Loading Asian languages scripts and fonts on a desktop or laptops

Loading Asian languages scripts and fonts on a desktop or laptops using Microsoft 2007
This functionality does not change the operating language of the system. It allows you to
type documents e.g. in Word, emails, etc. in language. The Start menu will still be in English.
The Global IME (Input Methods Editor) icon will exist on the task bar to be activated when
processing in language is required. To upload scripts or fonts follow the following steps:
1. Click Start button.
2. Click Settings, then Control Panel then Regional and Language Options and another
pop-up box will appear.
3. In the pop-up box, click on the Languages tab.
4. Click on the Details button.
5. Under the Settings tab, if the language you want is listed in the Installed services
box, click on it, then click Add. Another dialogue box will open, check the Keyboard
layout/IME box, then click OK. Click Apply, then click OK again.
If the language you want is not listed in the Installed services box, click on the Add
button (in the middle of the right hand side of the pop-up screen). Click on the down
arrow in the Input language dropdown menu and all languages that are supported
will pop up in an alphabetic list. Click on the language and it will appear in the Input
language window. Click on the OK button and this window will close. Check the
Installed services box. The language that you have added will now appear. Click on it,
then click Add. Another dialogue box will open, check the Keyboard layout/IME box,
then click OK. Click Apply, then click OK again.