Welcome at the International Conference on "Haploids in Higher

Table of Contents
"Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants" ................................................ 3
Organizing Committee ............................................................................................................. 4
Important Dates & Deadlines .................................................................................................. 4
Programme at a Glance ............................................................................................................ 5
Preliminary Program ................................................................................................................. 6
Sponsors and supporters of the Plant Transformation Technologies ..................................... 11
Invitation for Sponsors and Exhibitors of the Conference .................................................. 11
Sponsorship Options ............................................................................................................ 11
Information for Exhibitors ................................................................................................... 12
Abstract Submission ................................................................................................................ 13
Guidelines for abstract submission...................................................................................... 13
Poster presentation guidelines ............................................................................................. 14
Abstract Sample ................................................................................................................... 14
General Information about Vienna .......................................................................................... 15
Vienna Public Transport System ......................................................................................... 15
Passports and Visa ............................................................................................................... 15
Climate and Weather ............................................................................................................ 15
Language.............................................................................................................................. 15
Voltage ................................................................................................................................. 15
Local Currency ..................................................................................................................... 15
Bank and Exchange ............................................................................................................. 16
Credit Cards / Cash Machines ............................................................................................ 16
Restaurants........................................................................................................................... 16
Shopping .............................................................................................................................. 16
Tips ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Getting to Know Vienna....................................................................................................... 16
Useful links........................................................................................................................... 16
Registration .............................................................................................................................. 17
Registration Fees (in Euro): ................................................................................................ 17
Accommodation ....................................................................................................................... 18
Travel Arrangements ............................................................................................................ 19
All Inclusive Flights Arrangements ..................................................................................... 19
Cancellations ....................................................................................................................... 20
Mode of Payment ................................................................................................................ 20
Communication and Administrative Information ................................................................... 21
Address for Postal Communication ..................................................................................... 21
Contact Information of the Organizers ............................................................................... 21
Conference Venue ............................................................................................................... 22
How to Get to the Conference Venue ................................................................................. 22
Map of the Conference Venue ............................................................................................ 23
Registration Form ................................................................................................................... 25
Welcome to the International Conference on
"Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants"
February 3-6, 2008, Vienna, Austria
Dear Colleagues, Guests, and Friends,
We are very pleased to invite you to the International Conference
“Plant Transformation Technologies” in Vienna!
Vienna is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, situated in the heart of Europe. Due
to its geographic and geopolitical location, Vienna has become a popular conference city in recent
years. Today, Vienna offers a range sof sights from old historical palaces, classical concerts and
outstanding opera performances to typical Viennese
coffee houses and restaurants - all brought together in
incomparable Viennese harmony.
The International and Local Organizing Committees
have compiled a well-balanced agenda with state-of-theart professional highlights and social events to be
The Scientific Program offers a wide range of
interesting topics. Top quality presentations will cover
the entire range of disciplines, including basic and
applied subject matters. The program is designed to
offer professional state-of-the-art information for basic
and applied scientists and plant breeders, and intends to
bring together young and more experienced specialists, researchers and practitioners. The Scientific
Program is organized in Plenary Lectures, Five Sessions, and Poster Communications. You can look
forward to several professionally challenging days, meeting colleagues and experts from all over the
The fantastic city of Vienna is one of the best preserved traditional European capitals, always offering
new undiscovered sights and features to be explored! Come and see for yourself! Enjoy a warm
welcome reception, dance and sing in a humorous atmosphere, and spend your time visiting one of
the numerous museums and be enlightened by stunning opera and theatre performances. Surely, you
will take back home with you some of the most pleasant memories of your life from this unique city in
the heart of Europe!
The well-balanced blend of scientific challenges and tourist highlights will convince you to come to
Vienna and be integrated in the International Conference "Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted
Selection in Plants "!
Alisher Touraev, Chair of the Organizing Commitee
Organizing Committee
Local (Vienna University-Austria)
Prof. Michael Freeling (USA)
Prof. Alisher Touraev
Prof. Dani Zamir (Israel)
Dr. Tatiana Resch
Prof. John Snape (UK)
Dr. Alexandra Ribarits
Prof. Steven Briggs (USA)
Mag. Kristina Belogradova
Prof. Wayne Powell (UK)
Ms. Julia Szederkenyi
Dr. Rob Dirks (Netherlands)
Prof. Peter Langridge (Australia)
Dr. Jaroslav Dolezel (Czech Republic)
Important Dates & Deadlines
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:
December 31st, 2007
Extended Early Registration Deadline:
November 30th, 2007
Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants
February 3-6th, 2008
Programme at a Glance
February 3
February 4
February 5
February 6
Session I
Session III
Session IV
“Plant Genome Organisation”
“Molecular Markers for
Genetic Mapping”
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
“Plant Genome Organisation”
“Molecular Markers for
Genetic Mapping”
17.30 –17.40
Opening, Welcome
address by Prof. Touraev,
“Genome Analysis and
“Quantitative Trait Loci”
Coffee Break
18.00 –19.00
Keynote Lecture:
Briggs, S.
