I. Introduction

Shier, Butler, and Lewis: Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, 10 th ed.
Chapter 15: Cardiovascular System
Chapter 15: Cardiovascular System
I. Introduction
A. The cardiovascular system includes ________________________________________
B. Without blood circulation, the tissues lack ___________________________________
II. Structure of the Heart
A. Size and Location of the Heart
1. An average size of an adult heart is generally ___________________________
2. The heart is bounded laterally by _________________________ , anteriorly by
_______________________, and posteriorly by __________________________
3. The base of the heart lies beneath ____________________________________
4. The apex of the heart is at the level of _________________________________
B. Coverings of the Heart
1. The pericardium is ________________________________________________
2. The fibrous pericardium is __________________________________________
3. The visceral pericardium is _________________________________________
4. The parietal pericardium is _________________________________________
5. The pericardial cavity is ____________________________________________
6. Serous fluid reduces _______________________________________________
C. Wall of the Heart
1. The three layers of the heart wall are __________________________________
2. The epicardium is composed of ______________________________________
3. The middle layer is the _____________________________________________
4. The myocardium is composed of _____________________________________
5. The inner layer is the ______________________________________________
6. The endocardium consists of ________________________________________
7. The endocardium of the heart is continuous with ________________________
D. Heart Chambers and Valves
1. The two upper chambers of the heart are _______________________________
2. The two lower chambers of the heart are _______________________________
3. Auricles are _____________________________________________________
4. The interatrial septum separates______________________________________
5. The interventricular septum separates _________________________________
6. An atrioventricular orifice is ________________________________________
7. An atrioventricular orifice is protected by ______________________________
8. The atrioventricular sulcus is located _________________________________
9. The right atrium receives blood from _________________________________
10. The tricuspid valve is located ______________________________________
___________________________ and functions to ________________________
11. Chordae tendinae are __________________________________________ and
function to _________________________________________________________
12. Papillary muscles are located ____________________________________ and
contract when ______________________________________________________
13. The right ventricle receives blood from _______________________________
14. The right ventricle pumps blood into _________________________________
15. The pulmonary trunk divides into ___________________________________
16. Pulmonary arteries deliver blood to __________________________________
17. The pulmonary valve is located __________________________________ and
opens when ________________________________________________________
18. Pulmonary veins carry blood from the___________________________ to the
19. Blood passes from the left atrium into the _____________________________
20. The mitral valve is located ______________________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
21. The left ventricle pumps blood into __________________________________
22. The aortic valve is located ______________________________________ and
opens when ________________________________________________________
23. The tricuspid and mitral valves are also called _________________________
because ___________________________________________________________
24. The pulmonary and aortic valves are also called ________________________
because ___________________________________________________________
E. Skeleton of the Heart
1. The skeleton of the heart is composed of_______________________________
2. The skeleton of the heart provides attachments for _______________________
F. Path of Blood Through the Heart
1. Blood that is _________ in oxygen and _________ in carbon dioxide enter the
___________________ of the heart through venae cavae and the coronary sinus.
2. As the right atrium contracts, blood passes into _________________________
3. When the right ventricle contracts, blood moves into the __________________
4. From the pulmonary arteries blood enters the ___________________________
5. The blood loses ____________ in the lungs and picks up _________________
6. Freshly oxygenated blood returns to the heart through ____________________
7. The pulmonary veins deliver blood to the ______________________________
8. When the left atrium contracts, blood passes into ________________________
9. When the left ventricle contracts, blood passes into ______________________
G. Blood Supply to the Heart
1. The first two branches of the aorta are_________________________________
2. Coronary arteries supply ___________________________________________
3. The circumflex artery is located _____________________________________
and supplies ________________________________________________________
4. The anterior interventricular artery is located ________________________ and
supplies ___________________________________________________________
5. The posterior interventricular artery is located _______________________ and
supplies ___________________________________________________________
6. The marginal artery is located ____________________________________ and
supplies ___________________________________________________________
7. Blood flow in coronary arteries is poorest during ________________________
__________________________________ because ________________________
8. Cardiac veins drain _______________________________________________
9. The coronary sinus is ______________________________________________
III. Heart Actions
A. Introduction
1. Atrial systole is __________________________________________________
2. Ventricular diastole is _____________________________________________
