Moral & Philosophical Criticism - International Relations Division

The Role of Indonesian Young
Generation in ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) 2015
Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
ASEAN’s History
• 8 August 1967
Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore
and Thailand 
ASEAN (The Association of Southeast
Asian Nations)
• Then, Brunei Darussalam, Viet Nam, Lao PDR
Myanmar and Cambodia joined
Aims and purposes of ASEAN
• “To accelerate the economic growth,
social progress and cultural development
in the region...” 
The idea of AEC 2015
• ASEAN Economic Community 2015:
single market, simplified mechanisms and
ASEAN Economic Community
• AEC 2015 will build a high-competitive
• Government, stakeholder and people
should ensure their quality:
- a fine infrastructure
- high-quality human resources
Human Resources
• The calibre of human resources, such as
skilled labour and academician, has a
significant position
• To build a sustainable economic, politic
and social life, people should construct it
from the foundation, which is youth.
Young Generation
• Young generation — “leaders of the future”,
have an immense chance in making contribution
for AEC 2015
• Being a skilled labour, researcher, politician,
entrepreneur and policy maker
• The fate of AEC 2015 is in hand of ASEAN’s
Young Generation in ASEAN
• Two stances:
- As Government: should have a keen
concept to maintain their internal quality
and ASEAN as well
- In private sector: should expand their
business in the spirit of ASEAN or ACE
• Any programs and efforts from
government are often related with the
concept of single market ASEAN
• Government & private sectors are building
a good character
of young generation
– Education
– Socialization
Andalas University
• One of Indonesia’s state universities
• “The Leader in Character Building and
Universitas Andalas’
contribution for AEC 2015
1. Focuses on building a well-educated
student, either from hard-skill or soft-skill
2. Entrepreneurship
– entrepreneurship workshop, seminar, training
and “entrepreneurship class”
– Benefit: Opening a job field 
reduce the number of unemployment and
assist lots of job-seekers to gain various
3. Exchange Program
To improve the student knowledge, skills
and experience, the student exchange
with other universities is conducting
trought cooperation with several
universities in Japan, Malaysia, Korea, etc.