“Genome Analysis and
“Map-based Cloning &
Chromosome Mapping”
Session I
17.40 –18.00
Welcome address by Prof.
Heberle-Bors, E.
Welcome Reception
Lunch Break+ Poster Session
Session III
Lunch, and city tours
Session II
Dinner + Poster Session
Lunch Break
Session V
Coffee Break
Session II
Session IV
Session VI
Dinner + Poster Session
Farewell Party
Preliminary Program
17.30 – 17.40
Opening, Welcome address by Prof. Touraev, A.
17.40 – 18.00
Welcome address by Prof. Heberle-Bors, E.
18.00 – 19.00
Keynote lecture:
Briggs, S. (USA):
A Short History of Molecular Markers and a Glimpse of What May Come
19.00 – 21.00
Freeling, M., Hochholdinger, F.
09.00 – 09.25 (+5)
Freeling, M. (USA): The synteny of genes and CNSs on plant chromosomes, and
why transpositions away from this synteny are particularly important
09.30 – 09.45 (+5)
Griffiths, I., Howarth, C., Jenkins, G. (UK): Dissecting the Components of Yield in
Oats: Genetic Diversity of Sixteen Oat Lines
09.50 – 10.05 (+5)
Berenyi, M., Mauleon, R.P., Kopecky, D., Wandl, S., Friedl, R., Fluch, S., Burg, K.
(Austria): Establishment of Gene Space Representations of Plant Genomes with
High C+G Patch (HCGP) Filtration: Model Study on Rice
10.10 – 10.25 (+5)
Deleu, W., González, V., Roig, C., Esteras, C., Gonzàlez-To, M., Fernández-Silva, I.,
Blanca, J., Arús, P., Nuez, F., Aranda, M., Monforte, A., Puigdomènech, P., Picó, B.,
Garcia-Mas, J. (Spain): Functional Genes for Melon Genetic and Physical Maps
10.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.20 (+5)
Hoecker, N., Marcon, C. Paschold, A., Hochholdinger, F. (Germany): Molecular
Dissection of Heterosis Manifestation during Early Maize (Zea mays L.) Root
11.25 – 11.45 (+5)
Keurentjes, J.J. (The Netherlands): Opening Pandora’s box: dissecting the
regulatory circuitry underlying quantitative traits
11.50 – 12.05 (+5)
Hackauf, B., Wortmann, H., and Wehling, P. (Germany): Approaching the
Restorer Gene Rfp1 in Rye via Comparative Genetics
12.10 – 12.25 (+5)
Matthies, I., Weise, S., Scholz, U., Förster, J., Röder, M. (Germany): Association
Genetics for Malting Quality in Barley
12.30 – 14.00.
Dirks, R., Copenhaver, G.P
14.00 – 14.25 (+5)
Copenhaver, G.P. (USA): Using Fluorescent Pollen Tetrads to Measure Meiotic
14.30 – 14.55 (+5)
White, J. (UK): Methods for Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping in Crops
15.00 – 15.15 (+5)
Röder, M.S., Huang X.Q. (Germany): Fine Mapping of a QTL for Grain Weight in
15.20 – 15.35 (+5)
Kumari, A.A.M., van der Linden, C.G., Visser, R.G.F. (The Netherlands): Mapping
of Potential Drought Related Markers in Potato by Motif-Directed Profiling
15.40 – 15.55 (+5)
Hu, X., Sullivan-Gilbert, M., Kubik, T., Danielson, J., Hnatiuk, N., Marchione, W.,
Gupta, M., Armstrong, K., Greene, T., Thompson, S. (USA): Molecular Mapping of
the Ogura Fertility Restorer Gene Rfo in Canola (Brassica napus L.)
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 – 17.00 (+5)
Dirks, R. (The Netherlands): The use of regenerants from unreduced spores (SDR
type) for mapping purposes
17.05 – 17.20 (+5)
De Storme N. and Geelen D. (Belgium): Formation of Unreduced Pollen in
Arabidopsis thaliana
17.25 – 17.40 (+5)
Pagnotta M.A. (Italy): Hitchhiking Phenomenon: A Method to Identify Selective
Sweep and Analysing Direct and Indirect Genetics Responses to Selection Pressures
17.45 – 18.00 (+5)
Bagheri, H., Del Carpio, D.P., Bonnema, G., Koornneef, M., Aarts, M.G.M. (The
Netherlands): Construction of a Molecular Marker Based Genetic Linkage Map for a
Brassica rapa Caixin x Spring Oilseed F2 Population
18.05 – 18.20 (+5)
Vezzulli, S., Troggio, M., Coppola, G., Jermakow, A., Cartwright, D.A., Zharkikh,
A., Stefanini, M., Grando, M.S., Viola, R., Adam-Blondon, A.-F., Thomas, M.R.,
This, P., Velasco, R. (Italy): A Functional Integrated Map for Cultivated Grapevine
(Vitis vinifera L.) from Three Pedigrees, based on 283 SSR and 501 SNP-based
18.30 – 20.30
Poster session + Dinner in the Poster Area (provided free)
Briggs, S., Snape, J.W. .
