Clean up the child`s environment Use natural, biodegradable and

BodyTune Health
Unlocking Human Potential
Clean up the child’s environment
 Use natural, biodegradable and perfume free detergents and cleaning agents.
Ecostore products (NZ) are a good substitute and available at many supermarkets.
They work out cost effective as you use much less of them.
 Do not use fragrant or anti-mosquito sprays in the home. Boric acid powder is good
for ants.
 Avoid chlorine: use water filters, limit pool and spa pools. Shower the child after
contact with chlorinated pools. The ocean is a great place to spend time, as the
minerals are very detoxifying. There are some products suitable for spa pool
treatments. Considering installing a shower filter as a lot of chlorine is inhaled when
showering and bathing.
 Wear clothes made of natural fibres where possible e.g. cotton, wool. Avoid flame
retardant materials as they contain antimony.
 Most personal care products contain many chemicals and can be avoided and
replaced with safer alternatives. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is another thing to
watch for as this is carcinogenic (cancer causing). Use natural shampoos, soaps etc. A
good resource is Skin Deep
 Use fluoride-free toothpaste, (tin, titanium). Weleda produce good toothpastes. This
needs to be SLS free to.
 Avoid playing on pressure treated wood as this contains arsenic. In particular, avoid
this wood with bare feet. This applies to many of the play grounds with a woodchip
base and decking.
 Eliminate exposure to mercury and thimerosal (a preservative in some medical
products e.g. contact lenses solutions). Thimerosal is also a preservative used in the
manufacture of children’s vaccines.
 Do not allow amalgam (grey) fillings; use composite instead.
 Use an air purifier especially in the bedroom if you have any concerns over air quality
in the home e.g. close to busy road, mouldy
 Ventilate your house. Many synthetic products in the home emit gasses and your
house can be a toxic place. Open windows and air bedding in the sun. When
purchasing new furniture and carpet allow at least 24 hrs for gas vapours to disperse,
preferably out of the living space. Many carpets contain pesticides as well as solvents.
 Encourage a habit of removing shoes when entering your home especially if you have
carpets. You end up tramping in lead, pesticides and other nasties.
 Redecorate wisely using eco-friendly paints. Beware of toxic exposure from dust
when sanding down etc.
 Avoid prolonged handling of batteries.
 Minimise plastic furniture (polyvinyl chloride).
 Use aluminium-free baking powder and deodorant. Do not cook in aluminium foil or
drink from aluminium cans or foil-lined cardboard juice containers.
 Cooking should be done in stainless steel, glass or enamel pots. Avoid Teflon. Use
stainless steel water bottles not plastic.
 Avoid the use of herbicides or pesticides on lawns, in the garden or in the home. If
you decide to use some products then apply minimally when the family is going to be
away from the home for a spell.
 Do not dry clean clothes.
 Minimise wrapping food in gladwrap/plastic bags, use greaseproof paper where
possible. Avoid heating food in plastic such as take away containers. Microwaves are
best avoided or their use minimized.
 Consider how you heat your house. Radiant heat is the healthiest. Gas is a moist
heat and should be avoided. It not only gives off fumes, but is a great breeding ground
for mould.
 Dust your house with a damp cloth.
 Environmental working group- fantastic source of user friendly
information on all forms of toxicity-food, environmental etc.
 Dr Stuart Freedenfield-good information on sourcing green products-USA based but
still useful
 Good resource- Skin Deep