5th September 2010 – Trinity 14 - Bournemouth Town Centre Parish

Please make sure you have your letter regarding ideas for the Away Day
on March 24th and the review of Mission Action so far. Further copies are
available at the back of each church.
19th February 2012
NB for all: Sat 24th March 2012 Parish Awayday 9.30 am – 4 pm at St Mark’s,
Talbot Village, as in 2010. Please make this a priority.
St. Peter's Visitor Centre is urgently needing helpers during the week. Between
10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. (or part of). Anyone volunteering Contact: Sheila
Henthorne 576060 or Gwen Sowerby 553324.
Tracy Slade is temporary pastoral care coordinator for St. Peter’s. Please let
her know if anyone is in need of pastoral care in order for her to liase with the
Rector and pastoral team. Tel.no: 07792585145.
Lent boxes for Lebombo will be at the back of St Stephen’s Church, Sunday 19th
February, ready for Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
’Art works of the Old Testament’ a talk by Father Geoffrey Wheaton on Monday
20th February at 8pm in the Murray Muscat Centre, Glen Fern Rd, Bournemouth.
Admission free – all welcome.
Pancakes, Quiz & Raffle at St Augustin, Annexe, Tues 21st Feb 3-5pm.
Tickets £2.50 from Roger & Sally Carter 07931996916.
“There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit” 1 Cor. 12: 4
Shrove Tuesday, 21st February 7pm: Social Evening in St Stephen’s hall.
Pancakes and Songs by “Vocal-tones” Tickets £3.50 from Diana Shiner- 572802
Friends of St Peter’s ‘Tea, Talk & Tittle-Tattle’, Thursday 23rd February,
3.00 pm Visitor Centre: Kathy McNally on Ian Fleming’s James Bond. Tickets £3.
Bournemouth Town Centre Churches Together, Ecumenical Lent Study Group
27th, 28th, 29th Feb & 1st March. Further details from Fr Robin Harger 554355
Women’s’ World Day of Prayer Service: at St Peter’s 10am Friday 2nd March.
CHILDREN'S SOCIETY. Please would you bring the boxes to Church on Sunday
and give to either Tracy or Martin Slade, tel. No 07792585145. Alternatively
leave them in the Parish Office asap.
Could members of St. Stephen's congregation please return their Palm Crosses
by next Sunday (19th Feb) so they can be burnt in readiness for Ash Wednesday?
“Journeying through Bereavement in Schools” is a 28 page booklet which I
produced whilst I was convalescing last Summer. It has finally been published
this week by Grove Books, at £3.95, and could well be useful to all teachers and
schools, and anyone dealing with loss or bereavement. Ian
“Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’” John 10: 10
“The more you sow, the more you reap.” 2 Cor, 9: 6
A warm welcome to worship. If you are new to us, and would like to make
yourself known, we can give you information about our worship and Church life,
and hope you might like to join us regularly. If you normally receive communion in
your own Church, then you are very welcome to do so here. Children are welcome
and there are changing facilities in our All Access Loo ~ to the left of the Quire.
Gift Aid – If you are a visitor to this Church and a UK taxpayer, you may like to know that
using a Gift Aid envelope for money given in the collection or donation boxes will increase
its value to the Church. Envelopes are available in the pews.
Contact: The Team Rector (Dr Ian Terry) ianterry@live.co.uk
Rector’s PA & Parish Administrator: Mrs Claire
Way 01202
The Team Vicar (Fr Robin Harger) 01202 554355
Parish Website: www. BTCP.org
The Rector is available for conversations/consultations/confession each Thursday,
following 5.15 pm Evening Prayer at St Stephen’s ~ ie ~ from about 5.35 pm.
19th February 2012
Sunday next before Lent
8.00 am St Peter
8.00 am St Stephen
LOW MASS: Fr Robin Harger
10.00 am St Peter
SUNG EUCHARIST: Celebrant: The Rev’d Bryan Apps
Preacher: The Rev’d Glyn James
No Choir
Voluntary: Couperin – Fugue (from Mass for the Parishes)
Hymns: 516(ii), 202, 311, 536(i), 543(i)
Gloria: Hymn 300
Mass Setting: Beeby – St Peter’s Mass
Voluntary: Murrill - Carillon
10.00 am St Augustin MATTINS: The Rector
Hymns: N.E.H. 234, 463, 391, 294(C), 384
10.45 am St Stephen HIGH MASS + HOLY BAPTISM: Olivia + Barnaby Anderson
Fr Robin Harger
Setting: Missa Capella Regalis: Caesar
Motet: Give us the wings of faith: Bullock
Hymns: 232, 629, 627, 308, 234
4.00 pm
St Peter
EVENING PRAYER (No Choir): The Rev’d Robin Harger
Voluntary: Cochereau (tr. Briggs) – Air (“Trimazo’)
Hymns: 377, 248, 416(ii), 421
Psalm: 50 vv. 1-15
Voluntary: Duruflé – Sicilienne (from Suite op.5)
READINGS: 2 Kings 2. 1-12; 2 Corinthians 4. 3-6; Mark 9. 2-9
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Kenneth Buckley, Susan Dixon, Alan Fidler, Glen
Jones, Jenny Lack, Betty Longman, Maureen McDadd, & Vera Parton of St
Peter’s; Fr Michael Faure, Fr Maurice Rogers & of St Stephen’s; Sue Agar,
Stuart Caldicott, Sue Carmichael, Pat Childs, Francis Dunham, Shirley Edgley,
Cecelia Fontynie, Rikka Gardner, David Ker, Esther Radford, & Joan Vibert of St
Augustin’s. Heidi Colledge.
RIP Marge Caldicott, John Lonsdale, Nora Porteous.
THIS WEEK 19th – 25th February 2012
Evening Prayer is said at St Stephen’s Monday and Thursday at 5.15pm
St Peter’s Visitor Centre is open Monday to Friday 10.30 to 2.00pm
12.15 pm Holy Communion
St Peter
Tuesday Team Rector’s Day Off
10.00 am
Low Mass
St Stephen
3.00 pm
Pancakes, Quiz & Raffle
St Augustin, Annexe
4.30 pm
Worship Song Group
St Augustin, Annexe
7.00 pm
Pancakes & songs by the “Vocal-tones”
St Stephen’s hall
Ash Wednesday
10.00 am
Solemn Mass with ashes followed by morning coffee St Stephen
11.00 am
St Augustin
7.00 pm
Solemn Eucharist
St Stephen + St Peter
12.15 pm
Holy Communion
St Peter
3.00 pm
Tea, Talk & Tittle Tattle
St Peter
7.30 pm
The Menorah Suite, Murray Muscat Centre, Glenfern Road, Council for
Christians & Jews: meeting with talk “Faith & Education”, by the Team Rector.
9.30-12.00 Friends of St Peter’s Coffee Morning
10.00 am
Low Mass
Next Sunday – 26th February
8.00am St Peter
Holy Communion
8.00am St Stephen Low Mass
10.00am St Peter
Sung Eucharist
10.00am St Augustin Holy Communion
10.45am St Stephen High Mass
4.00pm St Peter
St Peter
St Stephen
1st Sunday of Lent
The Rev’d Robin Harger
The Rector
The Rector
The Rev’d Robin Harger
Canon Alan Sessford
The Rector
The Parish Mission Statement – In One Parish:To respond to God’s love in three distinctive ways:
To celebrate the God-given talents of all; To grow stronger as Christians;
To encourage all to grow in the love of God