09.00 - 09.25 (+5)
Snape, J. W. (UK): Dissecting Gene X Environmental Effects on Wheat Yields via
QTL and Physiological Analysis
09.30 – 09.45 (+5)
Li, G., Lelley, T. (Austria): Mapping the Cucurbita genome using SSR markers
09.50 – 10.05 (+5)
Chen, Q., Xu, Y., Yang, J.L. , Li, H.Y. , Nandy, S., Beasley, D. , Goettel, M., Platt,
H.W. , De Koeyer, D. (Canada): Molecular Tagging a New Locus of Late Blight
Resistance Genes in Solanum Pinnatisectum
10.10 - 10.25 (+5)
Havey, M.J. (USA): Molecular genotyping of onion reduces time required to
identify CMS-maintainer lines from years to hours
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 11.15 (+5)
Kumpatla, S.P., Shah, M.R., Marchione, W.A., Mukhopadhyay, S., Thompson,
S.A., Greene, T.W. (USA): A Multipronged Approach for Rapid Development of
Molecular Markers: Towards Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in Plants
11.20 – 11.35 (+5)
Bilyeu, K., Dierking, E. (USA): Navigating without a Map: Using Candidate Genes
for Development of Perfect Molecular Markers
11.40 – 11.55 (+5)
Jüngling, R., Carvalho, R., Cobos, M-R., Seres, A., Kiss, G., Millan, T., Kahl, G.,
Winter, P. (Germany): Cross-Genome and Expression Markers for Comparative
Mapping in Legumes
12.00 – 12.15 (+5)
Humphreys M. W., Turner L. B., Binley A., Hawkins S. L., Price Z., Skøt L.,
Macleod C. J. A. , Whalley W. R., Papadopoulos A., Haygarth P. M. (UK): Selecting
Genes in Lolium x Festuca Hybrids for Root Growth to Improve Soil Hydrology
12.20 – 14.00.
Lunch break
Free tour
18.30 – 20.30
Poster session + Dinner in the Poster Area (provided free)
Zamir, D., Price, A.H.
09.00 - 09.25 (+5)
Zamir, D. (Israel): Where Have All The QTL Gone?
09.30 – 09.50 (+5)
Price, A.H. (UK): Believe it or not, QTLs are accurate!
09.55 – 10.10 (+5)
Budahn H., Struckmeyer T., Lohwasser U., Ulrich D., Krüger H., Marthe F.
(Germany): Distance Analysis of 220 Parsley Genotypes (Petroselinum crispum
(Mill.) Nyman) Using RAPD-, dpRAPD- and SRAP-Markers
10.15 – 10.25 (+5)
Herrmann D., Studer B., Boller B., Widmer F., Kölliker R. (Switzerland): QTL
Mapping of Complex Traits in Open Pollinated Forage Species - A Case Study in
Red Clover
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 11.20 (+5)
Somers, D.J. (Canada): Mapping yield and agronomically important QTLs in wheat
11.25 – 12.45 (+5)
Tuberosa, R. (Italy): Mapping QTLs for Root Traits in Maize Using a Gaspé Flint
x B73 Introgression Library
11.50 – 12.05 (+5)
Bürstmayr, H., Steiner, B., Salameh, A., Lemmens, M. (Austria): Molecular
Breeding for Improving Fusarium Resistance and Reducing Mycotoxin
Contamination in Wheat
12.10 - 12.25 (+5)
Whan, A.P., Robinson N., Aitken K.S., Lakshmanan P., Schmidt S. (Australia):
Understanding Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Sugarcane: A Quantitative Genetics
12.30 – 14.00.
Lunch break
Somers, D.J., Buntjer, J.
14.00 – 14.20 (+5)
Buntjer, J. (The Netherlands): Walk This Way: Insight in Optimal Marker-Assisted
Breeding Routes using Decision Support Systems
14.25 – 14.40 (+5)
Moullet, O., Schori, A. (Switzerland): Introduction of Marker-Assisted Selection
(MAS) for Wheat Improvement
14.45 – 15.00 (+5)
Biradar, S.K., Stamp, P., Leipner, J. (Switzerland): Marker Assisted Introgression of
a Major QTL for Chilling Tolerance of Photosynthesis in Maize
15.05 – 15.20 (+5)
Zou J., Fu D., Gong H., Huang S., Zhang C., Meng J. (China): Great Changes on
Genomic Structure Contributed to Intersubgenomic Heterosis of Brassica napus
15.25 – 15.40 (+5)
King J., Armstead I., Harper J., James C., Roberts L., Thomas A., Gasior D., Skøt
K., Kelly R., King I. (UK): The Establishment and Application of a Forward
Genetic Resource for the Development of Efficient Breeding Strategies in Grass
and the Cereals
15.45 – 15.55 (+5)
Thienpont C.-N. (Belgium): A Few Steps towards Implementation of MAS for
Root Morphology in Chicory Breeding
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break
Dolezel, J., De Jong, H.
