Historical Figure Resume Portfolio Project

Historical Figure Resume Portfolio Project
Imagine that some past historical figures need your help. These Important people have come
to present day from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation to find a job. How would he or she
write their resume?
Create a resume portfolio for a historical figure from chapters 5 or 6: Medieval Times, The
Renaissance, or The Reformation. You will need to first research your person. You will then select an
appropriate “job ambition” that they may be applying for (this is where you can be a little creative, but
it has to make sense according to their strengths and experience.) You need create an imaginary, yet
believable resume for the historical figure.
You will be using the Internet during one class period to search for information on your person. To
meet the requirements of the assignments, you may have to do more research on your own (library
books, textbook, other electronic or print resources). You need to use a minimum of three sources to
gather your research. At least one resource needs to be print based (not electronic, internet, etc).
o Parts of Project to be included:
 Cover – Must include the name of the person at the top of the page and your name and period in
bottom right hand corner. Covers should be decorated with pictures pertaining to your person
and have some color. This will be the front cover of the “portfolio” (that we create in class).
 Resume – The typed or written in ink imaginary resume should be included next. This will be
on the inside of the portfolio. It should be 1-2 pages in length, no longer. (It is a good idea to
write a rough draft and have someone else (parents, friends) read and critique your resume.)
See sample format! Make sure you make it looks professional.
Resume Categories: (Your resume must include at least 6 categories) See the Sample Resume
for help on how to set up the categories.
1) Personal Information: name, address, birth date, strong points in personality and
character, etc.
2) Job Objective: What job is your subject applying for?
3) Professional Experience: Employment history, employers names, locations, years
of employment, job descriptions (beginning with the most recent)
4) Educational Background: School names and years attended (beginning with most recent
date), degrees held, major/minor areas of study
5) Military Service: type of military experience, training, number of years in service
6) Hobbies and Interests: Things your person enjoys doing out of work – such as: activities,
hobbies, special talents, skills, etc.
7) Civic Involvement: type of community service, voluntary work, charitable service
8) Accomplishments: special successes that your person would be proud of and would
make him/her more employable (be specific with accomplishments)
9) Awards and Honors: awards and honors received for achievement – scholastic, athletic,
humanitarian, military
10) References: people who know your abilities and would offer positive comments about
you as a person or professional
Numbers 1-3 and 8 MUST be on the resume! – Choose at least two of the other categories to
include on your resume.
Works Cited Page – You must use at least three sources, one of which is print based, for your
research. You can use a reference/encyclopedia article, a book, or an Internet site on your
person. The works cited page will serve as the back cover of your portfolio. Works cited pages
are double spaced throughout (no double double spacing between references), alphabetized,
and 2nd lines indented on each reference. Use the following format:
Reference Book:
“Mandarin”. Encyclopedia Americana. 1980 ed. Vol. 13, p. 432.
Biographies; Books:
Baker, Russell. Growing Up. New York: Penguin Group, 1984.
“Roman Life”. www.harvardlibrary.com
**Alternately you could use www.easybib.com to help you format you references.
This assignment counts as a project grade.
Cover: (10 points)
Report: (25 points)
- minimum of 6 categories (4 points each) and typed/written in ink (1 point)
Works Cited: (10 points)
Miscellaneous(5 points) – This includes format, length of resume, neatness, creativity, etc.
Sample format of Resume!
Possible choices of people (Chapters 5 & 6)
 __________________________________ Emperor Charlemagne
 __________________________________ Pope Urban II
 __________________________________ Pope Gregory VII
 __________________________________ Peter the Hermit
 __________________________________ Louis IX
 __________________________________ Saladin
 __________________________________ King Henry IV
 __________________________________ William the Conqueror
 __________________________________ King John (son of Henry II)
 __________________________________ Joan of Arc
 __________________________________ King Henry VIII
 __________________________________ Leonardo da Vinci
 __________________________________ Michelangelo
 __________________________________ Martin Luther
 __________________________________ Johann Gutenberg
 __________________________________ Prince Henry the Navigator
 __________________________________ Vasco da Gama
 __________________________________ Christopher Columbus
 __________________________________ Ferdinand Magellan
 __________________________________ Louis XIV
 __________________________________ Cardinal Richelieu
 __________________________________ Queen Elizabeth I
 __________________________________ King Ferdinand II
 __________________________________ Queen Isabella
 __________________________________ Ivan the Great
 __________________________________ Ivan the Terrible
 __________________________________ Peter the Great
 __________________________________ Hernan Cortes
 __________________________________ Francisco Pizarro
 __________________________________ Niccolo Machiavelli
 __________________________________ John Cabot
 __________________________________ Henry Hudson