveling justices visited an area; developed into today’s grand jury.
13. Thomas Becket- the archbishop of Canterbury who opposed King Henry II’s
attempts to extend royal power; was murdered by Henry’s supporters
14. Magna Carta- rebellious barons forced King John to sign this document, which
gave feudal rights that shaped government traditions in England; asserted that
nobles had certain rights and that the king must obey the law, protected the legal
rights of the people, and forbade the king form raising taxes without first consulting
the Great Council
15. Model Parliament- assembly called together by Edward I including
representatives of the “common people”; set up the frame work for England’s
16. Saint Louis- King Louis IX of France, considered a model monarch; was made a
saint within 30 years of his death
17. Estates General- governmental body set up in France by King Philip ub 1302; had
representatives from France’s three classes
Section 2- The Holy Roman Empire and the Church
A. Main Ideas
Otto I worked closely with the Church. He appointed bishops and abbots to top
government jobs and 1.took an army south into Italy to help the pope put down a
rebellion by Roman nobles. Otto’s successor took the title of 2._Holy Roman
emperor__. These emperors claimed authority over much of central and Eastern
Europe as well as parts of 3.___France and Italy________. A conflict arose between
emperors and popes over 4.__who would control appointments of Church
officials_____. Soon, Pope Gregory VII banned the practice of 5._lay
investiture____. When Henry refused to comply, Gregory 6._excommunicated___
Henry in 1076. Finally, after years of struggling, the investiture conflict was ended
by the 7._Concordat of Worms_______, which stated that 8.__the Church had the
sole power to elect and invest bishops with spiritual authority with the emperor had
the right to invest them with fiefs____. Then, the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II
weakened Germany by becoming embroiled in 9.__Italy___’s affairs and spending
little time in Germany. At the same time, Pope Gregory VII and other popes
greatly increased papal power. In 1209, Pope Innocent III launched a brutal
10.__crusade__ against the Albigensians in southern France.
B. Reviewing Key Terms and People
11. Gregory VII- pope who was determined to make the Church independent of
secular rulers: excommunicated King Henry IV
12. Henry IV- Holy Roman emperor who fought against the Church on the issue of
lay investiture
13. Concordat of Worms- treaty that ended the investiture struggle between the
Church and Holy Roman emperors
14. Frederick II-Holy Roman emperor who sought power in Italy; weakened
Germany by his inattention to its problems
15. Innocent III-pope who embodied the triumph to the Church; claimed supremacy
over all other rulers and launched the Albigensian Crusade
16. Crusade- holy war sponsored by the Church
17. Albigensian Crusade- crusade launched by Pope Innocent III against the
Albigensians in southern France who wanted to purify the Church
Section 3- Europeans Look Outward
Main Ideas
1. How did Muslims acquire and pass on a range of ideas and technologies?
b. Through trade
2. Name three inventions of the Chinese under the Tang and Song dynasties
b. Paper, printing, gunpowder, paper money
3. What was the state of civilizations in Africa and the Americas around 1050?
b. In Africa, the Soninke people were building the great trading empire
of Ghana. In the Americans, the Mays were building larger cities
with towering temples. In Peru, Native Americans were building
empires and creating great works of art
4. What was the purpose of the Crusades?
b. The purpose of the Crusades, was to free the Holy Land from the
control of non-Christians
5. How successful were the Crusades” What influence did the Crusades have
eon trade and the Church?
b. The Crusades failed in the conquest of the Holy Land. The Crusades
increased trade and increased the power of feudal monarchs and the
6. What was the Inquisition? How was it related to the Reconquista?
b. The Inquisition was the Church court set up by Isabella to try people
accused of heresy. After the success of the Reconquista, Ferdinand
and Isabella used this as one means to impose unity on the diverse
peoples they now ruled.
Reviewing Key terms and People-explain how the terms and/or names in each
group are related.
7. Crusades, Council of Clermont-At the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II
called for a holy was against the Seljuk Turks, thus beginning the Crusades
8. Ferdinand and Isabella, Reconquista-Ferdinand and Isabella were the two
monarchs who completed the Reconquista by winning Granada back from the
Section 4- Learning, Literature and the Arts
A. Main Ideas
1. During the High Middle Ages, the need for education expanded
because the Church wanted better-educated clergy, royal rulers needed
literate men for their bureaucracies and sons of wealthy townspeople
could secure better jobs if there were educated
2. The exclusion of women from medieval universities affected their
lives by depriving them of mental stimulation and excluding then from
professions such as medicine, law, administration, the Church and
3. Medieval literature was characterized by works written in the
vernacular that captured the spirit of the times.
4. The stone cathedrals built during the Middle Ages were symbols of
the people’s wealth and religious devotion
5. Besides their great beauty, cathedrals served to educate the literate
masses by depicting biblical scenes in their sculpture and stained glass
B. Reviewing Key terms and People
__D_6. Italian poet who wrote the Divine Comedy
__B_7. Brought together Christian faith and Greek
_C__8. Every day language of ordinary people
__G_9. Professional writer who wrote The City of Ladies
_F__10. Epic work of literature from Spain
__H_11. Wrote The Canterbury Tales
__A_12. Support of thought that used reason to support
Christian beliefs
_E__13. System of Writing Numbers adopted in Europe
during the middle ages
a. scholasticism
b. Thomas Aquinas
c. Vernacular
d. Dante
e. Hindu-Arabic
f. Poem of the Cid
g. Christine de Pizan
h. Chaucer
Section 5- A time of Crisis
A. Main Ideas- Rewrite each sentence to make it correct
1. The Black Death, which was caused by war and hunger, began in Spain and
killed one in ten people all across Europe
The Black Death, which was caused by fleas carried by rats, began in Italy and killed
one in three people all across Europe.
2. People reacted to the plague calmly, seeking medical help and helping others.
The plague brought terror and bewilderment, and thousands of Jews were killed after
being blamed for causing the disease; normal life broke down completely
3. The plague helped Europe’s economy grow, and those who survived lived
securely with a good income.
The plague devastated Europe’s economy running production and causing high
prices. Landowners converted farmlands to raising sheep, and those forced
off the land sought work in towns but work was scarce.
4. The Church remained the only stable institution in plague-ravaged Europe.
The Church was seriously weakened by the plague because it was unable to explain
why it had happened. In addition, popular preachers challenged its power and
5. The Hundred years’ War was fought between Italy and France, and neither side
seemed capable of taking advantage of the new weaponry available.
The Hundred Years’ War was fought between England and France. Both sides took
advantage of new weaponry-first, the English with the longbow and then the
French with the cannon.
B. Reviewing Key Terms and People
6. Babylonian Captivity-period when the papal court was located in Avignon; refers
to the time when the ancient Israelites were held captive in Babylon
7. John Wycliffe-Oxford professor who attacked Church corruption and translated
the Bible into English so that people could read it for themselves
8. Jan Hus-lead the call for Church reforms in Bohemia; was burned at the stake for
9. Joan of Arc- seventeen-year-old French peasant woman who, in the belief that she
was inspired by God, led the French army to several victories; she was burned at the
stake by the English
The High Middle Ages-Map
On the map above, label the places
Agincourt, scene of an English Victory during the Hundred Year’s War- B
Avignon, where the papal court was located following the dispute between
Philip IV and Pope Boniface-E
8. Messina, Sicily, port where the bubonic plague entered Europe from Asia-H
9. Paris, home of one of the earliest European universities-F
10. Spain, where Christian forces gradually conquered Muslim rulers-I