West_Colfax_Bid_Board_Meeting Sept 9 2014

West Colfax BID Board Meeting
4500 West Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
Sept 9, 2014
Members Present
Cameron Bertron, Dennis Gonzalez, Dianne Vollmer and David Goldblatt were in
attendance. A quorum was present. David Goldblatt called meeting to order at 4:46 pm.
Also present: Dan Shah, Economic Development Director; Angie Varela Admin. Asst.,
Minutes and Financial Reports
There was no meeting in July and a quorum was not present at the August meeting.
Minutes from the June meeting were read and unanimously approved—Cameron needed
clarification about the section regarding the maintenance agreement with ULC and the
level of sponsorship for the RTD bus shelters—minutes were amended to read “Board
members were concerned about a permanent alteration to the shelters and tabled the
issue pending further exploration.” The June financial report was read by the Board—
there was a question about the Insurance payout of $11,190. Dan will look into this
matter and get back to the Board. There was also a discussion on a $3000 budget item
for a fee the City propose levying on BIDs that has now been eliminated due to efforts of
the BID and partners on East Colfax. Dan joined forces with East Colfax and drew on an
auditor’s office audit of Treasury to make the case that the city has not provided ample
justification for assessing the fee; the fee was a tax on a tax; and that BIDs carry out
activities that directly support city sales tax collections and economic development
efforts, which would be hindered by a fee. After Dan sent in a memo that effect, the City
cancelled a hearing on the fee and then communicated that no such fee will be assessed
in future. No further discussion and the financials were accepted unanimously.
Proposed 2014 Budget Amendment and 2015 Budget/Operating Plan
Dan presented an amended 2014 Budget which must be turned into the city at the end of
this month. Then next month begins the process of notifying constitutients of the budget
and proposed 2015 assessment. As the annual budget income is required by law to
exceed expenses, Dan has also included a proposed amended and restated budget for
2014, primarily to reflect greater than anticipated income and expenses on the mobility
project in 2014, which had earlier been anticipated to be spent in 2013. Board went over
the proposed amended 2014 Budget and 2015 Budget/Operating plan. Cameron would
like to see an increase in charitable contributions for 2015, and also suggested that the
accounting be increased for a more extensive review of 2014 financial statements. There
was also a discussion about increasing the amount budgeted for landscaping and other
maintenance. Board agreed to reallocate the $3,000 Bid fee towards landscaping and
accounting since the Bid fee has been waived. Cameron suggests that the Board approve
the amended 2014 budget and table approving the 2015 budget pending decisions which
need to be made regarding future office space.
Motion: Diane made a motion that David and Dennis be authorized to approve the 2015
Budget in writing pending input from the rest of the Board after receipt of finalized
numbers from Dan. Also that the 2014 amended budget be approved as presented.
Cameron seconded. All were in favor.
Dan presented the 2015 Operating plan/action agenda. Dan believes that the BID should
be playing an important role in assisting start-up businesses such as a food co-op. He
would also like to generate serious discussions on Urban renewal and believes the BID
should be monitoring the effectiveness of Main Street zoning for development of West
Colfax. He would like to continue sponsoring events and promote the installation of the
B cycle stations in strategic locations in the district. Cameron would like to see the BID
co-sponsor B-cycle stations to increase name recognition of the BID.
David would like the plan to tout all of the improvements such as the bus shelters,
streetscapes, and way-finding signage that have been accomplished so far. Dan will
tweak on the street section to place more emphasis on these improvements. Diane would
like to see an Annual Report on the successes of this past year, as has been done in the
Space Options for WCBID Office
Dan is exploring options for new office space as Del Norte has relocated to their new
apartment development at Irving and Colfax. Diane suggested that the BID move in with
Del Norte, at least temporarily but Dan thinks the BID would have a stronger presence on
West Colfax. Currently, Dan is working from home and would like the Board members
to make a decision quickly. Cameron suggested that Dan put together a list of all of the
options, so that the Board can make an informed decision, and Cameron, Dave and
Dennis agreed to provide guidance based on that option list.
Bus Shelter Opening Event
Dan has developed a plan for a BID- sponsored an event promoting the walkability
improvements to the district and the partnership between RTD and the WCBID. Diane
would like to see the event happen sooner rather than later-Dan has a meeting scheduled
next week to firm up plans for event. Dan will invite Cameron and Dennis in event
planning sessions.
Co-op Committees
New Business
There was a discussion about term limit requirements for the BID—Dan indicated that
there was no legal restriction but will double check the Bylaws to see if they require any.
Both David have served two terms and are up for re-appointment if the bylaws permit.
Cameron believes that the BID should be flexible depending on whether or not there is a
strong candidate who wishes to serve on the Board. The newest Board member Louanne,
from Walgreens, has been in an accident and so it is not clear if she will be able to serve
on the Board. Dan solicited Board member conflicts of interest declarations due to the
Secretary of State.
Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.