16.30 – 16.55 (+5)
Dolezel, J. (Czech Rep.): Chromosome Genomics in the Cereals
17.00 – 17.25 (+5)
De Jong, H. (The Netherlands): BAC-FISH mapping in the Tomato and Potato
Genome Projects
17.30 – 17.45 (+5)
Pánková, K., Milec, Z., Prášil, I.T., Prášilová , P., Snape, J.W. (Czech Republic): A
New Flowering Time Gene on Wheat Chromosome 3B: Characterization and
Genetic Mapping
17.50 – 18.05 (+5)
Boudehri K., Cardinet G., Capdeville G., Belka M.-A., Caboche M., Bendahmane
A., Dirlewanger E. (France): From the Fine Mapping to the Cloning of the D Gene
Involved in Quantitative Traits in Peach Fruit Quality
18.10 – 22.30
Closing, Farewell Party
Sponsors and supporters of Molecular Mapping
& Marker Assisted Selection in Plants
Invitation for Sponsors and Exhibitors of
Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants
The Organising Committee cordially invites your organization to provide financial support and exhibit
its products and/or services at the International Conference Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted
Selection in Plants to be held in Vienna, Austria, February 3-6, 2008. The meeting will highlight
scientific presentations and posters, and is expected to attract participants from around the world
representing a wide range of disciplines.
The organisation of the Conference is strongly dependent on financial support to enable reduced rates
for students to participate in this significant event and meet scientists from industry and academia.
Why Support & Exhibit at Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection in Plants 2008?
Networking – Opportunity to meet potential customers from companies and institutions
specializing in plant biotechnology from around the world.
Optimal Exhibition Times – Exhibits are scheduled to take place in a high traffic area and
during times that allow a variety of attendees to visit.
Visibility – Exhibitor and supporter logos will be added to the Conference abstract book, the
Conference web page, and the final programme.
Atmosphere – Meet researchers in an academic and informal atmosphere.
Sponsorship Options
Sponsor of Poster session (visible in the Conference programme)
Full page black and white advertisement in the Conference abstract book
Company name and description listed as "Platinum Sponsor" in Conference programme
Company logo with link to company on the Plant Transformation Technologies website start page
Company brochure in the Conference bag
GOLD SPONSOR (EUR 2.000 - EUR 1.500)
Half page black and white advertisement in the Conference abstract book
Company name and description listed as "Gold Sponsor" in Conference programme
Company logo with link to company on the Plant Transformation Technologies website start page
OTHER SPONSORS (below EUR 1.500)
Conditions will be specified individually.
Companies are encouraged to sponsor invited speakers listed in the Conference programme. Invited
speakers are well known scientists from Europe, USA and Canada. Sponsorship of invited speakers
will be visible in the Conference programme (e.g., Invited lecture sponsored by XXX...). Number of
invited speakers: 10
Subject to the availability of sponsorship, a welcome reception for about 250 participants will be held
on the evening of February 3, 2008 at the Pharmaziezentrum in Vienna. This important event will
undoubtedly be a good opportunity to highlight your organisation’s name and presence at the
Projected number: 250
Sponsorship: EUR 2.800
Over 250 participants are expected to be present during the coffee-breaks to mingle and exchange
notes and ideas. The sponsors will be acknowledged with a banner on the day of the hosted coffeebreaks (2) as well as through public announcement before the break.
Projected number: over 250
Sponsorship (1 coffee-break): EUR 800
Information for Exhibitors
For all questions concerning exhibition please contact our partner Media-Plan:
Karl Kreiner & Co. KG
Helferstorferstr. 2,
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 536 63 – 34
Fax: +43 1 535 60 – 16
e-mail: mp@media.co.at
web.: www.media.co.at
Special requirements for exposure can be discussed with the Organizers. Sponsor items and exposure
will be agreed upon in a contract signed by both parties. Please contact the Conference secretariat via
e-mail:molmapping.pflanzenmolbio@univie.ac.atto discuss sponsorship opportunities.
Abstract Submission
The Organizing Committee invites the submission of abstracts for presentations, which fall within the
scope of the conference for oral presentation and poster display. Although the following list is not
intended to be exhaustive, abstracts may address the following topics:
 Plant Genome Organisation
 Plant Genome Analysis and Mapping
 Molecular Markers for Genetic Mapping of Plant Genome
 Marker-assisted Selection
 Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL)
 Map-based Cloning & Chromosone Mapping
Abstracts submitted to the Conference will be evaluated and selected for poster or oral presentations.
The Conference programme is designed in such a way as to encourage young researchers to give oral
presentations. Abstracts will be published in the Conference abstract book.
