respect our school environment - Performing and Fine Artists for


Recycle Hawai‘i

Earth-Friendly Schools Hawai`i

2011-12 Program Information

Dear teachers, administrators, and students,

We would like to invite your school to participate in our 2011-12 Earth-Friendly Schools

Hawai`i (EFSH) program!

EFSH is an incentive program whose objective is to instill an environmental ethic into the lives of our youth. Through service-learning projects and other activities, EFSH participants make a difference in the quality of life in their community and learn invaluable skills along the way. EFSH was first implemented at schools on the island of

Kaua`i in 1993 and in 2007, through a partnership between Recycle Hawai`i and Performing

Fine Artists for World Peace, was brought to the island of Hawai`i.

Since its creation in 1993, over 100 schools have participated in programs that EFSH has sponsored and 50 schools have received recognition as an Earth-Friendly School.

Program participants are challenged to demonstrate respect and responsibility for their local and global environment . This is accomplished through projects that promote The 10

R’s: Respect, Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Recreate, Respond, Remind, Research, Realize, and

Revere .

Schools that participate in our program develop a school plan that incorporates activities for each ‘R’. Many schools designate different grade levels to do different projects at their school or in the community. There are other projects that all the students participate in.

Students involved with EFSH have cleaned and beautified many beaches, parks, highways, and schools. They have collected tons of materials for recycling that would have ended up in our landfills. They have created artwork out of recycled materials, and they have done research about environmental issues and presented their findings not only to their fellow students, but also to the media and government leaders.

Partnerships between schools, businesses, community organizations, and government agencies are encouraged. The program acknowledges successful EFSH participants with a Certificate of

Recognition. Bringing attention to these designated schools inspires others to take action, thereby fostering a network of informed students committed to community service and the protection of their environment.

Schools that have participated in EFSH Programs (Partial Listing)

Kalaheo Elementary • He`eia Elementary • Pahoa High & Intermediate • Hilo High

Hawai`i Preparatory Academy • Pahoa Elementary • Waihe`e School • Kohala Middle School

`Ae Kamali`i Preschool • Kohala Middle School • Lana`i High & Elementary

Kapa`a Elementary • Lihikai Elementary • Mae`ma`e Elementary • Kula Elementary

Hualalai Academy • King Kaumuali`i Elementary • Makaha Elementary • Kea`au Elementary

Island School • Enchanted Lake Elementary • Aikahi Elementary • Lehua Elementary

Ahuimanu Elementary Hanalei Elementary • Kea`au High • Mauna Loa Elementary

Farrington High School • Roosevelt High • Kapunahala Elementary • Crater Hill School

Le Jardin Academy • Nanakuli Elementary • Kapa`a High & Intermediate • Kapolei High

Koko Head Elementary • The Early School • Island School • Laupahoehoe High & Elementary

Kohala High • Kualapu`u Elementary • Waikoloa Elementary • Kona Pacific Charter School

Ke Kula Kaiapuni `o Pu`ohala • Fort Hunt Elementary • Meadowbook Elementary

Hathaway Elementary • School of Discovery

How to become an Earth-Friendly School

1 . Register your school or group by mailing us a completed registration form.

2 . Plan and carry out projects.

Individual classes may do a service-learning project. Schoolwide projects promote The 10 R’s. Many schools do monthly projects and assign different activities to each grade level.

3. Document your activities with a photo-journal that includes written description, photos and student work (e.g. letters, essays, posters, reports, poems, etc.) We have received many creative and colorful photo-journals showing the variety of activities that schools have undertaken.


Submit your journal. To receive recognition as an Earth-Friendly School, we must receive your photo-journal by May 15, 2012. We will return your journal if you include a written request and return postage.

Earth-Friendly Schools Hawai`i - Project Options

The 10 R’s Project

The whole school participates throughout the year in a variety of activities that promote

The 10 R’s: Respect, Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Recreate, Respond, Remind, Research, Realize,


Activities might include recycling, beautification projects such as tree planting and native species gardens, litter free events, researching environmental issues, performing & visual art with environmental themes.

Service Learning Project

Focus on one or more specific projects.

One class, a grade level or the whole school could do this. Projects such as litter-free schools, recycling drive, tree planting, reusing materials.

America Recycles Day

On November 15, 2011 people across the country will be participating in America Recycles

Day. Created by Keep America Beautiful in 1997, it is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to the promotion of recycling programs in the United States. Its goals are to inform, educate and motivate people to get involved with their community in creating recycling opportunities throughout the year.