3. Atrial diastole is __________________________________________________
4. Ventricular systole is ______________________________________________
5. When the atria of the heart contract, the ventricles _______________________
6. When the ventricles of the heart contract, the atria _______________________
B. Cardiac Cycle
1. During a cardiac cycle, the pressure within the heart chambers _____________
2. The pressure in the ventricles is low during ____________________________
3. During diastole, the A-V valves are ___________________________________
4. About __________% of the blood flows passively from the atria into ventricles
and the remaining blood is pushed into the ventricles when the _______________
5. As ventricles contract, the A-V valves ________________________________
6. When the pressure in the atria is lower than venous pressure, blood flows from
______________________ into _______________________________________
7. During ventricular systole, ventricular pressure increases and the ___________
________________________________________________________valves open.
8. As blood flows out of the ventricles, ventricular pressure__________________
9. The semilunar valves close when ____________________________________
C. Heart Sounds
1. Heart sounds are produced by _______________________________________
2. The first heart sound is ____________ and occurs during _________________
when _____________________________________________________________
3. The second heart sound is ___________ and occurs during ________________
when _____________________________________________________________
4. A murmur is _____________________________________________________
D. Cardiac Muscle Fibers
1. A functional syncytium is __________________________________________
2. Two syncytiums of the heart are _____________________________________
3. The atrial syncytium and ventricular syncytium are connected by ___________
E. Cardiac Conduction System
1. The cardiac conduction system consists of _____________________________
2. The S-A node is located _________________________________________ and
initiates ___________________________________________________________
3. The S-A node is called the pacemaker because __________________________
4. As a cardiac impulse travels from the S-A node into the __________________
_____________________, it goes from cell to cell via _____________________
5. Conducting fibers deliver impulses from the S-A node to the_______________
6. The A-V node is located ________________________________________ and
provides ___________________________________________________________
7. Impulses are delayed as they move through the A-V node because __________
8. From the A-V node, impulses pass to _________________________________
9. The A-V bundle is located _______________________________________ and
gives rise to ________________________________________________________
10. Purkinje fibers carry impulses ______________________________________
11. The ventricular myocardium contracts as _____________________________
12. Purkinje fibers are located _________________________________________
13. The ventricular walls contract with a twisting motion because _____________
14. Contraction of the ventricles begins at the apex of the heart and pushes blood
F. Electrocardiogram
1. An electrocardiogram is ____________________________________________
2. An ECG is recorded by ____________________________________________
3. A P-wave is produced when ________________________________________
4. A QRS-wave is produced when ______________________________________
5. A T-wave is produced when ________________________________________
6. Physician’s use ECG patterns to _____________________________________
G. Regulation of Cardiac Cycle
1. The volume of blood pumped changes to accommodate ___________________
2. The parasympathetic nerve to the heart is the ______________________ nerve
3. The vagus nerve innervates the ________________________________ nodes.
4. The vagus nerve can alter heart rate by ________________________________
5. Sympathetic fibers reach the heart via the ________________________ nerves.
6. The endings of accelerator nerves secrete _________________________ which
increases __________________________________________________________
7. The cardiac control center controls ___________________________________
8. Baroreceptors detect_______________________________________________
9. When baroreceptors in the aorta detect and increase in pressure, they signal the
10. If blood pressure is too high, the medulla oblongata sends ________________
_________________________ to the heart to ____________________heart rate.
11. If venous blood pressure increases abnormally, ________________ impulses
flow to the heart and heart rate and contraction ____________________________
12. Rising body temperature ________________________________ heart action.
13. The most important ions that influence heart action are __________________
IV. Blood Vessels
A. Introduction
1. Blood vessels form a closed ____________ that carries blood ______________
2. Five types of blood vessels are ______________________________________
3. _____________________________ conduct blood away from the heart and to
4. _________________________ conduct blood from capillaries and to the heart.
5. The capillaries are sites of __________________________________________
B. Arteries and Arterioles
1. Arteries are ______________________________________ that are adapted for
2. Arteries give rise to _______________________________________________
3. The three layers of the wall of an artery are ____________________________
4. The inner layer of an artery is called _______________________________ and
functions to ________________________________________________________
5. The middle layer of an artery is called______________________________ and
is composed of _____________________________________________________
6. The outer layer is ______________________________________________ and
consists of _________________________________________________________
7. The vasa vasorum of an artery is _____________________________________
8. The ________________________ nervous system innervates smooth muscle in
arteries and arterioles.
