Town of Merton Plan Commission Meeting Minutes of October 21, 2015 Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Lichte at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance led by Chairman Lichte Minutes of the September 16th, 2015 two public hearings and Plan Commission Meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Newman, second by Siepmann. Motion carried. Present: Chairman Lichte, Commissioners Siepmann, Jensen, Morris, Good, Newman & Fleming, Attorney Chapman, Planner Haroldson, and Deputy Clerk Claas Absent: Commissioner Klink Also Present: Clerk Bright, Kim Fintel, Tim Fleming, Bryce Satterfield, Tina Satterfield, and Ken Ward Old Business: Consideration of Extension of One Year to Remove Garage per Certified Survey Map 11103 – Mohan Dhairwal – Green Briar Drive – The certified survey map was approved in 2013 allowing them to keep the garage without a residence for one year. In 2014 they obtained a one year extension. They are asking for another extension. If a building permit is not issued within one year, the garage must come down. A motion to grant a year extension was made by Siepmann, second by Newman. Motion Carried. New Business: Consideration of Plan of Operation, Site Plan & Signage for Kim’s – Hwy K – Stone Bank – The Plan of Operation has similar hours as the previous operation, she would like three events which would include an outside 4th of July event, a one day car show, and a St Patrick’s Day event. Fintel currently owns a bar on Pewaukee Lake. Haroldson said the approval should be contingent on Waukesha County. A motion to approve the plan of operation and the site plan was made by Newman, second by Jensen. Motion carried. Consideration of Plan of Operation and New Carport – Tim Fleming – Stone Bank/Reynolds Rd – The property is in business zoning so it needs approval from the Plan Commission. The carport will allow parking for three cars or trucks, and the floor of the carport will be asphalt. A motion to approve was made by Fleming, second by Good. Motion carried. Consideration of Plan of Operation, Site & Building Plans – Bryce Satterfield – Hartman Court – Satterfield wants to operate a landscaping business with outside storage for mulch and yard waste. Part of the property is in shoreland jurisdiction. The front of the building will face the east. He currently has his business in the Village of Hartland and is looking for a place of his own. PC102115 Page 1 A motion to approve the plan of operation and the site and building plans was made by Newman, second by Good. Motion carried. Park Committee: Update from Ken Ward on behalf of Striker FC (Soccer Club) – Ward said this year they replaced 60% of the siding on the concession stand because it was rotting. In 2017 they plan to install a septic system or holding tank and possibly a well and in 2019 they plan to build restroom facilities and extend the building out for a park pavilion to make it a multi-use park. Enrollment is slightly up this year with 1,800 participants. The lights have been on site and one light was vandalized. The training sessions last until approximately November 6th and the following week the lights will be removed and put into storage offsite. The lights won’t be back until September of 2016. Fleming questioned the weeds growing in the gravel path. Ward said they contract with Granite Oaks Landscaping and they will have them take care of that next year. Planner Update: Proposed Realignment of Hwy KE South of Hwy K – Morris received a letter that the Village of Hartland sent to Shaver at Waukesha County to amend their land use plan and their SEWRPC plan to show the alignment to the south of Hwy K. The Town agreed to the south location back when the border agreement failed, but the County didn’t change their jurisdictional highway map which showed it to the north. Siepmann said three times the County has amended this and all three times it passed on the north side. There are a lot of new people now and the Village of Hartland is adamant about having it go to the south. Morris stated there will be a roundabout study in 2017 for the corner of Hwy Vv and Hwy E and the roundabout will be constructed in 2018. A motion to adjourn was made by Fleming, second by Siepmann. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Holly R Claas Deputy Clerk PC102115 Page 2