Recycle-Bowl Competition

Recycle-Bowl is a free competition for K-12 school recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities. School recycling programs across the nation compete in a race to collect the most recyclables. The goals of the competition are to inspire students, teachers and administrators to recycle more, catalyze bigger, better recycling programs, provide “teaching moments” with students about the benefits of recycling, and divert material from disposal into recycling systems.

Kokua Hawai`i Foundation Environmental Field Trips & Mini Grants

We are working in partnership with the Kokua Hawai`i Foundation in promoting field trips and mini grants for schools on the island of Hawai`i. To learn more about these programs and to register, please visit their website at

Special Note: Recycle Hawai`i is working with the County of Hawai`i on a Zero Waste

Initiative which will enable us to reduce the amount of materials that are going into our landfill. Zero Waste focuses on determining new and better uses of materials that normally go to the landfill in order to eliminate waste and pollution. If your students would like to pursue the concept of Zero Waste as part of their Earth-Friendly Schools project, we can offer guidance and resources.

Earth-Friendly Schools Hawai`i

2011-2012 Registration Form

We would like to register for the following: (Check one or more)

Earth-Friendly School/ The 10 R’s Project ( )

EFS Service Learning Project ( )

America Recycles Day ( )

Recycle-Bowl Competition ( )

Environmental Field Trips & Mini Grants ( )

Name of School Or Group ____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State ________________Zip____________________

Phone ____________________________________ Fax ______________________________________

School Website ______________________________________________________________________

Primary Contact Person / Title __________________________________________________________

Telephone: ________________________________ Cell: _____________________________________

E-Mail/Website ______________________________________________________________________

“We are committed to protecting the environment, serving our community, and supporting the goals and objectives of the


Presiding Officer / Administrator

Earth-Friendly Schools Program. “



Mail or fax this completed form to:

Recycle Hawai`i

P. O. Box 4847 • Hilo, HI 96740

Phone: 808.969-2012 • Fax: 808.969-2014

Printed on recycled and recyclable paper

The 10 “R’s” Idea Generation Worksheet


In what ways can you show that you respect your school’s environment?

Consider planting native species gardens, weekly cleanups, painting a building, etc.


What materials at your school can you recycle?


Do you use both sides of the paper? Do you use reusable plates and utensils?

What other supplies can you reuse?


In what ways can you reduce the amount of materials that you use?


Consider the possibilities. Be creative! Participate in Recycle Hawai`i’s

Art of Recycling School Competition held in April!


How can you communicate this? Consider video, editorials, letter writing, poster campaigns, talking to others at school and in your community.


Do you take an active role in caring for the environment?

Ideas for projects: adopting a beach, park, or highway, participating in statewide and national cleanup and beautification projects, removing graffiti.


What are some different ways that you can learn about issues concerning the environment?

Newsletters, magazines, guest speakers, class projects, surveys, field trips.


We create the problems and we find the solutions.

In what ways can problem-solving activities be encouraged?


“To regard with deep respect or love”

Find your own ways to express reverence for the earth.

Consider joining environmental organizations, adopting a pet, composing songs, writing stories, creating artwork

Earth-Friendly Schools Hawai`i

Service Learning Project Examples”

“Direct Service Activities”

Plant a native plant gardens at your school or in the community

Adopt a park or beach to clean and beautify

Collect bottles and cans for recycling

Create recycled art projects such as community murals, sculptures, etc.

Plant trees at your school or in your community

Serve as a docent at a park or museum that has an environmental concern

Help a park or museum to set-up an environment awareness program

Conduct a community clean up activity

Organize a carpool system/network among students

“Indirect Service Activities”

Put up bulletin boards or displays about what you've learned about the environment

Sponsor current environmental awareness activities in the school and in the community

Distribute literature about environmental concerns i.e., "Save Our Streams,"

Ask gas stations and automotive stores to make literature available to customers about proper disposal of oil, antifreeze, etc.

Create a brochure about recycling opportunities in the community

Start a recycling project

Help with or initiate community-landscaping projects. Contact Department of

Natural Resources for more information

Plant an organic garden - give proceeds to soup kitchen or sell them and give contributions to a conservation organization

Start a compost pile

Create a display of artwork created out of recycled materials.

“Advocacy/Civic Service Activities”

Sponsor a Futuristic Week for the school. Invite speakers, have panel discussions, and view films. Possible topics: Impact of Future

Technology, Quality for Life, Food in the Future, Tomorrow's Schools.

Write letters to public officials offering ideas, solutions, or political pressure to take action on environmental issues

Lobby for curbside recycling in your community
