Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 1 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES 1. Formulate a plan for nursing in the management of teenage pregnancy. 2. Describe the effects on and management of substance abuse on the childbearing family. 3. Analyze prenatal responses when an infant is born with congenital anomalies. 4. Formulate a nursing care plan for families experiencing a pregnancy which doesn’t result in a live birth. 5. Illustrate nursing care for clients undergoing the various methods of elective abortion. 6. Discuss the various ethical and legal considerations of elective abortion. 7. Differentiate among causes, signs and symptoms, possible CONTENTS I. The childbearing family with special needs: A. Adolescent pregnancy 1. Incidence 2. Factors associated with teenage pregnancy 3. Socioeconomic, psychological and health implications. B. Substance Abuse 1. Maternal and Fetal Effects 2. Fetal death C. Loss and Grief 1. Imperfect baby 2. Fetal death D. Elective Abortion 1. Medical 2. Surgical LEARNING ACTIVITY REQUIRED READINGS Carpenito: Potential Complications: Reproductive Wong, pp. 213-216 Wong, pp. 270-272, 647-653, pp. 514-523 Required Video: Gestational Age Assessment RG 613.5647 Wong, pp. 121-123 Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 2 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES complications, and management of spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, incompetent cervix and hydatiform mole. 8. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology, medical management, and nursing management of clients diagnosed or suspected of having placenta previa and abruptio placenta. 9. Describe the pathophysiology medical treatment, nursing care goals and interventions associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). 10. Discuss the effects and management of hyperemesis gravidarum. 11. Describe the pathophysiology of pregnancy induced hypertension. (pre-eclampsia). 12. Differentiate between the management of the woman with mild pre-eclampsia and the women with severe pre-eclampsia. 13. Describe HELLP Syndrome, including appropriate nursing actions. CONTENTS LEARNING ACTIVITY Wong, pp. 290-305 II. Complication A. Hemorrhagic Disorders 1. Early pregnancy a. Spontaneous abortion types b. Ectopic pregnancy c. Incompetent Cervix d. Hydatiform Mole 2. Late Pregnancy a. Placenta Previa b. Abruptio Placentae 3. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Wong, pp. 288-290 B. Hyperemesis gravidarum C. Hypertensive disorders 1. Pathophysiology/current theories 2. Characteristic Symptoms a. Mild b. Severe Wong, pp. 275-288 Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 3 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES 14. Compare Rh and ABO incomptability in terms of etiology and fetal-neonatal complications. 15. Plan care for a pregnant woman with diabetes either gestational or pre-existing. 16. Describe the effect on pregnancy and its management for the woman who has heart disease. 17. Describe the effects of and CONTENTS 3. Goals, principals, rationale of nursing care 4. Magnesium Sulfate Administration 5. Effects of PlH on fetus. D. Rh, ABO Incompatibility 1. Erythroblastosis fetalis E. Diabetes Mellitus 1. Classification of diabetes in pregnancy 2. Effects of diabetes on pregnancy, and pregnancy on diabetes. 3. Medical and nursing management F. Cardiovascular disease 1. Etiology 2. Review of normal physiologic alterations of cardiovascular function. 3. Classification of heart disease 4. Medical and nursing management. LEARNING ACTIVITY Wong, pp. 653-657 Wong, pp. 242-255 Wong, pp. 256-266 Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 4 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES treatments for anemias during pregnancy. 18. Describe the effects and treatments of sexually transmitted diseases and infections on pregnant women and the fetus. 19. Analyze factors that increase a woman’s risk of preterm labor. 20. Describe the management of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes. 21. Discuss the management of Dysfunctional Labor patterns. 22. Describe the common deviations in CONTENTS G. Anemias 1. Folic acid deficiency 2. Iron deficiency 3. Sickle cell anemia. H. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1. Chlamydia 2. Gonorrhea 3. Syphilis 4. HIV I. Infections 1. TORCH 2. Condylomata (HPV) 3. Trichomonas 4. Group B Streptococci III. Intrapartum Complications A. Premature labor 1. Maternal and fetal factors 2. Nursing Implications 3. Medications B. Dysfunctional Labor 1. Hypertonic 2. Hypotonic LEARNING ACTIVITY Wong, pp. 75-89 Wong, pp. 305-308, pp. 642-647 Wong, pp. 410-424 Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 5 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES the power, the passage, the passenger, the position, or the psyche that can cause dystocia. 23. Discuss the problems associated with post-term pregnancies. 24. Describe common intra-partum emergencies and management. 25. Identify non-reassuring fetal heart patterns. 26. Describe appropriate nursing responses to non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns. 27. Describe postpartum hemorrhage interms of predisposing factors, causes, complications, clinical signs and therapeutic management. 28. Describe thromboembolic disorders including incidence, etiology, sign and symptoms, and management. 29. Describe the signs and symptoms CONTENTS LEARNING ACTIVITY 3. Precipitate C. Dystocia 1. Alterations in pelvic structure 2. Fetal causes 3. Position of the Woman 4. Psychological Response D. Common emergencies of labor Management 1. Prolapsed umbilical cord 2. Uterine rupture/eversion 3. Amniotic fluid 4. Shoulder dystocia E. Non-reassuring heart rate patterns 1. Tachycardia & Bradycardia 2. Variable & late decelerations IV. Postpartum Complications A. Post Delivery Hemorrhage 1. Uterine Atony 2. Lacerations of birth canal 3. Retained placenta B. Thromboembolic disease 1. Superficial venous thrombosis Wong - pp. 438-443 Wong – pp. 353-364 Wong – pp. 498-506 Course Number: RNSG 2514 Care of the Client with Complex Health Needs Page 6 UNIT V Review normal physiological changes of pregnancy, and normal labor and delivery. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES and management of postpartum infections. 30. Describe the complications of and management of problems that may result from the premature birth. 31. Compare the problems of the large for-gestational age infant with those of the small-for-gestational infant. CONTENTS LEARNING ACTIVITY 2. Deep venous thrombosis 3. Pulmonary embolism C. Postpartum infections 1. Puerperal sepsis 2. Wound Infections 3. UTI’s V. High Risk Newborn A. Complications associated with prematurity 1. Respiratory distress syndrome 2. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 3. Rationopathy of prematurity 4. Periventricularintraventricular hemorrhage 5. Necrotizing enterocolitis Wong – Chap. 27