Unit 7 Review: Evolution - Chapters 22-26, 34 (pg. 720-733)

WLHS / AP Bio / Monson
Unit 7 Review: Evolution - Chapters 22-26, 34 (pg. 720-733)
Topics / Concepts:
 evidence for evolution (fossils, biogeography,
comparative anatomy, molecular homologies, etc.)
 Darwin and natural selection (plus Darwin’s influences,
and Darwin vs. Lamarck)
-examples of natural selection in action
 population genetics
-Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, equation
 microevolution (and causes)
-genetic drift, gene flow, mutations, nonrandom
mating, natural selection
 modes of selection (stabilizing, directional, diversifying,
sexual selection)
 speciation
 prezygotic and postzygotic barriers
 allopatric and sympatric speciation modes
 adaptive radiation
 gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium
 fossil record; radioactive dating; half-life
 molecular biology & DNA / RNA / protein homologies
 DNA-DNA hybridization
 early earth conditions
 origin of biological molecules / origin of life
-Oparin and Haldane hypothesis
-Miller and Urey experiments
 five kingdom system of classification
-modern taxonomy system (seven levels)
 human evolution
-characteristics of mammals, primates
-Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal,
-multiregional vs. monogenesis models of human
 phylogenetic trees / cladograms
Chapter 22-23:
Paleontology, fossils, sedimentary rock
Galapagos Islands
Darwin & his influences
Natural Selection
Descent with modification
Artificial selection
Homologies (embryological, molecular,
structural/anatomical, etc.)
Vestigial structures
Species / population
Gene pool
Genetic drift
Bottleneck Effect / Founder Effect
Gene flow
Hardy-Weinberg theorem / equation
Geographic variation / cline
Darwinian fitness
Directional, diversifying, stabilizing
Inter- vs. Intrasexual selection
Sexual dimorphism
Chatpers 24, 25, 26, 34
Micro- vs. macroevolution
Sedimentary rock / paleontology
Speciation / definition of species
Oparin & Haldane
Pre- and postzygotic barriers
Urey & Miller
Reproductive isolation
Pre-zygotic: behavioral, habitat,
temporal, mechanical gametic)
Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi,
Post-zygotic: (reduced hybrid viability,
reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid
Class Mammalia
Monotremes, marsupials, eutherians
Adaptive radiation
Order Primates
Opposable thumb
Punctuated equilibrium
Hominoids, hominids
Phylogenetic trees / cladograms
Homo habilis
Taxonomy / Classification
Homo erectus
Convergent vs. divergent evolution
Analogous structures (vs. homologous)
Homo sapiens
Allopatric vs. sympatric speciation
Autopolyploidy vs. allopolyploidy
Multiregional vs. monogenesis model
Radioactaive dating
Cultural evolution
Mass extinctions
Molecular clocks
Primitive vs. derived characters
**Recommended: Do the “Self-Quiz” questions at the end of each chapter…and check your answers!
Review Questions:
1) The embryos of mammals and birds both have gill pouches. Which line of evidence (i.e. fossil record?
biogeography? homology? etc.) for evolution does this fall into? Describe two other examples from this line of
2) In a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 16% of the individuals show the recessive trait. What is
the frequency of the dominant allele in the population? In a population of 2500 individuals, how many would
possess each genotype?
3) In a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the 85.0% of the population show the dominant phenotype.
What is the frequency of the dominant allele? The recessive allele? In a population of 15,550 individuals, how
many would be heterozygous?
4) Distinguish between genetic drift and gene flow. Provide 2 examples of genetic drift.
5) List and describe at least 3 prezygotic and 3 postzygotic barriers that accomplish the isolation of gene pools of
different populations.
6) Is evolution random or goal-oriented? (i.e. is there some ultimate goal or grand plan for evolution?) Explain.
7) Summarize the evolutionary trends seen in these hominid forms:
Australopithecus africanus
Homo erectus
Homo ergaster
Australopithecus afarensis
Homo habilis
Homo sapiens
(when did certain changes appear…i.e. standing upright, larger brain, use of tools, cultural traditions, etc.)
8) Compare the gradualism and punctuated equilibrium theories/models of evolution.
9) A fossil has 1/8 the normal ratio of C-14 to C-12. Estimate the age of this fossil. (Carbon-14 has a half-life of
approx. 5730 years)
10) Potassium-40 has a half-life of 1.3 billion years. If an organism had 1 mg of potassium-40 when it died and its
fossil now has 0.25 mg, how old is this fossil?
11) Complete the chart below by listing the seven levels of taxonomic classification. For each category, use your
study questions, textbook, or internet to look up and write in the appropriate classification for humans, wolf,
domestic cat, and a large ground finch.
Striped skunk
Domestic dog
12) Identify the type of reproductive barrier illustrated by the following examples and indicate whether they are preor postzygotic barriers.
Type of Barrier
Pre- or Postzygotic
Two species of frogs are mated in the lab and produce viable, but
sterile, offspring.
Two species of sea urchin release their gametes at the same time, but
cross-specific fertilization does not occur.
Two species of orchid have different length nectar tubes and are
pollinated by different species of moths.
Two species of mayflies emerge during different weeks in springtime.
Two species of salamanders will mate in the lab and produce viable,
fertile offspring, but offspring of these hybrids are sterile.
Two similar species of birds have different mating rituals.
When two species of mice are bred in the lab, embryos usually abort.
Peepers breed in woodland ponds, whereas leopard frogs breed in
13) Why do extensive adaptive radiations often follow mass extinctions?
14) One study of DNA homologies showed that human and chimpanzee DNA will hybridize (align, or match up) with
a 98.2% frequency match, while human and gorilla DNA will hybridize with a 97.7% match. How is this evidence
interpreted by evolutionary biologists?
15) Distinguish between homologous and analogous structures. Provide examples of each.
16) In the above question, which one illustrates convergent evolution? Which one suggests common ancestry?
17) According to the information in Figure 26.4, what is the closest relative of the European otter? How do you
18) According to the information in Figure 26.4, what is the most distant relative of the European otter that is still in
the Order Carnivora? How do you know?
19) What are three distinguishing (derived) features of members of the class Mammalia?
20) Distinguish between the multiregional hypothesis and the “Out of Africa” hypothesis for the evolution of modern
humans. Which hypothesis has more evidence supporting it?