9. Vasomotor fibers stimulate ________________________________to contract,
_____________________________________________the diameter of the vessel.
10. Vasoconstriction is _______________________________________________
11. Vasodilation is _______________________________________________ and
occurs when _______________________________________________________
12. Changes in the diameters of arteries and arterioles greatly influence ________
13. The wall of a very small arteriole consists of __________________________
14. Metarterioles are _____________________________________________ and
help regulate _______________________________________________________
15. Arteriovenous shunts are __________________________________________
C. Capillaries
1. Introduction
a. The smallest diameter blood vessels are _________________________
b. Capillaries connect __________________________________________
c. The wall of a capillary consists of ______________________________
2. Capillary Permeability
a. The most permeable capillaries are located _______________________
b. Protective and tight capillaries are located _______________________
3. Capillary Arrangement
a. The __________________________ , the denser its capillary networks.
b. Tissues richly supplied with capillaries are _______________________
c. Tissues that lack capillaries are ________________________________
d. During exercise, blood is directed to ____________________________
__________________________ and it bypasses ____________________
4. Regulation of Capillary Blood Flow
a. Precapillary sphincters are located ___________________________ and
their function is _______________________________________________
b. When cells have ___________________________________________ ,
precapillary sphincters relax and blood flow ________________________
5. Exchanges in the Capillaries
a. The vital function of _________________________________________
________________________________________ occurs in the capillaries.
b. Biochemicals move through capillary walls by ____________________
c. _________________________ is the most important means of transfer.
d. Oxygen and nutrients diffuse out of the capillary walls into surrounding
cells because _________________________________________________
e. Carbon dioxide and other wastes diffuse into the capillary blood because
f. Plasma proteins generally remain in the blood because ______________
g. In filtration, hydrostatic pressure _______________________________
h. In the capillaries, the force for filtration is provided by _____________
i. Blood pressure is greater at the _________________end of the capillary.
j. Colloid osmotic pressure is _________________________________ and
is created by ____________________________ in the blood of capillaries.
k. At the arteriolar end of the capillary, ________________ predominates.
l. At the venular end of the capillary,__________________ predominates.
D. Venules and Veins
1. Venules are ___________________ that continue from _______________ and
merge to form ______________________________________________________
2. The middle layer of the wall of a vein is _______________________________
__________________________________________ compared to that of an artery.
3. The function of valves in veins is ____________________________________
4. Veins also function as blood ________________________________________
V. Blood Pressure
A. Introduction
1. Blood pressure is _________________________________________________
2. Blood pressure most commonly refers to ______________________________
B. Arterial Blood Pressure
1. Systolic pressure is _____________________________________________ and
is created when _____________________________________________________
2. Diastolic pressure is ____________________________________________ and
is created when _____________________________________________________
3. A pulse is _______________________________________________________
4. Common places to detect a pulse are __________________________________
C. Factors that Influence Arterial Blood Pressure
1. Heart Action
a. Stroke volume is ____________________________________________
b. Cardiac output is ___________________________________________
c. If stroke volume or heart rate increases, cardiac output______________
2. Blood Volume
a. Blood volume equals ________________________________________
b. Blood pressure is _____________________________ to blood volume.
3. Peripheral Resistance
a. Peripheral resistance is _______________________________________
b. If peripheral resistance increases, blood flow __________________ and
blood pressure ________________________________________________
c. Dilation of blood vessels, ___________________ peripheral resistance.
4. Viscosity
a. Viscosity is ________________________________________________
b. As blood viscosity rises, blood pressure _________________________
c. _________________________________ contribute to blood viscosity.