Guidelines for abstract submission
Authors should format their documents using the following style:
 The text should be in clear and concise English. Please be consistent in punctuation,
abbreviations and spelling (English).
 The text should be laid out for standard A4 (portrait format) paper. Margins should be: top
2.5cm; bottom 2.5cm; left 2.5cm; right 2.5cm. Font size should be 11pt, text font Times New
Roman. Text should be justified and single spaced. Please do not leave blank lines between the
title and the body of the abstract or between the paragraphs.
 Title of abstract: Please use upper and lower case and capitalize each word, except for words
such as "the, as, of, with, a, in, and, from, by, etc." Then type in the author's name(s),
institution(s), city, and country. Underline the presenting author's name only. Omit degrees
and titles. Add 3-5 key words related to your abstract.
 Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in
parentheses after the full term, the first time it appears.
 The body of the abstract ( maximum 250 words ) should include: background (a statement of
the hypothesis or research questions), methods (an explanation of the study design and
experimental methods used), results (a concise summary of the major findings of the
experiment of study) and conclusion (summary of the overall findings and the importance of
the study).
 All submissions should be sent in MS Word format to the following e-mail address:
molmapping.pflanzenmolbio@univie.ac.at not later than December 31st, 2007.
 The acceptance note will be sent to authors well before the deadline for early registration (until
November 30th , 2007).
 The decision regarding the presentation form of the abstracts (oral/poster) will be made no
later than January 04th, 2008.
The authors of the accepted abstracts will be asked to prepare a poster if not chosen for a short oral
presentation. Oral presentations do not usually exceed 15 min. Accepted abstracts will then be
published in the conference abstract book.
Poster presentation guidelines
The authors of the chosen abstracts will be asked to prepare and bring posters with them.
Instructions to prepare a poster:
There will be Poster Exhibition sessions during the Conference which will create an
opportunity for networking. During the sessions, presenters are expected to stand by their
poster/exhibition in order to discuss their research/design project with the viewers. The
poster presentations will also be on display continuously for Conference participants to visit
from February 4 - 6, 2008.
Poster authors must consider that they are responsible for printing and bringing the poster to
the Conference.
Poster Set-up: Each poster presenter will tack his/her poster on a dedicated board. It is your
responsibility to set-up your poster.
Paper size: Paper size should not exceed A0 format ( 841mm x 1189 mm / 33" x 47" ) in
portrait (vertical) set-up
Abstract Sample
Transformation of Plant Microspores
Alisher Touraev, Erwin Heberle-Bors, ...........
Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Vienna Biocenter, Vienna University, Dr. Bohrgasse 9,
A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Availability of a large number of screenable and selectable markers for transformation is essential, especially for
experiments that include multiple and sequential transformation of plants. We suggest here a new selectable
marker for tobacco immature pollen transformation based on the expression of dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr)
gene, which confers resistance to methotrexate. Two immature pollen transformation approaches, i.e. male
germ line transformation and particle bombardment of embryogenic mid-bicellular pollen, have been used for
the production of stable transgenic tobacco plants. In the first method isolated tobacco microspores were
transformed with the dhfr gene by particle bombardment, matured in vitro and the mature pollen was used for in
vivo pollination. The seeds obtained were germinated in the presence of methotrexate and two resistant plants
were recovered out of 7161 selected seeds. In the second method, embryogenic mid-bicellular pollen grains
were bombarded with the same plasmid carrying the dhfr gene, cultured in embryogenesis medium and the
cotyledons formed were selected in methotrexate-containing medium. In total, four independent methotrexateresistant plants were obtained from 29 bombardments using 3.7x105 pollen grains per bombardment. Southern
analysis confirmed the transgenic nature of T0 and T1 candidate transgenic plants, and a genetic analysis showed
that the transgenes are transmitted to subsequent generations. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that that a
new selection system based on methotrexate resistance can be utilized to produce fertile, transgenic plants via
transformation of tobacco microspores and mid-bicellular pollen.
Key words: Microspores, embryogenesis, doubled haploids
General Information about Vienna
Vienna, the capital of Austria with 1.8 Mio inhabitants, is situated in the heart of Europe. Surrounded
by the "Viennese woods" and located along the Danube river, Vienna has developed into an
international meeting place for people from all over the world. The city offers a great diversity of
locations, from historical sites such as the 14th century St. Stephan's cathedral in the very center and
the "Ring street" surrounding the inner city with 19th century buildings including the "Hofburg"
(former castle of the Habsburg emperors), the famous natural history and art history museums, and
the Vienna City Hall, etc.
Vienna Public Transport System
The public transport system, consisting of subways, streetcars and buses, is the most efficient and cost
saving way to travel within Vienna. One day, three day and other tickets can be purchased at every
tobacconist and in all subway stations. Devaluation has to be done once when entering a subway
station, streetcar or bus.
Passports and Visa
Passport-holders from countries in Western Europe as well as from North America and Australia will
not need a visa to enter Austria. For some nationalities the visa can be issued at the airport in Vienna
upon arrival. Others may have to apply before. If in doubt, please check with your nearest Austrian
embassy, consulate (http://www.austria.org/), or your airline.
