Prime Minister`s Remarks at the

Prime Minister’s Remarks at the
Joint Press Stakeout with President Ashraf Ghani
November 15, 2014
I am delighted to welcome our special guest and dear brother, President Ashraf Ghani,
to Pakistan – his second home!
I offer to President Ghani, and the distinguished members of his delegation, the most
cordial greetings of the people of Pakistan.
We hold President Ashraf Ghani in the highest esteem for his bold vision and
transformational leadership. We recognize his immense contribution to Afghanistan’s
progress in the past, and the vital role he is destined to play in its future.
I take this opportunity to reiterate our warm felicitations to President Ghani and the
Afghan people on the peaceful transfer of power and the formation of the national unity
government. This outcome owes much to the statesmanship of the new Afghan
leadership and would further strengthen Afghanistan’s stability and national unity.
President Ghani has assumed office at a crucial juncture – as Afghanistan goes through
security, political and economic transitions. He has already embarked on a
comprehensive domestic reform program – centering on good governance, state
accountability to citizens, social justice, poverty reduction and public welfare.
Successful completion of these transitions would ensure the emergence of a secure and
prosperous Afghanistan, which we all support. We have no doubt that his resolve and
determination, President Ghani will succeed, Insha Allah!
The bonds between Pakistan and Afghanistan are special. Our fraternal ties are fortified
by common faith, kinship and shared history. We have common woes and common joys.
We grieve together and rejoice together. Our security and future prosperity remain
I have consistently emphasized Pakistan’s foremost priority of building a “peaceful
neighborhood”. As its fundamental element, I have vision of a strong, comprehensive
and enduring partnership between Pakistan and Afghanistan – contributing to the
security and prosperity of our two nations, and reinforcing efforts for peace and
development in the region. I am gratified that President Ghani has a similar vision.
We both recognize that we have a historic opportunity to work together and build a
stronger relationship – based on mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,
and marked by mutual trust, understanding and close cooperation.
Our two countries face formidable challenges – including extremism and terrorism, a
precarious security environment, and trans-national crimes. I am convinced that we can
effectively meet them, through common resolve and common endeavors.
The opportunities are immense. We have yet to fully realize the vast potential of our
peoples, and of our bilateral cooperation. This is an opportune moment to make a
determined beginning in that direction.
President Ghani and I have had in-depth consultations on all these issues today.
I reaffirmed that a peaceful, stable, united and prosperous Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s
vital national interest.
I also reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for the intra-Afghan reconciliation process that then
new government is initiating. This process, we agreed, must be fully Afghan-led and
I underlined Pakistan’s commitment to comprehensively upgrade cooperation in all fields
– including border security and defence, Afghanistan’s reconstruction and rehabilitation,
capacity building, parliamentary exchanges, and cultural, educational and sports links.
We reaffirmed our resolve to forge a robust economic partnership – by expanding trade,
promoting investment, improving infrastructure, building road and rail links and
enhancing energy collaboration. The two Finance Ministers have signed the document
that advances the realization of this vital goal.
We also agreed that connectivity and regional economic cooperation are the
indispensable elements of our engagement. We envision trade, energy and
communications corridors through trans-regional initiatives like CASA 1000 and TAPI
Gas Pipeline.
Afghanistan is about to commence the “transformation decade”. At this pivotal moment, I
assure the brotherly people of Afghanistan that Pakistan will stand by them and support
their endeavors for peace and progress.
I thank you. I now invite President Ashraf Ghani to make his remarks.