D. Control of Blood Pressure
1. Blood pressure is determined by _____________________________________
2. Cardiac output depends on __________________________________________
3. Stroke volume is the difference between _______________________________
4. End Diastolic Volume is ___________________________________________
5. End Systolic Volume is ____________________________________________
6. Factors affecting stoke volume and heart rate are ________________________
7. Preload is _______________________________________________________
8. The greater the EDV, the greater the __________________________________
9. Starling’s Law of the Heart is the relationship __________________________
10. The more blood that enters the heart, the greater the _____________________
11. The less blood that returns from veins to the heart, the less _______________
12. Starling’s Law of the Heart ensures __________________________________
13. If blood pressure rises, ___________________________________ initiate the
_______________________ reflex which __________________ blood pressure.
14. If blood pressure falls, the _________________________ reflex occurs which
increases __________________, which increases ____________________ , which
_____________________________________________________ blood pressure.
15. Other factors that increase heart rate and blood pressure are ______________
16. When arterial blood pressure suddenly increases, baroreceptors signal ______
_________________________, and sympathetic outflow to arterial walls ______
_________________________ which results in __________________________
17. Chemicals that influence peripheral resistance are ______________________
E. Venous Blood Flow
1. Blood pressure ___________________ as the blood moves through the arterial
system into ________________________________________________________
2. Blood flow through the venous system largely depends on ________________
3. The ______________________ of skeletal muscles helps push _____________
____________________________________________________ toward the heart.
4. During inspiration, the pressure in the thoracic cavity _________________ and
the pressure in the abdominal cavity_____________________________________
5. An increase in abdominal pressure will squeeze blood ____________________
6. Venoconstriction is ____________________________________________ and
occurs when _______________________________________________________
F. Central Venous Pressure
1. Central venous pressure is __________________________________________
2. Central venous pressure is of special interest because_____________________
3. Other factors that increase central venous pressure are ____________________
4. An increase in central venous pressure can lead to _______________________
VII. Paths of Circulation
A. Introduction
1. The two major pathways of blood vessels are ___________________________
2. The pulmonary circuit consists of ____________________________________
3. The systemic circuit carries _________________________________________
B. Pulmonary Circuit
1. Blood enters the pulmonary circuit as it _______________________________
2. The pulmonary trunk divides into ____________________________________
3. Within the lungs the pulmonary arteries divide into ______________________
4. The lobar branches give rise to ______________________________________
5. The blood in the arteries and arterioles of the pulmonary circuit is __________
6. Gases are exchanged between _______________________________________
7. The arterial pressure in the pulmonary circuit is less than in the systemic circuit
because ___________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________ removes any that gets into the alveoli.
9. Blood entering the venules of the pulmonary circuit is ____________________
10. Venules merge to form ____________________________________________
11. __________________________________ return blood to the left atrium and
this completes ______________________________________________________
C. Systemic Circuit
1. Freshly oxygenated blood moves from the left atrium to __________________
2. Contraction of the left ventricle forces ________________________________
3. The systemic circuit includes ________________________________________
VIII. Arterial System
A. Introduction
1. The ___________________________ is the largest diameter artery in the body.
2. The aorta extends ______________________, arches over ________________
________________________, and descends _____________________________
B. Principal Branches of the Aorta
1. The ascending aorta is _____________________________________________
2. An aortic sinus is _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________ arise from the aortic sinus.
4. Aortic bodies are _________________________________________________
and contain ________________________________________________________
5. Three arteries originating from the aortic arch are _______________________
6. The brachiocephalic artery supplies___________________________________
7. The brachiocephalic divides into _____________________________________
8. The common carotids supply ________________________________________
9. The subclavian arteries supply _______________________________________
10. The descending aorta is located _____________________________________
11. The thoracic aorta is ______________________________________________
12. Branches of the thoracic aorta are ___________________________________
13. The abdominal aorta is ____________________________________________
14. Branches of the abdominal aorta are _________________________________
15. The celiac artery gives rise to ______________________________________
__________________ which supply ___________________________________
16. Phrenic arteries supply ____________________________________________
17. The superior mesenteric artery branches to ____________________________
18. The suprarenal arteries supply ______________________________________
19. The renal arteries supply __________________________________________
20. The gonadal arteries supply ________________________________________
21. The inferior mesenteric artery branches into arteries leading to ____________
22. Lumbar arteries supply ___________________________________________
23. The middle sacral artery supplies ___________________________________
24. The abdominal aorta terminates near ______________________________ and
divides into ________________________________________________________
25. The common iliac arteries supply ___________________________________
C. Arteries of the Neck, Head, and Brain
1. Branches of _______________________________________________ supply
structures within the neck, head, and brain.