Climate and Weather
In February, the average temperature in Vienna varies between 0 and +5 degrees Celsius. Since the
climate is rather cold and often rainy or snowy during this month it is advisable to bring warm clothes
with you. To get information about the current weather please click here.
The language spoken in Austria is German, but most Austrians speak English and some French and
Italian as well, and are happy to be of service to visitors. The official language of the Congress is
English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.
Electricity in Austria is 220 volts. Foreign appliances could require an adapter.
Local Currency
The Euro (€) is the Austrian currency. (Euro (€) 1 = 1,34 US $ as per June 2007)
Bank and Exchange
Most Austrian banks will change travellerís cheques as well as cash. Banking hours in general are
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8am ñ 12:30pm and 1:30pm ñ 3pm, Thursday 8am ñ 12:30pm
and 1:30pm ñ 5:30pm.
Credit Cards / Cash Machines
Major credit cards are accepted by hotels, restaurants and most shops. Please note that American
Express credit cards may not be accepted everywhere in Austria. Cash machines are located
throughout the city.
Viennaís restaurants range from gourmet-type restaurants to informal restaurants and Heurigens
(Austrian wine taverns). There are also many international restaurants in the city, offering a choice of
almost any kind of cuisine. In Austria, lunch is generally served between 12am and 2pm, dinner
around 7pm.
Shopping hours are Monday to Friday 9am ñ 6pm and Saturday 9am ñ 5pm. Except for some
tobacconists and small supermarkets at petrol stations and at the main railway stations, shops are
closed on Sundays. Luxury shops for an elegant clientele can be found in the pedestrian zone along
Graben and Kärntnerstrafle (underground U1, U3/Stephansplatz). Street entertainers and outdoor
cafes contribute to the special atmosphere of this area. Another well known shopping area is
Mariahilferstrafle (underground U3/Neubaugasse). Visitors from non-EU countries should ask for
VAT refunds when purchasing goods.
Service is usually included in the bill in bars and restaurants, but tips up to 10% are welcome.
Getting to Know Vienna
If you are interested in taking sightseeing tours, going to the famous Viennese opera or concerts, our
partner Travelagency Mondial GmbH & Co KG can help you in choosing where to go. Please visit
the following site (http://www.mondial.at/english/index.html) for more information.
Useful links
Vienna city: http://www.wien.gv.at/english
Vienna transport: http://www.wienerlinien.at/
Vienna opera: http://www.staatsoper.at/Content.Node2/en/index.php
Vienna national opera: http://www.volksoper.at/Content.Node2/en/
Vienna museums: http://www.suf.at/wien/museen.htm
Please read the conditions first and then follow the link for the online registration. Alternately, you can
also download the registration form and mail or fax it to Mondial Congress (the address is indicated in
the registration form). Please note that hotel reservations can only be made as of September 2007, and
prices are subject to change until the official begin of booking availability.
Registration can be completed online or by sending the registration form by fax. Payment can be
completed by conventional bank transfer or by credit card. Depending on the date of registration,
different rates may apply.
Registration Fees (in Euro):
Early (by 26th Nov
Late/On-site (26th
Nov 2007 - start of
the Conference)
The registration fee includes the following items:
Conference Programme (all sessions)
Welcome reception (Sunday, 3rd Feb 2008, from 7pm to 9pm)
Coffee/tea/refreshments during the breaks
Light Dinners
One copy of the Conference proceedings
Not included in the registration fee are:
Vienna sightseeing tours
Farewell party (Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008, from 18.30)
Hotels can be booked via online registration system or by sending/faxing the registration form.
Hotel Admiral ****
Hotel Bellevue ****
Hotel Albatros ***
Hotel Alpha ***
Hotel Ibis Wien Messe ***
Hotel Mozart ***
Hotel Post ***
Single Room
Double Room
for Single Use
Double Room
1 night
1 night
1 night
1 night
1 night
1 night
1 night
Hotel Albatros ****
Location: Due to the central location, the city-center and the "Ringstraße" are within easy reach.
Facilities: The hotel offers 70 air-conditioned rooms with all modern facilities, large fitness and wellness area,
own garage and 2 modernly equipped conference rooms for 15 persons.
Hotel Bellevue ****
Location: This traditional four-star hotel is located close to the city centre and the Liechtenstein Palace
opposite the Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof, Vienna's east train station. Streetcar and subway stations nearby.
Facilities: The hotel has a restaurant, a coffee shop and an air-conditioned conference and banqueting room
for up to 50 people. 160 rooms. The rooms are fully equipped with Minibar, Radio / Music, Private Telephone,
TV in room, Cable/Satellite TV and also Pay TV.
Hotel Admiral ****
Location: In the heart of the cosmopolitan city of Vienna. You will be staying in a quiet side street just off the
Mariahilferstrasse, Vienna’s main shopping steet Enjoy the atmosphere of the various cafés and restaurants in a
wonderfully restored historical atmosphere.
