Cambridge House International Inc Adds First Avenue

Cambridge House International Inc Acquires First Avenue Partners’
SaskROCKS Resource Conference.
February 11th, 2009, Saskatoon, SK - Mr. Alan Cruickshank, President of First Avenue
Partners, announces that SaskROCKS, its resource investment conference held annually in
Saskatoon, has been acquired by Vancouver-based Cambridge House International Inc.
SaskROCKS was established to connect investors with promising resource companies
having a specific focus on Saskatchewan resource opportunities. The 5th annual
SaskROCKS will be held April 27 at the Sheraton Cavalier in Saskatoon.
“SaskROCKS has grown successfully,” said Mr. Cruickshank, “and has now developed to the
point where it requires management by a firm that specializes in the business. Cambridge
House is recognized as a world leader in producing resource investor conferences. We are
absolutely delighted that Cambridge is taking over SaskROCKS and has made a
commitment to continue to grow it as the premier resource investment conference in the
province and one of the best in the country.”
Cambridge House International is one of the world’s largest resource investment
conference management companies. It produces two annual events in Vancouver, and one
each in Calgary, Toronto, and Phoenix, Arizona.
“SaskROCKS,” said Joe Martin, Chairman and founder of Cambridge House International, “is
a perfect fit for our business. Many of the companies that exhibit at SaskROCKS exhibit at
several of our other conferences. We have watched and admired how First Avenue
Partners has made SaskROCKS a ‘must attend’ event for investors and resource exploration
companies active in Saskatchewan.”
Cambridge conferences attract large audiences of individual and professional investors
who want to listen to world class speakers deliver timely advice on investing in public
resource exploration companies. Investors also get the opportunity to meet directly with
Canadian companies active in exploration and mining projects around the world.
“Canadian exploration companies account for some 60% of worldwide mineral
exploration.” said Mr. Martin. “I have visited projects in Korea, Thailand, China, Australia,
New Zealand, the US, Mexico, and most provinces of Canada. In addition, I get a chance to
talk regularly with companies that have projects in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and
throughout Asia, Central, and South America.
Without question, Saskatchewan is one of the hottest exploration and development areas in
the world. The province has a wide variety of resources that are now in demand, or which
will be among the first commodities to be in demand, as we come out of the current
Mr. Martin added that he believes the current world economic conditions offer investors
the buying opportunity of a lifetime.
“The first companies to lead us out of the recession,” said Mr. Martin, “will be resource
companies. Stockpiles of metals have been depleted. Mine production has been curtailed.
Development inventory is dwindling. Now look at the immense amount of stimulus
programs being launched by governments around the world that will require commodities
and you can see an outstanding future for Canadian resource exploration and mining
Resource exploration companies have experienced unprecedented declines in their stock
prices because huge hedge funds have had to liquidate anything of value to cover their
losses and redemptions.
“Canadian juniors are greatly oversold, thus giving people a great opportunity to invest in
them,” said Mr. Martin. “The best way for Saskatchewan residents to learn about these
opportunities is to attend SaskROCKS on April 27, listen to the speakers, and meet directly
with the people running the companies.”
For Information:
First Avenue Partners
Allison Sherdahl
Cambridge House International Inc.
Joe Martin