2. The main divisions of the subclavian artery to the neck, head, and brain are ___
3. The common carotid artery communicates with these regions by ____________
4. The vertebral arteries arise from _____________________________________
and supply _________________________________________________________
5. A basilar artery is formed by ________________________________________
6. The basilar artery divides into _______________________________________
that supply ________________________________________________________
7. The cerebral arterial circle is formed by _______________________________
8. Functions of the cerebral arterial circle are _____________________________
9. Thyrocervical arteries give rise to ____________________________________
10. Costocervical arteries carry blood to _________________________________
11. The common carotid arteries ascend _________________________________
_____________________________________ and divide to form ____________
12. The external carotid artery gives off branches to________________________
13. Main branches of external carotid arteries are __________________________
14. The superior thyroid artery supplies _________________________________
15. The lingual artery supplies _________________________________________
16. The facial artery supplies __________________________________________
17. The occipital artery supplies _______________________________________
18. The posterior auricular artery supplies _______________________________
19. The external carotid artery terminates by dividing into ___________________
20. The maxillary artery supplies_______________________________________
21. The temporal artery supplies _______________________________________
22. The major branches of the internal carotid artery are ____________________
23. The ophthalmic artery supplies _____________________________________
24. The posterior communicating artery forms ____________________________
25. The anterior choroids artery supplies _________________________________
26. The internal carotid artery terminates by dividing into ___________________
27. The middle cerebral artery supplies __________________________________
28. The anterior cerebral artery supplies _________________________________
29. A carotid sinus is _____________________________________ and contains
D. Arteries to the Shoulder and Upper Limb
1. As it passes into the arm, the subclavian artery becomes the _______________
2. The axillary artery supplies _________________________________________
3. The axillary artery becomes the ______________________________________
4. The brachial artery gives rise to ______________________________________
5. The branches of the brachial artery supplies ____________________________
6. Within the elbow, the brachial artery divides into ________________________
7. The branches of the ulnar artery supply________________________________
8. The branches of the radial artery supply _______________________________
9. Blood supply to the wrist, hands, and fingers come from __________________
E. Arteries to the Thoracic and Abdominal Walls
1. The internal thoracic artery is a branch of ______________________________
2. The internal thoracic artery gives off two ________________________ to each
3. The anterior intercostals arteries supply _______________________________
4. The posterior intercostals arteries arise from _________________________ and
5. The posterior intercostals arteries supply ______________________________
6. Branches of the internal thoracic and external iliac arteries provide blood to___
7. Phrenic and lumbar arteries supply ___________________________________
F. Arteries to the Pelvis and Lower Limb
1. The abdominal aorta divides to form __________________________________
2. The common iliac arteries provide blood to ____________________________
3. Each common iliac divides into ______________________________________
4. The internal iliac artery gives off branches to ___________________________
5. Branches of the internal iliac artery are ________________________________
6. The iliolumbar arteries supply _______________________________________
7. Superior and inferior gluteal arteries supply ____________________________
8. Internal pudendal arteries supply _____________________________________
9. Superior and inferior vesical arteries supply ____________________________
10. Middle rectal arteries supply _______________________________________
11. Uterine arteries supply ____________________________________________
12. The external iliac artery provides the main blood supply to _______________
13. Two branches of the external iliac artery are ___________________________
14. The inferior epigastric artery and deep circumflex artery supply ___________
15. The external iliac artery becomes the ________________________________
16. The femoral artery gives off branches to ______________________________
17. Important subdivisions of the femoral artery are ________________________
18. Superficial circumflex iliac arteries supply ____________________________
19. Superficial epigastric arteries supply _________________________________
20. Superficial and deep external pudendal arteries supply ___________________
21. Deep femoral arteries supply _______________________________________
22. Deep genicular arteries supply ______________________________________
23. The popliteal artery is derived from__________________________________
24. Branches of the popliteal artery supply _______________________________
25. The popliteal artery divides into ____________________________________
26. The anterior tibial artery supplies ___________________________________
27. The dorsalis pedis artery is derived from ______________________________
28. The posterior tibial artery supplies __________________________________
29. The posterior tibial artery divides into ________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ which
supply ____________________________________________________________
30. The peroneal artery is the largest branch of the ______________________ and