Facilities: All rooms have WC, shower or bath and hairdryer, satellite television, telephone, radio and e-mail
modem provide additional comfort. Some rooms have a mini-bar or kitchenette.
Hotel Alpha ***
Location: Conveniently located in one of the most charming districts of Vienna close to Vienna’s City Hall, the
Austrian Parliament and Ringstrasse. It had been attractively refurbished and newly furnished and offers
relaxation and hospitality in the best Viennese tradition. Due to the excellent location it is ideal both for tourists
and for business travellers.
Facilities: 58 rooms with bath or shower/WC, radio, minibar, satellite- and Pay-TV, electronic safe deposit
box, direct-dial telephone (analog modem ports RJ11, voice-mail) and hairdryer.
Hotel Post ***
Location: It's situated in the heart of the city, only a few walking minutes from St. Stephan‘s cathedral and the
popular Kärntner Strasse.
Facilities: The 107 rooms are newly furnished and all have bath or shower/WC, sat-TV, radio, hair-dryer, PCmodem plug and telephone. The hotel has a pleasant café and restaurant and meeting facilities for up to 100
people. Garage parking spaces are available.
Hotel Ibis Wien Messe***
Location: The Ibis Wien Messe hotel is located in the centre of Vienna, close to WIENER PRATER and
WIENER MESSEGALANDE, and 2 km from the AUSTRIA CENTER VIENNA convention centre.
Facilities: The hotel has 166 air-conditioned rooms, restaurant, a bar with snacks 24/24 and 3 meeting rooms
for conferences and seminars. Guests on a business trip will appreciate the Wifi wireless Internet connection.
Hotel Mozart ***
Location: It is well situated with regard to public transport: the stations Franz Josef, the underground (line U4)
as well as the tram (line 5) are within walking distance of 5 minutes.
Facilities: The hotel which was built at the turn of the century, during the period of Emperor Franz Joseph
offers 56 comfortable rooms all with bath/shower/WC, telephone, radio and satellite TV; Ecological hot-water
supply provided by solar energy. There is a house bar for refreshments and appetizers.
Deadline for hotel booking is January 11th, 2008. Participants who will be willing to book a hotel after
this date will have to make individual arrangement with Mondial Congress.
Students preferring to stay in a student hostel can book a room at one of the following links:
 www.hostels.com
 www.jugendherberge.at
 www.wombats-hostels.com
Travel Arrangements
The online registration (which will be available soon) includes also the booking of hotel rooms and
booking for social programs. In addition all inclusive arrangements can be ordered directly at
MONDIAL CONGRESS: mailto:mmp2008@mondial-congress.com
All Inclusive Flights Arrangements
For attractive all inclusive flight arrangements including flight, airport transfer, hotel accommodation
in 5, 4, 3 or 2 star category, conference registration, social program as well as concert and opera
tickets, please contact MONDIAL CONGRESS with details of the requested hotel category, airport
of departure and travel dates. Please note that full pre-payment is required.
Operngasse 20b
A-1040 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 58804 – 0
Fax: +43 1 58804 – 185
E-mail: mmp2008@mondial-congress.com
Notice of cancellation must be made in writing by registered letter, fax or email to the congress office.
Refunds will be granted to delegates unable to attend, provided written notice (by registered letter, fax or
email) is received by MONDIAL CONGRESS by January 05th, 2008. A EUR 50 administration fee will
be deducted. No refunds will be granted for cancellations received after January 05th, 2008.
Reimbursements will be made after the conference.
Mode of Payment
The total amount due shall be paid in advance. Payments shall be made in EUR (no other currency
shall be accepted) to Mondial Congress and by one of the following procedures:
 Bank transfer to Mondial Congress
IBAN code: AT81 1200 0506 7110 4028
Bank account: 50671 104 028
Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG
Am Hof
A - 1010 Vienna (Austria)
Bank code: 12000
Note: Please instruct your bank to carry out the transactions "Free of charge for the recipient".
Any bank fees incurred will be charge to the respective participant.
Credit card: Visa, Master Card and Diners are accepted.
Communication and Administrative Information
In order to be added to the mailing list and for all inquiries, please contact Mondial (mmp2008@modialcongress.com) or conference organizers (molmapping.pflanzenmolbio@univie.ac.at).
For all inquiries regarding travel arrangements and accommodation please contact Mondial:
Address for Postal Communication
Operngasse 20b
A-1040 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 58 80 4 – 0
Fax: +43 1 58 80 4 – 185
Email: mmp2008@modial-congress.com
Website: www.mondial.at
Contact Information of the Organizers
Vienna University
Department of Plant Molecular Biology
Tel.: +43 1 4277 – 54681
Fax: +43 1 4277 – 9546
Website: www.univie.ac.at/gem
Email: molmapping.pflanzenmolbio@univie.ac.at
Conference Venue
Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien
Pharmaziezentrum, Hörsaal 8
Website: http://www.univie.ac.at/molmapping
How to Get to the Conference Venue
From Vienna Airport:
Taxis are available outside of the international arrivals terminal. Average fares to the center of
Vienna within 30 - 45 minutes are Euro 35,- to Euro 40,-.
