Cat Vaccinations - Mattawan Animal Hospital

Cat Vaccinations
The following is a description of the diseases that we vaccinate for at the Mattawan
Animal Hospital. All of the following vaccinations are recommended by our clinic and
some are required for certain circumstances such as boarding and grooming. It is
advised to check with each individual boarding or grooming facility as to which
vaccinations are needed; the necessary vaccines should be given at least 10 days prior
to the boarding or grooming event to insure proper immunity status.
1. Feline Rhinotracheitis- This condition is caused by a herpesvirus. This virus
produces respiratory signs (coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and nose). Young
kittens may die from secondary bacterial infections. Cats can become chronic
carriers of the virus and spread it to other cats without even appearing sick. This
vaccination is recommended by our clinic for all indoor and outdoor cats.
2. Feline Calicivirus- This is a virus that causes signs similar to the feline
rhinotracheitis. Calicivirus, however, also may affect the lungs (viral pneumonia)
and produce ulcers in the mouth. Cats can carry this virus without signs for years.
This vaccination is recommended by our clinic for all indoor and outdoor cats.
3. Feline Pneumonitis- This condition is caused by a virus, Chlamydia psittaci. It
causes upper respiratory signs and eye inflammation. This condition may be
complicated with secondary bacterial infections. This vaccination is recommended
by our clinic for all indoor and outdoor cats.
4. Feline Panleukopenia- This condition is also called Feline Distemper. It is an
extremely contagious virus and can cause fever, loss of appetite and weight,
lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and death. This vaccination is
recommended by our clinic for all indoor and outdoor cats.
**The above vaccinations are available in a 4-way combination vaccine.
5. Feline Leukemia- This is a virus that is responsible for many fatal conditions that are
not strictly defined as leukemia. The virus can cause many forms of cancer and
malignancy. The virus also leaves cats susceptible to other diseases. The virus is
extremely contagious (through saliva) and cats can be carriers and not appear sick.
This vaccination is recommended by our clinic for all cats that go outside even
occasionally and for indoor cats that may have contact with outdoor cats.
6. Feline Rabies- This is a virus transmitted through the saliva of the bite of a warmblooded mammal. The virus causes severe neurological signs and is almost always
fatal. This disease can also be transmitted to humans. This vaccination is
recommended by our clinic for all indoor and outdoor cats.
7. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus- Also known as “Feline AIDS”, this is a virus that is
transmitted through cat bites and up to 8 % of the cat population is affected by it.
The virus causes fever, neurological signs (seizures and coma) and increased lymph
nodes. It also causes an immune system deficiency in which secondary infections
may result in death. This vaccination is recommended by our clinic for all cats that
go outside the house.