supplies ___________________________________________________________
IX. Venous System
A. Characteristics of Venous Pathways
1. The vessels of the venous system begin with ___________________________
2. Venous pathways are hard to follow because ___________________________
3. The larger veins typically parallel ____________________________________
4. The veins from most body parts converge into __________________________
B. Veins from the Head, Neck, and Brain
1. The external jugular veins drain blood from ____________________________
2. The external jugular veins empty into _________________________________
3. The internal jugular veins arise from __________________________________
4. The brachiocephalic veins are formed from ____________________________
5. The brachiocephalic veins merges to give rise to ________________________
C. Veins from the Upper Limb and Shoulder
1. A set of ___________________ and _________________ drain the upper limb.
2. The deep veins generally parallel ____________________________________
3. The superficial veins connect________________________________________
and also communicate with ___________________________________________
4. The main vessels of the superficial network are _________________________
5. The basilic vein is located __________________________________________
_____________________________ and joins the _________________________
6. The axillary vein is formed by _______________________________________
7. The cephalic veins are located _______________________________________
______________________________ and empties into _____________________
8. Beyond the axilla, the axillary vein becomes ___________________________
9. The median cubital vein is located_________________________________ and
is often a site for ____________________________________________________
D. Veins from the Abdominal and Thoracic Walls
1. Tributaries of _______________________________________________ drain
the abdominal and thoracic walls.
2. The azygos vein originates in _____________________________ and ascends
3. The azygos vein drains_____________________________________________
4. Tributaries of the azygos vein include _________________________________
5. The posterior intercostals veins drain _________________________________
6. The superior and inferior hemiazygos veins drain ________________________
7. The ascending lumbar veins drain ____________________________________
E. Veins from the Abdominal Viscera
1. Veins carry blood directly to the atria of the heart, except those of __________
2. The hepatic portal veins drains ______________________________________
_______________________________________________ and carries blood to the
3. The hepatic portal system is _________________________________________
4. Tributaries of the hepatic portal system include _________________________
5. The gastric veins drain the __________________________________________
6. Superior mesenteric veins drain the ___________________________________
7. Splenic veins drain ________________________________________________
8. The blood flowing to the liver in the hepatic portal system is ___________ poor
and ___________________________________________________________ rich.
9. The liver _____________________________________________ the nutrients.
10. Kupffer cells are located _______________________________________ and
function to _________________________________________________________
11. Blood leaves the liver through ______________________________________
12. Hepatic veins empty blood into _____________________________________
13. Veins that empty into the inferior vena cava are ________________________
F. Veins from the Lower Limb and Pelvis
1. Veins that drain the lower limb can be divided into ______________________
2. The deep veins of the leg have names that correspond to __________________
3. The popliteal vein is formed from ____________________________________
4. The femoral vein originates from ____________________________________
5. The external iliac vein originates from ________________________________
6. The small saphenous vein begins in________________________________ and
passes ____________________________________________________________
7. The small saphenous vein ascends _________________________________ and
joins the ___________________________________________________________
8. The great saphenous vein originates on ________________________________
and ascends ____________________________________________________ and
eventually joins the __________________________________________________
9. The longest vein of the body is ______________________________________
10. The saphenous veins communicate with ______________________________
11. In the pelvic region, vessels leading to __________________________ carry
blood away from organs for reproduction, ________________________________
12. Tributaries that form the internal iliac vein are _________________________
13. The common iliac veins are formed from _____________________________
14. The common iliac veins merge to form _______________________________
X. Life-Span Changes
1. _____ of men over the age of sixty have at least one narrowed coronary artery.
2. Some degree of __________________ deposition in blood vessels may be part
of normal aging.
3. During exercise, __________________________________ decreases with age.
4. __________________________________ may cause enlargement of the heart.
5. The number of _________________ in the heart fall and __________________
__________________________________________________________ increases.
6. With age, heart valves begin to ______________________________________
7. Systolic blood pressure ____________________________________ with age.
8. The increase in systolic blood pressure is due to _________________________
9. Resting heart rate _________________________________________ with age.
10. With age, changes in arteries include ________________________________
11. The number of capillaries _________________________________ with age.
12. _________________________ can help maintain a “young” vascular system.