The new "CAT train" (City Airport Train) leaves in 30 minute-intervals between 05:40 a.m. and
11.30 p.m. daily. Cost: approx. Euro 10, Duration: 16 minutes to Wien Mitte/Landstrafle, than
change to the underground line U4 in direction "Heiligenstadt", and get out at "Friedensbrücke".
The "Schnellbahn" leaves in 10 - 30 minute-intervals between 5am and 11.30pm daily. Cost:
approx. Euro 3,-. Duration: approx. 30 minutes to Wien Mitte/Landstrafle.
In 20 minute intervals, the Vienna Airport Lines depart to the city center (Wien Mitte/Landstrafle)
between 5:30am and 11:30pm daily. Cost approx. Euro 6,-. Duration: 25 minutes.
From Südbahnhof:
Take D tram in direction "Beethovengang" to "Althanstrafle".
From Westbahnhof:
Take the underground line U3 in direction "Simmering" to "Volkstheater", change to D tram in
direction "Beethovengang" to "Althanstrafle".
Alternatively, take underground line U6 direction "Floridsdorf" to "Spittelau", change to D tram in
direction "S¸dbahnhof" to "Althanstrafle".
Coming by car:
Vienna can be reached easily by car via a number of highways from many directions (e.g. from
Munich via Salzburg and Linz). The city has excellent rail connections from the west (Munich), the
north (Prague), the east (Bratislava , Budapest) and the south (Graz , Venice)
Map of the Conference Venue
All images used are protected by © Wien-Tourismus. Photographers:Gerhard Weinkirn, Popp&Hackner, Popelka&Popelka, F3, Maxum,
Registration Form
Mail or Fax before January 04th, 2008 to:
Operngasse 20B, A - 1040 Wien, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 58804 - 0, Fax: +43 1 588 04 185
E-Mail: mmp2008@mondial-congress.com
Title: ...............................................................................................................................................................
Family Name: ................................................................................... First Name:................. ....................................................................
Institution: .......................................................................................................................................................
Address: ......................................................................................................................................................…
City, Postal Code: ............................................................................ Country:...........................................................................................
Telephone: ........................................................................................ Fax: ...................................................................................................
E-Mail: ............................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
Early Fee
(by Nov. 26., 2007)
Late Fee
Amount EUR
Total Registration (B) = EUR ……………….
Single Room
Double Room
Single Use
Double Room
 88.00
 100.00
 111.00
1 night
1 night
 130.00
1 night
 111.00
1 night
 102.00
1 night
 78.00
Ibis Wien Messe***
 75.00
 52.00
 62.00
1 night
 70.00
 83.00
1 night
Date of Arrival: ………………….. (DD/MM/YY)
Date of Departure: ………………….. (DD/MM/YY)
= Total of Nights ………….
 Late Arrival (approx. ………….. h)
Sharing with (in case you have chosen a double room): …………………………………………………………
Special Requests: …………………………………………………………………………………….……………….
Prices are per room per night incl. breakfast, service charges and taxes. The number of nights booked serves as a basis for
your hotel invoice. Should the desired hotel category no longer be available, similar accommodation will be offered. Please
note, the hotel booking can only be guaranteed upon receipt of the respective hotel deposit. All changes or cancellations
must be made in writing. Due to organisational reasons we would kindly ask you to make your room reservation till January
4th, 2008. Cancellations of rooms received before January 4 th, 2008 will be refunded, less an administration fee of € 35. For
cancellations received after January 4th, 2008 or no-shows the deposit will not be refunded. Rates are in EURO (€) and
include VAT.
Farewell Party
February, 2008
Price per Person
 EUR 40,00
If you wish to receive additional information on cultural programme in Vienna, please write an e-mail to
MONDIAL CONGRESS: mmp2008@mondial-congress.com
 Bank Transfer to Mondial Congress
IBAN code: AT81 1200 0506 7110 4028
Bank account: 50671 104 028 with Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, Am Hof 2, 1010 Vienna (Austria)
Bank code: 12000
Account holder: Reisebüro Mondial GmbH & Co KG
Note: Please instruct your bank to carry out the transactions "Free of charge for the recipient". Any bank fees
incurred will be charged to the respective participant.
 Please charge the following credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard and Diners will be accepted)
 Eurocard/Mastercard
Creditcard number:
Expiry date:
Card holder:
Signature of the
 Diners Club
Mondial Congress shall act as mediator only and cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred or any damage inflicted on
persons or objects irrespective of whatsoever cause. The liability for transport- and other service companies shall not be
effected by the above. Only written agreements shall be valid. The place of jurisdiction shall be Vienna.
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