Call for Endorsement for Rohingya

Monday 18 May 2015
Statement of the Coalition of Young People of Indonesia for ASEAN
(KoalisiPemuda Indonesia untuk ASEAN)
“The way ASEAN handled the issue of Rohingya refugees is a real proof of a major step
back in ASEAN values of humanity“
Greeting of peace
Dear ASEAN Community, lately we have been surprised by the news of forced migration of
Rohingya people from Myanmar. More than 500 people were desperate to cross the sea to
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Young people, women and children involved in the
shipping. For days they were on the ship without adequate food and clean water. As a result,
some of them ran out of energy and got very ill through out their struggle for freedom.
Rohingya’s decision was based on a big reason. More than 1 million people in Myanmar
identify as Rohingya who are denied existence by Myanmar military government. They could
no longer stand on the conflict and genocide that attack them constantly. Not only a decent
life, but their recognition as citizens is also denied. Many of them do not have citizenship
(stateless) and denied freedom, access, and other rights as human being in Myanmar. This
problem has been widely voiced by young people and civil society in ASEAN, but the response
from the ASEAN government is extremely poor. Ethnic cleansing, prosecution, and many forms
of injustice towards Rohingya people continue to occur on daily basis.
Yet, their dream of freedom vanished for the ones who made it alive escaping Myanmar
border. Thailand, their first destination, prompted them to stay offshore to avoid capture
although they ‘kindly’ provided basic humanitarian supplies. The best scenario for them in
Thailand is to be provided with onshore refuge camp but no chance of being permanent
settlers. If they arrived in Malaysia, the Malaysian navy will repel their boats unless they are
in dire straits. At last Indonesia, the world’s 3th largest democratic state with the largest
Muslim population which make it one of the utopia state of many Rohingya’s, they were again
denied. Illegal immigrants are not welcome in Indonesia, their boats were turned away with
restock of fuel and food supplies and the stake of the ones who made it on shore of Indonesia
is still on endless debate.
We, the Coalition of Young People of Indonesia for ASEAN (KoalisiPemuda Indonesia untuk
ASEAN) are shocked and extremely disappointed with the fact that the ASEAN land that we
live on has turned into a bunch of political territory that limits people’s freedom and dignity.
ASEAN Community that we are all cherished has failed to recognize Rohingya people as part of
ASEAN. ASEAN has denied human being and the way ASEAN handled the issue of Rohingya
refugees is a real proof of a major step back in ASEAN values of humanity.
Whomever we are, wherever we are; we including Rohingya are human beings, we are ASEAN
Community who have equal rights as anyone else in ASEAN, regardless of our identities. The
State must protect every person who lived in the area of the state. The State has no reason to
refuse anyone in need nor to force anyone to move or reside to other states for any reasons.
Each ASEAN state has procedures that regulates mobility and recidency of people. The
perspective "immigrants are social trash" must be eliminated. In fact, immigrants including
young immigrants have their self ability, creativity, spirit, and resilience to contribute to
development in ASEAN.
If a State cannot accommodate their population, it must be ASEAN States’ collective
responsibility to settle the challenge through rapid and peaceful processes. Selfishness of a
certain State to solve their humanity challenges independently when it is clear for a fact that
they have no quick solution of, will only lead to a humanitarian catastrophe.
Based on these humanitarian values and principles, we, the Coalition of Young People of
Indonesia for ASEAN (Koalisi Pemuda Indonesia untuk ASEAN), a coalition of young people of
Indonesia that has played an active part in the movement of young people in ASEAN since
2008, is urgently calling for these five critical recommendations towards ASEAN:
1. To provide urgent and immediate protection towards Rohingya’s people who are
currently floating on the sea;
2. To urge the Myanmar government and military to stop ethnic cleansing, prosecution,
and any forms of injustice towards Rohingya people;
3. To urge the leaders of ASEAN States to immediately held a dialog to find and provide
immediate solutions and sustainable solution towards the statelessness status of
Rohingya people;
4. Must ensure Rohingya immigrants are treated well and provided with good facilities
from the State that they currently reside in. The availability of shelter, food, clean
water, and proper clothing must be guaranteed; and
5. To urge all ASEAN States to support each other to solve the problem in line with ASEAN
strong commitment to support each other. In this case, ASEAN State Leaders must
prove that commitment.
We are aware that there are many young people amongst Rohingya refugees. They deserve
good life and bright futures. They should not think about conflict in the age that should be
used for personal growth and development.
In the spirit of collectivity and solidarity, we urge the leaders of ASEAN States to meet our
five critical recommendations above immediately. We will continue to control the
embodiment of those recommendations.
Sincerely Yours,
Coalition of Young People of Indonesia for ASEAN
Organization: ASEAN Youth Assembly (AYA) Indonesia, Aliansi Remaja Independen (ARI), Arus
Pelangi, Jaringan Aksi Perubahan Indonesia, Pergerakan Indonesia, Youth Interface Forum on
Sexuality (YIFoS).
Individual: Ardhana Pragota, Rahmayana Fitri
For further information please contact