Control Network communication stop for 15 minutes
AC 800M communication on Control Network will stop for approximately 15 minutes with an
interval of 49.7 days starting from the latest restart of the controller.
Both Ethernet and RS-232C (PPP) physical media is affected.
This error can lead to possible hazardous situations for several reasons.
- Other system will not be updated with data from the controller.
- It is not possible to send data to the controller.
The error is present in all currently released 3.x versions.
It is possible to restart the controller and thus starting a new 49.7 days period.
A controller may be restarted in several ways with different impact e.g.
Warm Start :
Application-controlling tasks are initiated. Variable values are initialized
unless marked Retain or Cold retain.
To initiate a warm restart, disconnect the power supply for a few seconds.
Following a power failure, the warm restart function will be automatically
initiated on power restoration.
Cold Restart :
The application program restarts. Variable values are initialized unless
marked Cold retain.
To initiate a cold restart, the Controller must be restarted by briefly
pressing the INIT push button (less than 2.5 seconds).
Corrective Actions
The error is corrected in version 3.2/4.