
The James M. Jeffords Center at the University of Vermont was established in 2007 to
honor retiring Vermont Senator James M. Jeffords for his lifelong service to the State of
Vermont and our nation.
Through rigorous, scientifically-based research and evaluation, education, training and
outreach, the Jeffords Center will develop the capacity of individuals and organizations to
address the significant and emerging issues we face as a people and as a nation.
The mission of the Jeffords Center is to provide the analysis and information required to
promote effective policy decisions in education, the environment, health care, and
effective government that are signatures of excellence at the University of Vermont. The
Center will bring together interdisciplinary programs and scholars, and will collaborate
with academic leaders, administrators, students, and policy makers to assess and support
the development of policies and practices that lead to positive outcomes to our nation’s
challenges. The Center will combine academic excellence and practical expertise to
support the development of effective solutions to policy challenges which are
increasingly complex and multidimensional.
Specifically, through its evidenced-based research and variety of programs, the Center
will provide insight to inform health, education, environmental and governmental public
policy affecting people at the local, state, and national level.
Jeffords Center Graduate Fellowships
Graduate Fellowships of $17,470 for the 2010-2011 academic year are available to parttime or full-time UVM graduate students (U.S. Citizens or permanent residents) as
awards for conducting high-quality research related to the missions of the Jeffords
Center. Students may be in any of the UVM Colleges or Schools. Students may not
apply directly. They must be nominated by their department, program or faculty
advisor for the upcoming academic year. Up to three $17,470 Jeffords Graduate
Fellowships will be awarded for the 2010-2011 academic year.
Farrell Hall • 210 Colchester Avenue • Burlington, Vermont 05405
Tel. (802) 656-3161 • Fax (802) 656-3163 • Email: • Website:
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
The fellowships may be combined with other funding sources within a student’s program
to make fully funded offers of admission to qualified students.
Requirements: 1) Graduate students must be US citizens or permanent residents. 2)
Recipients are expected to conduct high-quality research associated with the missions of
the Jeffords Center. If the student’s faculty advisor does not have an appropriate project,
a student may be considered for research at the Center. 3) Recipients may be full or part
time graduate students at UVM. 4) Students are only eligible to receive one Jeffords
Fellowship. 5) Fellowship recipients must provide to the Jeffords Center quarterly
progress reports on their research projects.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How many fellowships are there?
Up to 3 awards will be made for the 2010-2011 academic year.
How many years does the fellowship last?
Jeffords Fellowships are a one year commitment of funding.
When is the application deadline?
For the 2010-2011 academic year, the application deadline is February 1, 2010.
Decisions will be made by March 31, 2010.
What action should potential UVM graduate students take?
Contact your future faculty advisor or the graduate program coordinator within your
proposed program and advise them that you may qualify for this fellowship award.
What action should current UVM graduate students take if they are conducting
related research?
Contact your advisor and suggest they nominate you for this fellowship award.
How do students qualify for a fellowship?
There are three avenues by which a student can qualify for a fellowship:
1) A student has a research project planned that fits into the missions of the
Jeffords Center;
2) A UVM faculty member has an existing research project that fits into the
missions of the Institute with which the student would like to become
3) A student who does not have a specific project, but would like to conduct
research associated with the missions of the Jeffords Center, can apply if there
is a project the Center would like done.
Farrell Hall • 210 Colchester Avenue • Burlington, Vermont 05405
Tel. (802) 656-3161 • Fax (802) 656-3163 • Email: • Website:
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
How do graduate students apply for the fellowship?
In order to consider an application, the Jeffords Center requires a nomination letter and
an application to be submitted. The application will include a personal essay, a
description of the proposed research project and academic information. [Note: additional
application information on separate Jeffords Graduate Fellow Application form.]
The Jeffords Center will communicate with the graduate program coordinator and the
student if a student is awarded a Jeffords Fellowship. The Fellowship can then be
included in the student’s offer letter from the graduate program. A copy of the offer
letter must be provided to the Jeffords Center.
Can this funding be combined with other student support?
Yes. Total funding packages for graduate students vary by department at UVM. If a
student receives this award they will be notified by the Jeffords Center, though all
funding packages are put together at the UVM Student Financial Services office.
Is the fellowship in addition to tuition payments?
No. Jeffords Graduate Fellows will receive a total of $17,470 per year. This will be
credited to the student’s account by Student Financial Services and will be used to pay
for tuition, reduce loan debt, satisfy any balance due the University, or be returned to the
Does the fellowship include expenses for the research conducted?
The fellowship award is an award. Each Jeffords Fellow will have an additional up to
$5,000 from the Center to spend on research activities.
Are continuing full-time UVM graduate students eligible?
What qualifies as research under the Center’s mission?
The Jeffords Center will focus on four Signature Themes: education, health, the
environment, and effective government. Specifically, within these Signature Themes, the
Center will be drawing on the expertise of students and faculty from throughout the
University of Vermont’s Schools and Colleges, to coordinate a diverse, interdisciplinary
research agenda. The student’s research proposal may concentrate on the definition of
the problem to be studied within one of the signature themes, but it should also show how
at least one other signature informs the design and conduct of the research.
Students and faculty are encouraged to discuss student research with the Center’s
Administrative Assistant, Laurie Eddy. Laurie can be reached at (802) 656-3161 or
Farrell Hall • 210 Colchester Avenue • Burlington, Vermont 05405
Tel. (802) 656-3161 • Fax (802) 656-3163 • Email: • Website:
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer