Lewis and Clark Report

Lewis and Clark Report
Part 1: The Corps of Discovery
Use the site Lewis and Clark Overview to answer the following questions.
1. What territory did Thomas Jefferson direct the expedition to explore?
Louisiana Purchase
2. What was the objective of the expedition and what was Lewis and Clark
instructed to do?
They were instructed to write detailed accounts of their journeys, make maps, and
provide information about the Indian Tribes indigenous to the west.
3. What route did the expedition follow?
Part 2: Research
Assigned Subject:
Use your research about your assigned subject to answer the following questions.
1. When and where did the first encounter with the Lewis and Clark expedition
2. Describe the initial relations between the tribe/Sacagawea and the expedition.
3. According to Lewis and Clark's journals, in what ways did the tribe/Sacagawea
help or hinder the expedition?
4. According to Lewis and Clark's journals, what were their impressions of the
tribe/Sacagawea? (Include quotes from the journals)
5. What was the overall outcome and what sort of relationship, if any, was formed
by the encounter?
Part 3: Presentations
Complete the following during the presentation of group reports.
1. Otto and Missouri
Date(s): August 2, 1804
Circumstance and outcome of the encounter:
first met a small group and leaders responded positively that he was their great
white father
from the report, how would you characterize this encounter?
peaceful, positive
2. Yankton Sioux
Date(s): August 29, 1804
Circumstance and outcome of the encounter:
Met their tribe had 70 people. They hoped they could get guns and whiskey from
white men but they didn’t have any.
From the report, how would you characterize this encounter?
3. Teton Sioux
Date(s): September 25, 1804
Circumstance and outcome of the encounter:
met the tribe on Missouri river. The meeting did not go very well almost violent.
From the report, how would you characterize this encounter?
4. Mandan
October 26, 1804
Circumstance and outcome of the encounter:
Spent the went with the tribe along the upper Missouri river
from the report, how would you characterize this encounter?
5. Sacagawea
when and how did she come to join the expedition?
Lewis and Clark first met her when she arrived at the Mandan camp. After
spending the winter in the campo
Date(s): they finished their passage through the Bitterroot Mons. The Nez Perce
were very helpful. Traded horses helped them build canoes.
Circumstance and outcome of the encounter:
From the report, how would you characterize this encounter?
Part 4: Discussion
As a class, consider and discuss the following questions. Take notes on the key points of
the discussion and any conclusions.
1. What overall impression of white visitors, in particular their motives and
temperament, might tribal members have formed from these encounters?
Perfect, nice tribe
2. Based on these early encounters, how might future relations evolve between the
Native American tribes and white traders, hunters, and settlers?
Good sometimes and only miss behaved badly.